Daily Archives: September 23, 2024

The BRICS Alliance and the Holy Trinity

‘Between Holy Trinity and hell there is a deep abyss’

‘The Orthodox Church’ by Archpriest Sergius Bulgakov

Western leaders have for years been weaponising the adolescent hatred for Russia that is widespread in the Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland, and other Eastern European countries. It is adolescent because ever since achieving independence between 1989 and 1991 after over four long decades of Soviet captivity, these countries have behaved like disruptive teenagers and have still not grown up even after 35 years. They are opposed to those who for them still represent their oppressive Soviet parents, but in fact are not, for Soviet Imperialism is, like the Soviet Union, long since dead. The present conflict in the Ukraine is the most tragic example of this adolescent revolt.

Interestingly, Western leaders have failed to achieve this weaponisation in Georgia. This is because since its failed attack on Russian-protected territory at US bidding in 2008, Georgia has grown up and is no more a teenager. It has understood that the Russian Federation is not a Soviet organisation, but a different country. In the Russian Federation only a few old people and obscurantists nostalgic for Stalin hanker after the Soviet period. Georgians want to apologise for their 2008 war and understand that today’s Russian Federation does not want an Empire again. The USSR died in 1991 and the Russian Federation has seen the negative results of past imperialism.

In this, Russia is unlike the Western Establishment, which continues to want to impose its imperialist rule, either by organised military violence or else by economic stealth on the rest of the world. This is because the ‘Western Union’ did not die in 1991. Indeed, it proclaims that since ‘the West is Best’, therefore ‘the Rest’ must submit themselves to the Western Establishment. The reality is that it has psychologically projected its own aggressive imperialism onto the Russian Federation, treating it as the Soviet Union, and so accusing it of being aggressive! This is their narrative. In fact, when talking of Russian aggression, it is talking about itself. This is psychological projection.

The Western Establishment is stuck in the past, in 1991. What has replaced the rejected Soviet Imperialism of the past and, potentially, what will replace the still unrejected Western imperialism of the present? Since imperialism does not work, the answer is some kind of mutual benefit organisation. And today this is represented by the BRICS Alliance, which is the coming together of various countries and civilisations: Orthodox Christian (Russia), Buddhist-Confucian (China), Hindu (India), Muslim (Iran and the UAE), South American Catholic (Brazil), African (South Africa, Egypt and Ethiopia), but dominated by none, quite unlike the US-controlled UN in New York.

The BRICS Alliance has yet to be permanently headquartered in a centre (in Kazan, or in Ekaterinburg or elsewhere in Eurasia?) and have its own Parliament, infrastructure, secretariat and spokesmen. This will come, as mutual economic benefits become ever clearer. With time these economic benefits can become more and more social and diplomatic and create friendships between different peoples. Unlike the G7, membership of BRICS is not restricted to the USA and its political vassals. The BRICS New Development Bank is called on to replace US-run organisations like the World Bank and the IMF. BRICS members are not at all obliged to sign up to the LGBT ideology.

Thus, this Alliance of Sovereign Nations could become a genuine and literal ‘United Nations’, independent of US control and its Security Council, dominated by the elites of three Western nations, representing fewer than 7% of the world. Structurally, we see that BRICS has the Trinitarian concept of Unity in Diversity. Yet, it is a multipolar organism, not a one-size-fits-all unipolar organisation, imposed from above by one power on all others. It is this Unity in Diversity, typical of a Confederation or Family of Nations which is at the heart of the BRICS Alliance, and not the abyss of a Unitarian, Unionist and unipolar imposition such as: ‘Agree with us or else we will sanction you’. BRICS is the future and its sixteenth summit will be taking place in Kazan in exactly a month’s time.