Daily Archives: January 8, 2024

Pagan or Christian?

Christ was born into the Roman Empire. Indeed, He was persecuted by the representatives of Roman Power like the puppet King Herod or Governor Pilate, who played essential roles at His birth and His death as a man. As the mob chanted: ‘We have no king but Ceasar’. Then the Romans continued to play an essential role in the lives and martyrdoms of the first Orthodox Christians, for instance, of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The question for the first Orthodox was always: ‘What shall we do with the Roman Empire’? Their answer was to make it Orthodox Christian as well, an achievement which began to become visible in the fourth century under the Emperor Constantine.

The nearly two millennia of opposition have not so much been between Pagan and Christan, but more exactly between successor-states to Pagan Rome and successor-states to Christian Rome. Thus, the Teutonic barbarian leader, Karl the Tall (748-814), better known by his French name of ‘Charlemagne’, undertook the revival (‘renovatio’) of the pagan Roman Empire. He tried to build a successor-state or ‘empire’ to it. In a later version, this would later come to be called the ‘Holy Roman Empire’, though there was nothing Holy or Roman about it and its Empire was as ramshackle as its very recent version, the European Union. Indeed, the EU capital in Brussels is only 100 miles from Karl’s capital in Aachen (Aix la Chapelle). It was precisely as a result of Karl’s attempt to revive Pagan Rome at the end of the eighth century that the first serious distancing from the Church, centred in the Orthodox Christian Roman Empire with its capital then in New Rome, later called ‘Constantinople’, was seen in parts of Western Europe.

Fortunately, after Karl’s death in 814 his one-man show fell. Nevertheless, it was an ominous sign and towards the end of the ninth century and then again at the start of the eleventh century the same temptation of imitating the power and riches of Pagan Rome reappeared. This degenerative process finally hit a peak in 1054. Then the elite of what is now known as ‘the Collective West’ cut itself off from the Orthodox Christian Faith of Christendom, still then centred in New Rome. The choice of the Western European elite (the peoples of Western Europe had nothing to do with it) was the gradual adoption of the values of Pagan Rome. Meanwhile, the Christian Roman Empire continued in the East, minus the West, whose elite was steadily falling away from the Christian Faith.

The ideological result of the revival of Pagan Rome was called by the absurd name, a contradiction in terms, of ‘Roman Catholicism’. This was even though you cannot be local and Catholic, that is, you cannot be Roman and Catholic, you can only be Orthodox and Catholic. True, the Orthodox and Catholic Church has always suffered on its fringes from what we can call ‘Localism’. In Western Europe the specific form of the disease was the especially grave disease of Romanism, which led to the outright abandonment of the Orthodox and Catholic Church and Creed. Its old saints, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, were literally and figuratively buried and so largely forgotten. However, it is also true that the Orthodox and Catholic Church has suffered from other forms of ‘Localism’, for example, from ‘Hellenism’ (Greek nationalism) and ‘Russianism’ (Russian nationalism). However, they are marginal, condemned nationalist or ‘phyletist’ racist) movements, not of the mainstream.

The split of the West from the Church in 1054 led directly to the bloody sack and plunder by the Pagan Romans/Roman Catholics of the Christan Capital in 1204. This was part of their system of campaigns of organised violence known as ‘the crusades’, which were intended to increase the power and riches of the Western elite.  Just as these ‘crusades’ began before the official First Crusade in 1096, for instance in England in 1066, so they continued long after they officially ended in 1291. Indeed, they have continued to this very day, as they are an inherent part of the violent Pagan Roman system of imposing might against right. They became overtly capitalistic and exploitative, especially grasping of gold and silver, though still acting under the pretence of ‘spreading civilisation’. Thus, the conquest of the Americas, Asia, Oceania and the ’scramble for Africa’ were all ‘crusades’, and indeed those who ran these genocidal expeditions often used that word to describe them.

Thus, in 1812, to the delight of the Pagan Roman elite, a host drawn from twelve Western nations invaded Russia under the leadership of the murderous tyrant Napoleon. In 1854, Imperialist France and Britain, allied with the Muslim Ottomans (Muslims supposedly being Western enemies!), again invaded Orthodox Christian Russia and the Roman Catholic Cardinal Sibour of Paris in turn called that too a ‘Crusade’! In 1914 and again in 1941 German troops together with a host of other nationalities from the Collective West invaded Russia and the lands around it, wearing belts with the words ‘Gott mit uns’ (‘God with us’). However, in both cases in the end it was in 1814 that the invaded and wronged but still victorious Russians liberated Paris and in 1945 Berlin. And in 2003 the Protestant sectarian George Bush genocided and  invaded Iraq in order to grab its oil and gas and stated that God had told him to do it! Whoever his god was, he was not our God.

