Monthly Archives: March 2019

The Mother of God Comes to the Faithful of Eastern England

For the first time in history the Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God is being allowed to visit the homes of the faithful at all points of the compass in Eastern England. Previously, She had only been taken to London and spent only a few brief hours in some churches in the East.

God willing,

On Tuesday 2 April She will be brought from London to our parishioners to the north-east of Colchester, in Holbrook, Felixstowe, Kesgrave and Ipswich.

On Wednesday 3 April She will visit our parishioners to the west, in St Neots, Cambridge, to the community of St Edmund in Bury St Edmunds, and to the north-west, to the community of St Matrona in Wisbech.

On Thursday 4 April She will visit our parishioners to the south-west, in Chelmsford, Basildon Brentwood, Romford, Ilford, Hatfield Peverel, Witham and Silver End.

On Friday 5 April She will visit our parishioners in Colchester and to the south-east, in Wivenhoe and Great Bromley.

On Saturday 6 April She will visit our parishioners to the south, to the community of the Royal Martyrs in Ashford and then in Bellingham before returning to Colchester.

On Sunday 7 April She will be in the centre in St John’s church in Colchesterfrom 8.00 am until 2.30 pm.

On Monday 8 April She will visit our parishioners to the east, in Colchester, Clacton and Frinton.

On Tuesday 9 April She will visit our parishioners to the north, in Sudbury, Mendlesham and Thetford, before being taken to St Alexander Nevsky church in Norwich.



The Great Betrayal: Three Entries of Europe into Britain and Two and a Half Brexits

Yesterday the peoples of Britain were betrayed by the corrupt elite who do not represent them in Parliament. Not for the first time. In history, there have been no fewer than three invasions by Continental Europe of the main parts of or of all of the Anglo-Celtic British Isles, eventually also involving Ireland, but so far only two and a half exits of Britain from Europe (‘brexits’). These were:

43 The Political-Economic-Military Entry of Europe into Britain. (The Roman invasion of most of the island of Britain).

410 Political-Economic-Military Brexit. (The first brexit, when what is now England and Wales left the provincial fragments of the Western Roman Empire).

597 The Spiritual Entry of Europe into Britain. (The official mission of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Western Europe to convert the still pagan English).

1535 Spiritual Brexit. (The second brexit – the process of separation by Henry VIII from the new provincial Western Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic religion, a very different faith from that which had arrived in 597. This process reached its culmination between 1534 and 1536).

1066 The Political-Economic-Military Entry of Europe into Britain. (The invasion of England, later entailing all the British Isles and Ireland, by the Normans, who were purposely sent and directed by the new and highly centralized Western European control system of ‘Roman Catholicism’, the new provincial Western Roman Empire).

1940 Military Brexit. After the German rout of the hopelessly poorly-equipped British Army, the men of the latter were evacuated in an emergency operation from Dunkirk. (True, most of the troops in the US-led 1944 D-Day invasion of Europe were British, but this time they had far better and far more abundant US equipment).

2019? Political-Economic Brexit. (Supposed to have happened on the feast day of the apostle of Britain, St Aristobulus, 29 March, nobody now knows when this is going to happen. However, it will happen because the EU, ultimately created out of the US invasion of Western Europe exactly three generations ago in 1944, will inevitably collapse, for it is merely the third successor in the series of failed Pan-European control systems, or provincial Western Roman Empires. (Some never learn). The first was the provincial Western branch of the Roman Empire which collapsed during the fifth century. The second was its successor, feudal Roman Catholicism, which began its long drawn-out collapse from the sixteenth century on and whose collapse continues to this day. Now we are at the third collapse, that of the neo-feudal political-economic fantasy of the Western European elite, who are US vassals).

Wanted: A New Guy Fawkes

A great political struggle on the Brexit issue is going on in the United Kingdom. It is not the political struggle between the elite of the EU and the UK. It is not the struggle between Leavers (‘Brexiteers’) and Remainers (EU worshippers). It is not the struggle between the Prime Minister and Parliament. It is not even the struggle inside the two main political parties, which, true, are completely divided on Brexit, and always have been. No, the great struggle is between the Parliament and the People, for the former refuses to implement the wishes of the People, even after almost three years (some might say ever since 1973). ‘Representative democracy’ has once again failed to be either representative or democratic, but has shown itself to be an elitist tyranny – as the whole British Establishment construct and the whole EU project always have been.

