Daily Archives: January 10, 2025

Twelve Questions and Answers on the Ukraine January 2025


The conflict in the Ukraine has been reshaping the world ever since 2022. First of all, there was mass emigration from the Ukraine to Europe by both genuine refugees (millions of these were evacuated to or fled to Russia) and others who just wanted to take advantage of Western political ideology and propaganda. Paying for them was bankrupting for Western European countries. Even more bankrupting were the suicidal, self-imposed, anti-Russian, in fact anti-Western, sanctions. Then it became apparent that the Western world was now isolated – China, India, Latin America and Africa, which know all about Western colonialism, either directly took the Russian side, or gave no support to the West. The old ‘Third World’, called by the politically correct name pf the ‘Global South’, became the Global Majority, the 87% of the world supporting Russia.

The development of the Russian-founded BRICS, now with Indonesia, was vastly accelerated after Western sanctions and illegal confiscations in 2022. Suicidal Western sanctions against Russia also vastly accelerated the boom of the powerful Russian economy, which soon became the fourth largest economy in the world, overtaking both Germany and Japan. It was clear that the post-1945 settlement, the world led by the US and Western-dominated, was over. This was confirmed by the US election results, which chose the nationalist, but not imperialist, Trump, who had survived two assassination attempts. As a result of the self-imposed collapse of Western European economies, unable to print dollars like the US, whose governments, after depriving themselves of cheap Russian gas, oil, fertilisers, cereals and minerals, began to collapse.

The latest disastrously managed Establishment regime to collapse is the Canadian, notorious for supporting Ukrainian Nazis. The propagandised and brainwashed peoples of the Western world are finally waking up and refusing to vote for their corrupt and authoritarian oligarchic elites, from which they no longer receive any benefit. Instead of Russia being regime-changed, which is what the Western elite falsely claimed was to happen at the beginning of 2022, Western regimes regime-changed themselves, starting with the rejected Biden. These regime changes were due to the curse of their support for Kiev, which seems to have the Midas touch in reverse. Now national-patriotic parties of left and right are taking over Europe, with the agenda of the overthrow of EU tyranny and the reset of relations with Russia after its victory in the Ukraine.

  1. Why does Trump want to end Biden’s Ukraine project?

Like most Americans, and like all successful American businessmen, Donald Trump does not like losers. That is why he got the US out of the war it had lost in Afghanistan. And this is why he is ending Washington’s next losing and bankrupting project in Kiev. He is a dealmaker, not a loser, especially not in a distant and notoriously corrupt country, in which the US has no strategic interest. Biden was surrounded with people who had an ideology to impose. As a pragmatist, Trump now has to manage the defeat of the Biden ‘Project Ukraine’, making it look as far as possible like a triumph for himself. Whatever we may think of Trump with his many obvious faults, he is a pragmatist. The Biden ideologists are now leaving the sinking ship.

Trump’s pragmatism and America First nationalism are the strategic logic why he wants to control his side of the Arctic. He would like to get the ten provinces and three territories of Canada to join the USA. To some that seems like a fantasy for the moment, especially in the form of one single state, but it may happen. Canada is only just over a tenth of the USA in terms of population. And Trump may very well purchase Greenland, just as the USA purchased Alaska before. How much would Greenland’s 50,000 people want to vote yes to US rule in a referendum? $100,000 each? $5 billion in all? This is a fraction of the $177 billion that the US taxpayer has been forced to waste in the Ukraine. Tiny Denmark’s colonial claims are totally irrelevant here and Greenland long ago left the EU.

Greenland with Canada could create 64 states in the USA and consolidate Northern America into one single geographical, political, economic and cultural entity, the largest country in the world, with US ownership of the Panama Canal and ‘The Gulf of America’ reinforcing that nationalism. This Trumpian policy of US national security behind a sphere of influence is exactly what President Putin is doing – securing his borders. And Trump, not Biden, is already the de facto President, ruling from Florida. In effect, whether he realises it or not, Trump is preparing Northern America to enter the multipolar world of BRICS, as one of six Great Powers: China, India, Russia, Brazil and Latin America, South Africa and Africa, and then Northern America/USA.

Finally, there is the humanitarian side of this immense post-Soviet tragedy. Knowing that the Kiev Ukrainians have lost over a million troops, killed and wounded, and the eastern Ukrainians, Chechens and Russians have lost over 100,000 troops  killed and wounded, who would not want an end to the conflict? There will be so many Ukrainian (called ‘Russian’) brides, as there is no-one to marry. The men are dead and crippled.

