Category Archives: De-frankisation

Russophobia and the Ukraine: Self-Liberation or Self-Destruction for Western Europe?

PART ONE: Russophobia and the Ukraine

Introduction: Western Russophobia

Western Russophobia has always been based on a large number of artificial and utterly hypocritical oppositions: Superior-inferior; West-East; European-Asiatic; Christian-barbarian; Civilised-primitive; Modern-backward; Strong-weak; Liberal-autocratic; Democratic-authoritarian; Good-evil; White-black. In other words, the West is always right. In fact it has always based its ‘rightness’ on lies, PR propaganda, Hitlerian racist enmity and a series of hypocritical prejudices. Let us look at this Russophobia in one specific case, the classic British case.

British Russophobia

After the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815, a defeat largely owed to the German Prussians rather than to Wellington, Great Britain no longer had an enemy. It soon found one: Russia. Russia had directly defeated Napoleon and his Combined Western Army of twelve nationalities of some 600,000 in 1812, and had then liberated Paris in 1814. Therefore, it was a potential rival and therefore the enemy. By the 1830s this feeling of hostility towards Russia had been developed under the pro-Ottoman Urquhart and British imperialists invented the paranoid, anti-Russian, delusional narrative of ‘the Great Game’.

So came the full-scale, unprovoked invasion of Russia in the so-called ‘Crimean War’ of 1853-1856. Then Britain’s propaganda machine suddenly switched from being anti-French to anti-Russian and from anti-Ottoman to pro-Ottoman, allying itself with the vengeful Napoleon III, the nephew of the previous evil enemy, and with the Muslim Ottomans. At the end of the nineteenth century the British were to exploit the anti-Jewish pogroms, conducted almost wholly by Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian Galician peasants, and none of which took place on Russian territory, as yet another anti-Russian tool.

Free England Condemns the Hypocrisy of the British Ruling Class

In the 1830s the English liberal Richard Cobden (1804-1865) called for an end to this Russophobia.  He was already arguing that just as ‘in the slave trade we (the British) had surpassed in guilt the world, so in foreign wars we have the most aggressive, quarrelsome, warlike and bloody nation under the sun’. In October 1850 he wrote a letter claiming that in the last 25 years ‘you will find that we have been incomparably the most sanguinary nation on earth… in China, in Burma, in India, New Zealand, the Cape, Syria, Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc, there is hardly a country, however remote, in which we have not been waging war or dictating our terms at the point of a bayonet’. Cobden stated that the British, ‘the greatest blood-shedders of all’, had been then involved in more wars than the rest of Europe put together. This was factually correct.

For this, Cobden blamed the British Establishment aristocracy, which he stated had ‘converted the combativeness of the English race to its own ends’. On the British invasion of Burma in 1852, Cobden wrote: ‘I blush for my country, and the very blood in my veins tingled with indignation at the wanton disregard of all justice and decency without our proceedings towards that country exhibited. The violence and wrongs perpetrated by Pizarro or Cortez were scarcely veiled in a more transparent pretence of right than our own’. The Burmese, Cobden continued, had ‘no more chance against our 64-pound red-hot shot and other infernal improvement in the art of war than they would in running a race on their roads against our railways…the day on which we commenced the war with a bombardment of shot, shell and rockets…that the natives must have thought it an onslaught of devils, was Easter Sunday!’

Western Fascism

In the end, Great Britain ‘won’ its Great Game by overthrowing the Tsar through its regime-change operation which culminated in 1917. But that was a Pyrrhic victory. It all went wrong, for it was in this way that Britain was largely responsible for creating the anti-Western Communist Soviet Union, which replaced the highly Westernised Christian Russian Empire. When the next Combined West invaded Russia in June 1941 under Hitler, the second Napoleon, this multinational invasion from the West was welcomed by the Russophobic British. However, it ended unexpectedly with Russian troops liberating Vienna and Berlin from Western Fascism in 1945.