Historically, Parliament as we now know it came into being in the seventeenth century. This was at the behest of wealthy and power-hungry aristocrats and capitalist businessmen (‘merchants’), interested in colonialist exploitation and slavery, and also rich farmers. Together they usurped and then murdered the Christian King, the defender of the People, so that they could gain even more power and make even more money on the backs of the exploited and enslaved. (Indeed, incredibly, a statue of one of the most bloodthirsty capitalist farmers, he who murdered the King and then killed a million Irish men, women and children, still stands outside Parliament unchallenged to this day). Thus, the utterly corrupted Members of Parliament were simply the puppets who carried out the orders of the moneyed elite. Many, it seems, still do the same.

Guy Fawkes, born in York in April 1570, was the son of Edward and Edith Fawkes (the names of our Old English saints). He was a provincial and devout, but naïve and idealistic Roman Catholic who challenged Parliamentary tyranny. However, he tried to do this by violence, by blowing up Parliament with gunpowder. And that was his undoing. For he was betrayed on 5 November 1605 and then tortured and in January 1606, aged 35, murdered. His name is the origin of the word ‘guy’, meaning man or person. It seems to us that we now need a new Guy Fawkes, a non-violent ‘guy’ who will blow up Parliament with words, as the pen is always mightier than the sword. Guy Fawkes has been described as ‘the last man to enter Parliament with honest intentions’. We would say ‘the last man to enter Parliament with honest intentions so far’.



The Future of Trafalgar Square

The time will come when, after nearly a thousand years, England will be free again. Then she will regain her independence from the pagan Roman / Franco-German (Norman-Hanoverian) myth of Britannia / Britain. And then, eventually, after much discussion, the problem of Trafalgar Square will have to be decided. At present the Square, its very name, its central Column and the many statues around it honour various aspects of nineteenth-century Imperialism. Thus, a statue of a certain Major-General Havelock stands in the south-east corner, a statue of the equally little known General Napier stands in the south-west corner and a statue on horseback of the dissolute, unpopular and obese alcoholic, King George IV, stands in the north-east corner. Until quite recently in the north-west corner there was an empty fourth plinth, but this is now used to exhibit temporary works of art.

In the free England of the future, let this Square be renamed ‘Alfred Square’, for in the centre will stand Alfred’s Column, with the statue of King Alfred the Great, England’s Darling and Lawgiver, standing on top. Around it will stand the four main statues:  that of an Englishwoman from before 1066, standing as a the English Mother of the Nation; a statue of Langland’s Piers Plowman (+ 1380) as a symbol of the medieval common man, the backbone of the nation who suffered but remained faithful despite enslavement from above; a statue of the world-renowned English literary genius Shakespeare (+ 1616); and one of an ordinary infantryman, a Tommy Atkins, standing as a symbol of the lions who gallantly saved England despite being led by donkeys. And when will this be? When at last the four nations of this island archipelago have freed themselves from the deadweight of myths of the past.


The Myth of White Supremacy

With such a title some might be expecting me to affirm simply that the idea that white people are superior to other races is a myth. That is so obvious that it is not what I have to say. The real myth is far more radical than that.

White supremacy began in the eighth century when the tyrant Charlemagne massacred 4,500 Saxons at Verden in October 782: this was white against white, the white elite against the white people. There is no such thing as White Supremacy – only White Elitism. After a period of nearly three centuries of chaos, White Elitism raised its ugly head again in 1054 when the spiritual descendants of Charlemagne broke away from the Christian Church and founded their own self-justifying, pseudo-religious organization in Rome, once the capital of the incredibly cruel and barbaric pagan Roman Empire. Again, it was white against white. The whites have always been the first victims of the White Elitists.

In 1066 the White Elitists in Rome used their Norman shock troops to massacre 100,000 English; white against white. They continued to massacre in Wales, Ireland and Scotland. There followed the barbaric ‘Crusades’ when white elitists massacred members of the Orthodox Christian (white), but also Arab and Jewish races. However, that was exceptional. Most of the Middle Ages in Western Europe was the history of the bloodshed of white people by the White Elitists, for example, in ‘Wars of Religion’. And in fact it was only really after 1492 that the White Elitists began to massacre other races systematically by organized violence through elitist projects like the Spanish or French or British Empires.