The country has been destroyed, all on account of the West Ukrainian-Hitlerite fantasy that the Ukraine could win a conflict launched against a Superpower, a conflict that the Ukrainian people had clearly rejected before it even began, just as they had rejected NATO, both then and now. Only the panicking EU and UK elites and Zelensky and his gang in Kiev want the conflict to continue. Neither Putin, nor Trump wants this. Above all, the Ukrainian people do not want to be, and never wanted to be, victims of this obscene tragedy of power politics. 84% of them want peace talks to begin now.

  1. Once Trump hands over the Ukraine project to Europe, why don’t the EU and the UK simply take the place of the US as sponsors of the Kiev regime?

There are two reasons why they cannot do this.

Firstly, Western Europe is financially bankrupt. It has no more to give, neither from its depleted arms stocks, nor from its empty bank vaults, especially not the UK.

Secondly, it is morally bankrupt. On its conscience, together with that of the Biden regime, is the war crime of having had killed or maimed over a million Ukrainian men, soon from the age of eighteen up, told to fight and die for the West by their racist masters ‘to the last Ukrainian’, and all for nothing, certainly not for the Ukraine. What does it matter to them if Slavs die? They are subhuman anyway….

The Western world is going to get a new elite for whom the conquest of Kiev is not existential, unlike for the present elite of the legacy parties and the legacy media. They have staked everything on the loser in Kiev in their desperate attempt to expand their ramshackle EU empire eastwards. Instead, the prosperous Russian Federation is consolidating Eurasia, moving westwards, retaking Orthodox land, and other countries will soon come into Russia’s economic orbit, including Germany, whose now faltered success is dependent on Russia. Victory in the Ukraine is only the start. The new European elite will, like Trump, be composed of those who are opposed to the Globalists’ proxy war in the Ukraine.

This is already happening with leaders like Orban, Fico, Meloni, Georgescu, Le Pen, Weidel of the AfD (supported by Musk), and Farage. It is exactly the same process Europewide. For good or for ill, the national-patriotic parties in Western Europe have grown from support of 5% to 10%, from 15% to 20% and are now polling 25% to 30%. Who knows how far they will expand further? In most Western European countries, these new parties are already the second biggest parties in their respective countries, like the AfD in Germany and Reform in the UK. These are at present heading towards becoming the biggest parties.

The anti-English Starmer regime will collapse, just as the hated Scholz regime and that of ‘Governor’ Trudeau have collapsed and then that of Macron will also collapse. All were supported by only about 20% of the electorate, though by 100% of the heavily censored legacy media, which has told the most outrageous lies from the start. The other regimes will fall in Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, which have all betrayed their neutrality. Ultimately the US puppet regimes in Poland and the depopulated Baltics will fall, once the Washington and Brussels string-pullers of the puppets fall, as their proxy war against Russia is defeated.

  1. Why are the Russian armed forces making a frontal attack on the Ukrainian forces? Why do they not take the easy and fast way and simply go round the side, invading the Ukraine from Russian territory in the north, going round the back of the very strong Ukrainian fortifications, built up by NATO for eight years since 2014? This is what the Germans did in 1940, when they went round the side of the impregnable Maginot Line and so took France within a few days, instead of within a few years and with relatively few losses.

The frontal attack is taking place because of Russia’s three clear aims, none of which includes taking large amounts of Ukrainian territory, unlike the German aim in France in 1940. (When you are by far the largest country in the world, as Russia is, nearly thirty times the size of the Ukraine, you have no interest in taking a little more territory). Let us recall what the three Russian aims are, as they were clearly stated on 24 February 2022 and have been restated ad nauseam, though few have listened. These three aims are: the liberation of the two Russian provinces of the Donbass, which had been genocided by Kiev for eight years before 2022, and the demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukraine.

True, the first aim had to be expanded from two eastern provinces to the liberation of the four easternmost Russian provinces. This occurred after the Kiev regime illegally tried to cut off water supplies to the Crimea which go through those two additional provinces. (The Crimea was part of Russia until 1954 and voted massively to rejoin it by internationally-observed referendum in 2014). In order to ensure those water supplies and because of the massive support for Russia in the two additional south-eastern provinces, which had been part of Russia until 1922, in 2022 they too returned to Russia.

True, the second aim of demilitarising the Ukraine was achieved in just a few months in 2022, but then NATO modified it into the aim of Russia having to demilitarise the whole of NATO. This was because NATO supplied Kiev with massive amounts of NATO equipment and half-trained huge numbers of Kiev troops in using that equipment in Western countries. This is why the conflict has taken three years, and not three months.

