A buffoon will destroy the Ukraine
1992 Prophecy of St Gabriel (Urgebadze)
- The Antipoliticians: The Collapse of the Western Political Establishment
The once apparently inexorable march towards the Brave New World of Globalism, that is, towards the One World Dictatorship of Antichrist, has been restrained. The restrainer is President Putin. However, he has been supported and followed by the whole Global Majority, those who represent the seven billion plus of the world against the one billion plus who are formally, and only formally, represented by the Western elite, whom we call Antipoliticians. For they are the forerunners of Antichrist, he who replaces Christ is adored by those who replaces politicians.
The Global Majority would not submit to the Globalists. Even though the world was intimidated by the mainstream media’s covid hysteria, outside the Western world the majority refused to conform. Then the same thing happened in the Western war against Russia, which has been taking place in the Soviet-established borders of the Ukraine. The vast majority rejected the West’s fairy-tale ‘narrative’ of lies, with which the Western elite has deluded only itself. Now that it is apparent that the Globalist elite and its hireling media are losing their war on Russia in the Ukraine, they are collapsing in desperation and panic. Thus:
In the American Empire the Globalist and bankrupt regime of Emperors Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden is dying out in humiliation and dementia. The American Empire first tried and failed to assassinate twice its new rival, Trump. Now it is desperately fighting in its last days to cling on to power and cause maximum worldwide destruction, as in Syria. But it has been voted out of power by the American people.
In the military dictatorship of South Korea, established by the US decades ago, the corrupt President faces impeachment for trying to take over the country in a coup d’etat and trying to give away its stockpiles of US arms to the Kiev regime.
In Japan more and more voices are calling for independence from the occupying and bankrupting US regime.
In Israel the US-financed and supported leader has been placed on a list of wanted war criminals for his genocide in Gaza, followed by his genocides in the West Bank, the Lebanon. He is now illegally invading Syria – again. So where are the Western sanctions against Israel? Double standards again.
In Canada the hated woke Trudeau regime is collapsing. Future President Trump has even joked that the US should take over Canada as its fifty-first state. But his joke was taken seriously by many Canadians who welcomed it as the solution to their national problems.
In the bankrupt UK the authoritarian Starmer regime, chosen by only 20% of the electorate, is collapsing, together with the economy, the military, and Establishment pedophile Anglicanism. According to some, Elon Musk is to give $100 million to the only Opposition, the fast-growing and anti-Ukraine war Reform Party. President Trump, it is said, will clamp trade tariffs on the UK, if Trump’s friend, Farage of the Reform Party, is not made at least the new UK ambassador to Washington. Instead Starmer wants to appoint a very sinister individual, Mandelson, a Non-British homosexual, known in the UK for over a generation as ‘the prince of darkness’. A senior aide of Trump has called Mandelson (Mendelsohn) ‘an absolute moron’. The old EU technique, practised as long ago as the Maastricht Treaty in the 1990s, of cancelling or repeating elections that you risk losing may soon be imitated by the Starmer regime in the UK.
In bankrupt and deindustrialising Germany the hated Scholz regime has collapsed. Early elections will take place in February 2025.
In France the anti-democratic Macron regime, elected last summer by only 20% of the voters, and clinging on to power against the will of the people, has collapsed. It is expected to collapse again.
Thus, the Western European Big Three, the UK, Germany and France, all face a choice between Trumpian candidates and Brussels candidates. (Brexit has never been implemented in the UK – the British Establishment did not want it, and Starmer is the Brussels candidate). All three yesmen (Starmer, Macron, Scholz) are resisting the Trumpian candidates (Farage, AfD, Le Pen) on orders from Brussels. It labels all opposition to it as ‘far right’, regardless of whether they are on the left, on the right, or in the centre.
In fact, the unelected Commissars of totalitarian Brussels, several of them the grandchildren of Nazis, behave as if they were members of an International Fascist Party. Therefore, they refuse to implement any democratic decisions. All three main countries of Western Europe are bankrupt and suffer from collapsing infrastructure, but all three have been giving tens of billions to the equally bankrupt Ukraine. All three are desperately anti-Trump and anti-Russian and look at countries like China and India as racially inferior. Thus, they all despise and oppose three of the world’s four largest economies, China, India and Russia. Do not look for logic here. The only logic is the determination of the Western European elite to commit suicide. It is an Antilogic, for they are Antipoliticians.
In Romania, where the patriotic, Orthodox (he is a priest’s son), and therefore anti-Zelensky and anti-EU, candidate was expected to gain 63% of the vote according to polls, the imminent elections were cancelled by the Biden regime. Only their candidate, on 37%, was supposed to win.
They have not yet been able to cancel elections in Hungary and Slovakia – the only free countries left in the Western half of Europe, even though they tried to assassinate the Slovak Premier six months ago. It is widely expected that Hungary, Slovakia and Non-EU Serbia will join BRICS as soon as possible. Italy, Spain and Portugal may follow them in time, as the EU collapses.
In Georgia, US/EU-financed protests against the anti-US/anti-EU election victory over the defeated French President have failed miserably. The US/EU threat is now to call new elections because the results of the first elections were ‘wrong’.
In Moldova, despite massive election fraud by the EU, the US/EU victor has in practice no majority.
China looks on in astonishment at the Western chaos. One day it will soon just walk back into Chinese Taiwan, unopposed, as the West s so distracted by the chaos it has created.