And even then they did not stop massacring other white people, as, for instance, the English Hitler, Cromwell did in Ireland, massacring a million. In the 20th century the White Elitists continually massacred white peoples, and over 40 million white people died in two European wars, 30 million Slavs alone. This was the White Holocaust. Why? Because the White Elite had renounced Christ. White ideologues like Lenin and Hitler made their atheism plain. The people were oppressed by the Elite. It can be seen today in the Brexit debate, where the White Elitists are ready to betray the People, as they have done in England for the last 953 years. And they claim to run a ‘representative democracy’!!!

In New Zealand, a pro-Kiev regime white terrorist who had murdered whites in the Ukraine, murdered fifty Muslims. He was not a White Supremacist, but a White Elitist. As the old proverb says: ‘A fish rots from the head’.


On President Erdogan and the Church of the Holy Wisdom

I have been asked by a US correspondent about our attitude to President Erdogan of Turkey, who has recently spoken about the massacre of Muslims by a Fascist fanatic in New Zealand and about turning Agia Sofia into a mosque again. Now, we have in our parish three Turkish Orthodox parishioners and soon there will be a fourth. Interestingly, they all have the same attitude to President Erdogan, the neo-Ottoman ‘Sultan of Turkey’: they consider that he is a nationalist dictator and find him very unpleasant and distasteful.

In this way, he is perhaps similar to many another tyrannical Middle Eastern ruler. We think immediately of the rulers of Saudi Arabia, who behead people by the dozens every year, keep most of the people dirt-poor and the rich ultra-rich, and have carried out a huge genocide (with enthusiastic Western backing) against the people of the Yemen. Not to mention the fact that they tortured and cut into little pieces a Saudi journalist in their consulate in Istanbul last October. Apparently this barbaric behaviour is quite agreeable to the Saudis and their Western sponsors and guardians. In other words, there is always worse than Erdogan, but, true, there could be better, only be careful – you may end up with worse. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the Ukraine are outstanding examples. Thus, in Turkey, the US attempt to assassinate President Erdogan in July 2016 would surely have led to incredible strife and thousands of deaths.

Of course, there are Orthodox who strongly dislike President Erdogan, not because they are Turkish, but because they hate his threat that the Church of the Holy Wisdom in Istanbul, for long a tourist site, may yet again become a mosque. However, this is a false problem. The real problem is that the Orthodox have shown themselves unworthy of having an Empire and a Capital. Until the Russians repent for their betrayal in 1917, there will be no Orthodox Emperor, and until the Greeks repent for their betrayal of Christianity which led to 1453, they will never have any power, and until they repent for their latest crimes in the Ukraine in 2019, Agia Sofia will become a mosque. The same is true for apostate Greek Cypriots, the northern third of whose island was occupied 45 years ago by Turkey, with full Western backing, and true for the Serbs in Kosovo, who forgot their Faith and were outpopulated by Albanians.

You always lose your territory when you show yourselves unworthy of having it. You bring it on yourself. Territory does not belong to us, it belongs to God and is only on loan to us for as long as we remain faithful to Him. Thus, Belgium was devastated in the First European War because of its crimes in Central Africa (millions of Africans mutilated or murdered), Britain lost its Empire because it swapped the Bible for the exploitation of natural resources and the same can be said for umpteen other empires throughout history, ancient and modern, from China to Babylon, from the Hindus to the Egyptians, from Timbuktu to Machu Picchu, from the Mayas to Zimbabwe, from France to Austro-Hungary. Power hangs by a thread; it is an illusion to think we have any power, we only have what is granted by God. The USA will lose its power for the same reasons. Spiritual and moral decadence is always followed by catastrophic collapse.

When Greeks or Russians begin converting Turkey to Christ, instead of hiding in their ethnic corners, then Istanbul will become Constantinople again and the Church of the Holy Wisdom will echo to praise for Christ in Turkish from the Turkish Orthodox faithful. But until then, expect only worse and worse. The fruit of non-repentance and self-justification is humiliation. It is the only thing that can bring humility to the unrepentant. In other words, there will be no Church of the Holy Wisdom until you have shown Holy Wisdom.


