Daily Archives: March 10, 2025

Russia’s Defeat of the European Delusion: From Old England to New England


With panic and lunatic rhetoric, the Brussels and London elite are now developing fantasy schemes. These consist of spending their non-existent money, or else stolen Russian money, on rearming themselves against an equally non-existent ‘Russian threat’. Trying to intimidate and zombify the Western European public, from the now electricity-starved Baltic statelets to Finland and Sweden, ‘surrounded by Russian submarines’, from Germany to France and the UK, and even from once-neutral Switzerland and to impoverished Southern Europe, the paid Western European media are inventing and developing mythical narratives of ‘Russian threats’. The belligerent elite and their media do not want peace, they want war. Once impoverished Western people have been intimidated, the elite believes that they will pay even more tax to it. But the US no longer believes the lies of that elite. The US wants to rid the world of the cocaine-riddled actor Zelensky and replace him with the politician Timoshenko. Only they are not the ones who will get to choose.

Part One: Western Europe and Russia

The Underlying Russophobia

The Western European elite has always been anti-Russian because Russia is the nearest target, rich with natural resources, and so is the easiest option for expansion and pillage. The ‘Drang nach Osten’, the ‘Onslaught towards the East’ is the ambition of the whole elite. Today it still suffers from a delusional fantasy, born in the virtual world where it lives. Having fought almost to the last Ukrainian soldier, this delusion is to declare a ‘ceasefire’ in the Ukraine without Russia, not consulting the winning side, to win the war with a pathetically weak army, obsolete arms and no money, and to have peace talks and peacekeepers only in order to keep the war going. For them ‘Peace is War’. It is as if Hitler in early 1945 had offered peace terms from his bunker: ‘If you declare me the winner and withdraw, then I will stop fighting’. The incompetent elite offers only the continuation of their already failed Ukrainian fantasy. The only hope for the peoples of Western Europe is to withdraw from the failed Imperialist project, of which NATO and EU are the outward symbols, and to find new leaders.

The Decomposition of the European Delusion

We are witnessing the unravelling of the millennial Imperialist dream and so the decomposition and fragmentation of Western Europe. However well-masked, the founding ideology of Western Europe has always been Nazism, ever since the 11th century Crusades, and like the whole Non-Western world, Russia has always opposed Nazism. And now the US has at last realised that it has all along been used as a dupe to continue the Western European elite’s project. As regards the Ukraine, the French Macron, a typical narcissistic pseudo-intellectual, preaches the violent dream of a new racist Crusade as in 1854, Blackrock’s German agent Merz continues to commit suicide as in 1945, and the UK Starmer et al are capable only of imagining propaganda terrorist operations, dramatic PR, but strategically irrelevant, like the disaster at Dieppe, the Dambusters attack, or the hubris of Arnhem in World War Two, repeated at Bucha, in the disastrous 2023 counteroffensive, at Krynky, in drone attacks on Russian refineries and homes in Moscow, Belgorod, Rostov and Kursk.

The Tribal Rivalries of Western Europe

Western Europe is at a turning-point. Isolated and squabbling with one another, its elite is set against the whole world. The post-World War II settlement with its NATO and EU is over, as all the old institutions are crumbling. The fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact were the first signs, then the reunion of the two Germanies, Brexit, failed EU centralisation, which trampled over every European nation and culture, the crazy attempt by Western Europe to extend into Non-Catholic and Non-Protestant Eastern Europe, even into the Ukraine, and finally the suicidal defeat of NATO in Europe’s Second Crimean War against Russia in the Ukraine. All this is giving rise to the revival of old rivalries. Who will lead Europe? France, Germany or Britain? Who will be the last emperor? Macron who imagines himself as Napoleon, Starmer as Churchill, or Merz as a new Bismarck? It is all sheer fantasy. They have come to believe in their own lies. Peace between the political and economic tribes of Europe will be guaranteed by Russia and the USA, which are far greater than all these midgets combined.

Russia and the Third Defeat of the Combined West

During its millennial history the Russians have defeated many enemies, only one of whom, the Mongol-Tartars, came from the East. All the others came from the suicidal West. These were the Teutonic Knights, the Poles, the Swedes, the British, French and Turks in 1854 in the Crimea, the Germans and Austro-Hungarians in 1914, and the three invasions from the Combined West: under Napoleon, the French and the 12 Nations; under Hitler, the Germans and the 5 Nations; under Obama and Biden, the East Galicians (‘Ukrainians’) and the 28 Nations. This last effort at conquest used the Ukraine as the proxy battering ram to destroy Russia, but failed miserably, although it took Russia over three years to defeat all of NATO and Western Europe, though not the USA, which has retreated, seeing the obvious coming rout. After this final defeat of suicidal Western Europe will come collapse and the foundation of a New Europe, most interestingly for us of a New England. England has been awaiting refoundation and resurrection for nearly a thousand years. Let us look back.

