Daily Archives: October 31, 2024

Right Makes Might: On the Emerging Post-Western New World Order

Introduction: In the Ukraine

The only question here is if the Kiev regime will collapse and capitulate before 1 January 2025 or afterwards. Western media still practise ‘editorial control’ (= censorship) and distraction (= talk about something else which is petty, irrelevant and of no importance). However, they affect only the fairy-tale ‘narrative’, not the reality of, for example, 100,000 desertions from the NATO-directed, Kiev regime Army. These press-ganged soldiers are refusing to fight because they do not want to commit suicide in the utterly corrupt armed forces.

There is nothing to fight for. They want to go home to their families. Conversely, in Russia they are talking not about Western delusions, which they ignore, but about reality, for example, reparations to be paid by Kiev and war crime trials for the Nazi Kiev regime leaders, who have in fact murdered their own people. They are the true anti-Ukrainians, together with Western leaders who want to fight against Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian’. It is their version of genocide. Such Western leaders too should be tried in war crimes courts.

In the Russian Federation

As regards today’s Russia, some silly people ask if it will revert to the Imperialism of Peter I of 1721 to 1917 or to the very similar Imperialism of the Soviets 1922-1991 (the Soviets adored Peter I), as obviously Russia will not revert to the catastrophes of Western oligarchism (1991-2022).

Clearly, Russia will return to no form of Imperialism because they all by definition failed. The Western academics who propose such fantasies have no understanding. Russia is reverting to itself, which is what Tsar Nicholas II wanted, before he was removed by the Western plotters in 1917, who prevented him from doing so.

The problem is that this truth has not yet been told about the 1917 tragedy. Once the diaries of the Tsarina Alexandra, concealed for so many years, are finally published, all will know and all the Western ‘narratives’ about 1917 will then collapse.

In Europe

The EU has clearly become a vassal of the Washington neocon elite – just as the UK has long been. The EU elite, like the UK elite, is no longer pro-European, but pro-NATO, that is, pro-Washington, that is, anti-European. This is why when Germany’s Nordstream lifeline to Russian energy was blown up by the USA and its proxies and the country went into serious economic decline, the German ruling class was silent. Europe’s rulers hate their own countries and peoples, whom they ignore, even when the people vote them out, as in France. The elitists are anti-national because they are globalists.

The oligarchic nomenklatura of unelected European Union Commissioners, some of them the grandchildren of Nazi officers, are silent. In any case, the elite of the Brussels Politburo has little concept of the lives of ordinary Europeans. It is only an imitation of the unelected oligarchy who rule in Washington, and who also have no concept of the lives of ordinary Americans. They too are anti-national because they too are globalists. The solution to Europe’s self-inflicted woes is neither to be found in being pro-US, nor in being pro-Russian.

The solution is to be found in being pro-European, that is, pro-Hungarian, pro-Slovak, now pro-Georgian (after the failure there of US/’NGO’ and EU electoral fraud under its French puppet President) and, one day, perhaps even pro-French, pro-German, pro-Italian and pro-English. But that means liberation from the yoke of the globalist corporatism which rules us. This means not only liberation from their political yoke, but also from the ideological yoke of the ‘journalists’ paid by that elite, the mere propagandist-mercenaries of the oligarchs. None of them has ever heard the word ‘Truth’.

The World

The West has been defeated, not by millions of Vietnamese or Afghan peasants, but by the Russian Superpower against the (US-supplied and US-trained) largest army in NATO, that of the Kiev regime. The only way that the US could ever have won in the Ukraine is by launching a nuclear war against Russia, which would have meant the utter destruction of the USA itself, since Russia has better nuclear arms than the USA. The defeat of the Western Establishment in the Ukraine means that Might does not make Right. This is why the New World Order is about multilateralism, multipolarity, countries working together for their mutual benefit.

We are no longer talking about being dominated and exploited by one imperialist power. Imperialism, which caused World War I, World War II and nearly World War III, is being replaced by Sovereignism, the co-operation of nation-states. The multilateral or multipolar BRICS is now replacing the Western World Order and its Western-controlled UN and other puppet organisations. This is because those who join BRICS enhance their sovereignty, instead of handing it over to some new Washington or Brussels. It will be up to the West to eat humble pie and enter BRICS, as an equal among many, merely part of the World Community, for it is Right that makes Might, not the other way round. This is the millennial revelation to the Western world. The days of its Supremacy and its G7 club are over.

BRICS includes all Non-Western continents, Asia (China, India), Europe (Russia), Africa (South Africa) and South America (Brazil). Now with ten core members (true, Saudi Arabia has not yet formalised its membership as Number 10), there are twenty-five more countries which are sooner or later going to become full members or partner-states, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Syria, Turkey, Belarus and Serbia. BRICS has gone from a Non-Western Alliance to a true International Community, far more representative of the world than the US puppet, which is called the failed UN.

Conclusion: The Church

Right is Might is in fact the principle of the canon law of the Orthodox Church. And that is why all those who promote nationalist politics in Church administrations, that is, who proclaim that Might is Right against the law of the Gospel, the primacy of the Kingdom of Heaven, forfeit all spiritual and moral right to their positions.

Those who place racist politics and their nationalist ‘protocols’ above the pastoral care of souls do not qualify. They will disappear and, at best, be forgotten by history – at worst, they will die like Arius. The future is with those who clearly have a universal message, which can appeal to all. The paths of the sect lead but to inglory.