Questions and Answers (March 2019) From Recent Correspondence

The Parish Church

Q: Where is the Colchester church financed from?

A: St John of Shanghai Church in Colchester was bought and equipped in 2008 with money donated for 95% by English Orthodox. The rest came from various kind individuals in ROCOR, from Venezuela to Alaska. Not a penny came from inside Russia. We had no support from there at all, or from many obvious rich people in London or locally, who could have helped us. One English convert used to boast that he had £2 million – he never gave us even £1!

Over the first ten years we spent a lot more money on getting an abandoned building up to scratch. Almost all that money has come from the faithful. They are nearly all quite poor Eastern Europeans, not wealthy ex-Anglicans, so of course every penny they have given us has been valued.

Q: You are part of ROCOR, so is your ethos in the Colchester church Russian?

A: Our ethos is Orthodox. Inevitably, as part of the new ROCOR (not the old ROCOR, which was often nationalistic and even racist), we are multinational, 24 nationalities, with three languages and a Romanian second priest. We are in effect an ‘Imperial’ church, that is a multinational church, simply the church for all faithful and traditional Orthodox locally, that is, within a radius of 50 miles.


Q: Why did the Patriarchate of Constantinople set up a new organization in the Ukraine for schismatics and heretics and then recognize it?

A: Over two decades ago the Polish-American Zbigniew Brzezinski was proclaiming the need for the US State Department to implement a schism in the Orthodox world, following the US takeover of that Patriarchate in 1948. The US has now done this through flattering Greek nationalism in Istanbul, keenly supported by the notorious US ambassadors in Kiev and Athens. There is now little doubt that this schism from the Orthodox Faith will prove to be permanent and that nationalists and other secularists (liberals and LGBT activists) who have infiltrated a few other Local Churches will join that schismatic-supporting Patriarchate.

However, there will also be faithful Orthodox in the Patriarchate of Constantinople who will join us. This is above all the long-awaited schism of the Greek Orthodox world which has undergone Westernization for the last 100 years. Westernization always ends in schism, as we saw in Russia in the 1920s. However, the schism is small, that of a Westernized splinter-group, that of a few hundred thousand against over 220 million in the Church

Q: Why are there still people in Russia who think that Stalin was a great man?

A: Why are there still people in the UK who think that Churchill was a great man? In other words, the answer is because he was the country’s leader at the time of the victory over Fascism in 1945. In other words, the answer is because of nationalism. Churchill was in fact very unpopular with ordinary people in the UK (that is why he was voted out by a very large majority in 1945). He was hated for Gallipoli, his hatred of the miners, his complete lack of understanding for the poor and, abroad, for the gassing of the Kurds, the Bengali Famine in which millions died, and his astounding racism, which was similar to Hitler’s, only towards Non-White races.

Just as some nationalistic Russians forget that Stalin was a foreigner, a Georgian, and caused the deaths of millions and millions of Slavs, people also forget that Churchill was half-American and a profound White Supremacist. In Russia, such marginal nationalists and xenophobes (often anti-Semites) also adore Ivan IV (‘the Terrible’) who was responsible for the deaths of at least 2,000 innocent people. (Though this means that he was a lot less ‘terrible’ than his contemporaries, the Tudors: Henry VIII and Elizabeth I killed at least 150,000 between them).

Q: Did you mention the terror attack in New Zealand in your sermons last Sunday? And what do you think of this massacre?

A: Of course, I did not mention it! People come to church to get away from such grisly secularism. It is the last thing they want to hear about. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.

What do I think of it? I am shocked that Tarrant, this Neo-Nazi White Supremacist, was allowed the freedom to do this. Tarrant had already been reported several times to the Australian government by Semyon Baykov, the ataman of the Zabaykal Cossacks in Sydney, for his terrorist activities in the Ukraine. He had been fighting for the Kiev Fascist regime against the Orthodox freedom-fighters in the Donbass. (The Australian government had ignored his reports). Birds of a feather flock together, fascists fight with fascists.

