The USA Abandons the EU and UK Losers

Narcissism is not compatible with Empathy, which is an essential ingredient of all Diplomacy

US Diplomat Charles Freeman

The first Secretary General of NATO was the British General Ismay, born in colonial India, studied at Charterhouse, failed to get into Cambridge, and went to Sandhurst. The closest advisor to Churchill, he was so British Establishment that his first name was actually Hastings, in ‘honour’ of the catastrophic defeat of England in 1066 and the genocide of 100,000 English people, which that Nazi-style regime carried out after the English defeat. Typically for people like himself, Ismay later even received the Norman title of Baron. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, it was Establishment types, Parliament, Councils, the Army, the BBC, the Church of England, the rich, or the propagandised who still read newspapers, who flew Ukrainian flags in 2022 (they have been taken down since). The British Establishment supports war because it is founded on war. The Establishment is simply supporting its own aggressive ethos.

From the start Ismay defined the aim of NATO as being to ‘keep the Russians out, the Germans down and the Americans in’. This eloquently expresses the view of the British Establishment even now. In today’s world, we see how the loser war party, led by the intensely unpopular and peace-wrecking Macron and Starmer, held a failed emergency PR ‘summit’ in Paris of a few states from Western Europe, with puny militaries and tiny arms industries, largely dependent on the USA. This fantasy summit broke up in chaos. They have no money, their Parliaments will not allow them to send troops to die and the peoples and the soldiers will not obey. In any case, there are so few combat troops they can send, they will be killed within two weeks. Tell that to the power-obsessed politicians of the Establishment, stuck in a long-ago European Imperial dreamworld past, a virtual reality, from which they refuse to wake up.

However, the far more important meeting is that of the peace party in Saudi Arabia. Here Russia set out the terms for the Ukrainian capitulation after its disastrous and costly defeat. After long-delayed democratic elections in the Ukraine, the probable new President of the Ukraine, Victor Medvedchuk, will make peace. The US is tired of being co-opted into Britain’s wars, such as the First and Second World Wars, and seeing its sons die for the British Establishment and its Redcoats. The profound hostility of the British Establishment to President Trump and his cause of peace is the end of the ‘special relationship’ between the US and the UK. When the tiny UK poodle wants to continue war, but the big US bulldog wants to make peace, the situation becomes absurd. Is it that the Western Europe elites, which is only good at PR, has come to believe in its own lieing ‘narratives’ and so is deluded?

Meanwhile, not far away from the peace talks in Riyadh, in the UAE, yesterday Zelensky and his wife stayed at Hotel Moscow (literally) and transferred ‘funds’ from Kiev to money-laundering Emirate banks. They were busy preparing for the inevitable outcome of the Ukrainian defeat, in case escape is possible. Trump’s US has abandoned its loser-proxies. It is time to tell Starmer, Macron and their little allies in the North of Europe, the seven small Nordic and tiny Baltic countries (total population of all seven 33 million), in private, about reality. Because after anti-peace Zelensky, if he does manage to escape, it will be the hated Starmer and Macron’s turn to have to run away from the bankruptcy they have helped create in their countries. They will find no support from the US, from Russia, or from the majority of EU and NATO countries, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland or from any others in Eastern Europe.

The European Union and its military arm NATO are hopelessly divided and will collapse, just as the Soviet Union collapsed in its own time. They have both outlived their age. They belong to the post-War past. Three generations have passed since they began. Generational change has happened. The world has changed. The old elites, represented by Zelensky, Starmer, Macron, are isolated, both from other leaders and from their own peoples. But change does not need to be negative. At last Europe has freedom, the opportunity to join the rest of the world as equals. For the elites of countries which never had empires, like Ireland and most of those in Eastern Europe, this will be much easier, for they are not stuck in the past. For the elites which recently ran empires, as in Britain, France and the Ukraine (its empire has existed since 1922) and exploited others, it will be much harder. But not for their peoples.

We are heading towards a new geopolitical configuration of the world, which is also an old one. Throughout the nineteenth century Russia and the USA were allies. The USA sent large medical aid to Russia in the British invasion of the Crimea; Russia protected the Union in the US Civil War and sold Alaska to it and not to then British-run Canada. As for the countries of Europe, they can now have democratic elections, not least in Romania and Germany, which yearn for freedom. Other tyrannical unions can break up – Catalonia, England, Scotland and Wales can retrieve their old freedom and Ireland can reunite. Then free European countries can join BRICS individually. Some will no doubt form trade associations, especially those in former Hapsburg and Ottoman South-East Europe, which have so much in common. The old elites are done. Freedom is in the air after all these years and it is welcome to the peoples.




Four Weeks of President Trump: War, Peace, the Russian Superpower and the Suicide of Irrelevant Europe

Four weeks since his inauguration on 20 January, we can now say that President Trump’s style is that, as Russians say, of ‘a monkey with a hand grenade’. That is, he throws ‘chaos bombs’ – he casts very large stones into the world pond and then observes the ripples. His many words are clearly not to be taken seriously; only his deeds are serious and many more of them will be serious. Trump closely observes the reactions to his often apparently bizarre propositions. Thus, thanks to some of these, he has discovered that many of the tiny population of Greenland would like to join the USA formally (informally, it has been in the USA since the 1940s), if the price is right. And the Premier of Alberta in Canada will probably also join the US (each Canadian province has the right to secede), if the conditions are right. In which case all Western and Northern Canada would follow Alberta. Ontario and Quebec can rot alone. This would be the end of the Danish and British Empires. As for the Panama Canal, we now see that the US could take it militarily in a few hours.

In the ‘Middle East’, Trump claims that he wants to ‘evacuate’ (= ethnically cleanse) Gaza of its two million native Palestinians and build a ‘Middle East Riviera’. Clearly, this is just absurd bluster to provoke people, especially the unsinkable Israeli Zionists, who are about to be ‘sunk’ and abandoned by the USA. In reality, as Trump knows, but dares not say, the key to peace in West Asia lies with Iran. And the key to Iran lies with the vast Northern Eurasian landmass called the Russian Federation, just as the key to North Korea lies with that Federation and just as the reintegration of Western Europe into Eurasia is the only solution to the problems of the Western European Peninsula. Trump claimed he could get peace in the Ukraine in one day. In reality, he knows that peace in the Ukraine, Europe (and Iran) can only be reached through Russia, which alone stopped the genocide committed by the Obama-appointed, Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev against Ukrainians in the Donbass. And it was the EU, not NATO, that triggered this conflict in 2014 and provoked the war there in 2022.

Russia will never undertake peace talks with Nazis. It did not do so with Hitler, it will not do so now. Russia will destroy them, now as then. There are only three paths to peace in the Ukraine for Kiev’s troops – surrender, desertion, or death. Trump has neither carrot, nor stick to impose anything on Russia. He has nothing to offer – for Russia has everything. For example, the 24,000 illegal Western sanctions against Russia have made the Russian economy boom to become the largest economy in Europe and sent other European economies into isolation, deindustrialisation, stagnation and decline, now with Third World basic infrastructure problems. There will be no more suicidal sanctions against Russia from the West. The USA is going to lift its sanctions. The ‘criminal charges’ against the Russian President are a joke, the freezing of Russian assets and interest from them are theft, and the fantasy of Western arrests of Russian ships in international waters are piracy on the high seas. And the powerful Russian Navy would respond to any such arrests in kind.

