Daily Archives: July 19, 2024

The Boomerang Returns

Assassination Season

Assassination season is here again. All the potential victims are patriots of their countries. The American globalists and their Ukrainian proxies first tried to assassinate and regime change Putin (in July 2014, but they shot down MH17 instead), then Erdogan (in 2016 by the Americans, but saved by Putin), then Fico in Slovakia (in 2024, perhaps also by the Ukrainians and it nearly succeeded), then Orban (by the Ukrainians again, under Brussels orders?) and now Trump (some say by the Ukrainians again). Many now claim that ‘the lone gunman’ was in fact at least two shooters, one possibly on top of a water-tower or else from inside a building. (Snipers usually work together).

As with the assassination of Kennedy, at least two snipers also tried to kill Trump and this was a plot of the Deep State Washington elite. They have only used Biden as their puppet (what better puppet than a senile old man, who will let you do whatever he wants). And they have only used a mentally deranged youth as their ‘patsy’, as the Americans say, killing him to make sure that he did not tell the truth afterwards (like Oswald before him). Was the other sniper (snipers) Ukrainian? Maybe. Whatever the exact truth, and we may never know it, if we are to believe Trump’s own words, he appears to have changed, realising that he is alive only by the grace of God, ‘anointed’. It is the hand of God indeed, a near death experience that has prevented the nuclear war that the Biden regime was threatening.


The attempt to kill Trump has killed Biden and now it is Biden, not Putin, who is being regime-changed. The boomerang has returned and it is Biden who is being regime-changed. The Liberal Fascists of the Soros-Schwab Globalist Party are seeing their dream slipping through their fingers. Destiny means that Trump has to serve a greater purpose: Peace and Reconciliation. He can now ignore the neocon wing of the Republicans, unlike with his huge mistakes of 2016-2020. And if they try to kill him again, Vance, a sincere Christian half the age of Trump, will be the next President. And that would be even worse for them. Trump is the only candidate who can reverse the calamitous course of the US, which consists of military disasters in Eurasia and moral depravity at home.

President Trump will end the NATO war in the Ukraine and Vice-President Vance will ensure that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under Metr Onufry will no longer be persecuted and see its thousands of stolen churches returned. It is the end of the road for the fake Phanariot gangster ‘Church’ in the Ukraine. President Trump will not lose face when he ends it on Russia’s terms, because he will point out, correctly, that this was not his war, but Biden’s war. Therefore, he can let Russia win without humiliating himself and Non-Globalist America, but humiliate Biden and the powers behind his throne instead. It means that the acting President (or actor-President) Zelensky and his Neo-Nazis are also finished, since they are only Globalist puppets.


The Hungarian leader, Viktor Orban, is today the only statesman and diplomat left in Europe. As such, he could lead a Confederation of Orthodox-Hapsburg-Ottoman South-East Europe, from Hungary to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Austria to Cyprus, Slovakia to Turkey, Croatia to Greece, Bulgaria to Czechia, Moldova to Serbia, Slovenia to Albania, Romania to Macedonia, into BRICS. This would link South-East Europe with China – indeed Belarus has been linked with China by joining the SCO (Shanghai Co-operation Organisation) and is carrying out joint Belarusian-Chinese military exercises near the Polish border. Belarus has turned its back on Poland and the West, which wanted to regime-change it and destroy it.

As the Ukraine, where war still rages because of the refusal of the masses of Russians and Ukrainians alike to repent, breaks up in civil disorder and Kiev troops surrender, the war will end. Will Zelensky be able to flee in time to save his skin? With the former Ukraine joining the Union State of the Russian Federation and Belarus and South-East Europe also gone to BRICS, this will leave the two parts of remaining Western third of Europe in its self-imposed isolation. The largely ex-Protestant North, from Britain through Scandinavia and Poland to the Baltics and Finland, and the largely ex-Catholic South-West, from Benelux to Germany, France, Iberia and Italy. In order to survive, if this is what they want, both North and South-West will have to find their way back to their roots.


A case in point is England. For decades the British/’Norman’ opponents of the independence and freedom of England have ferociously predicted that in such a case Great Britain will become Little England, as we saw in the hysteria of those who oppose Brexit. This is the nonsense of self-justification. It all depends on your definition of ‘Greatness’. Thus, in the USA, perhaps those who want to make America great again (MAGA) realise that this no longer means bullying the rest of the world, overthrowing democratically-chosen governments, exploiting other countries and forcing them into sexual perversion. Perhaps Greatness means entering into harmony with other countries, replacing Unilateralism with Multilateralism, replacing Global Liberal Fascism with Popular Traditional Patriotism.

The choice between Great Britain and Little England is a false question. Like America, England can be Great again, a Great England. The last time England was Great was under King Alfred the Great (849-899). For Greatness is not in bullying others and invading their countries, but in defending spiritual and moral values and in working together with others. As we have long suggested, England should become part of a Local Confederation with a reunited Ireland, Scotland and Wales, to be called IONA, the Isles of the North Atlantic. Such a Confederation could then join BRICS. The present Starmer, elected by 20% of the electorate, like the unelected Sunak before him, is only a temporary puppet of the globalists, the agent of the Establishment, the City, the BBC and MI5. The future, like it or not, is Farage, one of President Trump’s best friends.

The Great Cleansing of the Church

At my age, three years ago, when it had seemed that all had been won, I was called on to steer  our parishes in the ship of the church in this part of England away from schism and towards canonicity in the mainstream. Our six parishes, and the others to come, had to avoid the deep mud that both the Patriarchate of Moscow and the Patriarchate of Constantinople had mired themselves in. We looked and look to those Local Churches, the vast majority, to steer the Church towards a genuine Council, unmanipulated by the political extremes of both Russian and Greek nationalists. Our churches were saved from the American schism.

The Russian, Constantinopolitan and other Local Churches are yet to be cleansed of sexual perverts, psychopaths, corrupt thieves and schismatics, like the one in London. For decades they have reigned almost unopposed. Patriarch Kyrill, is surrounded by such traitors. That is why he needs our prayers every day, to save him from them. But the time of the ‘lavender mafias’, as the Americans call them, is over. It is all coming out now, first in England, announcing the disaster in the Ukraine, and now in Hungary. Not just the whole Russian Church is to be reshaped now, but the whole of the Orthodox Church, all 16 (for now) Local Churches.

The World

The First World War lasted four years, from 1914-18, the Second began exactly 25 years after the First and went from 1939-1945, the Third also began exactly 25 years after the Second, but was a War of spiritual and moral degeneration which went from 1964 to 2014. The Fourth World War, which began exactly 50 years after the Third, has gone on for ten years, long enough. After the coup in Kiev in 2014, which opened the War and followed with covid, which killed millions of innocent people, the warriors continued their War in the Ukraine. Two and a half years later, that episode of the Fourth World War is ending.

Some eight years ago we wrote a long article called Beneath the Double-Headed Eagle: For Humanity, Truth, Justice and Prosperity. It dealt with the Restored Tricontinental Empire and the Imperial Alliance of the World’s 180 Sovereign Nations. We now know that that Alliance is for now called BRICS. After the ridiculous 75th Anniversary NATO Summit, which turned into a funeral ceremony for it, and amid the incredible decadence of the EU and the UK, a Parliament of the BRICS Alliance, which will replace the now redundant UN, is on the cards. As for the future Council of the Church, who will call it? The coming Tsar.

Archpriest Andrew Phillips

City of Colchester

6/19 July 2024