Missionary Work in Western Europe

Q: Why have only small numbers of Western Europeans joined the Russian Orthodox Church in the last hundred years?

A: It is because most Western people are attached to their very nationalistic culture, which thinks that it is superior to all other cultures, in other words, they are attached to Western worldliness. (Nationalism is by definition worldliness). Let me explain

In order to be an Orthodox Christian, you have to reject the deformations of the last thousand years of Western history. If you do not, but still join the Church, you will not last in it, but will lapse quickly. In other words, you may join the Orthodox Church, but you will never become Orthodox. For example, the later Metr Antony (Bloom) used to chrismate heterodox into Orthodoxy just a few days after meeting them. In this way he received at least a thousand people; but they virtually all lapsed from the Russian Church, attached only to his highly controversial but hypnotic (look at photos of his cold eyes) personality. Most of them lapsed very quickly, though some lapsed only many years later after he had died and therefore the cult was over.

This lapsing was because these ‘converts’ had held on to Western heterodox culture and never accepted Western Orthodox culture from the first millennium and its continuation in the reality of Russian Orthodox culture of today. The same thing happened for the same reason in Paris (where Metr Antony was from), where also at least a thousand heterodox were received into the Paris Jurisdiction (the ex-Exarchate and ex-Russian Church), mainly over the last 60 years, but virtually all of them lapsed. However, here, the ex-Exarchate has actually always boasted that it is ‘Western’, i.e. spiritually impure!! Such impurity cultivates only disincarnate narcissistic intellectual and emotional fantasies, but not spiritual life. To use the language of the Gospels, you cannot build a Church on sand, only on rock. In other words, you cannot be Orthodox without spiritual purity.

Orthodox Life

Q: Is it true that most baptised Orthodox do not attend church?

A: Yes, it is true that most baptised Orthodox only attend church when they have a problem. This is different to the mass of baptised Non-Orthodox, who take to drink, drugs and anti-depressants when they have a problem.

Global Warming

Q:  What is your position on manmade global warming as a religion and political ideology?

A: Basically:

  1. Clearly, it is not good to pollute. Thus, China today is similar to England 150 years ago in terms of pollution. (Thus, when the West boasts of being clean, it is hypocritical because its production for its consumer society and so its pollution has simply been transferred to China etc). Pollution is bad because we should respect and not destroy and disfigure the environment because God made it. Clean air, water and land are literally vital. But does (manmade) pollution create global warming?
  2. Global warming exists, but that is the nature of climate: it always changes. Currently, having come out of the period of the medieval ice age (global cooling), we are simply returning to the climate of 1,000 years ago. So perhaps this climate change is quite natural.
  3. The opinion of most scientists that it is manmade is clearly coloured by the business and political lobbies who pay them very richly for their reports. Significantly, a minority of independent scientists contradict the majority opinion. Are they right? I don’t know, but I wonder.
  4. Spiritually, it is clear that the Western world has entered a period of paganism, nature-worship (‘tree-hugging’). For many, ecologism is the new religion, which has replaced the worship of the Creator with the worship of creation. This is called idolatry and pantheism.

Brexit and the End of Unions

We know that the world will end because of a Union, the global Union under Antichrist who will reign from Jerusalem. Despite the obvious preparations for this global reign in the present movement known precisely as globalism, over the last thirty years we have seen the end of several unions, the Soviet Union, the Czechoslovak Union and the Yugoslav Union. It is highly likely that other unions will break up within the next twenty years, as Northern Ireland will leave the UK and Catalonia will leave Spain.

However, other artificial unions may also collapse even before then: for example, the Communist-created and US-supported bankrupt Ukraine. This will surely be reduced to a small area of the far west borderlands of the present conglomerate of territories known as ‘the Ukraine’, with most of its artificially combined territory returning to Poland, Hungary, Romania and, above all, Russia. Then there is Belgium – returning to France, Germany and, above all, the Netherlands. Even possibly, the North American Union, the USA, which was a creation out of the genocide of the US Civil War over six generations ago will vanish in the revenge of Confederationism. However, it is far more, likely, almost certain indeed, that the artificial European Union, the EU, a post-1945 US political invention, will disappear.