What a sad reputation the West has earned for itself among the Global Majority. There will be no ceasefire, no frozen conflict, no interventions or peacekeepers in the Ukraine. You only have peacekeepers when there is no peace – as in ex-Yugoslavia. Instead, in the New Ukraine, whatever it will be called and whatever its borders, there will be permanent peace, following the Russian military victory and the military defeat of Zelensky, the cornered ‘Mad King of Kiev’, as the previously misinformed Trump has now realised. The delusional warmongers of the West, now confined to Western Europe, the EU and the UK, who cannot admit the reality that they lost their war, are totally irrelevant and have been sidelined. The Presidents of Russia and the USA will agree on peace terms and security guarantees not just for the Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe – and without the irrelevant Ukraine and Europe. The Western European (EU and UK) elite is out of control. Its political elite must be regime-changed and then the countries concerned can be stabilised.

There is in Trump’s propositions no betrayal of the Ukraine. They are a recognition of reality. Kiev lost against a Great Power, as was obvious would happen from the start. The only betrayal is that by the European elite, who have betrayed the peoples living in the Soviet-created Ukraine, continuing to squander their lives, and have also betrayed the peoples of Europe, continuing to squander their money. The European elite, which includes Zelensky, desperately wants war and hates peace, because it will not admit that it was wrong in trying to extend the virtual reality of their European Union Empire eastwards. Polish historians are heading to Moscow, as Russia prepares to return the far west of the Ukraine, demilitarised, to its former owners, to Poland, Romania and Hungary, undoing the evil of Stalin who stole those areas from them. None of this is ‘the defeat of the West’, as some claim, but it is the defeat of the Combined Nazi West, embodied by Napoleon’s, then by Hitler’s, and now by the Globalists’, failed multinational invasion of Russian Lands.

Three defeats of the elite of the Collective West in a row over eight generations. Only the New, post-senile USA can remedy this situation together with Russia, collapsing, or rather letting collapse, the delusional fairy-tales of the EU and NATO. The Europe which they invented does not exist. The Christian Vice-President Vance told the Western elite the truth in Munich and was met with deep shock, ice cold hostility and then furious rage. That is what you get for telling atheists the truth. The European elite is today like those who in Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor refuse freedom, preferring the slavery of the past. Trump is doing what he promised to do, but failed to do in 2016 and he is avenging himself for the British ‘Russiagate’ nonsense. He is at last draining the Washington swamp with its massive corruption, involving trillions of dollars, as revealed by his friend Musk. It has also been revealed that the ‘narratives’ of slavish State propaganda outlets like the BBC and the British Reuters agency were financed by USAID to broadcast their lies. No surprises there.

The speech of Vice-President Vance in Munich is historically important. It quite undoes the last 80 years of history and represents the renegotiation of Yalta, overdue since 1992. Western Europe is now on its own – through its own choice. The disintegration of the EU began with the (still unimplemented) Brexit and then Hungary and Slovakia. The whole of largely Orthodox South-East Europe from Croatia and Austria on, with Romania, will leave the collapsing EU. As for Germany, it will renew ties with Russia, something which France and the UK have always opposed, approving the US sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines and the collapse of the German economy, approved of by the traitorous German elite, still in power for a few more days. Following the declaration that Europe is no longer the US priority, Vance reproached the decomposing Western European elite for having lost its values, Christianity, through uncontrolled Muslim immigration, and losing Democracy, through the morally depraved, sociopathic elite’s censoring of free speech with ‘narratives’.

There is no threat from Russia and China, only from the delusional European elite who wanted to extend their domain into the Ukraine in a proxy war which they still do not understand they have lost! Why should the USA sacrifice itself for Fascist anti-democrats who forbid democracy in Kiev, Tbilisi, Bucharest and Berlin? The EU and its UK sidekick are the new Soviet Union, the new European Nazism, where people, including sincere Christians, are arrested. As the US considered that the Soviet Union had been defeated, why should it defend a new one? Why does NATO still exist? Forget the North Atlantic. The new centre of the world is the Pacific, where the USA, Russia and China meet. It seems that Vance’s speech was a trap to see the reactions of the European elite. They had the wrong reactions. It was a stone cast into the bankrupt European pond of pedophiles. Karma has come to the hypocritical Europeans who regime-changed others, but reject it when their own people want it. The Ukraine is the Afghanistan of the EU, the defeat of the new Soviet Union.

Talks between the delegates of the two Presidents about peace in Europe opened in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia on 18 February. They cannot take place in Europe because there are no neutral countries left in Europe, certainly not hypocritical, pro-war Norway and Switzerland, nor NATO Sweden and Finland. All these pro-Nazi nations are still supplying arms to the Kiev regime. The problem with Western Europe is that the default position of its elite is Fascism, an inheritance from medieval Roman Catholicism. This is why the delusional grandchildren of Nazis of today’s EU support the delusional Nazis in Kiev. Birds of a feather flock together. Germany, France and the UK will all be regime-changed by their peoples and with full and open US backing. We are marching towards the great Victory Day Parade in Moscow on 9 May. Then the leaders of the four Great Powers, who in 1945 were allied, will stand on the rostrum: Presidents Putin, Trump, Xi and Modi. No European leaders will be there, except for the Hungarian and Slovak. Nazis will not be welcome….

The draining of the swamp in the Church has also begun in recent months. However, there is very far to go. The latest incident in Moscow, where the Patriarch appeared to put nationalism above the Kingdom of Heaven has scandalised many ( Many people have told me that they no longer want to be part of the Russian Orthodox Church, especially when they found out that the home of the brave, but perhaps very naïve, young priest was afterwards searched by the police. The Russian Church, which we knew only in its old émigré form, a completely different planet, has repeated the anti-missionary error of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the 1970s, when its archbishops rudely sent away all Non-Greeks and told them to become Protestants or Roman Catholics. To be honest, we fear what will happen next in the Russian Church, for God is not mocked. We tremble for those responsible and those who applaud them. It is insane. God is our Judge.

However, elsewhere the canonisation on 4 February by the Romanian Church of 16 New Martyrs and Confessors, who witnessed to God’s Truth, though persecuted by both Communist atheists and Capitalist atheists, is already having an effect. The EU-selected, German President of Romania has resigned. Despite the EU there will be free elections there and an Orthodox candidate, who wants peace in the Ukraine, Romanian territory returned, and NATO and EU meddling stopped, is by far the frontrunner. This is only the start. The Confessors Sofian of Antim, Dumitru Stăniloae, Arsenius of Prislop, Elijah Lăcătușu, the Venerable Paisius and Cleopa of Sihăstria, Dometius the Merciful of Râmeț, Seraphim the Enduring of Sâmbăta de Sus, Callistratus of Timișeni and Vasiova, Heraclius of Bessarabia, the Hieromartyrs Constantine Sârbu, Liviu Galaction of Cluj, Alexander of Bessarabia and Hilarion Felea, the Martyr Gerasimus of Tismana, and Bessarion of Lainici, all proclaim the same thing: Christ has conquered and the gates of hell will not prevail.









The Third Anniversary of our Adherence to the Romanian Patriarchate and the 2012 Icon of All the Saints of the British Isles and Ireland

On Sunday 16 February we recalled the third anniversary of our acceptance by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph into the Romanian Patriarchate with gratitude to God. This has protected us from having to obey many uncanonical acts, which would naturally have divided our multinational community.

In celebration of this we have had 100 A2 prints of the 2012 Icon of All the Local Saints printed in high definition on high quality paper and framed in a golden frame. These are being given out for free to the very many parishes which have supported us over the last three years. If any individuals would like a copy – but A2 is very large for a home – it will cost £25, but it cannot be posted.

On the Third Anniversary of our Freedom from Persecution 2022-2025: The Thirteen Reasons Why We Took Canonical Refuge in the Romanian Orthodox Church after Nearly Fifty Years of Faithfulness to the Russian Orthodox Church

Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake (Matthew 5,11) 


Although the statement below concerns the 5,000 of us directly, it could also be used as part of a more general study in order to understand the process of how a Persecuted Church became a Persecuting Church, how an organism for Love became a narrow and judgemental sect which professed Hatred which enjoys trying to close churches. It is a psychiatric tragedy.

