Author Archives: Father Andrew

Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the Future of the Orthodox Church in Western Europe after the Western Defeat in the Ukraine

The colonial era is widely accepted to have started in the 15th century…, but in fact colonialism started in the 11th century.

Fadi Lama, Why the West Can’t Win, Clarity Press, 2023



The 10 million square kilometres of what has for several centuries been called Europe is divided into two almost equal halves. The Eastern half is populated very largely by East Slavs and consists of only three countries. It stretches from the Urals in the Russian Federation to the borders of Belarus and the future Ukraine (when the borders of the Ukrainian people have at last been self-determined). It has a population of some 185 million, if we include the smaller numbers who live beyond the Urals, as far as the Pacific coast. The vast majority of them are baptised Orthodox Christians.

The Western half stretches westwards from those borders to the Atlantic coasts of Iceland, Ireland and Portugal. Unlike the Eastern half of Europe, the Western half is divided into forty-one countries and is populated by different races, with some 555 million people, three times more than in the Eastern half. Most of the countries in the far West have since the eleventh century colonised much of the world. By background these are mainly the new Roman Catholics or Protestants, but there are also 55 million of the much older, original Orthodox Christian population, mostly living in the smaller and poorer countries.

Part One

The Eastern Half of Europe After the Conflict in the Ukraine

The future of Russia was already clear to Tsar Nicholas II (+ 1918), who wanted to restore Russia to the era of Tsardom before the Western-minded imperialist, Peter I (+ 1725). Tsar Nicholas II was prevented by aristocratic traitors from this restoration, as he rejected their feudal system of serfdom of the Russian Empire (1721-1917). In his turn, President Putin has today rejected the anti-Russian system of atheism of the Soviet Empire (1917-1991) and the Western system of capitalism of the corrupt oligarchy of the three countries of East Slavdom (1992-2022). This 300-year period and its illusions ended, ironically, thanks to Western sanctions, illegally and suicidally applied to the Russian Federation, after the conflict in the eastern Ukraine became large-scale.

In other words, after a 300-year interruption, Russia and all the East Slavs are about to return to the period of Pre-Imperial Tsardom. This means economic sovereignty and independence, not subservience to the Western Powers and their Globalist ideology. Unlike the Feudal-Capitalist period of the past 300 years (1721-2022), which was chiefly concerned with money-making, as loved by pseudo-White, that is anti-Tsar, Russian emigres, and then by Westernised oligarchs, Tsardom also means social justice. The Revolution came about precisely because of the lack of injustice. Like all Orthodox Christians, Orthodox Russians are socially conservative, but also value social justice, the sources of stable family life and stable national life. Here is the future.

The Western Half of Europe After its Defeat in the Ukraine

The first and second parts of the Great European War, known as World War One and World War Two, were caused by imperialist rivalries in Western Europe, notably the British elite Round Table’s and the German Kaiser’s ambition to exercise global hegemony, controlling the whole world. Through its failed aggression, in 1916 that British ruling class ended up having to begin to cede its dreamed-of global hegemony to the US elite. Failing to manipulate the US for its own purposes, later even the arch-manipulator, the half-American Churchill, was to see his beloved British Empire dismantled by the US. The present conflict in the Ukraine, which is as close to World War Three as we can get, was caused by the similar ambition of the US elite. It tried to reproduce the dream of the British ruling class, to exercise global hegemony, killing ‘to the last Ukrainian’.

That conflict has already lasted for over three years, for ‘as long as it takes’ (= for as long as it takes for the Ukraine to collapse). The EU and UK still refuse to admit the defeat of their Ukrainian proxy. They are too proud to lose face and admit defeat and so continue to justify themselves and talk about making war and not peace (strangely these warmongers want to take part in peace talks!). This refusal to accept reality is so deranged that it is delusional. Thus, the coming end of the Nazi Ukraine will also be the end of the Nazi EU fantasy. In reality, Europe does not exist, there are only the at present forty-one countries of Western Europe. After the eventual collapse of the EU and the UK, the approximately 555 million people of the forty-one nations of Western Europe may perhaps divide into four Regional Confederations of Sovereign Nations.

Part Two

Four Regional Confederations in Western Europe

In the Southern half of 280 million, the two Regional Confederations could be that of the at present eight largely Latin countries of South-Western Europe (France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Andorra, numbering some 185 million), and that of the sixteen countries of South-Eastern Europe (Czechia, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Moldova, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus, numbering some 95 million). This smaller group, with its large Orthodox presence would naturally be close to Russian-oriented Eastern Europe.

In the Northern half of 275 million, the two Regional Confederations could be that of the at present ten largely Germanic countries of Northern Europe (Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ireland and the British Isles, numbering some 110 million), and that of the at present seven largely Germanic countries of Western and Central Europe: the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Poland, numbering some 160 million). These two Northern Confederations have much in common, as do the two Southern Confederations. Perhaps they would combine?

Old and New Countries

However, new countries, forced apart into separate countries for purely political reasons, and those artificially constructed from regions of their neighbours, could reform and reunite. Thus, on the one hand, the now politically divided Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and perhaps Bosnia-Herzegovina, could reunite into one. On the other hand, the territory of Belgium could be returned to its three component countries, the Netherlands, France and Germany, of which it was artificially composed. And although we presume that Italy and Germany will remain united, this is not certain. Notably, there are great differences between eastern and western Germany and northern and southern Italy.

On the other hand, centralised Spain could at last cede independence to Catalonia and the artificial union of the UK, a failed state, could dissolve back into England, Scotland and Wales. These could finally reclaim their freedom and independence from Britain, and with the long overdue reuniting of Ireland. Thus, that ruthless band of colonial Vikings, raiders and traders (much the same thing), who formed and imposed the British Establishment in their Crusade in 1066, began their worldwide aggression. Their wicked legacy is continued by the British State and its propaganda mouthpieces over nearly a millennium, may at last disappear. Such possible changes would still leave a Western Europe of forty-one countries.

