Daily Archives: August 18, 2024

Amsterdamned in Kiev?

Robert Amsterdam is a Canadian lawyer, who for nineteen years has been banned from Russia for his defence of an anti-Putin oligarch. The last time he was there, he was nearly arrested before being expelled as a Canadian citizen and told never to come back.

Today he is the legal representative of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, led by Metropolitan Onufry. He has been instrumental in protecting the Church from persecution by Kiev regime atheists. They have been supported by the Biden regime in the USA and its puppets in Constantinople. The latter set up a fake nationalist Church in the Ukraine, which virtually nobody attends.

According to most sources, in 2018 Constantinople was paid $25 million by the US to set up this fake Church, which is a 100% State nationalist organisation, staffed by many fake bishops and clergy, either canonically defrocked or never ordained, sometimes criminals. Their nationalism is such, for example, they have banned Russian saints like St Seraphim of Sarov and St Matrona of Moscow.  As everybody there well knows, Christ was Himself Ukrainian and hated Russians.

This fake Church organisation, supported by Neo-Nazis, is notorious for stealing churches from the canonical Church of Metropolitan Onufry, beating up its clergy and parishioners, and then locking up the churches, so that nobody can go there. Naturally, it is unrecognised anywhere in the Orthodox world, except by the paid Patriarchate of Constantinople and some dubious bishops, mainly from the Greek nationalist world, which is under Constantinople’s thumb.

The Kiev atheist regime has wanted for quite some time to outlaw the internationally recognised Church of Metr Onufry, defended by the international lawyer, Robert Amsterdam. His efforts have highlighted how ‘democratic Ukraine’ is banning the church. Senator Vance now knows about it and openly speaks about it; he does not want to give any more money to Kiev. Robert Amsterdam’s efforts have also frightened off certain members of the Rada, the Kiev Parliament, who have realised that they cannot violate human rights laws.

Nevertheless, the Kiev regime may move ahead with banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. They imagine that then its 90 or so bishops will all transfer to the fake State Church. Of course, they will not, they would rather go underground. They also imagine that Orthodox priests and people will join the fake Church. Of course, they will not. They would rather stay at home and the churches would be empty, like the 1500 stolen churches already. However, as State officials, they think that the State has power to force people to go to a particular church. This is a sort of State-enforced clericalism, because they will not.

The reason why the Kiev atheist regime wants to ban the real Church and why they set up a fake Neo-Nazi ‘Church’ is because they claim that the real Church is a tool of the enemy, Moscow. The solution is simple. The Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow holds an emergency Synod tomorrow and grants the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under Metropolitan Onufry autocephaly (it already has independence). At a stroke, the problem, including the fake Church, would go away, for the Kiev atheist regime’s argument would be like a rug taken from beneath their feet.

Realistically, the likelihood of this is zero. So, in the meantime, the only hope for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kiev is Robert Amsterdam.