Some Recent History

The Romanian Orthodox Church is not much bothered by PR and websites. It updates its website once every ten years. For some reason, this cyberworld information is highly important to newcomers, whereas the well-circulated photographs of our letter of acceptance of 16 February 2022, issued by the Chancellery of our Metropolia on 18 February 2022, and of our antimension, signed by Metropolitan Joseph and issued to our parish on 27 February 2022, and our belonging to the Romanian Orthodox Church, witnessed to by the multinational crowds following the litanies and the Great Entrance at every Divine Liturgy, are not adequate evidence of which Local Church we belong to!

The fact that a certain bishop broke his promise to a Metropolitan that he would issue letters of release and then told people publicly that we had not been received into the Romanian Orthodox Church, when we clearly had been, despite that bishop’s clerical maladministration, is on his conscience, not on ours. Similarly, the mistake of those who believed that ‘error’, without checking to find out the truth, and then supported and repeated that ‘error’, is also on their conscience, not on ours. Shall we be kind and just say that they had been misinformed? This is why we have had so many instances of myrrh-giving icons in our main church since the Feast of the Ascension in 2022, as has been recorded in our monthly newsletters. Our God is the God of Mercy and Justice.

Thus, at one fell swoop, a newcomer to ROCOR hounded out of it one of its largest families, 28 people of four generations, who had devoted their lives to ROCOR. The scandal became international, discrediting ROCOR. Among those expelled was one of the ten speakers of the 2006 Fourth All-Diaspora Council in San Francisco, whose speech had been so warmly greeted then and who had belonged to the Church before that newcomer was even born. However, since the newcomer had not belonged to ROCOR in 2006, but instead was then actively supporting a move by the Russian Church to join Constantinople, he would not know that.

None of this should be a surprise, since the New ROCOR had already excommunicated another of the ten speakers and yet another had left to join the Moscow Patriarchate. Seven to go. Who is next? How many more of the remaining faithful will be expelled by the New ROCOR for the ‘crime’ (that is what they called it) of remaining faithful to the Old ROCOR? They persecuted St John of Shanghai and Western Europe, suspended him and put him on trial. Why not do the same to his spiritual grandchildren as well?

It seems as though the New ROCOR is reneging on our long and hard-fought fight to enter back into canonical communion with the rest of the Russian Church, which culminated in our victory of 2007. With its history of support for Nazism in the 1930s and 1940s, support for the Vlasovtsy, those Russians who fought with Hitler against Russia, with its CIA bishops and priests, and now with their support for the CIA-orchestrated Kiev regime, which so persecutes Metr Onufry, should we be surprised? I am sometimes asked if I support Moscow or Kiev in the conflict in the Ukraine. I always answer the same thing: I support Metr Onufry and the Ukrainian and Russian peoples and always have done.

The Thirteen Reasons

  1. The principal reason why we were forced to leave and take refuge in the Romanian Orthodox Church, is simply so that we would no longer be in an unthinkable schism from the Russian Church, specifically from the Archdiocese of Western Europe of the Russian Tradition, in which we have had so many close family and friends in Paris for many decades. (It is also true that in the Romanian Church, we are no longer in schism with the Greek Churches either. We shall probably never recover from the shock of that bishop’s accusation that Patriarch Bartholomew is ‘possessed by demons’ Was he talking about himself?). His schism from the Russian Church, is exactly what we wanted to escape by taking canonical refuge in the Romanian Orthodox Church.

For nearly fifty years we had fought for the unity of the Russian Church, very actively and very successfully and were thanked personally by the Russian Patriarch for doing so. And then we saw it all destroyed by a very young and inexperienced convert newcomer from far away, who, a creator of schism, accused us of being schismatic and then of being senile! We have once more been able to live canonically, following the theological royal way and the canonical golden mean, away from all extremes.

For three years we have been in communion with and concelebrated with all Orthodox, including with the Russian Church, except for the tiny ROCOR, now reduced to a handful of miniscule communities here. Communion is the sign and guarantee that we are inside the Church and not outside the Church, inside some pathological, Protestant-style, convert sect and cult. For some reason this sect has been protected by ‘misinformed’, but still unrepentant and unapologetic individuals above it. That too is on their conscience, not on ours.

  1. In the Romanian Orthodox Church we do not rebaptise other Orthodox, which is a heresy.
  2. The Romanian Orthodox Church does not ‘defrock’ the clergy of other Local Churches.
  3. In the Romanian Orthodox Church we can love everyone, specifically we do not have to hate Greeks, refusing to recognise their saints because they are in ‘the wrong jurisdiction’!, ‘hate’ Russians, Ukrainians, Romanians and ‘half-hate’ Moldovans, as we were strongly recommended, but categorically refused, to do, for we strive to obey the Gospel commandments of Christ and not obey a schismatic.
  4. In the Romanian Orthodox Church over the last three years we have been able to keep all our churches open and serve our multinational parishioners in our missions at our own cost, just as we had done for decades before.
  5. For the last three years we have been allowed to speak and use in services our own childhood English language and do not have to pretend to be Americans in our speech, as we were bullied and pressured, but categorically refused, to do.
  6. For the last three years our websites have no longer been subject to rigid, word-for-word censorship and micromanagement, as we have had the wonderful basic human right to free speech, of which we had been punitively deprived for four months under a Calvinistically jealous dictatorship.
  7. For the last three years we have not had to participate in slandering faithful clergy and laypeople of other Local Churches, which we categorically refused to do.
  8. We have no longer had to deal with one who suffered in his spoilt child syndrome from violent bouts of temper and jealousy and wanted to divide and destroy solid families, setting generation against generation and hating women and children, upsetting many women with his ugly remarks.
  9. We have no longer had to pay 10% of our income and be subjected to fits of rage, shouting that we must pay even more and also hear slanders that we are thieves, all so that someone could live like a mini-oligarch. Membership of our self-governing Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe and its local Archdiocese is free.
  10. We have no longer belonged to a small, out-of-control group, which is faced with having to pay millions of dollars in court cases which it is losing to individuals whom it has slandered, and which is also sundered by multiple scandals concerning rebaptism of other Orthodox, ‘defrocking’ clergy of other Local Churches, lack of financial transparency, the use of electronic signatures without authorisation, alcoholism and homosexuality.
  11. We have no longer had to live under an oppressive system where priestly awards are deliberately withheld from the most senior clergy for many, many years, for reasons of sadistic hatred and bullying jealousy, as though we were donkeys who wanted to follow decorative carrots.
  12. We have been allowed to be Christians, free to keep our integrity and obey our conscience. We have been able to act according to our Orthodox Christian principles, as for nearly fifty years before, in the old and noble Western European ROCOR Tradition of St John of Shanghai and Western Europe, which they have all but destroyed, except inside the Romanian Orthodox Church, where we faithfully conserve it. This freedom comes from the fact that our Romanian bishops are, like us, also Christians, and do not punish or persecute us.

Why to the Romanian Orthodox Church?

Some people ask us, all the 15 clergy and 5,000 people in our six parishes who left ROCOR because it refused to listen to us about its schism, punished us for telling them the truth about it, and refused to listen to us who endured this shameful betrayal of the best friends that the Russian Church has ever had, why we joined the Romanian Church specifically. The answer to this is simple:

The Greek Church of the Patriarchate of Constantinople was for us not an option, despite some wonderful clergy and people there, not least on Mt Athos, as certain members of its episcopate had compromised themselves through their uncanonical actions in the Ukraine and through their ecumenism. Joining the Greek Church would therefore have been very divisive among our flock. As for the Serbian Church, we greatly respect it, as we do all other Local Churches, but we did not think of joining any of them, as we could have done, because we do not have any direct connections with their bishops, only with their priests.