Part Three

The Russian Rejection of a Western European Orthodox Church

In this new reality of Western Europe (effectively, Non-Russian Europe) and Eastern Europe (effectively, Russian Europe), what is the future of Orthodox Christianity in this Western half of Europe? In the last four years, the Russian Church has refused to tackle its own internal schism there, caused by the sociopathic hatred among its converts and their breach of internal communion. If, as it seems, Russian nationalism has taken hold and indifference to Non-Russians is now the norm, the Russian Church will indeed lose everything outside the Russian Federation, where it has already rejected its age-old, best friends. It seems to have turned its back on the West, rejecting the legacy of the old Russian emigration and the hopes of Patriarch Alexis II, who had himself been an emigre. For now the Russian Church is looking to Africa and Asia.

Some prophesy that since 1991 Russia has been condemned to wander in the wilderness for forty years, but that it will be led out to the Promised Land by its Moses-like Saints and only then, in about 2030, will a Tsar come. Only then will come renewed interest and the awaited Great Cleansing of the Church. Indeed, over the last thirty-five years the Vatican-style homosexualisation of the Moscow episcopate has been accompanied by pseudo-intellectualism, ecumenism and financial corruption a la Alfeev. The abandonment of the Western world by Moscow and its reduction to ghetto nationalism has left a vacuum in its discipline. This is being filled in part by the CIA takeover of the New York branch of the Russian Church, with its sectarian doctrine of the rebaptism not only of Catholics and Protestants, but also of other Orthodox Christians.

The Greek Rejection of a Western European Orthodox Church

This new self-imposed irrelevance of all parts of the Russian Church to the foundation of a new Local Church of Western Europe repeats the same self-imposed irrelevance of the Greek Church of Constantinople. The latter also turned its back on a Western European Local Church, though several decades ago, as a result of Greek nationalism. We remember many, many incidents of such nationalism over the last sixty years, with Western Europeans being told by Greek archbishops and priests to ‘go away’ (in fact, much less politely than that) or being told to ‘join the Anglicans’ or ‘become a Catholic’. One well-known Cypriot ‘spiritual father’, who possessed a doctorate, informing us that Orthodoxy only exists because of Plato and Aristotle, ‘who are virtually saints’, as without those pagan Greeks ‘there would never have been any Christianity’!

Over the last sixty years the Vatican-style homosexualisation of the episcopate of Constantinople has gone hand in hand with the same pseudo-intellectualism, ecumenism and financial corruption, this time, a la Zisioulas. It is curious to see how these four phenomena are always interconnected in both Churches. The recent revelation, long-rumoured, that the CIA paid the Phanar $15 million (in fact $20 million, but the corrupt Kiev regime filched $5 million for its own slush fund) to found their fake gangster Church in the Ukraine is symbolic of the spiritual decadence. After all, the CIA escorted under threat of death Patriarch Maximos V to Switzerland in 1948, since when the City has indeed been lost, captive to politicking. Only a new Patriarch can ‘retire’ all the homosexual bishops and cleanse the Phanar, in effect refounding the Patriarchate.

Conclusion: The Input of the Romanian Orthodox Church

With both the Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox worlds fallen to political nationalism in the last few years, and without hope, for now, of restoring the old multinational catholicity of Russian Orthodoxy, now out of communion with many other Orthodox, who can we local Orthodox look to? Abandoned by Greeks and Russians alike, the responsibility for the possible foundation of a future Western European Orthodox Church falls for now to the second largest Local Orthodox Church, the Romanian, if only because of its size.

The Romanian language is not only a Latin language which uses the Latin alphabet, but the Romanian Orthodox Church is also in communion with all the Local Churches, unlike the Greeks and the Russians. The Romanian Church is also by far the largest in Western Europe, with 5 million baptised, 1,153 churches and 10 bishops. However, a future new Local Church must encompass all Orthodox, inclusively, non-politically and non-nationalistically. This can only come in an alliance of Churches, in the spirit of catholicity of the whole Church.



2025: The Death of the Empire Which Had Refused to Die

The British Establishment Empire exploited peoples worldwide, in the Afro-Caribbean slave trade, in ethnic cleansing in Canada, in continual atrocities in India, in the ‘Opium War’ genocide in China, in massacres in Oceania, in enslavement in Africa, and elsewhere. We also recall the hatred of the British Establishment for Russia, which began in the 19th century (1). We recall its invasion of Russia in the so-called ‘Crimean War’ (1854-56) and its constant lies about it, with the British-orchestrated assassinations of two Tsars, Paul I and Nicholas II, helped by apostate Russians and, in the latter case, by Zionists like Trotsky and his New York backers. This was all because that British Establishment had to have the greatest Empire, on which ‘the sun never set’.

In 1916 the ideologues of the British Empire, in the footsteps of the Darwinian racist and homosexual Rhodes, those like Grey and Milner, who had set up extermination camps to murder 28,000 women and children in South Africa and founded the imperialist Round Table, realised they risked losing their 1914 war. That war was the result of their attempt to eliminate their rivals Germany and Russia. So they recast their plans. They decided to overthrow the winning Russian government in 1917 (with finance from Zionists, who were promised the Balfour Declaration in the same year) and to involve the USA in their war against Germany, also in 1917. Ever since they have used the USA for their own purposes, as in World War II, in return promising support for US projects.

Thus, the Establishment Empire has since 1916 lived on through the USA, though all the time resisted by Russia with its sense of justice and humanity. This had already been evidenced by the close relations between President Abraham Lincoln and Tsar Alexander II, the Tsar-Liberator, who had supported the President with Russian naval power. Together they liberated serfs from Westernised aristocrats and slaves from plantation-owners, and Tsar Alexander sold Alaska to the USA, not to British-run Canada. Both were soon assassinated by dark forces, supported from London, which later assassinated the prophet Gregory Rasputin in 1916 and Tsar Nicholas II and his Family in 1918, who had been abandoned by his cousin, the British-German King, George V.

