Verses inspired by the poetry of John Masefield
Though in sorrow and joy our lives end and start,
Truth and Freedom are the dear songs of my heart:
That God may make of my soul a gleaming rift,
Through which meaning may come to seekers as a gift.
The haunts where Beauty dwells, unknown to the blind,
Are what God made it my destiny to find,
For though my life has been like a desert parched,
God is the Star by Whom I have ever marched.
For beyond the pain, beyond the yearning clay,
Beyond the gleams of Beauty glimpsed every day,
Lies a glimmering land, won by all who pray.
Its Beauty is grace, the spring, the wine, the bread,
The life, the dawn, the wakening from the dead,
The Eternal April of words Heaven said.
An unknown voice is beckoning me, calling me
And telling me to fulfil my destiny:
You are seeking and you shall find
Wisdom and Beauty in the Eternal Mind.
My vision is Wisdom, the World as it is,
The unearthly, undying Beauty that lives.
To help and bring Beauty from beyond the stars;
To see and sing of Paradise is my task.
I wait in hope for the turning of the wheel,
The hope that only we the abandoned feel.
Though the devil ever keeps the laws in hell,
Above in Heaven, as I have long heard tell,
The law of love rings the Saviour’s victory bell,
Proclaiming Resurrection and how death fell.
By loving mercy, confession, martyrdom
And sufferings, our God leads us to Wisdom.
For only the Mind of Wisdom can declare
All the meaning and the purpose everywhere.
I seek for Truth in all places and all things.
Beyond the gold and glitter, beyond the kings,
Beyond the veil, I can see the angels gleam,
I must find all that is beyond what may seem.
Suddenly the darkness of the Night has ceased
And, bearing hope and glory, a bright-robed priest,
Alive out of the East, all in light gleaming,
Brings the living, shining love of Christ streaming.
For now and ever, Life’s everlasting Spring
Has despoiled all hell and robbed Death of his sting.
Thoughts are many, but Holy Wisdom is One,
Though boughs are bare for now, God’s April will come.
For by ways as yet unseen and still unknown,
Glory awaits the low and meek to enthrone.
This world is but the shadow of the Other,
Of the Light of God and His Holy Mother.
For if from Divine Glory we cannot learn
We will not defend us from hell and will burn.
For often only a visit to Death’s doors
Can soften the proud heart and teach us God’s laws.
The souls that are unlit and unhelped grow ill
But His Kingdom’s words give life and never kill.
No Death reigns there, all is Beauty and Wisdom,
For all ways are ways of Light in the Kingdom.
So asses rule and he who brays the loudest
Is the one of whom this world is much the proudest.
Death is life’s enemy and they walk his way,
‘Hate God and hate your neighbour as yourself’, they say.
But my King and Queen give me fair words to write:
Beauty is my daily bread and soul’s delight.
Though squalid blackness and devilry destroy,
Our winter sorrows still bring Aprils of joy.
This present world has been long in a Dark Age,
But a New Birth will yet turn another page:
For Beauty hallowed the deaths the martyrs had
And changed into light and good the dark and bad.
To live without God’s life is hell’s path taken,
But when the King comes, the dead will awaken!
The world’s Unwisdom brought Death, the knell that tolls,
But there is the lighted way of lonely souls,
Who suffer torments and trodden pathways flee,
But eternities in every instant see.
Their nights are long, but their days break fair in dawn,
They teach Beauty, for it outlives Death forlorn:
Shine in your heart, open doors of glory now,
The light in your very soul will tell you how,
Bring the news from Paradise by starry night,
Somewhere in every heart it’s still April bright.
In eternity the bells are ringing out
For angels and men to join for hell’s great rout.
Men take strength and women noble hearts hold high,
To give this poor Earth the glory of the sky.