There was only one obvious solution, the Romanian Church. We have always valued our contacts with the Romanian Tradition of Life via Fr Raphael Noica and others. Since 2001 we have had Romanian parishioners and these have increased in number since. As a result, we had a Romanian parishioner ordained priest and a Moldovan parishioner ordained deacon some years ago. We are pastors, not nationalists, and are here to serve the Orthodox people, whatever their nationality, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian or other.

We do not conduct passport checks at the door. Perhaps that is why the number of our parishioners of all nationalities has doubled in the last three years since we left ROCOR. Nor are we capitalists, who sell vastly overpriced candles, icons, prayer books and other Church items to their own, often poor, people. We run the cheapest Church shop in the country. It is a service, not a source of excessive profit. We do not exploit the Orthodox people.

In the last 12 years 1 million Romanians have come to live in this country. Today at least 70% of all Orthodox in this country are Romanians. Go to any church in this country and the children are almost certain to be Romanian. Children are our future. And young priests have been temporarily loaned by the Romanian Church to the Patriarchates of Constantinople and Antioch, which are both desperately short of young clergy.

Moreover, the Romanian bishops have a clear pastoral sense of how important it is to keep the children in the Church and are very happy to use the local languages to do so. All our bishops speak Western European languages fluently – unlike most Russian bishops. Clearly, if we believe in a future Local Church, as we always have done, it makes sense to be part of by far the largest group of Orthodox, as long as it is politically free, which was the case of very few Local Churches 35 years ago, but which is no longer the case today, except for two of them.

It also makes sense to belong to a Local Church which allows us to conserve the Tradition and calendar of the Old Western European ROCOR, as we are able. The view of the late Metr Kallistos (Ware) ten years ago was quite rightly that ROCOR’s ascetic and liturgical heritage should be valued. Sadly, it has been ignored by them and taken over by ritualism and the pharisaical condemnation of others, turning this heritage into an opportunity for even further spiritual pride and censoriousness. As for us, we keep to the saints of the Old ROCOR of the Confessors, like St John of Shanghai, whom they now condemn, as he did not dress in expensive clothing and footwear and did not live in an elite apartment.

In 2022 we left the Russian Church to its nationalism, where the earthly kingdom is higher than the heavenly kingdom and Caesar’s is tragically confused with God’s. It has indeed renounced the multinational ethos which it had in the past. Too bad for it. We pray that Moscow, like Constantinople, will recover. Providentially we were integrated into the Romanian Orthodox Church exactly eight days before the longstanding Ukrainian-Russian conflict reached a new level of militancy on 24 February 2022. Thus, we avoided the Russian-Ukrainian division and so were able to answer all the threats of violence and hatred that were sent to us after that date, as well as the unnecessary offer of police protection, as well as invitations to support the Nazis in Kiev, by simply answering that we in the Romanian Orthodox Church have nothing to do with internal conflicts and politics inside the Russian Church.

With the result that our many Russian and Ukrainian parishioners can and do pray for one another side by side. Precisely from within the Romanian Orthodox Church, the second largest Local Church and which speaks a Latin language and uses the Latin alphabet, we can perhaps play a role in healing the schism between Russians and Greeks, which stems from the fact that neither is politically free. We are neutral. For we are pastors, not politicians.

We recall how the Greeks started the schism in the Ukraine by opening churches on Russian canonical territory. Then the Russians made it worse, firstly by cutting off communion, a very radical act which made the Russian Church look schismatic, then by poaching churches, priests and people from the Greek jurisdiction without letters of release, and then, in revenge, by opening churches on Greek canonical territory in Africa. This is like two little boys fighting. When will this end?


Can we, in concert with the other politically free Local Churches, be intermediaries and help to bring sense and peace, in the spirit of the catholicity of the whole Orthodox Church? We pray so, through the prayers of all the New Martyrs and Confessors, of the Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian and Greek Lands and of all the Lands of the Earth.

16 February 2025

Fourteen into Twenty-Four: The Patriarchs and First Hierarchs of the Fourteen Local Churches Meet on Mt Athos, 8 February 2026

On 6, 7 and 8 February 2026 the Patriarchs of Constantinople, New Jerusalem, Bucharest, Belgrade, Sofia, Tbilisi, Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem, and the First Hierarchs of the five other Local Churches, of Skopje, Warsaw, Nicosia, Prague and Tirana, together with Metropolitan Tikhon of the OCA, the Metropolitans of Kiev, Minsk, Riga, Uzhhorod and Kampala, the Metropolitans of the two Metropolias in Moldova, and senior hierarchs from the Diaspora, together with their delegations, met in the Skete of St Andrew. This church, built by the Russian Tsar Alexander II, is the largest church on the multinational Holy Mountain, which is under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

They were at last able to meet in freedom to resolve the only two issues which have troubled and divided the Church for generations. Firstly, they met to put an end to the schisms between the Patriarchates of New Jerusalem, Constantinople and Alexandria. Secondly, they met to grant canonical status to the many millions of Orthodox living in, and to Orthodox who for generations have been born in, Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania, entrusting their destiny in each case to organisation by the Patriarchate with the most Orthodox living on those territories, with the guidance of the Mother-Churches of the minorities.

By repentance for past errors, including allowing the CIA to penetrate the Patriarchates of Constantinople, Alexandria and New Jerusalem, directly through allowing its agents to be planted inside them, and indirectly through adopting its oligarchic mentality, and by the prayers of those present and of the monastics of the Holy Mountain of Athos, they reached the following resolutions:

New Jerusalem

As many will know, before this meeting the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Rus had been renamed the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem and All Rus and its headquarters had been moved to the New Jerusalem Monastery outside Moscow. It also refrocked all Russian Orthodox clergy who had been defrocked for political reasons since 24 February 2022 in Russia, Lithuania, Western Europe and elsewhere.

In accord with the Church of Constantinople, the newly-appointed Patriarch of New Jerusalem and All Rus and his Synod granted autocephaly to three new Local Churches, whose faithful had for centuries lived on its canonical territory. These are:

The Kievan Rus Orthodox Church (Kievan Rus is the new country established last year, whose territory corresponds to most of the western and central parts of the old Soviet Ukraine), headed by Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev. All Orthodox in Kievan Rus are called on to join this new Church, as the Patriarchate of Constantinople has now given up its jurisdiction there.

The Belarussian Orthodox Church, headed by the Metropolitan of Minsk.

The Baltic Orthodox Church (covering the territories of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland), headed by the new Metropolitan of Riga. All Orthodox in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania are called on to join these new Churches, as the Patriarchate of Constantinople has now given up its jurisdiction there.

Additionally, in accord with the other Patriarchs present, the new Patriarch of New Jerusalem and All Rus and his Synod granted autocephaly to a fourth new Local Church, the Carpatho-Rus and Hungarian Orthodox Church, whose territory covers the Zakarpattia province of the old Soviet Ukraine and Hungary. It is headed by the Metropolitan of Uzhhorod and Budapest, but has deaneries for Greeks, Serbs and other Orthodox nationalities present in Hungary under the new Church.


As many will know, before this meeting the new Patriarch of Constantinople, previously the Archbishop of Athens, and his Synod had moved the headquarters of the Patriarchate from Istanbul in Turkiye to Thessaloniki in Greece, with the absorption of the Greek Orthodox Church. This move was financed by a very generous donation made by the government of the Russian Federation for its infrastructure costs. However, Turkiye, together with Greece, remain the canonical territories of the now Greece-based Patriarchate of Constantinople and a bishop remains in Istanbul.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople recognised the (North) Macedonian Orthodox Church as an autocephalous Local Church.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople recognised the autocephaly granted by the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem to the four new Churches on the territories of Kievan Rus, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, Carpatho-Rus and Hungary, and will recognise any autocephaly granted in the future, if necessary, to Orthodox in Central Asia, Japan, China and Korea by the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem and All Rus. All Non-Russian Orthodox on those territories must already join the local jurisdictions of the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem there in their own deaneries.