Today the British ruling class is once more performing its Perfidious Albion act. It has involved itself in its Second Crimean War, once more trying to obtain control of natural resources and ports in the Ukraine. Its present panic is because the bankrupted US is abandoning the lost cause of the Ukraine and the British NATO catspaw (2), no longer wanting a British-style globalist empire, a ‘world state’, but only a US-based regional empire in Northern America. For reality has at last struck home in the USA, whose electorate voted for the alternative. Thus, the UK elite is desperately looking for a new catspaw. Therefore, the anti-Brexit British elite, through Starmer, the puppet of its bankster-controllers, has turned to the only Globalist project left in town.

This is the EU, headed by the Fascist eurocrats, the grandchildren of Nazis. For the Eurocrats, like Starmer, von der Leyen, Kallas and Zelensky, are warkeepers. That is why they want to put warkeeping troops into the Ukraine. Since even the Eurocrats understand that the now impure and so divided NATO is unwilling, their group is called ‘the coalition of the willing’ (that is, those who are naively willing to die for the bankster elite, as in World War I). As regards the ceasefire proposal of the US-Ukrainian talks, losers always want ceasefires. Hitler too wanted a ceasefire, as forces neared his bunker. In any case, the offer of restoration of US aid guaranteed the ceasefire would be rejected. Ceasefires are nit unconditional and only take place when victories are complete, not before.

Like the British Establishment, the EU elite, the descendants of the Crusaders, still does not understand that the world has changed. Reality has not yet dawned on them. The only place in the Western world where reality is dawning is the USA. The world car has four wheels, which are Russia, China, USA and India. None of them is Western Europe. Moreover, all four wheels have suffered from Western European colonialism and exploitation. In fact, the EU/UK are only the car’s spare wheel, a burdensome weight, irrelevant except in a temporary emergency. Or if you prefer, we can use the image of the US locomotive, which has detached itself from the European carriages. The latter are still moving, but only from inertia, they have no direction and can easily derail at any moment.

The European and British Unions should disappear as main players from the world stage. Their nations should take their places as modest and humbled bystanders among the world’s 200 other nations. They are no longer, if ever they were, essential, or even particularly important. This is called humility and that is good for all. If so, in England it will be time to raise up statues not to British, but to English, heroes, such as Alfred the Great, Edric, Hereward, Robin Hood, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Blake, Wilberforce, Cobden, John Clare, William Morris, all who rose up from the people and protected the people, resisting the collectivisation of ‘the Enclosures’. England, ruled for the first time in over 950 years by English people, will resume normal relations with other peoples.

The UK itself will have been dissolved by freedom and renamed England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. For all such Unions collapse – just like the Soviet Union. Normal relations can be established with immediate neighbours, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Here new statues could be erected; in Galway in Ireland, to the victims of the Potato Famine; in northern Scotland, to the victims of the concentration camps and deportations of the ‘Highland Clearances’; in south Wales to the exploited miners of the coal, dug to fuel the Establishment’s Empire. For all unions collapse e.g. the Soviet Union. Then the contents of the British Museum, the greatest crime scene in history, will be returned to their owners. They can be replaced by artefacts and documents from the history of the British Empire.

Exhibits would include statues of the murderous members of the Establishment, from the beginning to the end, from William the Bastard, Henry II, Edward III, Henry V, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Cromwell, Wolfe, Clive of India, Nelson (and others from Trafalgar Square), Wellington, Queen Victoria, Palmerston, Disraeli, Rhodes, Kitchener, Lloyd George, Churchill, to Thatcher and the pygmies who followed her, with all the other ne’er-do-well imperial relics, politicians, generals and admirals, of the British Empire, where they belong. Then it can be renamed ‘The British Genocide Museum 1066-2025’. All of them will then be where they belong – in a museum, the British Museum. And schoolchildren will gaze at them in horror, as at any aberration or deviation from national destiny.


  1. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain from 1815 to 1841: A Study of the Interaction of Policy and Opinion, by John Howes Gleason, 1950
  2. For all the British, NATO, in the words of the British Hastings Ismay, NATO’s first Secretary General, was created to ‘keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down’.


President Trump has stated that President Biden’s January 6 committee pardons of his family and friends are void because the former President signed them using an autopen. This means an electronic signature, as was used, for example, on documents allegedly ‘signed’ at the end of his life by the ever-memorable Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral). For both President Biden of the USA in Washington in 2025 and Metr Hilarion of ROCOR in New York in 2020-2022 suffered from exactly the same illness at the end of their lives. This meant that disreputable people could ‘sign’ documents, as though the signatures actually represented the people whose signatures had been imitated by autopen.

We live in interesting times. The Truth will out.

Hopes for the Future of the Orthodox World: A Personal View


I sometimes feel as though I have lived four lives. The first was childhood and youth. The second was over fifty years ago with the old Russian emigration in England and France. Already old then, those ‘antediluvian’ emigres died out in the last century. I knew them all – the Zernovs, Golitsyns, Andronikovs, Tieshenhausens, Lopukhins, Kovalevskys, Rosenschilds, Meyendorffs, Schememanns, Ossorgins, Kedrovs, Rehbinders, Nelidovs, Struves, Obolenskys, Evetzes, Sollogubs, Losskys, Rodziankos, Bloom, Sakharov, all the old ones.  They are all gone now. My third life was from 1997 on, in England, helping to create unity with the freed Russian Church among the vestiges of that emigration.

My fourth life, though becoming apparent already in the 2000s, has been since 2022 in the new and young generation of energy and faith. They know nothing of that old world, with its extreme snobbery and racial exclusivism.  Today all parts of the Orthodox Church here, especially Romanians and Greeks, not only accept English people into the Church, but even encourage us and adopt our local saints. Gone are the tiny and poor ghetto chapels of between 10 and 30 ‘holy huddlers’. Today we have mass Orthodoxy, with 200-400 at every service. It was long ago time for the old ghetto-dwellers to adapt and accept the post-Communist mainstream Church, or else close down, as they are doing.

My Background

My writings can be found from the 1980s onwards in several journals and in six published books on the Orthodox Church and Faith in Russia, Western Europe and England and on English history. Many of these have been translated into other languages. Since 2000 I have written on the Orthodox England website and blog and since 2012 I have written in Russian for the Russian website RNL. In 2022 I temporarily wrote for the website of The Saker and in 2023 for the Global South website, when I had to use the pseudonym of Batiushka, ‘for fear of the Jews’. Now I still write on the Orthodox England blog. My writings concern three main themes: authenticity, acculturation and new Local Churches.