Then in 2014, a century after the German invasion of 1914, the elite of the Collective West, including Germans, gathered in triumph in the centre of Kiev (where the German invaders had stood twice before in the century before). This was after power had violently been usurped by their puppets from the democratically-elected government of the Ukraine. In Kiev the elite installed a far western Ukrainian (Galician) Fascist junta, whose grandparents had welcomed the Nazis into the Ukraine. Now, ten years on, the same Collective West has been arming these fanatical Ukrainian nationalists to the teeth, so that they can kill pro-Russian Ukrainians and Russians. ‘Our (the U.S.) return on investment is massive. Now let’s give Ukraine all they need’, according to the US Senator Lindsey Graham, calling the death of Russians ‘the best spent of US money’. Thus, he justified the American war against the Ukraine that began in 2014 and developed into the American war against Russia. But why make Russia your enemy and want to kill Russians, as did that other Westerner, Hitler? Where does this Western Russophobia come from?

The Collective Western elite’s command and control centre has since 1945 not been in Western Europe, but in the USA. This took over from the bankrupt British Empire, which hated Russia as a rival. The USA has even further than semi-pagan Britannia adopted the values of Pagan Rome, to the point of repeating its pansexual degeneracy. On the other hand, Christian Rome continued in the East, where Christ was born. After the sack of the Christian capital in 1204 by the Pagan Romans, the Christan centre of influence remained in the East, but gradually went northwards to Russia. Here is why the Pagan Roman elite has always tried to destroy Russia. Its Christian Roman Faith is hated by the successors to Pagan Rome. All the invasions of the Russian Lands by the Collective West throughout history have been about its jealousy of the neighbour next door. ‘Everything is due to us, as we are the bearers of the only true Civilisation’, they arrogantly proclaimed, confusing their mere technology with Civilisation! Here is why the Americans and their Western European vassals are fighting against Russia in their proxy-war in the Ukraine today. Their cowboy slogan is still ‘the only good injun is a dead one’, that is, ‘the only good Russian is a dead one’. Hence their demonisation of Russia, which rejects their Pagan Romanism and its sexual depravity.

This struggle between Pagan Roman and Orthodox Christian Roman is symbolised visibly even in the very architecture of the Washington White House, built in the Pagan Roman style, and the Moscow Kremlin, with its many churches and their gleaming crosses.

The Collective West has been poking the Russian bear for decades. Like the Chinese and other Asians, the Russians are incredibly patient, but if poked one time too many, the results are frightening. This is the history of the Western war against Russia of 2022-2024. There are still people in the Western elite, admittedly fewer than before, who think that they can defeat Russia. That is pure delusion, self-deception, wishful thinking. They are lying to themselves. As for the equally delusional anti-Russian far western Ukrainians (as opposed to the pro-Russian eastern and southern Ukrainians), the Collective West has continually lied to them and betrayed them. At first, they told these deluded Galicians of the far west that they would support them for ‘as long as it (= Ukrainian victory?) takes’. This turned out to be a lie. Once the Collective Western elite realised that the Galicians could not even take the much-coveted future NATO naval base in the Crimea, coveted since the Western anti-Russian Crimean war of 1854 and then by the Western Nazis in 1942-44, the Collective Western elite was no longer interested in supporting its failed puppets of the Kiev regime.

The two Presidents, Biden and Zelensky, are the greatest friends of Russia. For incompetent clown-presidents are what Russia wants – though it did not expect to get them so easily. Though the Ukrainian dictator ‘of democracy’ has banned his elections (due in March 2024) and also opposition parties, this year is a year of elections in the Western world. However, nearly all the Western countries are dominated by a Uniparty system. In other words, the electorate is granted a choice between two almost identical candidates, who are both puppets beholden to the same oligarchy. This is the myth of ‘left’ and ‘right’, with those on the so-called left often more to the right than those on the so-called right and vice versa. This is why in the West elections have low turnouts. Without an independent party which represents the people’s interests, what is the point in voting?

However, every 100 years or so independent parties do break through the Establishment/Deep State Globalist monopoly. Today, the choice is between ‘Globalists’ (all the puppets of ‘left’ or ‘right’ who represent US interests) and Sovereignists and Patriots (who represent national interests). However, it is unlikely that the latter can win, as all the lies of the media narrative are controlled by the Globalist left and right. The general absence of any moral purpose, accompanied as always by  the absence of the desire to tell the truth and incredible corruption, among the oligarch-owned Globalists of the American Empire and their vassals is the sure sign of drastic Civilisational decline. The Globalists live by the Lie, of which Solzhenitsyn prophetically warned fifty years ago, before the fall of the Soviet Empire. It is a very slippery slope. The question as to whether it is too late to halt Civilisational decline, let alone reverse it, we shall only be able to answer with more certainty at the end of 2024.