Daily Archives: January 19, 2025

Suicide or Healing? On the Crisis of Legitimacy in State and Church

There are no demons in hell, they all live on earth.

The gap, or rather, abyss, between the elites and the peoples throughout the Western world, and it is a Western phenomenon, is causing crisis after crisis. It began in 2016 in the UK with the long-delayed popular vote in favour of Brexit, at last allowed by the hubristic British elite which had never imagined that the ‘plebs’ would dare to vote against them, followed soon after by the popular vote for Trump in the USA. However, both revolts turned out to be something of damp squibs, as the British Establishment elite never allowed Brexit to be implemented and between 2017 and 2020 Trump was surrounded by fawning members of the US Establishment, there called ‘the Deep State’, and, flattered by them, Trump did not do very much of what he said he had wanted.

This time it is serious. Following the oppressive policies of the Globalist elite dictatorship during covid and then during the NATO war against Russia, the Sovereigntist ‘plebs’ throughout the Western world are now in revolt. This is not just the election of a new Trump or the Reform movement in the UK, but also Orban in Hungary, Fico in Slovakia, Georgescu in Romania, when the authoritarian and Fascist EU allows him to be elected, and every European country whose people yearns to overthrow the US/CIA/EU/NATO-selected elites. Whether it is Weidel in Germany, Le Pen in France, Kickl in Austria and all the other European freedom movements from Croatia to Denmark, from Italy to the Netherlands, from Poland to Moldova, the movement is the same.

Nationalist governments are going to take over. Macron can forbid Frexit, Scholz can outlaw the AfD, Starmer can forbid elections in the UK, the Brussels dictatorship can cancel free elections and candidates through a corrupt Supreme Court in Romania, the US can defraud the electorate in Moldova, but it will make no difference. This is a crisis of legitimacy and the people will win, whether by violent revolution or peaceful evolution, whatever delaying tactics the CIA elite uses. Anyway, the CIA is under threat from Trump’s expanded America, just like NATO and its economic EU arm. For the unelected commissars of the European Union (EU), founded a few days after the fall of the Soviet Union (SU), will follow it into the same black hole of authoritarianism and autocracy.

However, as St Paisios the Athonite prophesied, it is not just the world that has become ‘a madhouse’, believing that men are women and that women are men, it is the Westernised administration of the Church too that has gone berserk, believing that good is bad and that bad is good. The Western world can commit suicide, or else it can seek healing. It is the same in the Church administration. They can behave like politicians and ideologues and commit suicide, or else they can behave like pastors and shepherds and find healing. If they choose the latter, they will find legitimacy, that is, the people will follow them. For that is what the sheep want of the shepherd, someone to follow. But if the shepherd is in fact a wolf in shepherd’s clothing, as he was, the people will quit him, as they did.