The third aim of denazifying the Ukraine, that is of ensuring the freedom there to use the Russian language, to live according to Russian culture and to practise the Orthodox Faith of the majority of Ukrainians, has been occurring in a tragically different and cruel way to that hoped for. It has been occurring through the deaths of tens of thousands of Neo-Nazi, Kiev regime, elite troops, like those of the Azov battalion. This is denazification, the Nazis are literally dying out.

  1. Will there be a stalemate in the Ukraine?

This is delusional, a fantasy, wishful thinking, propaganda, a ‘narrative’, or in plain English, a lie. There can only be a stalemate in the Ukraine, if Russia wants one. And it does not. Since the Kiev regime is crumbling and heading for collapse, there is and there can be no stalemate, only Russian military victory. Russia decides the military outcome, not Western fantasy-writers and politicians who only talk to each other, never to Russia, which alone will decide the outcome.

  1. Why does Moscow not assassinate Zelensky?

Moscow does not act like the CIA, assassinating leaders of other countries. Apart from the immorality and illegality of such an act (President Putin is a lawyer by training and always acts very cautiously and legally, in self-defence), why assassinate your greatest ally? Zelensky’s foul-mouthed incompetence has been the guarantee of Russian unity and success. He was selected by the CIA for his acting ability as a talented PR frontman and to deliver the Western scripts provided to him. He has no grasp of either political or military matters, as we can see from his disastrous PR-motivated, British-planned ‘offensives’ in Kherson and invasion of Russia via the tip of the Kursk province. He is therefore the CIA’s greatest gift to Russia. His fierce opposition to peace talks means that Russian forces will continue to advance for as long as they want.

  1. Will Moscow enter into peace talks with Kiev?

This question is purely theoretical, since in 2022 the Kiev regime outlawed negotiations with Russia under pressure from Western countries, notably from the USA and the UK. The disgraced ex-Prime Minister of the UK, Johnson, a proven liar, played a crucial role as Washington’s errand boy in forcing Kiev to break off the nearly successful talks in Istanbul and then forbidding negotiations in early April 2022.

Let us recall that the Ukrainian leaders of the Donbass in eastern Ukraine tried to negotiate with the Western-installed regime in Kiev for eight years between 2014 and 2022, but US and EU-controlled Kiev always refused to talk seriously and failed to honour any agreements. The last Russian peace offer, made in June 2024 on behalf of the eastern Ukrainians, was as generous as it will get (see below). The longer Kiev refuses to negotiate, the harsher the Russian conditions will become.

  1. What are Russia’s current peace terms?  i The people of the Crimea and the four Russian provinces, which have already officially been taken into Russia, must be recognised as for ever Russian citizens. (Condition one). ii The Ukraine can never join NATO and can only have very limited armed forces. (Condition two – demilitarisation). iii The authorities in Kiev must cease all persecution of the Russian people, language and culture and also of the Orthodox Church in the Ukraine, returning its churches, seized by violent thugs. (Condition three – denazification). iv Illegal Western sanctions against Russia and trumped-up criminal charges against Russian politicians must be withdrawn immediately. v Democracy and freedom must be restored on all remaining Ukrainian territory, with free political parties, free elections and an end to censorship and the reign of terror of the CIA-trained SBU secret police.
  2. What will happen if Kiev refuses these conditions and continues the conflict to the end?

In this case, Russia will take back the whole of the formerly Russian eastern and southern half of the Ukraine, including cities like Kharkov, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa. This will cut Kiev off from the Black Sea coast, making what remains of the Ukraine into a landlocked country, and linking Russia to Transdnistria. This could create pro-Russian protests in Moldova and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. The hated, US-installed regimes and elites there may be pushed out by popular pressure, just like the anti-Russian French puppet government in Georgia, which has already been pushed out. Russian victory is going to encourage a lot of suppressed pro-independence and anti-NATO feeling throughout Eastern and Central Europe.

  1. In that case, will there appear a new Ukrainian state?

Definitely, and possibly even two Ukrainian states. Once the two small Romanian and Hungarian parts of the western Ukraine have been returned to Romania and Hungary, there will remain Eastern Galicia. This consists of the provinces of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and the western half of Ternopil (the rest of that province belongs historically to Volyn). This could either become part of Poland again, or else even become a new independent Roman Catholic state of some four and a half million people, called Galicia, and belonging to the EU. It is not part of the Orthodox world.