My first theme has been faithfulness to the authentic Orthodox Christian Tradition. This means avoiding the deviations to the left-hand side of Westernisation, due to some inferiority complex vis a vis the West, that is, liberalism, modernism and globalism, as especially in the last century, and, on the other hand, avoiding the deviations to the right-hand side of nationalism, due to insecurity, that is, sectarianism, phariseeism and ghettoism, as especially over the last two generations. My second theme has been the acculturation of Orthodox Christianity into Western societies, based on Western unity and communion with the Orthodox Church in the first millennium and on our saints.

This was before the process of spiritual decomposition began in Western Europe, slowly from the reign of the barbarian Charlemagne ‘Father of Europe’, at end of the eighth century on, but far more rapidly and very noticeably, during the eleventh century and after. This brings me to my third theme, the foundation of new Local Churches in the Diaspora. For only through acculturation, based on spiritual and historical fact and without deviations, can authentic new Local Churches be founded, avoiding, for example, the errors of certain in the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), the gallant but failed attempt to found a Local Church in North America, now over fifty years ago.

In the distant past I grew up spiritually in the Russian emigration both in England and in France, among people who had been adults or at least children in Russia before 1917, or, in the cases of the second emigration, adults there before 1945, before they died out. I also lived in the 1970s in Soviet Russia, worked in Greece and studied at the Russian émigré seminary of St Sergius in Paris. I was influenced by seven people. Firstly, there was the Romanian monk, Fr Raphael, son of the famous philosopher and poet Constantin Noica and who is still alive. Secondly, there was Elder Seraphim of Belgorod, a living saint, whose blessing I received through Fr Lev Lebedev in Kursk, whom I met in Russia in 1976.

Then there was Elder Ephraim of Arizona, whom I met on Mt Athos in 1978, Fr Alexei Knyazev, the brilliant rector of the Russian seminary in Paris, fifthly, Archbishop George Tarasov in Paris, who had been a Russian pilot on the Western Front in World War I, then Fr Alexander Trubnikov, the rector of the ROCOR parish outside Paris, where I served for many years, and finally the ever-memorable Archbishop Antony (Bartoshevich) of Western Europe and successor of my ‘spiritual grandfather’, St John of Shanghai. I have been an Orthodox clergyman for over 40 years, serving in France, Portugal and England, and today I serve in England as an archpriest of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese.

The Life and Death of the Russian Émigré Church

The tragedy of the Russian emigre Church is that after the Revolution it split into three warring parts. This split lasted until 2007 and, for some fanatics, still exists. These splits were purely political in nature. By far the smallest émigré group until 1991, loyal to the captive ‘Red’ Church inside the USSR, at times put Soviet patriotism above all else. Some of them, intensely nationalistic, defended the Soviet State and the compromises made by its hostage-bishops inside the USSR, such as denying that the Church there was persecuted. After 1991, become through emigration by far the largest of the three groups, most of its members became patriots of the Russian Federation, sometimes also nationalistically.

The second group was largely composed of Saint Petersburg aristocrats and intellectuals, often with German Baltic surnames, based in Paris. These aristocrats, already Westernised long before 1917 and emigration, were often strongly opposed to the Tsar and advocated a compromised Orthodoxy. They were known for their political liberalism and support of the February 1917 overthrow of the Tsar, their ideal being a Constitutional Monarchy or a French-style Republic. They even left the Russian Church and joined the Greek Patriarchate of Constantinople. Over 40% of the small group chose to remain there, though now, over 100 years on, their links with Russia are very tenuous.

By far the largest group, over 80%, was called ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia). This was composed of White Russians. Vigorously anti-Communist, some were not so much Orthodox Christians as people who wanted the downfall of the USSR and the return of their properties and wealth inside Russia. Politically very much on the right, this wing of ROCOR practised a culture, rather than a Faith. They generally had great cultural nostalgia for a vanished State. After World War II, their leading bishops left Europe for the USA. Here the best continued to have an inspiring witness, being, until 1991, the voice of the free Russian Church and faithful to its Tradition, martyrs and confessors.

However, the long-term results were disastrous, as, losing its historical roots in Russia and Europe, the Westernised descendants of the old emigres were co-opted into the CIA. Like others, I used to belong to the non-political, spiritual wing of this Russian émigré Church, most of which with many others I helped reunite with the Russian Church in Moscow in our victory of unity against sectarianism in 2007. However, within a decade, many of its members had reneged on this, refusing to integrate into closer unity. Finally degenerating into a tiny, alien sectarian group, influenced by anti-Russian US politics, it gave way to ‘Orthobros’, incels with Amish-style Calvinism, Lutheranism and Puritanism.

Those of us who know the historic Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian language, history, classical literature and, above all, real Russian people, knew that ROCOR had become an American fake, a ghetto-fantasy degenerated from Russian Orthodoxy, and become irrelevant to mainstream Orthodoxy. It would never contribute to building Local Churches, in Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania. Essentially, it had become psychopathological control freakery, a Disneyfied version of Russian Orthodoxy, and so marginalised itself. In reality, the survival of the Russian emigration is in witness to the Orthodox Faith, in new Local Churches, giving up exclusivism and working closely with other Orthodox.

The Two Problems of the Contemporary Orthodox Church

Today, two major issues face the mainstream of the 200-million strong Orthodox Church, which is made up of 16 Local Churches, on the model of the Holy Trinity of unity in diversity. These issues are the purely political division between the Russian Church, 70% of the whole, and the once prestigious Greek Churches, 7% of the whole. These are now out of communion with one another as a result of the US bribing of the nationalist Hellenist Greek Patriarchate of Constantinople and nationalist ideological pressures on the Russian Patriarchate of Moscow. Secondly, there is the uncanonical situation of the Orthodox Diasporas in Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania, which have no Local Churches.