As regards this EU, it is true that few at present are discussing its survival. Instead, they are discussing Brexit. This is a mistake, for Brexit is only a local problem, not the real, international problem (regardless of when or even whether the people’s Brexit will happen – given that the Westminster elite is in control). Brexit was caused by the blind arrogance of the EU elite which refused and refuses to listen to the dissatisfaction of the people. And the problem of Brexit is in fact identical throughout the EU, from Greece to Spain, from Slovakia to Sweden, from Cyprus to Latvia, from Hungary to the Netherlands, from Poland to Italy, from Austria to France and its permanent yellow vest revolt.

The first question here is not if the EU will collapse, but when. Even more important, however, is the second question: what will replace it? It is clear that there cannot in future be a tiny group of aggressive and xenophobic European nationalist states, permanently at war with each other. But nor can there be a tyrannical and centralized Union, which benefits the rich and makes the poor poorer. Instead there will have to be a Eurasian Confederation, stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and not just a motley collection of US vassal states in the far western corner of Eurasia combined in a dictatorial Union. (Europe itself is only an artificial construct, just a tiny corner of the Eurasian Continent, artificially separated from the rest). There must be a Confederation, not a Union, an alliance of countries, not a political tyranny. Time will show us what will come to be.



Our Future: An Imperial Orthodox Church or an Imperialist Non-Orthodox Church?


Having rejected the Orthodox Christian teaching on the Holy Trinity, formulated by the Universal Councils of the Church, in the second millennium after Christ Western Europe was for centuries torn apart by the question of whether its ‘Church’ should be centripetal (centralizing), like Roman Catholicism, or centrifugal (centre-fleeing), like Protestantism. Indeed, whole very bloody wars were fought over this issue for centuries. Although today both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism have largely died out in most of Western Europe and been replaced by Secularism, the question has not gone away, for cultural patterns and reflexes have persisted.

Thus, three years ago, the arrogant and foolish centralized EU, a secular imitation of Roman Catholicism and going back to the Treaty of ‘Rome’, produced the reaction of the vote for centre-fleeing Brexit in the Protestant culture of the UK. It is clear that this is only the first step in the inevitable disintegration of the EU, which has already been under immense pressures from all sides for many years. All of this would have remained merely a political issue, except that in the Orthodox Church it has recently become a spiritual issue. For the US-founded EU’s centralization is being imitated and pursued by the US-financed secularists of the ‘Patriarchate of Constantinople’ in Istanbul.

Here modernist and ecumenist, pro-LGBT ‘Euro-Orthodox’ Greeks have created schism from the Orthodox Church. Made up of fourteen universally-recognized, Independent (‘autocephalous’ in Greek jargon) Local Churches, the Orthodox Church is thus threatened with the loss of part of its flock. For this tiny Greek Patriarchate in ‘Constantinople’ has, with breath-taking arrogance, openly declared its intention of taking back all the autocephalies of Local Churches and creating one ‘Super-Church’, with, naturally, itself in control. Thus, secular-minded Greek Istanbul imitates Brussels.

Having already done this in the small groups of the Diaspora (Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania) and in Estonia in recent decades, the Istanbul Greeks have within the last few months done exactly the same in the Ukraine also. Invading ancient Russian Orthodox territory against all the canons and traditions of Christianity, with full Ukrainian State and US financial and political backing, they have set up a semi-Fascist, ultra-nationalist organization, which it calls the ‘The Church in the Ukraine’, but which is under its full control. This is, of course, pure Greek Imperialist tyranny of the sort practised for centuries by the Istanbul Greeks in Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch and Bulgaria and elsewhere, but now extended worldwide.

In this Imperialist model, in its own words, this Greek Imperialist Patriarchate sees itself as a single ‘Church’. It will ‘take back’ the autocephalies (full independence) given to found several of the other Local Churches over previous centuries. And then it will grant them back a very, very limited self-government. In this way it will combine centralization with extremist local nationalism. In such a case, of course, it may well be asked, why Jerusalem, the first Church, does not take back the autocephaly given to Constantinople and take back all power for itself? Theologically and historically speaking, all of this comes from a purely Secularist Roman Catholic/Protestant mentality.

