Daily Archives: August 23, 2018

Twenty Years After Brexit: How the Northern Confederation Came Into Being

The last twenty years have been dramatic in the history of the fifty-two countries which make up today’s Northern Confederation. Looking back, the European Union, founded after 1945 by its US puppet-masters and based on a West Germany kept united in order to contain the Soviet Union, was a clear example of the arrogance and hubris of over-reach. And that hubris was caused by the EU elite’s total lack of contact with the real world. Today’s Confederation of Nations, a friendly group of free and sovereign nation-states based on the will of their independent peoples, is everything that the EU, a Fascist Customs Union, based on elitist tyranny, failed to be.

The real EU disasters began after the fall of the old Soviet Union at the end of 1991, which was deliberately timed to coincide with the US-imposed Maastricht Treaty and foundation of a ‘European Union’. This promised an absurd and much-feared Federal United States of Europe. There followed the launch of the euro and the imperialistic absorption and then rape and impoverishment of Eastern Europe. Then came the failure to deal with the rejection of the international EU elitist dictatorship by the British and European masses. Next were the catastrophes in the Ukraine and the Western Balkans, where the EU had bloodily meddled under US misguidance. This all meant that the EU had signed its own suicide-warrant.

After the UK voted to leave the EU twenty years ago today, followed by Eire, it broke apart. England, Scotland, Wales and the newly united Ireland, found themselves freed of EU tyranny. Such was their success as sovereign and free-trading nations that in 2025 ‘The Four’, as they were called were joined by other non-EU countries, then freedom-loving Scandinavia and their dependent Baltic countries, once they had freed themselves from US dictators. Thus, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, all joined what at once became known by the providential name of ‘The Northern Confederation’, making fourteen members in all and creating vengeful panic among the EU gerontocrats.

Seeing its success and tired of Brussels meddling in their internal affairs, within three years freedom-loving Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Lands, Austria and Slovenia had joined them, making nineteen members. However, the turning-point came a year later in 2029, when they were joined by the Russian Empire under Tsar Nicholas III, and its dependent Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia and Malorossia, all non-EU countries. (Malorossia had been formed from the old Ukraine, which had collapsed in chaos and corruption, most of its territory happily returning to the Russian Federation and the extreme, and extremist, western tip unhappily returning to Poland, leaving a small central part around Kiev to form the new nation).

In 2030 these twenty-six were followed by Luxembourg, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, making thirty-two nations. The EU had by now collapsed in acrimony and bankruptcy, with race riots breaking out among its few remaining members amid the panic of the ruling elite which had lost control and, indeed, all sense of reality. Some of its members eventually managed to escape and two years later the Northern Confederation was joined by Portugal, Spain, newly-independent Catalonia, Andorra, Serbia in its new borders with its reunited territories, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Italy and San Marino, making forty-two members.

Three years later, in 2034, these were joined by the last old EU countries, at last admitting how wrong their former elites and their EU-controlled media had been. The delay in their joining had been caused by their enormous political problems, with Fascist minorities, immigrants and border issues to resolve. These countries were Poland, Croatia, the Netherlands – in its restored borders with what had been northern Belgium – newly-independent Brittany, and France with former southern Belgium now an integral part. Six months later these were followed by Bavaria (all six southern states of the old Germany) and Saxony (all seven northern states of the old Germany).

Now with forty-nine members and stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic, from Vladivostok to Rejkjavik, most observers thought that the Northern Confederation was complete, the old EU a dead nightmare. However, in January 2036, the forty-nine nation-states were joined by Canada and the newly-independent Alaska and New England (which had both freed themselves from the former USA, which had disunited and imploded in bankruptcy), making a true and continuous Northern Confederation. This made fifty-two independent but friendly sovereign nations, co-operating politically and economically, in effect uniting the northern quarter of the planet.

This leaves the world with four other stable groups of nations, or blocs – China with Mongolia, Tibet and reunited Korea, Christian (Sub-Saharan) Africa, Oceania (Australasia) and Latin America. These four blocs are now in relatively healthy situations. However, the remnants of the debt-ridden USA are in chaos. In bankrupt Japan, south-eastern Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and the stans, and in most of the Muslim world of North Africa and the Middle East there are also grave problems. Thus, the Northern Confederation leads the way. And all because of England’s historic vote for freedom exactly twenty years ago….

23 June 2036