The rest of the old ‘Ukraine’, a name invented by Austrians at the end of the century before last together with the Ukrainian flag, will perhaps return to its dignified and historic name of ‘Kievan Rus’. This country could be similar in size to Belarus to the north, though with a population two times larger, of 18 million. This will be quite independent of NATO and NATO’s economic arm, the EU, neither of which, in any case, will last long in Trump’s Western world. That is a minimum. It could be bigger.

  1. What will the future of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the schismatic groups be after the Russian military victory?

This is the question which concerns us far more. As for the rest, we are just outside observers of the political and military facts, however tragic they may be.

The schismatic sects will wither and die. The small but very violent, State-created and US-financed Constantinople group under the puppet Dumenko and the tiny group under Filaret will both die out. They will both have to return the churches that they stole from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. And this real Church, under Metropolitan Onufry, will have to receive autocephaly from Moscow. Ukrainian hatred for Russia and Patriarch Kyrill, who has appeared to support this tragic war and then uncanonically ‘defrocked’ some 60 members of the clergy who were opposed to it, is now such that the gross insensitivity and chauvinism of Muscovites have made this autocephaly inevitable. There must be a truly independent Ukraine, not a Western puppet.

As we have said from the outset, winning the war is not the same as winning the peace. Hence the need for a real Ukrainian State, where people can live in peace and democracy, speak Ukrainian, and live freely, without fear of Zelensky’s censorship and secret police. By backing this war, the tragic events of which we have been observers, the administration of the Russian Church has compromised itself before the faithful clergy and people of the Church of all nationalities, not least Russian. Naturally, this autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church will then look after its Diaspora in Western Europe and elsewhere, which already has 100 parishes.

  1. If Moscow has to cede autocephaly to the Church under Metropolitan Onufry, what consequences could that have for the rest of the Russian Church?

Firstly, the Russian Church still has to undergo full ‘destatisation’. This word does not mean independence from the State – the Church received that in 1992 after the collapse of Communism. Then the attitude of the Russian State to the Church became one of indifference, rather than hostility. ‘Destatisation’ means the end of a mentality of dependence on the State. This mentality gradually evolved after the Church was deprived its own Patriarch in 1700.

Then it became an Imperial Church, with its caste of paid clergy and professional choirs, leading to clericalism, and the destruction of eucharistic life and resulting community/parish life, replaced by private services of intercession and memorial. Membership of the Church is by definition voluntary. An attitude towards the Church as some kind of welfare state, for which the people have no responsibility, is not healthy. This mentality of dependence has in one way or another lasted ever since then.

However, it is also true that this mentality of reliance on the State had appeared even before that, as is shown by the Old Ritualist schism in the 17th century. The fact that the schism was about a State-imposed ritual, is highly significant, for it is the State that divides through rituals and ritualisation, because ritual, like the State, is all about the outward, not about the inward and Faith. The Faith of the Old Ritualists was identical to those who followed the new ritual, which in any case was identical in 99% of its acts.

Such destatisation today means decentralisation, that is, the granting of autonomy or rather autocephaly to others. Others means any Orthodox group numbering 100,000 or more, which lives on territories outside the Russian Federation and has at least four bishops and monastic life. The Russian Church administration in Moscow has to catch up with the division of the Soviet State, which over thirty-three years ago divided into fifteen independent republics. In other words, the Moscow administration is still thinking in centralised Soviet terms.

The second consequence is that the Church administration, which is responsible, must cleanse itself of the wave of corruption and homosexuality, which has come to infiltrate certain senior groups among the clergy, especially since the fall of the USSR. From then on Russia became the victim of ‘Wild East’ capitalism, characterised by the Western-style oligarch mentality. This was promoted both inside and outside Russia by the CIA and its subdepartments. This mentality came to affect the Church administration. My friend and colleague, the late Fr Vsevolod Chaplin, who died in mysterious circumstances in Moscow in 2020, was of the same opinion.

Here is the harsh truth about what has become necessary after the Russian Church administration has so discredited itself over the last thirty years. The Church administration now has to regain the lost trust of the Orthodox people, clergy and monastics everywhere.

  1. How could the Russian military and political victory in the Ukraine affect the rest of the Orthodox Church?

If the concerned elements in the Moscow Church administration are ‘destatised’, then the same freedom of destatisation can at last come to Constantinople, which suffers from the same dependence on politicians (only in its case on US politicians) and an equal level of corruption and homosexuality. As Trump abandons the Ukraine, he abandons Constantinople. Trump is a disaster for Constantinople, just as he is for the unelected EU Commissars who detest him. At that point, with both Moscow and Constantinople deservedly humbled, a real and very welcome and long overdue Unity Council of the whole Orthodox Church and a return to the canons become not only possible, but, at last, real.