This is no surprise when we see where the bureaucrats and ideologues of the Greek Patriarchate were trained: at the Gregorian University in Rome (like Patriarch Bartholomew himself, together with very many of his bishop-acolytes) and in the faculties of Protestant Universities in Germany. The Orthodox model of governance of the Church is of course the Holy Trinity: Unity in Diversity, the Apostolic model evident from the first century in the Epistles, addressed to the various Local Churches. This is the meaning of the word ‘Catholicity’ (everyone doing things in their own way, but in the same spirit), which means something quite different from ‘Catholicism’ (everyone doing exactly the same thing under tyrannical and bureaucratic centralist control).

Today, in the Orthodox Church, we are now facing a choice between:

Constantinople: An Imperialist, Single-Nationality ‘Church’

Either belong as second-class citizens (because you are not Greek) to the tiny Church of a long-dead Empire, which governs all who belong to it tyrannically and nationalistically, regardless of whether they are Christians, regardless of whether they are canonically ordained, and regardless of whether they are involved in the violent and racist theft of churches from Christians and their persecution. In this case you will neither be Orthodox, nor Christian, indeed less Christian even than Uniats and Protestants.

New Jerusalem: An Imperial, Multinational Church

Or belong as first-class citizens (whatever your nationality and native language) to the very large Church of a living Empire, or to one of the Autocephalous Local Churches which are in communion with it, which governs all who belong to it justly and multinationally, because they are Christians, canonically ordained and do not steal by violence and racism churches from other Christians or persecute them. In this case you will be Orthodox Christians because you follow the Holy Trinity, living in the Catholicity of unity in diversity.

You choose.

On the Present Western Gender Confusion

The primitive and pagan (‘classical’) world did it: pagan Greece and Rome were full of sexual perverts, incestuous, sodomites, bisexuals, pansexuals, pedophiles, copulators with animals etc. Moreover, they glorified these activities in their literature. For pagans such bestiality was considered normal, like all sorts of other barbaric practices (for example, slavery, leaving unwanted newborn babies to die by the roadside). With its catastrophic loss of Faith, the Western world is now returning precisely to these ‘classical’ (i.e. neo-pagan) Western ‘standards’ (slavery, mass abortion and incinerating the unborn, and sexual perversions) and even imposing them on the Free (i.e. Non-Western) World by economic bribery (‘sanctions’).

Now, it is a dangerous thing to mix up the sexes. The very word ‘sex’ comes from the Latin word meaning ‘cut’, showing that the two sexes are cut off from each other, as in the Book of Genesis, where it is clearly stated that ‘Male and female He created them’. It is clear that God created no-one somewhere inbetween: any kind of gender confusion is completely a result of the Fall, either, voluntarily, through personal sin, or else, involuntarily, through the sin that is in the world, ancestral sin.

On the contrary to this, Orthodox Christians have always emphasized and indeed exaggerated the differences and even stereotypes between the sexes. Men and women must dress differently, carry out different roles and tasks, boys and girls must be brought up differently and all sex differences, however small, are prized. Men are men and women are women. All confusion is dreaded. This is in order to stop the inevitable unhappiness which comes from confusing the sexes (as we see so very clearly in today’s world).

Feminists have long tried to alter the Holy Scriptures in order to make out that God the Father is a ‘She’, or perhaps bisexual, and that God the Son is a Daughter or maybe, like Michael Jackson, androgynous. Strangely enough, feminists have never tried to change the sex of the devil. He remains he. Now, Feminism, which started Transgenderism, was born by reaction in ex-Protestant societies, notorious for their repression of women, as in Victorian times. And the one clear fact about Protestant societies is that they all rejected the veneration of the Mother of God.

It is here that the key to ‘Transgenderism’ lies. If you reject the female role in salvation (and the first person in the Kingdom of God is not a mere man, but the Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed Ever-Virgin Mother), clearly you also reject the female sex. And if you do this, then you will find that all you can offer women is to become men. This is what today’s Western world calls ‘equality’. It is not equality, it is the appalling denigration of the female sex, forced down into becoming a man, the ultimate misogyny, the ultimate hatred of women. And from here it is only one step to Transgenderism and all the contemporary tragedies and blasphemies that flow from it.