This Diaspora issue can only be solved once the primary issue between Russian and Greek politicians is solved, for both of these have to agree as pastors with all other Orthodox on setting up new Local Churches for the multinational Orthodox in the Diaspora. Being in communion is the sign of belonging to the Church. And that issue can only be solved by decentralisation, as the conflict between Russians and Greeks was caused precisely by nationalist centralisation, the refusal to decentralise, to let go of power and money and devolve to pastoral work. For this to happen, three Centres, Moscow, Constantinople and Alexandria, need to make concessions. Solutions to this issue could be:

In Moscow

To help distance itself from politically-inspired nationalist influences and to let go, the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Rus could be renamed the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem and All Rus, moving its administrative centre to the New Jerusalem Monastery outside Moscow. It could refrock all Russian Orthodox clergy who were uncanonically ‘defrocked’, for purely political reasons, after 24 February 2022, in Russia, Lithuania, Western Europe and elsewhere. Then it could devolve and decentralise itself, initially establishing four new Local Churches in once Soviet countries, which have for over 30 years been independent republics outside the Russian Federation:

The Kievan Rus Orthodox Church (Kievan Rus being the historic Ukraine, that is, in all probability after the conflict there is over, the 12 provinces of the North-Western and Central Soviet Ukraine), to be led by Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and his Synod.

The Baltic Orthodox Church, for all Orthodox in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, to be led by a new Metropolitan of Riga and his Synod.

The Carpatho-Rus and Hungarian Orthodox Church, for all Orthodox in the Zakarpattia province of the old Soviet Ukraine, which will probably be returned to Hungary, and for Orthodox in Hungary.

In conjunction with the Patriarch of Bucharest and his Synod, the Patriarch of New Jerusalem and All Rus and his Synod could jointly grant autocephaly to all Orthodox, bishops and people, under their joint jurisdictions on the territory of the independent Republic of Moldova. This would at last form a single Moldovan Orthodox Church, centred in Chisinau. Moldovan Church unity could at last become real. At the same time the Patriarchate of New Jerusalem could refrock all Orthodox clergy, whom it uncanonically ‘defrocked’ for purely political reasons for joining the former Metropolia of Bessarabia of the Romanian Church, the present Romanian Metropolia centred in Moldova.

In Istanbul

In response to these decentralising concessions by Moscow, a new Patriarch of Constantinople could move the headquarters of that Patriarchate from Istanbul, where fewer than 500 Orthodox actually live, to Thessaloniki in Greece. It would absorb the Greek Orthodox Church, uncanonically set up in Athens by the British 200 years ago, though keeping Turkiye as part of its historic, canonical territory. This would at last free the Church from political interference by the Turkish government. It could recognise the five new Local Churches created by Moscow (and one together with Bucharest) above, instructing its small groups there to join the new Local Churches, and to recognise the situation in Africa, as below.

In Alexandria

The colonial administration of the Greek Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and his Synod could cede jurisdiction of Africa to found an authentically African Orthodox Church, headed by a single African Patriarch, with the title ‘of Alexandria and All Africa’ and a Synod of mainly African and some Greek and Russian bishops, centred in Kampala. Greek, Cypriot and Russian bishops at present in Africa could either join the new Patriarchate of Alexandria under its African Patriarch, or else return to Greece, Cyprus or Russia. All clergy ‘defrocked’ by the Patriarchate of Alexandra for political reasons since 2019 could be refrocked. Thus, there would be 20 Local Orthodox Churches.


These are the first of my hopes for the future of the Orthodox Church. If communion, which is the sign of Orthodox Christianity, can be restored between the three above Local Churches under new Patriarch-shepherds, the path will be open to holding a Council of the whole Church. There can only be one question on the agenda – the situation of the Orthodox Diasporas. There are other questions, but they are all pastoral and can be dealt with by Synods of Local Churches. The Diasporas need new Local Churches, with autocephaly granted by all the Churches together. This would create four new Local Churches; for Western Europe, Northern America; Latin America and the Caribbean; Oceania.

Russia’s Defeat of the European Delusion: From Old England to New England


With panic and lunatic rhetoric, the Brussels and London elite are now developing fantasy schemes. These consist of spending their non-existent money, or else stolen Russian money, on rearming themselves against an equally non-existent ‘Russian threat’. Trying to intimidate and zombify the Western European public, from the now electricity-starved Baltic statelets to Finland and Sweden, ‘surrounded by Russian submarines’, from Germany to France and the UK, and even from once-neutral Switzerland and to impoverished Southern Europe, the paid Western European media are inventing and developing mythical narratives of ‘Russian threats’. The belligerent elite and their media do not want peace, they want war. Once impoverished Western people have been intimidated, the elite believes that they will pay even more tax to it. But the US no longer believes the lies of that elite. The US wants to rid the world of the cocaine-riddled actor Zelensky and replace him with the politician Timoshenko. Only they are not the ones who will get to choose.

Part One: Western Europe and Russia

The Underlying Russophobia

The Western European elite has always been anti-Russian because Russia is the nearest target, rich with natural resources, and so is the easiest option for expansion and pillage. The ‘Drang nach Osten’, the ‘Onslaught towards the East’ is the ambition of the whole elite. Today it still suffers from a delusional fantasy, born in the virtual world where it lives. Having fought almost to the last Ukrainian soldier, this delusion is to declare a ‘ceasefire’ in the Ukraine without Russia, not consulting the winning side, to win the war with a pathetically weak army, obsolete arms and no money, and to have peace talks and peacekeepers only in order to keep the war going. For them ‘Peace is War’. It is as if Hitler in early 1945 had offered peace terms from his bunker: ‘If you declare me the winner and withdraw, then I will stop fighting’. The incompetent elite offers only the continuation of their already failed Ukrainian fantasy. The only hope for the peoples of Western Europe is to withdraw from the failed Imperialist project, of which NATO and EU are the outward symbols, and to find new leaders.

