From Recent Correspondence: The Secret is Out!

Dear Father Andrew,

It’s been a long time since we last spoke or saw each other. I was engrossed in my own journey that requires a face-to-face meeting to share.

In these strange and challenging times, I currently work between Moscow, X, and (to a lesser extent) London. I planned to reach out to you when I am next in the UK.

Throughout this time, the memories of our few meetings and your work in the Orthodox Church have remained cherished treasures in my heart. I often revisit your Orthodox England website, sharing the link with those I believe might be interested.

Yesterday, I intended to browse through your ‘Orthodox England’ book online. On searching for you on Google, I came across the news three years ago of your departure from the “jurisdiction.” This development didn’t come as a surprise, given the current state of affairs within the Church and the world…..


Dear Z,

We are all very well.

Our Orthodox England site is very active and still very popular. The book, The Orthodox Faith and the English Tradition, is now fully online, under Resources on the website: Our story is quite simple, though quite shocking, as it concerns corruption in high places inside the Russian Church.

In 2017, exactly ten years after the now American, but once Russian émigré, group entered into canonical communion with the Moscow Patriarchate in 2007, it was infiltrated by the CIA. This was not surprising to me, as it had already been infiltrated by the CIA as far back as the 1960s, under the then Fr George (later Bp Gregory) Grabbe. However, after the fall of the USSR in 1991, the CIA abandoned it, as it had no more interest in it, and the CIA stopped giving money to it. ‘Mission accomplished’ for them, as they said at that time. However, by 2017 the time to infiltrate again had begun.

When I spoke at the émigré Church Council in San Francisco in May 2006, it was attended by the former US ambassador to Kiev, the notorious neocon John Herbst, who lost his job in Kiev on 26 May 2006. I overheard him saying to one bishop in Russian (he thought I could not understand him), that ‘they would have to do something about the ROCOR decision to rejoin Moscow’, taken at the 2006 Council. The CIA duly subsidised a crazy man who lives in Odessa and calls himself Metropolitan Agafangel (not the canonical and real Metr Agafangel). But that was only the start.

It all went much further than that. In 2017 the CIA infiltrated the now American group in the hope of destroying it and so harming the whole Russian Church. So, in 2017 they tasked someone with destroying the Church here. He did this by creating a schism with Moscow.

Now we had been working successfully for Russian Church unity for nearly 50 years, so his schism went against the work of a lifetime, so they had to persecute us and try and close all our churches. So we went to try and join the local Moscow bishop. To our astonishment, he refused to take any of us, 15 clergy, 6 parishes and 5,000 people. Now he is a nice man and he let us know that his refusal was on orders from Moscow.  So we think that the Church in Moscow itself has been infiltrated by the CIA. After all, there are people there who will do anything for money. The recent scandal with that Metropolitan proves it.

Today the now American group is beset by scandals which it created, not only here, but also in the USA. Worse still, under CIA pressure, after 2022 it openly took the Western side in the US-Russia proxy war in the so deeply tragic Ukraine. In that way it lost a lot of its Russian base. Russians were understandably scandalised by the new anti-Russian, pro-American standpoint, and without attracting any Ukrainians, who go to their own churches and do not want anything to do with Russians. As the American group is dying out as a consequence of its not merging into the structures of the Russian Church, it is now desperately trying to recruit converts. However, as it is a schismatic and sectarian group, it has problems attracting normal people, but quite often extremists or fanatics with pathological problems, for instance, unstable young men who dislike women or homosexuals.

In any case, three years ago, before the SMO, we joined the Romanian Orthodox Church, who have been wonderful to us. Here we continue exactly as before, only without corruption, without schism and without the CIA. We are getting to the point here, where there are more Russian Orthodox outside the Russian Church than inside it, because of the corruption inside it.