It recognised that the Patriarchate of Bucharest has sole authority to establish a Western European Orthodox Church for Orthodox living in its at present 21 countries of Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Monaco, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, San Marino, Malta, since Bucharest has by far the largest number of Orthodox on those territories. It will be headed by the Romanian Metropolitan of Paris and Western Europe, but will have dioceses and deaneries for Greeks, Russians of all three Russian groups, Kievan Russians, Moldovans, Serbs, Bulgarians, Georgians and other Orthodox nationalities in Western Europe.

In return, all Local Orthodox Churches recognised that the Patriarchate of Constantinople has sole authority to establish a new Northern America Orthodox Church (USA, Canada, Greenland, Bermuda and St Pierre et Miquelon) and a new Local Oceanian Orthodox Church, in concert with all the Local Churches represented on those territories, since it has by far the largest flock there. Notably the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem cedes jurisdiction of its own parishes, withdraws the Tomos of Autocephaly of the OCA, and cedes jurisdiction of the churches of the OCA and ROCOR in Northern America, including the abolition of the OCA Synod in Washington and the ROCOR Synod in New York, to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. However, the first First Hierarch of the Northern American Orthodox Church will be Metr Tikhon, formerly of the OCA. Orthodox of Non-Greek nationality both in Northern America and Oceania, under the Metropolitan of Sydney and All Oceania, will be cared for in their own dioceses and deaneries under the new Local Church.


The new Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and his Synod ceded jurisdiction of all African countries, except for Egypt, to the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem, thus returning to its Patriarchal territory of 100 years ago. All clergy defrocked by the Patriarchate of Alexandra for political reasons since 2019 were refrocked. In return, the government of the Russian Federation made a very generous donation to the Patriarchate of Alexandria and to St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai to continue Church life in Egypt and Sinai.

In accord with the other Patriarchs present, the Patriarch of New Jerusalem and All Rus and his Synod jointly granted autocephaly to all Orthodox on the territory of Africa, outside Egypt, founding the African Orthodox Church, headed by the Metropolitan of Kampala and his Synod of African bishops.


The Patriarch of Antioch and his Synod was granted sole authority to establish a Latin America and Caribbean Orthodox Church, as it has by far the largest flock there. Orthodox of Non-Arab nationality in Latin America and the Caribbean will be cared for in their own dioceses and deaneries under the new Local Church.


The Patriarch of Bucharest and his Synod and the Patriarch of New Jerusalem and All Rus and his Synod jointly granted autocephaly to all Orthodox on the territory of Moldova, forming the Moldovan Orthodox Church. The Patriarchate of New Jerusalem refrocked all Orthodox clergy, who had been defrocked for political reasons for joining the former Metropolia of Bessarabia.

As mentioned above, the Patriarch of Bucharest and his Synod was granted sole authority to establish a new Local Church of the 21 countries of Western Europe (see above). Orthodox of Non-Romanian nationality will be cared for by self-governing dioceses and deaneries of their respective Local Churches, but under the new Western European Orthodox Church.

In this way, the number of Autocephalous Orthodox Churches, now standing at 20 after the absorption of the Greek Orthodox Church into the Patriarchate of Constantinople and of the OCA into the Northern American Orthodox Church, and the foundation of the six new Autocephalous Churches, will be brought to 24 Local Churches, once the four new Diaspora Churches have been established within the next twelve months.

The ending of the schism between New Jerusalem, Constantinople and Alexandria was confirmed in the church of St Andrew by the concelebration of all those present on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, 8 February 2026. This meeting is already being called ‘The First Athonite Council’ and ‘The Bread and Water Council’, since that was the only food and drink provided during the three days for the participants in the Council.





Hope Without Prayer = Leadership Without Authority

Foreword: Fukuyama 0 Huntingdon 1

The End of History and the Last Man was the 1992 work of the US thinker Francis Fukuyama (born 1952). In it he proposes the victory of US/Western liberal Globalism, expressing the myth that it is universal (originally a French myth) and so must be adopted by all. In 1993, another US academic, born exactly a generation earlier, the late Samuel P. Huntingdon (1927-2008), proposed another world view in his ‘The Clash of Civilisations’, the view of a multipolar world of nine civilisations. The events in the Ukraine since 2022 and the rapid development of BRICS since have proved Huntingdon right. The Unipolar world of one only Great Power, the USA, was only ‘a moment’, now over, as the US Secretary of State has at last publicly recognised.

Fundamentally, the argument between the two academics was between Centralisation and Decentralisation, Unipolar Globalism and Multipolar Sovereignty. Sovereignty has won in Washington and the transitional, but still anti-Globalist, figure of Trump is retreating from the overextended US Empire to its natural sphere of influence in a united Northern America, consisting of the USA, Canada and Greenland, with island possessions extending from Hawaii to Bermuda. (The second-rate UK will quickly cede Canada and Bermuda). Greenland is falling into Trump’s pocket and he has already talked to the Premier of Alberta in Canada, Danielle Smith, whose grandfather was Carpatho-Russian. (In Canada any province has the right to leave that ‘Dominion’).

Huntingdon’s Error

However, Huntingdon still made one error. Huntingdon’s error was not his analysis that the world is multicivilisational, but that he wanted the West to go back to being a reactionary conservative institution in order to survive alongside the other world civilisations. Having recognised that Western Secularism is merely one among many civilisations, he just wanted to go back to his youth, to the ‘golden age’ before Vietnam, when the USA was the undisputed leader of the Western world (the ‘Free World’, as it absurdly called itself), in fact, it was the imperialist boss of the whole Non-Communist world. However, its Civilisation was already bankrupt, because it had already wandered very far from its roots, which it then renounced.

And since Huntingdon’s time in 1993, over the last thirty years the remains of Western Civilisation have proved their bankruptcy. The only solution is for Western Civilisation to return radically, not to a generation or two ago, to Huntingdon’s youth, which just means being old-fashioned, but to return to its roots in the first millennium. And that means a spiritual solution, which is exactly what we have been advocating for the last fifty years. Whether the West is actually willing to return from its spiritual apostasy and decadence, or not, is another question. For the last fifty years the West has just gone down to the bottom, the floor of hell. Will it remain there or will it start its ascent? Only the history of the future will answer this question.


Introduction: Hope and Prayer

According to cynics, hope is like a carrot which is dangled in front of a donkey. Therefore, they say, we should give up the carrot of hope and start acting independently instead, doing things for ourselves, not being drawn forward by empty promises. Christians say that it is not hope that we should give up, it is being a donkey that we should give up. For a donkey is one who hopes blindly, because he does not pray. Hope without prayer is the hope of the donkey. In other words, we should accompany hope with prayer, which alone raises us above the level of animals, such as donkeys, and alone makes us into human-beings using our immortal souls. And hope without prayer is like being a leader without authority, of which more below.

The Collapse of the Kiev Regime

According to the anti-Russian Mediazona organisation, the conflict in the Ukraine has now led to 100,000 dead on the Russian side, that is, 100,000 dead eastern Ukrainian and Russian Federation soldiers. However, what Mediazona agents do not add is that the number of Ukrainian dead and crippled totals over 1.05 million. This huge human tragedy results from the fact that the Western elite wanted to see Ukrainians killed like sacrificial lambs ‘to the last Ukrainian’, in Biden’s proxy war, begun in 2014, to topple the Russian government. However, there are also the consequences of this war for Western Europe and its Russophobic ruling class. Its pre-Trumpian, US-appointed elite hates Russia so much that it has bankrupted its own peoples.