The Decomposition of the European Delusion

We are witnessing the unravelling of the millennial Imperialist dream and so the decomposition and fragmentation of Western Europe. However well-masked, the founding ideology of Western Europe has always been Nazism, ever since the 11th century Crusades, and like the whole Non-Western world, Russia has always opposed Nazism. And now the US has at last realised that it has all along been used as a dupe to continue the Western European elite’s project. As regards the Ukraine, the French Macron, a typical narcissistic pseudo-intellectual, preaches the violent dream of a new racist Crusade as in 1854, Blackrock’s German agent Merz continues to commit suicide as in 1945, and the UK Starmer et al are capable only of imagining propaganda terrorist operations, dramatic PR, but strategically irrelevant, like the disaster at Dieppe, the Dambusters attack, or the hubris of Arnhem in World War Two, repeated at Bucha, in the disastrous 2023 counteroffensive, at Krynky, in drone attacks on Russian refineries and homes in Moscow, Belgorod, Rostov and Kursk.

The Tribal Rivalries of Western Europe

Western Europe is at a turning-point. Isolated and squabbling with one another, its elite is set against the whole world. The post-World War II settlement with its NATO and EU is over, as all the old institutions are crumbling. The fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact were the first signs, then the reunion of the two Germanies, Brexit, failed EU centralisation, which trampled over every European nation and culture, the crazy attempt by Western Europe to extend into Non-Catholic and Non-Protestant Eastern Europe, even into the Ukraine, and finally the suicidal defeat of NATO in Europe’s Second Crimean War against Russia in the Ukraine. All this is giving rise to the revival of old rivalries. Who will lead Europe? France, Germany or Britain? Who will be the last emperor? Macron who imagines himself as Napoleon, Starmer as Churchill, or Merz as a new Bismarck? It is all sheer fantasy. They have come to believe in their own lies. Peace between the political and economic tribes of Europe will be guaranteed by Russia and the USA, which are far greater than all these midgets combined.

Russia and the Third Defeat of the Combined West

During its millennial history the Russians have defeated many enemies, only one of whom, the Mongol-Tartars, came from the East. All the others came from the suicidal West. These were the Teutonic Knights, the Poles, the Swedes, the British, French and Turks in 1854 in the Crimea, the Germans and Austro-Hungarians in 1914, and the three invasions from the Combined West: under Napoleon, the French and the 12 Nations; under Hitler, the Germans and the 5 Nations; under Obama and Biden, the East Galicians (‘Ukrainians’) and the 28 Nations. This last effort at conquest used the Ukraine as the proxy battering ram to destroy Russia, but failed miserably, although it took Russia over three years to defeat all of NATO and Western Europe, though not the USA, which has retreated, seeing the obvious coming rout. After this final defeat of suicidal Western Europe will come collapse and the foundation of a New Europe, most interestingly for us of a New England. England has been awaiting refoundation and resurrection for nearly a thousand years. Let us look back.

Part Two: England and Russia

The British Assassination of England

The ‘British’ were assembled and appeared in 1066. They were composed of all the scum of North-Western Europe, all the worst Viking, Norman, Fleming, Breton and Frankish bandits. They have always been anti-English, massacring the Old English in the years after their invasion, calling them ‘Anglo-Saxons’, ‘peasants’, ‘villains’ and ‘plebs’. The British, who took their name from the no less sadistic Romans and their Imperialist name for these islands, ‘established’ themselves, and then extended their sadism to the Celtic peoples in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, ethnically cleansing everywhere. After massacring them, the British then began to massacre others in Europe, notably French, later Germans, more recently Russians, and at the same time peoples in the New Worlds, in the Americas, the Caribbean, India, China, Africa and Oceania. Always, however, the English were the first victims of the British and remain so until this very day. Only today they are victims of mental and spiritual massacres, those of self-censorship (wokeness) and brainwashing, not of physical massacres.

Old England

There was once another England. This was pre-British or, if you prefer, pre-Norman, England. Naturally, like all societies it had a social hierarchy, but those at the top and those at the bottom were basically the same English-speaking Anglo-Celtic race, together with the genetic heritage of pre-Celtic peoples. Relations with the purely Celtic peoples were delineated by borders, to the west by Offa’s Dyke and then the Irish Sea, to the south-west by the River Tamar, to the north by the Roman-built walls. A high point in the history of Old England was the saintly King Alfred and his immediate successors, who assimilated the Danish and Norwegian Viking minority by accepting their voluntary baptism and brought unity. There was no place for racism here, the outlook was international, England was part of the concert of nations. Notably, King Alfred had been to Rome as a child, used diplomacy, recruited many helpers from the Celts and Continental Europe. He sent alms to Jerusalem and India, and sent merchants to the ports of Continental Europe and as far as the White Sea.

The British Assassination of Russia

In 1916, facing bankruptcy, the British Establishment saw that it was losing the War in Europe, for which it was itself in part responsible by not mediating peace between the two Continental sides. Its only way of winning would be to involve its US ‘transatlantic cousins’ in the war. Having contrived to bring down the Tsar’s Russia in Saint Petersburg and obtain huge loans from Zionist bankers in New York, all was set for the fateful events of 1917, including later the Balfour Declaration, as demanded from New York. Russia was assassinated in the assassination of the Russian Royal Martyrs. They were martyred by the British/Norman Establishment, the New York banksters and the jealousy of treacherous Russian aristocrats, so-called ‘liberal democrats’ and ‘Constitutionalists’. Today in Britain it is the same ‘Liberal Democrats’ who are opposed to Russia, though almost all Conservatives and Labourists share the same prejudices. They also continue to want to co-opt the USA as their catspaw, as they did in the First and Second Wars and under the sick and foolish Biden.

New England

A close friend of the saintly King Alfred was the righteous King of East Anglia, St Edmund the Martyr – who was assassinated by the Vikings/Normans. Through his sacrifice he became the Patron-Saint of England and remains so to this very day. St Alfred the Confessor and St Edmund the Martyr are the symbols of any future National Liberation and National Cultural Revival, of a Freed New England and a Freed New English People and Culture. Freed, that is, from the British/Norman Yoke, from the Oligarchic Establishment and its State propaganda mouthpiece media, which, despite people’s heroes like Hereward the Wake or Robin Hood, have zombified the masses, feeding them on bread and circuses since the century before last. However, for freedom to come, attention has to be paid to healing England and the English People, and this means rejecting any temptation to interfere in the affairs of others. Attention must be paid to Altar, Throne and Cottage, to Faith, Government and People, for England to become once more a nation in the concert of many nations.