Meanwhile in Moscow, General Kirillov was assassinated. Why? It was he who exposed the British-planned fake chemical attack in Syria. Next he exposed the Skripal attack, when the British failed to murder Russians with Novichok poison, which almost uniquely in the whole world, is kept eight miles away at the sinister British chemical weapons centre at Porton Down. He then exposed the US bioweapons factories in the Ukraine. His assassin? An MI6-trained Uzbek terrorist paid by the Ukraine.
Throughout the world, it is at last being recognised that so-called democracy in the Western world is a myth and was long ago replaced by authoritarian oligarchy. The West, like its puppet in Kiev, is ruled by the rich. There is no democracy here.
All this leaves the existence of the seriously divided NATO and EU in serious doubt. The deluded and racist Western fantasy that it has the supreme right to control and oppress the rest of the whole world is over.
- The Antipastors: The Collapse of the Western Spiritual Establishment
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those that are good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2 Timothy 3, 1-5
The millennial Western institution of the Vatican is now in crisis and is threatened by a formal split. Some say that the present 88-year-old, wheelchair-bound Pope, is the last one. He appears to many pious Roman Catholics to be more concerned with the secular world than with the spiritual world. Many of them are scandalised by him.
After his fall in a pedophile cover-up scandal, the Archbishop of Canterbury, called by some ‘The Archbishop of Woke’, resigned and the survival of the Church of England is in doubt. Thousands of its churches are empty, most of its members are elderly. Those who appointed this Archbishop wanted him because he had been an executive in an oil company before he became an Anglican cleric. They appointed him because they wanted a manager, as they think of the Church as a Business. Next time how about appointing someone who actually believes in God? Managers will not help churches. Only pastors will help churches.
However, the foundation of the Antichurch is not some uniquely Anglican or Roman Catholic problem, it concerns all Christians. There are individual Antipastors, who are not just Roman Catholic and Protestant, but also Orthodox. The Orthodox concerned have been infiltrated into the Church by the CIA and other such agencies, with the predatory and debauched spirit of Capitalism. Their only interest is creating from the Church a Business. The most prominent among them is Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, notorious for setting up with a large amount of US money ($25 million?) the ‘Orthodox Church in the Ukraine’. This is a fake Ukrainian nationalist organisation, not a Church at all, but a gangster mafia which steals church buildings from the Church by violence.
This elderly Patriarch Bartholomew, almost as old as the Pope of Rome, publicly declares that he wants to apostasise from Orthodoxy and become a departmental manager in the Vatican in 2025. Let him. Real Orthodox will not follow him. All those who consider that the Church is a Business – including some clerics of the Russian Church, anti-Russians, who are contributing to building the Antichurch, “the character of their relations with their nearest circle and their way of life incompatible with their status of monk and cleric”. They are building an institution worthy of the Antichrist, whose path as his forerunners they are preparing.
These forerunners are the Antipastors. They are opposed to the people, just as their brother and sister Antipoliticians are also opposed to the people. They practise the faith of the State, even though the State has long since abandoned them. They operate the dead hand of bureaucracy and protocols of the State. Among them are sexual perverts and crooks. These bureaucrats are the servants of the father of lies, the prince of this world, which is why they consider themselves also to be princes (‘princes of the Church’).
It matters not if the Antipastors use left-wing or right-wing politics to fulfil their aims, it matters only that they use politics. For politics, the anti-spiritual masquerading as the spiritual, is their realm and they are expert in it. They have never heard that we must ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s’. A Pastor is he who unites the faithful with love, but an Antipastor is he who divides the faithful with hatred.
The task of the Antipastors is to eliminate all pastors, who have given their whole lives to the Church and built and rebuilt churches without payment, gathered together the scattered people, built parishes, and whose devotion is unquestioned. The Antipastors declare that the Church must be converted into a Business. There is no room among them for Faith in Christ, monastic life, sincerity and compassion. The Antipastors are ruthless in trying to destroy anyone who is sincere. The Church must be destroyed as a Christian society. Therefore, the Antipastors betray and slander the pastors, so they can replace them with their own fake pastors, their handpicked yesmen, the careerists and businessmen, who can make money for them. The Antipastors are experts at lying, for they are the faithful servants of their father the devil.
Just like the Pope of Rome – birds of a feather flock together – they try to close all the churches where the spiritual is practised, they either sell them to make money, or else they put in new ‘managers’ for their ‘Church-Business’. They may even open churches, but only those where the Faith has been transformed into a mere rite, outward, money-making ritualism, playing on superstition, without any inner content. This too is in order to raise more money for the Antipastors, who are wolves in shepherd’s clothing. They still do not know that ‘though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal’.
Now they have achieved their aim. Once they have destroyed their part of the Church, they will move on to their next victims, flattering and cajoling to make their next career move.
What will happen to them?
They will all be swept away in the coming Great Cleansing and will face the Judgement of the Coming King. For now is the time of the fulfilment of the prophecies. Let us pray and tremble!
«Antichrist will make Church life possible, he will allow her services, will allow fine churches to be built on condition that they recognise him as the supreme being and worship him. There will be a mass falling away from the Faith, as many bishops will betray the Faith and in self-justification will point to the flourishing situation of the Church. The search for compromise will be the characteristic mood among people. Straightforward confession will vanish».
St John of Shanghai