Daily Archives: March 21, 2025

2025: The Death of the Empire Which Had Refused to Die

The British Establishment Empire exploited peoples worldwide, in the Afro-Caribbean slave trade, in ethnic cleansing in Canada, in continual atrocities in India, in the ‘Opium War’ genocide in China, in massacres in Oceania, in enslavement in Africa, and elsewhere. We also recall the hatred of the British Establishment for Russia, which began in the 19th century (1). We recall its invasion of Russia in the so-called ‘Crimean War’ (1854-56) and its constant lies about it, with the British-orchestrated assassinations of two Tsars, Paul I and Nicholas II, helped by apostate Russians and, in the latter case, by Zionists like Trotsky and his New York backers. This was all because that British Establishment had to have the greatest Empire, on which ‘the sun never set’.

In 1916 the ideologues of the British Empire, in the footsteps of the Darwinian racist and homosexual Rhodes, those like Grey and Milner, who had set up extermination camps to murder 28,000 women and children in South Africa and founded the imperialist Round Table, realised they risked losing their 1914 war. That war was the result of their attempt to eliminate their rivals Germany and Russia. So they recast their plans. They decided to overthrow the winning Russian government in 1917 (with finance from Zionists, who were promised the Balfour Declaration in the same year) and to involve the USA in their war against Germany, also in 1917. Ever since they have used the USA for their own purposes, as in World War II, in return promising support for US projects.

Thus, the Establishment Empire has since 1916 lived on through the USA, though all the time resisted by Russia with its sense of justice and humanity. This had already been evidenced by the close relations between President Abraham Lincoln and Tsar Alexander II, the Tsar-Liberator, who had supported the President with Russian naval power. Together they liberated serfs from Westernised aristocrats and slaves from plantation-owners, and Tsar Alexander sold Alaska to the USA, not to British-run Canada. Both were soon assassinated by dark forces, supported from London, which later assassinated the prophet Gregory Rasputin in 1916 and Tsar Nicholas II and his Family in 1918, who had been abandoned by his cousin, the British-German King, George V.

Today the British ruling class is once more performing its Perfidious Albion act. It has involved itself in its Second Crimean War, once more trying to obtain control of natural resources and ports in the Ukraine. Its present panic is because the bankrupted US is abandoning the lost cause of the Ukraine and the British NATO catspaw (2), no longer wanting a British-style globalist empire, a ‘world state’, but only a US-based regional empire in Northern America. For reality has at last struck home in the USA, whose electorate voted for the alternative. Thus, the UK elite is desperately looking for a new catspaw. Therefore, the anti-Brexit British elite, through Starmer, the puppet of its bankster-controllers, has turned to the only Globalist project left in town.

This is the EU, headed by the Fascist eurocrats, the grandchildren of Nazis. For the Eurocrats, like Starmer, von der Leyen, Kallas and Zelensky, are warkeepers. That is why they want to put warkeeping troops into the Ukraine. Since even the Eurocrats understand that the now impure and so divided NATO is unwilling, their group is called ‘the coalition of the willing’ (that is, those who are naively willing to die for the bankster elite, as in World War I). As regards the ceasefire proposal of the US-Ukrainian talks, losers always want ceasefires. Hitler too wanted a ceasefire, as forces neared his bunker. In any case, the offer of restoration of US aid guaranteed the ceasefire would be rejected. Ceasefires are nit unconditional and only take place when victories are complete, not before.

Like the British Establishment, the EU elite, the descendants of the Crusaders, still does not understand that the world has changed. Reality has not yet dawned on them. The only place in the Western world where reality is dawning is the USA. The world car has four wheels, which are Russia, China, USA and India. None of them is Western Europe. Moreover, all four wheels have suffered from Western European colonialism and exploitation. In fact, the EU/UK are only the car’s spare wheel, a burdensome weight, irrelevant except in a temporary emergency. Or if you prefer, we can use the image of the US locomotive, which has detached itself from the European carriages. The latter are still moving, but only from inertia, they have no direction and can easily derail at any moment.

The European and British Unions should disappear as main players from the world stage. Their nations should take their places as modest and humbled bystanders among the world’s 200 other nations. They are no longer, if ever they were, essential, or even particularly important. This is called humility and that is good for all. If so, in England it will be time to raise up statues not to British, but to English, heroes, such as Alfred the Great, Edric, Hereward, Robin Hood, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Blake, Wilberforce, Cobden, John Clare, William Morris, all who rose up from the people and protected the people, resisting the collectivisation of ‘the Enclosures’. England, ruled for the first time in over 950 years by English people, will resume normal relations with other peoples.

The UK itself will have been dissolved by freedom and renamed England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. For all such Unions collapse – just like the Soviet Union. Normal relations can be established with immediate neighbours, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Here new statues could be erected; in Galway in Ireland, to the victims of the Potato Famine; in northern Scotland, to the victims of the concentration camps and deportations of the ‘Highland Clearances’; in south Wales to the exploited miners of the coal, dug to fuel the Establishment’s Empire. For all unions collapse e.g. the Soviet Union. Then the contents of the British Museum, the greatest crime scene in history, will be returned to their owners. They can be replaced by artefacts and documents from the history of the British Empire.

Exhibits would include statues of the murderous members of the Establishment, from the beginning to the end, from William the Bastard, Henry II, Edward III, Henry V, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Cromwell, Wolfe, Clive of India, Nelson (and others from Trafalgar Square), Wellington, Queen Victoria, Palmerston, Disraeli, Rhodes, Kitchener, Lloyd George, Churchill, to Thatcher and the pygmies who followed her, with all the other ne’er-do-well imperial relics, politicians, generals and admirals, of the British Empire, where they belong. Then it can be renamed ‘The British Genocide Museum 1066-2025’. All of them will then be where they belong – in a museum, the British Museum. And schoolchildren will gaze at them in horror, as at any aberration or deviation from national destiny.


  1. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain from 1815 to 1841: A Study of the Interaction of Policy and Opinion, by John Howes Gleason, 1950
  2. For all the British, NATO, in the words of the British Hastings Ismay, NATO’s first Secretary General, was created to ‘keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down’.