In its paranoia, the British Establishment which still dreams of and even still lives in its Imperial past, is obsessed with its Victorian Great Game fantasy. Therefore, it is constantly inventing fake Russian plots against itself: the MI5 poisoning of Litvinenko, the Malaysian aeroplane Flight 17, downed over the Donbass by Kiev in 2014 and blamed on Russia, the MI5-poisoned Skripals in Salisbury, fake Russian cyberattacks and fake Russian spies are all myths, ‘narratives’, invented in self-justification. Moreover, the Establishment still wants revenge for its failed invasion of the Crimea in 1854, which was so disastrous that it led to the fall of its government of the time, and for the failed British coup d’etat in Russia in 1917. Those of us who are believers, despite the CIA infiltration of the Russian Orthodox Church here and its bishops who demand that Russian troops leave the Ukraine, know that all that is hidden will be revealed. The Truth will out. Here are fearful words of warning to the corrupted British and to the Western European elite: You are only punishing yourselves, for God is not mocked.

100 Days To Go?

Challenged by a USA which has at long last freed itself from Euro-Atlantacist politics, the EU elite (which includes the British elite) is in an existential fight for its parasitic being. It wants to send warkeeping forces to the Ukraine, which in typically Orwellian speak it calls ‘peacekeeping forces’. As the Danish Prime Minister has said, Europe must continue the war.

Peace is not on the Western European agenda, which is why it would be absurd for it to take part in any future peace talks between the USA and Russia. This is just a repeat of Boris Johnson’s words in March 2022, which made Kiev refuse to sign a peace treaty. If it had, a million soldiers would today be alive, instead of being dead.

The only hope in Europe is in the at present 16 countries of South-Eastern Europe (we exclude unrecognised Kosovo and Turkiye in Europe from this group), those of ex-Habsburg and ex-Ottoman Europe, which want freedom from EU tyranny. All the other countries in Northern and Western Europe, despite populist freedom movements of left and right, are tied into slavery to the anti-American and anti-Russian Brussels Imperial elite. Below are only hopes for the future, sadly perhaps very far from what will actually happen.

Sunday 9 March 2025

After the coup in Kiev and London, when ex-President Zelensky was forced to resign and went into exile in France, the blockage to peace in the Ukraine was removed. President Trump immediately announced that he and President Putin had already spoken on the telephone and agreed on the future of the Ukraine. After the US had cut off all military aid to Kiev, including Starlink, on 8 March, a new European Security Architecture had been agreed by the two leaders. The Ukraine would be saved, though it would be known by its traditional name and would from now on be inside its natural borders. General Zaluzhny took temporary charge until a new President (perhaps the most popular candidate at present, Roman Medvedchuk) would be elected.

The USA has invited the leaders of all the Freedom Movements in Western Europe to a Summit at the White House in Washington on 17 March. These included President Orban of Hungary, President Fico of Slovakia, the AfD, the National Rally of France, the British Reform Party and Calin Georgescu from Romania.  President Trump stated that Radio Free Europe would from now on broadcast news and information only on behalf of these repressed and censored freedom movements in Europe. Moreover, the USA was now imposing 25% import tariffs on all goods from European countries, unless they were led by majority governments, that is, all of them at present, except for Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia.

Meanwhile, huge anti-EU and anti-NATO demonstrations continued in Greece, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and the Czech Lands, with the burning of Nazi flags and effigies of von der Leyen, Kallas, Starmer and Macron.

Wednesday 9 April 2025

At the UN in New York, India, Brazil and South Africa were admitted as the sixth, seventh and eighth permanent members of the Security Council. President Trump announced that he would be visiting China very soon with regard to the official transfer of Taiwan back to China. He also stated that US companies would start rebuilding Gaza as soon as possible and would help Palestinians to re-establish their homeland, which would include Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank and the whole of Jordan.

After referenda had been held in Greenland and Alberta on joining the USA, both showed large majorities in favour. Alberta was declared the 51st state and Greenland the 52nd state of the USA. The Premier of Alberta stated that she was sure that all the other Canadian Provinces would follow her lead sooner or later. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Yukon have already announced dates for their referenda.

President Trump declared that the official US sphere of interest is the Anglosphere: Northen America, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia and New Zealand. He stated that he is no longer interested in Latin America.

It was announced in Washington that the CIA had been renamed the AIS, the American Intelligence Service, and the FBI renamed the AIO, the American Investigation Office. This was to disassociate the renewed organisations from the very tarnished past of both.

In other news, the Ukrainian actor Volodymyr Zelensky was assassinated by unknown gunmen at his villa near Nice.

Friday 9 May 2025

The Eightieth Anniversary Victory Parade in Moscow was presided over by President Putin, flanked by Presidents Xi and Trump and a host of other leaders from over 150 countries, including Presidents Modi and Lula and the newly elected President Calin Georgescu of Romania. As the Parade lined up, President Trump was greeted with applause, as he said the following words in Russian, Chinese, Hindu and English:

My svobodny mir

Wǒmen shì zìyóushìjiè

Hum swatantra duniya hain

We are the free world

After the Parade a banquet was held in the Kremlin, at which President Putin made the announcement that the members of BRICS had decided to rename it ‘The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations’, shortened to COSONA.

President Trump announced that he had dissolved NATO, as it was a Cold War relic and should have been dissolved at the same time as the Warsaw Pact, on 1 July 1991. He reminded all that it was 2025, not 1985, let alone 1945. As a result he was also withdrawing all US troops from Japan.

President Orban announced that Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia and Romania were all leaving the EU and forming their own trading association and would welcome other countries to join them. Eleven other countries had already showed great interest, especially Non-EU Serbia and Moldova.