For well over four decades Western Europe survived and even prospered on cheap manufactures (consumer goods of all sorts) from China and energy and raw materials (oil, gas, metals, diamonds, minerals and fertilisers) from Russia. However, in the last three years Western European elite has suicidally cut itself off from Russian products, allowing the US to blow up the Nordstream pipeline and Kiev to shut off its Russian gas. It is true that Western Europe (especially Germany) is hypocritically importing ever greater amounts of Russian LNG, Russian gas via Turkiye and Russian oil via India. But it is all more expensive than before. And so Western Europe is collapsing economically, deindustrialising, and its infrastructure is failing – while China’s is advancing.

The Collapse of Western Europe and the Future

The result is the same in all European countries, from Hungary to Croatia, from Slovakia to Italy, from Romania to France, from Austria to Spain, from Germany to the UK. The Globalist elite, whether in Brussels, Paris, Berlin, London or anywhere else in Western Europe, is being challenged by strong national Sovereigntist parties and small but serious left-wing parties. Moreover, the Sovereigntists are supported from the new anti-Globalist Washington, where Trump is now busy draining Biden’s swamp. Though the Sovereigntists are always called ‘far right’ by the Globalists, who are actually so woke and intolerant that they are Fascists, the Sovereigntists are not that, indeed they have much in common with the small left-wing parties.

The close parallels between the Big Three, Germany, France, UK) in Europe are striking. The detested French Macron, the hopeless German Scholz and ever-changing British nonentities, such as May, Truss, Sunak, Starmer, are all the same. In France, Macron lost the elections last year, but clings on to power like a dictator, even though he was rejected by the people. Now the would-be future German Chancellor, Merz (like Scholz) and Starmer (like May, Truss, Sunak etc), is so utterly charmless as to be defined as anti-charismatic. The Trump government, whose spokesman is Musk, appears to intend to regime-change Germany and the UK, its two closest satellites in Europe, and both of which the USA occupies. Hence his talks with the AfD and Reform.

Regime-Change in Germany and the UK

In both these countries, this would actually be popular. Here the fact that the UK is not formally in the EU is irrelevant, since the end-of-EU Brexit was never implemented by the EU-bribed British Establishment, which knew that Brexit could be the first step to the end of the EU and their income. In Germany there is the small left-wing Wagenknecht Socialist Party and in the UK the small left-wing Galloway Workers’ Party. However, both countries have big Sovereigntist Parties. In Germany there is the AfD (very popular in former East Germany) and in the UK, the Reform Party. Both are now at about 25%-30% of the vote in the polls. The German AfD Party has a lucid and highly-educated leader, Weidel, and the UK Reform Party has some strong personalities.

Reform already has nearly 200,000 members, overtaking the dying Conservative Party at 130,000 members, and is catching up with the rapidly shrinking Labour Party. Should such parties reach 35% in the polls, they may well form the next governments. After all, the Labour government was elected by only 20% of the electorate. However, leadership without authority is in fact no leadership at all, just as hope without prayer is no hope at all. In Germany, the AfD, threatened with real censorship and even legal banning by the Fascists in power, continues to grow, challenging especially in the East the bourgeois CDU and CSU Parties of former West Germany. The fact is that those who lived under Communism, as in East Germany, are socially conservative, not woke.

The Church Leadership

This political situation has parallels in the Church. There are Local Churches which have solid and even remarkable leadership, such as the Romanian (Patriarch Daniel), the Serbian (Patriarch Porfiry), and now the Bulgarian (Patriarch Daniel). Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, eternal memory!, and his Synod also played a remarkable and honest role. The Polish Church too, and the American, whose Metr Tikhon alone had the courage to visit the much-persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Churches of Antioch under the Athonite Patriarch John and of Jerusalem, and the elderly and saintly leader of the Georgian Church have also played a role of leadership, not to mention individual bishops in Greece and Cyprus.

On the other hand, there are those who have played with the canons for political self-justification. They have uncanonically abused the canons for purely political and nationalistic reasons, acting at times with personal hatred and jealousy, accepting bribes and invading each other’s canonical territory, trying to wind back history by hundreds of years. This is all mere self-justification. All they have done through their scandalous actions is to compromise the unity of the Church and to discredit themselves and their Local Churches before the people as well as before the secular world. This has been a case of leaders without authority. As a result, in those places authority has passed to the people and their shepherds, the pastors, priests, monks and nuns.

Conclusion: Humility

The choice, in other words, is Centralisation or Decentralisation. However, the latter means giving up a large amount of power and wealth. This is called humility. Some might think that Church leaders would find this easy to do. Are they not Christians? Sadly, just as among the world’s political leaders, that is not the case. And yet if Church leaders want authority, they must have humility. We only have to think of the saintly Patriarch Ilia of Georgia, Patriarch Porfiry of Serbia, who solved the Macedonian schism in an instant, and many other holy hierarchs, both living and departed – like Patriarch Pavle of Serbia, who always used public transport, refusing to have a car, as many of his priests do not have cars. Here is the solution, old and yet eternally new: Humility.





Standing up to the Bullies: The Chickens Come Home to Roost

Foreword: Retribution and Faith

There is such a thing as retribution, also called requite or recompense. Retribution is popularly known as ‘getting your just desserts’, ‘karma’, ‘payback’, or ‘the boomerang effect’, but the words of the Saviour express it as According to your faith be it unto you (Matthew 9, 29). This means that, if we have no faith, we will suffer, but if we do have faith, we will suffer only as much as we need and we can bear, for God is with us. This is the meaning of the saying: ‘We are Orthodox, God is with us’. His grace protects us, for we are with Him.

That God is with us depends on Faith. However, if we do not have Faith and it is replaced by a mere ideology, regardless of whether it is liberal or conservative, not only do we lose Divine protection, we also become stupid. This is because ideologies are not based on reality, but on intolerant ideals imposed by trying to make reality fit them. When reality refuses to fit, the ideologies collapse. This is what happened to Fascism and Communism. Today, this is true of Globalism, the one-size-fits-all incredibly intolerant Western ‘liberal’ woke ideology.

A Bully

As everyone has long known, the new (and old) US President is a bully. However, it is possible to stand up to him. Russia and China do. In fact, anybody can stand up to a bully, it is a question of will-power and allies. However, the new US President is also an Anti-Globalist, he believes in local spheres of influence. His sphere is Northern America, which is why he will take over Greenland and then maybe Canada, perhaps working from the east, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan etc to Ontario and Quebec in the west, as the most resistant.

He may even want to take over Latin America, though that is very uncertain, since those countries have become much more independent in recent decades, refusing their old role as vassal banana republics. In the wider world, he may want to take over the rest of the Anglosphere – Australia, New Zealand and the mother countries, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The latter could agree, given the bankruptcy of the EU and British Establishments. But for all of them there is still the very strong alternative of BRICS, of China and Eurasian Russia.

The Technique of the Bully

When American authorities overthrow legitimate governments and then occupy their countries, from Iraq to the Ukraine, they first boss the local people around, insisting that everyone speaks American, instead of their native English, or whatever the local language may be. Next, they ship out the gold reserves. Thus, straight after the coup in Kiev in 2014, the US conquistadores took out the $15 billon of gold reserves from Borispol. Those who come here do the same, they want the gold, any treasure and property they can get their hands on.

In other words, they attempt to asset-strip, intimidating, humiliating, picking on the slightest weakness, as all bullies do, and then expelling the legal owners and taking over their church property. ‘Give me the keys’, they scream down the telephone. Then, when nobody goes there any more, because the legal owners, clergy, choir and people, have been ‘defrocked’ and expelled by them, they plan to sell the by then empty church property to buy themselves a bishop’s palace, from where they can continue to practise their guru’s papal infallibility.