Part Two: England and Russia

The British Assassination of England

The ‘British’ were assembled and appeared in 1066. They were composed of all the scum of North-Western Europe, all the worst Viking, Norman, Fleming, Breton and Frankish bandits. They have always been anti-English, massacring the Old English in the years after their invasion, calling them ‘Anglo-Saxons’, ‘peasants’, ‘villains’ and ‘plebs’. The British, who took their name from the no less sadistic Romans and their Imperialist name for these islands, ‘established’ themselves, and then extended their sadism to the Celtic peoples in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, ethnically cleansing everywhere. After massacring them, the British then began to massacre others in Europe, notably French, later Germans, more recently Russians, and at the same time peoples in the New Worlds, in the Americas, the Caribbean, India, China, Africa and Oceania. Always, however, the English were the first victims of the British and remain so until this very day. Only today they are victims of mental and spiritual massacres, those of self-censorship (wokeness) and brainwashing, not of physical massacres.

Old England

There was once another England. This was pre-British or, if you prefer, pre-Norman, England. Naturally, like all societies it had a social hierarchy, but those at the top and those at the bottom were basically the same English-speaking Anglo-Celtic race, together with the genetic heritage of pre-Celtic peoples. Relations with the purely Celtic peoples were delineated by borders, to the west by Offa’s Dyke and then the Irish Sea, to the south-west by the River Tamar, to the north by the Roman-built walls. A high point in the history of Old England was the saintly King Alfred and his immediate successors, who assimilated the Danish and Norwegian Viking minority by accepting their voluntary baptism and brought unity. There was no place for racism here, the outlook was international, England was part of the concert of nations. Notably, King Alfred had been to Rome as a child, used diplomacy, recruited many helpers from the Celts and Continental Europe. He sent alms to Jerusalem and India, and sent merchants to the ports of Continental Europe and as far as the White Sea.

The British Assassination of Russia

In 1916, facing bankruptcy, the British Establishment saw that it was losing the War in Europe, for which it was itself in part responsible by not mediating peace between the two Continental sides. Its only way of winning would be to involve its US ‘transatlantic cousins’ in the war. Having contrived to bring down the Tsar’s Russia in Saint Petersburg and obtain huge loans from Zionist bankers in New York, all was set for the fateful events of 1917, including later the Balfour Declaration, as demanded from New York. Russia was assassinated in the assassination of the Russian Royal Martyrs. They were martyred by the British/Norman Establishment, the New York banksters and the jealousy of treacherous Russian aristocrats, so-called ‘liberal democrats’ and ‘Constitutionalists’. Today in Britain it is the same ‘Liberal Democrats’ who are opposed to Russia, though almost all Conservatives and Labourists share the same prejudices. They also continue to want to co-opt the USA as their catspaw, as they did in the First and Second Wars and under the sick and foolish Biden.

New England

A close friend of the saintly King Alfred was the righteous King of East Anglia, St Edmund the Martyr – who was assassinated by the Vikings/Normans. Through his sacrifice he became the Patron-Saint of England and remains so to this very day. St Alfred the Confessor and St Edmund the Martyr are the symbols of any future National Liberation and National Cultural Revival, of a Freed New England and a Freed New English People and Culture. Freed, that is, from the British/Norman Yoke, from the Oligarchic Establishment and its State propaganda mouthpiece media, which, despite people’s heroes like Hereward the Wake or Robin Hood, have zombified the masses, feeding them on bread and circuses since the century before last. However, for freedom to come, attention has to be paid to healing England and the English People, and this means rejecting any temptation to interfere in the affairs of others. Attention must be paid to Altar, Throne and Cottage, to Faith, Government and People, for England to become once more a nation in the concert of many nations.


In its paranoia, the British Establishment which still dreams of and even still lives in its Imperial past, is obsessed with its Victorian Great Game fantasy. Therefore, it is constantly inventing fake Russian plots against itself: the MI5 poisoning of Litvinenko, the Malaysian aeroplane Flight 17, downed over the Donbass by Kiev in 2014 and blamed on Russia, the MI5-poisoned Skripals in Salisbury, fake Russian cyberattacks and fake Russian spies are all myths, ‘narratives’, invented in self-justification. Moreover, the Establishment still wants revenge for its failed invasion of the Crimea in 1854, which was so disastrous that it led to the fall of its government of the time, and for the failed British coup d’etat in Russia in 1917. Those of us who are believers, despite the CIA infiltration of the Russian Orthodox Church here and its bishops who demand that Russian troops leave the Ukraine, know that all that is hidden will be revealed. The Truth will out. Here are fearful words of warning to the corrupted British and to the Western European elite: You are only punishing yourselves, for God is not mocked.