Monday 9 June 2025

Synods are being held in both Moscow and Constantinople. According to unconfirmed rumours, in Moscow the Russian Orthodox Church is planning fundamental changes in the light of the conflict in the Ukraine and, in Constantinople, Patriarch Bartholomew is to be deposed.




The Western European Elite Isolated

The Western proxy war in the Ukraine continues, though it is now more or less without the US, which is tired of losing so much money in that entirely unprofitable project. Thus, it is now a Western European proxy war. It seems as though the US will next abandon the equally absurd and loss-making NATO, which Russia has all but destroyed anyway. And the Ukrainians are running out of soldiers to die. Meanwhile, Zelensky has said that he will quit, providing he gets more money. ‘Give me the money and I will go away’. This is typical of a narcissist, whose sense of entitlement is such that he can only be compared to a spoiled brat. Given the new attitude of the US, Zelensky now has to find more dupes to exploit. And the dupes are queueing up for him in Western Europe. This is especially so in the UK, where the proud Establishment is still living in the delusional fantasy of Imperial greatness, although dead long ago, and in vainglorious Napoleonic France, where this fantasy is also shared.

Why do such delusions still exist? Sadly, the greater the empires of the past – the British and the French – and the longer ago they began (in Britain in 1066, in Capetian France a century later), the greater their delusions in the present. Moreover, the British and, in theory, the French, came out as victors in 1945, though they were victors only on paper, their victory was Pyrrhic. In reality, the British had begun handing over their Empire to the US as early as 1916, according to Milner’s Round Table plan. This plan was to destroy the Tsar’s Russia and then use the US as a catspaw to prolong British Imperialism. However, all that was good in the Tsar’s Russia, State-regulated Capitalism and free healthcare and education, survived in the USSR. It proved unvanquished. We clearly see that continuity today – Russia is still the largest country in the world and the largest economy in Europe. The Tsar’s Russia, with even its flag, is rising from the dead. Nemesis is coming for those who tried to destroy it.

The Western European elite has now isolated itself from both the Russian Federation and the New USA. There is no more ‘Collective’ West, for only Zelensky and the warmongering Europeans want to continue their war. Thus, that elite has made itself even more irrelevant and laughable in the eyes of the rest of the world and of its own non-zombified peoples. The future German Chancellor Merz (whom 71.5% of German voters do not support) and the unelected ‘Brussels Empire’ bureaucrat, Empress von der Leyen, have both expressed that isolation very eloquently. As the USA prepares to lift sanctions against Russia, the self-harming and very unpopular EU and UK elites (with about 20% of support) are applying even more sanctions to further destroy their own economies. Given the hostility of the Western European elite to both its Great Power neighbours, east and west, and the complete absence of any positive foreign policies or strategies, what possible future can they have?

First of all, we have to understand why the Western European elite refuses to grasp reality, whereas the USA, under Trump, has finally grasped the reality, that it has been willingly deceived by Kiev and its own former, very corrupt elite. The reason for the obtuseness of the Western European elite is because it is profoundly stuck in that above-mentioned thousand-year-old rut. This comes from belief in its snobbish and arrogant prejudice of its own mythical superiority, that somehow, mysteriously, ‘The West is Best’, that is, ‘We are best’. Conversely, the USA has, at worst, only a 250-year-old mentality of superiority, arguably, it may only be 80 years old, going back only to 1945. After all, we should not forget that the greatest ally of the USA in the nineteenth century was Imperial Russia, indeed Russia probably saved the US Union during its Civil War. And both countries fought together against Germany in two World Wars as allies. Are we returning to that once more?

Thus, the US elite is throwing off that mentality of superiority, which it took on from Western Europe, especially from the British elite. However, in Western Europe we can see how that anti-Christian mentality of superiority was shared by its most important leaders during the 1940s. For example, Hitler hated his neighbours, the Slavs (he slaughtered 30 million of them in his holocaust) and the Jews, just as they did during the Teutonic Crusades. Churchill hated ‘blacks and browns’, Africans and Asians, his imperial neighbours. As for De Gaulle, he hated his neighbours, the Arabs, just as they did during the Crusades against the Holy Land. Typically, by the end of 1940 all the Roman Catholic countries in Europe were run by Nazis. It can be said that this Nazism, the hatred of neighbours, is the common ideology of the Western European elite. Look back to Mussolini in Italy and Ethiopia, the Belgian Leopold in the Congo, the Dutch in the ‘East Indies’, the Spanish conquistadores, or the Italian Columbus.

But what will post-Yalta Western Europe be replaced by? Surely there needs to be a New Yalta? The Old Yalta was 80 years ago and is no longer relevant. A New Yalta would be attended by the New Big Three, Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi (instead of Churchill). ‘Eastern Europe’ (in fact the eastern half of Western Europe) is already making its choice, in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, even in former East Germany, probably in freed Romania next May and, as riots take place against the EU in Sofia, probably in Bulgaria too. Others will follow them. Thus, most of ‘Eastern Europe’ is already deciding on its future – it is in free trade and shared cultural contacts with the Russian Federation. Independent of Russia, it will also be independent of the EU. Western Europe also needs to return to and reintegrate the rest of Asia or, if you prefer, Eurasia. The people want it. After all, Europe is a fake Continent, it is part of Asia and all ‘Europeans’ came to the European Peninsula from Asia.

In other words, the future of Western Europe is also to be with, though in no way under, Russia, that is with the rest of Europe, half of which is precisely inside Russian borders. Today the symbolic head of Western Europe, the elderly and ill Pope of Rome, lies close to death, like his Religion in Western Europe, as also the Protestant groups in Western Europe, which broke off from the Popes, and which are now also dying out in pedophilia. This is also deeply symbolic. Is there a viable alternative in Orthodox Christianity? True, parts of both the Russian Church have been infiltrated through hatred-preaching ‘Orthobro’ bishops and the Greek Church through bribes, but there are other Orthodox Churches, which are free, not subjugated to the USAID of Biden. The other Local Orthodox Churches can help Western Europeans return to their roots and identity. Here is the chance for Western Europeans – to return to authentic, ancestral ‘European values’, from Christ, Who also came from Asia.