Resistance to the Bully

Our unwavering adherence to the practices and canons of the Church has been criticised by the same ‘crazy convert’ fringe. They express personal hatred, personal jealousy and bullying persecution, trying to close the churches of the faithful people, bought and set up with their own money. They even defrock the clergy of other Local Churches because ‘their paperwork is not in order’, while themselves taking in misled clergy from other Local Churches without letters of leave! However, the truth is now out the world over. All can see it.

Having canonically and clearly belonged to the Patriarchate of Romania for three years, that is, to the mainstream of the Church, we are able to concelebrate with all Orthodox. There are no schisms here. This freedom is the fruit of standing up to bullies, having principles, defending the integrity of Church life – all recognise us as canonical. However, those who created schism and are out of communion with others, the schismatics whom we left, are ever more isolated, stewing in their own juice, with nobody listening to them. They are talking to themselves.

Real Clergy Unite

The fate of all whistleblowers is to be persecuted at first, but later they are justified and they say: ‘Told you so’. For those who slandered and punished the whistleblowers have painted themselves into their own self-created corners, where they are ignored by all, if they are at all noticed. The most distinguishing feature of the punishers is their imagined infallibility and power – they never apologise, but instead they only justify their lack of Christian faith and way of life. This is proved by their inability to repent for the evil they have committed.

The duty of all non-careerist, that is, real, bishops and priests is to pray, celebrating the services and distributing the sacraments. In this way they gather the people together, they unite, for dioceses and parishes are communities and families. However, there are those who want to divide families, setting son against father, daughter against mother, one nationality against another, one jurisdiction against another. The dividers are unpopular, well known for not telling the truth, persecuting and closing churches. Such isolate themselves.

Afterword: The Cleansing Has Begun

Meanwhile, those who do their jobs of gathering together are respected and are invited to concelebrate everywhere. For they are in unity and communion and communion is the sign of belonging to the Church. This communion enrages even more the dividers, schismatics and persecutors, for they are ever more isolated and all see that they are out of communion with others, confined to their tiny sects and ghettoes. And the more they rage, the more they are ignored and even mocked. They have created a vicious circle for themselves.

The Great Cleansing of the Church is coming. Yes, the Church has been infiltrated, as it always has been. In the time of Christ, the Twelve were infiltrated by a traitor, Judas. It is no different today. They shout that Russia must leave the Russian Ukraine to its Fascist fate of genocide, fully agreeing with their US masters. It is normal – they have the same masters as the Ukrainian puppets, they are brothers. It is sad to see that the Church too has been infiltrated by them. But the Church too will be cleansed of them. There is no doubt about it.



Reflections on Forty Years of Service at the Altar

Quench not the Spirit.

(1 Thessalonians 5, 19-21)

When I was a child, I did not believe in God, I knew God. He was – and is – a fact. I did not seek Him, I knew Him. Fifty years ago, in 1975, the closest disciple of St Silouan confirmed my experience that God is known by the Holy Spirit and that if someone has come to know God by the Holy Spirit, his soul will burn with the love of God by day and night and his soul will not be bound by any earthly thing.

 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you (John 15, 19)

Five years later, in May 1979 in a deep and warm conversation at Philotheou Monastery on Mt Athos, the ever-memorable Fr Ephraim (now of Arizona) confirmed this to me. And so it was that forty years ago I went with fear to St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris to be ordained, believing that our purpose in life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, as St Seraphim of Sarov declared.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6, 33)

Now the name ‘Antichrist’ does not mean he who is against Christ, but he who is in place of Christ. In other words, Antichrist does not appear to be outwardly against Christ, he is a substitute for Christ. From the world in which we now are we can conclude that we live in the time before Antichrist, where faith, the presence of the Holy Spirit, is being substituted by falsehood, ‘a den of thieves’.

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (2 Timothy 3, 5)

Thus, the most obvious thing that I have noticed about the last forty years of service at the altar has been the persistent determination of satan to destroy all that is spiritual, both directly and indirectly. He has always recruited his agents to substitute for the real Church, to set up a satanic church, where the Holy Spirit cannot abide and is replaced by the pseudo-spiritual, which stems from hatred.

You pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgement, mercy, and faith (Matthew 23, 23)

Forty years ago and more, I had seen how satan used such isms as ecumenism, modernism, liberalism and freemasonry to destroy and then substitute for the Church. They considered the Church had to be brought into line with the anti-spiritual ways of the world, secularism. All who challenged these movements against the Holy Spirit were slandered. Like others, I was one of them.

Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake (Matthew 5, 11)

Twenty years ago and more, I saw how the cunning and evil satan changed his tactics to destroy and substitute for the Church. He began using the opposite forces to the first, pretending to be pure, employing such isms as sectarianism, traditionalism, conservatism and the spirit of schism. All who challenged these movements were slandered. Like others, I was and am one of them.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, and say, if we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore you are witnesses to yourselves, that you are the children of those who killed the prophets (Matthew 23, 29-31)

All the servants of satan, of both sorts, close churches and forbid missionary work on the pretext of ‘protocols’ or ‘covid’. They replace faith, which is built on real experience of the Holy Spirit, the Giver of life, Who speaks ‘by the prophets’, with mere ‘religion’, the ideology of hired servants. This substitution of ideology for any spiritual experience, which alone gives wisdom, is why faith is dying out.

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Matthew 7, 15)

Thus, Protestants predict that Protestantism in Western countries will die out within a generation, by 2050. Roman Catholicism in Western countries will not be far behind. Both are being replaced by the ideology of secularism, where anything goes, for they have lost their faith and follow the ways of the world. However, in the Church of God, the war against Orthodoxy is just as fierce.

Woe unto you, Pharisees! for you love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets (Luke 11, 43)

Satan is working against us in the Church in exactly the same ways. The temptations of power and wealth are the rewards for those who use either ecumenism, modernism, liberalism and freemasonry, or sectarianism, traditionalism, conservatism and the spirit of schism. We avoid power and wealth and all the isms, which they use in order to persecute us.

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers….My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves  (Matt 21, 12-13)

We create life and community, where before there was death and darkness. We grow the culture of life, as pastors, the voice of the people, in our hearts there is no hatred. And we are victorious over the narcissistic, jealous, resentful, corrupt and effeminate, the Establishment elite who love the uppermost seats, who are of their father the devil…for he is a liar, and the father of it (John 8, 44).

The thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10, 10)

Today, the Russian Church, just like the Church of Constantinople, has fallen under the influence of this world. We fight for Orthodox freedom from political deviations. Canon XV of the First and Second Council is clear about those worthy of honour: they have not broken the union of the Church with any schism, but on the contrary, have been diligent to rescue the Church from schisms and divisions.

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord (Romans 12, 19)

We fight for the Truth of God and the Righteousness of man from the middle ground, from the fourteen Local Churches between the extremes, but among those in the extremes there are many who agree with us. Our role is to ‘knock heads together’ to bring away from the extremes. Like Christ, Who was crucified between the extremes of the two thieves, we too are persecuted for this.

Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Jesus Christ will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3, 12)

Rome is in crisis and has to recall its legions from the far-flung provinces to protect Rome. The governors of the provinces feel abandoned, threatened by the rebellions of the people against their untruths. But the rebels know what to do, for those who told lies about us have discredited only themselves. Rome will return to where it came from, for it is now known the world over to tell untruths.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6, 7)

Forty years ago I went to St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris to be ordained. I was mindful of the words that the pen is mightier than the sword, or as St Alexander put it far better: God is not in force, but in truth. Nearly ten years ago it was my joy to open a new church dedicated to St Alexander in my native East Anglia. I know that God is working through His saints to cleanse His Church.

That He might present Her to Himself as a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that She should be holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5, 27)

Mitred Archpriest Andrew Phillips,

St John’s Orthodox Church,

City of Colchester.

27 January 1985 – 27 January 2025



Why Does the British Establishment Hate Russia?


My best friends and so many of my relations are British and I am devoted to them and to much in the English way of life….It has never been possible to discuss with them the utterly vile politics of successive British Parliaments. They were nearly all anti-Russian – and so often without the least cause. So much of British policy is wholly contrary to their own tradition of fair play. Olga Alexandrovna Romanova, The Last Grand Duchess, by Ian Vorres, P. 240.

The Western elite hates Russia, Look at Biden or, in France, Macron, or in Germany, Scholz and Baerbock. However, none hates Russia as much as the British elite. Whether it is the host of nonentities who have been Prime Ministers, like Starmer, Sunak, Truss, Johnson, May, Cameron, or the foolish Secretaries of State for Defence (= Offence) like Wallace, Shapps, Healey, they all come and go in swift succession. Conservative or Labour, they all belong to the same Uniparty, whose only aim is the unprincipled, as with Litvinenko and the abducted Skripals. Clearly, there is something here that is deeply theological. Because they hate Christ, they hate Orthodox. But what of the history of their hatred and the tanks, missiles and drones that they use against Russia today?

Emperors Paul I (+ 1801) and Nicholas II (+ 1918) of Russia were both removed and then murdered as a result of plots hatched by the British ambassadors in the Saint Petersburg of their times. As John Gleason points out in his 1952 book The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain, systematic and institutionalised British Establishment hatred for Russia began after the liberation of Paris by Russian troops in 1814. This Russophobia was an artificially manufactured product of a campaign of a relatively small number of men who won acceptance for their views by force of repetition. In other words, if you repeat the lie often enough, it will stick. It was all about the British elite’s fanatical ambition for world hegemony. No rivals could be allowed.

Despite the invasion of Russia and the occupation of Moscow in 1812, Russia emerged from the Napoleonic Wars as the dominant land power in the world, its troops liberating Paris in 1814. By then it had the largest army in Europe by far and the proven capacity to project its forces from Paris to the Caucasus and Central Asia. Consequently, by the 1830s jealous British Establishment chauvinists and imperialists had started presenting the Russian Empire as an evil rival. This Russophobia developed through the 1840s and in the early 1850s British Russophobes were raising fears that Saint Petersburg would liberate Bulgarians and others from the Ottoman Empire, free the Greeks in Constantinople and would also control the Black Sea.

Therefore, in 1853 the British engineered the ‘Crimean War’. This was fought mainly in the Crimea because that was the only place where the British and their proxies, the Turks, the French and thousands of German mercenaries, could feasibly project armed power against Russia. Fruitless British attacks on Russia from the White Sea, involving shelling a monastery and churches, and another operation involving a landing of marines on Russia’s Pacific Coast opposite Japan led the British to understand that they could not invade Russia – it was vast and although the British were a strong naval power, they were only a very weak land power. The British Establishment’s only hope was to dismember Russia from inside through traitors and so destroy it and exploit it, like a new India.

Having invaded the Crimea, the British elite understood from their poor performance and huge losses that it would be better to use proxies to defeat Russia, either internal or external enemies. Thus, they began their ‘Great Game’, their attempt to destroy Russia, surrounding it, invading Cyprus, Persia and Tibet. Therefore, in 1904, the British next used a proxy, the Japanese Empire, to attack Russia with its battleships, many of them built or financed by the British. The attack on the Russian Pacific Fleet in Port Arthur was unannounced, an act of ‘infamy’ and treachery, just like the Japanese attack on the US Fleet in Pearl Harbour in 1941. However, even after this the British still failed to overthrow the Tsar through the Japanese attack and the ensuing ‘1905 Revolution’.

Therefore, in 1914 the British again used jealous proxies to try and destroy Russia, this time Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Seeing the coming Russian victory in 1917, In December 1916 British spies fired ‘the first shot of the Revolution’, assassinating Gregory Rasputin with the help of degenerates, like the transvestite Yusupov. Thus, it was that the British engineered the overthrow of the Tsar on 15 March 1917. On 6 April 1917 they brought their new ‘useful idiot’ proxy, the USA, into the War and freed Trotsky on 29 April 1917, allowing him to arrive in Russia on 17 May, so that he could lead the war against Russia, as Lenin was incapable. (On 2 November 1917 the British passed the Balfour Declaration, creating the present bloody chaos in the Middle East).

However, despite all the chaos after the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917, the British elite could still not destroy the USSR. Thus, in 1941 they once more used their German proxies to destroy and break up Russia. After they had failed in this, with the miracle of the Soviet liberation of Berlin in 1945, they decided with the Americans to use Nazi Galician fanatics to terrorise the Ukraine, right up till 1959. Today there are still British-protected Nazis in Kiev. The British Establishment divided Europe in order to rule it and, since 1917, has used the USA as a proxy in all its wars. But I write about the British Establishment, not the peoples who live in the British Isles and Ireland. One day, we, the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh, will rise up and end millennial British Establishment tyranny.



Suicide or Healing? On the Crisis of Legitimacy in State and Church

There are no demons in hell, they all live on earth.

The gap, or rather, abyss, between the elites and the peoples throughout the Western world, and it is a Western phenomenon, is causing crisis after crisis. It began in 2016 in the UK with the long-delayed popular vote in favour of Brexit, at last allowed by the hubristic British elite which had never imagined that the ‘plebs’ would dare to vote against them, followed soon after by the popular vote for Trump in the USA. However, both revolts turned out to be something of damp squibs, as the British Establishment elite never allowed Brexit to be implemented and between 2017 and 2020 Trump was surrounded by fawning members of the US Establishment, there called ‘the Deep State’, and, flattered by them, Trump did not do very much of what he said he had wanted.

This time it is serious. Following the oppressive policies of the Globalist elite dictatorship during covid and then during the NATO war against Russia, the Sovereigntist ‘plebs’ throughout the Western world are now in revolt. This is not just the election of a new Trump or the Reform movement in the UK, but also Orban in Hungary, Fico in Slovakia, Georgescu in Romania, when the authoritarian and Fascist EU allows him to be elected, and every European country whose people yearns to overthrow the US/CIA/EU/NATO-selected elites. Whether it is Weidel in Germany, Le Pen in France, Kickl in Austria and all the other European freedom movements from Croatia to Denmark, from Italy to the Netherlands, from Poland to Moldova, the movement is the same.

Nationalist governments are going to take over. Macron can forbid Frexit, Scholz can outlaw the AfD, Starmer can forbid elections in the UK, the Brussels dictatorship can cancel free elections and candidates through a corrupt Supreme Court in Romania, the US can defraud the electorate in Moldova, but it will make no difference. This is a crisis of legitimacy and the people will win, whether by violent revolution or peaceful evolution, whatever delaying tactics the CIA elite uses. Anyway, the CIA is under threat from Trump’s expanded America, just like NATO and its economic EU arm. For the unelected commissars of the European Union (EU), founded a few days after the fall of the Soviet Union (SU), will follow it into the same black hole of authoritarianism and autocracy.

However, as St Paisios the Athonite prophesied, it is not just the world that has become ‘a madhouse’, believing that men are women and that women are men, it is the Westernised administration of the Church too that has gone berserk, believing that good is bad and that bad is good. The Western world can commit suicide, or else it can seek healing. It is the same in the Church administration. They can behave like politicians and ideologues and commit suicide, or else they can behave like pastors and shepherds and find healing. If they choose the latter, they will find legitimacy, that is, the people will follow them. For that is what the sheep want of the shepherd, someone to follow. But if the shepherd is in fact a wolf in shepherd’s clothing, as he was, the people will quit him, as they did.