This was exactly as the Russian Empire had been about to do in 1917 before the British sabotage of Russia in the so-called ‘Revolution’. In reality, despite British anti-Russian propaganda about pogroms, the pogroms in Germany and Austria were far worse than any in the Non-Russian territories in the west of the old Russian Empire. And it was precisely such Western pogroms which later gave rise to the appalling and purely Western phenomenon of Fascism and Nazism, most of whose death-camps were, like Auschwitz, liberated by Russian-led Soviet troops.

Occupying the Ukraine

Now we leave to history the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and move forward to our own times. Once Russia had thrown off the purely Western atheist Communist yoke in 1991 (yes, Communism is like Fascism a Western ideology and has nothing Russian about it), there was a period in which the US-led Western world invented a new enemy, Islam. However, given its ensuing defeats in the Muslim world in the 2010s, its attention turned back to Russia as its enemy once more. On the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War One, the Combined West, now called NATO, meaning Washington and its mainly Western European vassals, invaded the Russian Lands again: Paris, Berlin, Washington. Napoleon, Hitler, Biden.

This meant the CIA violently toppling the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in Kiev in 2014, applauded by EU Commissars. After eight years of pleading for peace since 2014, in 2022 Russia was obliged to pre-empt the planned Kiev invasion and genocide of the Russian Lands in the south and east by NATO-trained and NATO-supplied Kiev regime forces. The US intention was to use the Kiev regime and its troops as pawns, suicidal proxies to weaken and destroy Russia. Russia pre-empted the invasion by sending token forces into the Ukraine. Thus began the liberation of the Russian south and east of the Soviet-invented ‘Ukraine’, so dismantling this purely artificial country, invented by Western-created Communist monsters from 1922 on, into its constituent parts. This means essentially into Russia, Ukraine, Poland. Hungary and Romania.

Liberating the Ukraine

Russia does not want to ‘conquer’ the Ukraine, whatever ‘conquer’ means. By far the biggest country in the world has no need of more territory. Its hope is that the powerful anti-Nazi Ukrainian Resistance Movement can overthrow the CIA-imposed and financed Fascist regime in Kiev with the angry, disillusioned and betrayed peoples of the Ukraine. The hope is that with help Ukrainians will set up their own Free, Non-Nazi, Non-CIA, Ukrainian government there, which will unite the Ukrainian Ukraine into a sovereign country.

Its protection from Western/NATO imperialists will be guaranteed by the Russian Federation. The drama has always been that, greedy to control and exploit their natural resources and geopolitical significance, the West has never allowed the peoples of the Ukraine self-determination. Hence 40% of Ukrainian territory now belongs to the US Blackrock Corporation, sold off by corrupt and feudal Kiev politicians behind the backs of their peoples.

World War III or World War I, Part III?

This lack of self-determination, or lack of freedom, for Ukrainians has resulted in the largely MI6-planned terrorist attacks on Russian civilians, repeating the typically British terrorist attacks on German civilians and others in World War II, which were just as futile. This has resulted in the recent, NATO-planned Ukrainian incursion into the unpopulated and forested southern tip of the Kursk province of Russia. World War II German Panther and Tiger tanks, driven by SS Ukrainians, have been replaced by German Leopard tanks today.

Nothing has changed. Little wonder that some consider that there has only ever been one World War, but in three parts. Perhaps it is World War One, Part III that is now ending in the Ukraine? The US at last understands that it has lost its proxy war in the Ukraine; all it wants to do now is to hold on until the US elections, when they can forget it. Although this liberation is well-advanced, what can be said of the future liberation of the Western Peninsula half of Europe, which begins after the Polish border?

PART TWO: Self-Liberation or Self-Destruction for Western Europe?

The New Poverty of Western Europe

The centre of Western Europe’s economy and industry had for at least five generations been Germany, despite two Great Wars. No longer today. Having been forced by its US-run elite to cut itself off from cheap Russian gas, oil and other natural resources and accept the US destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, exactly as the US had publicly promised to do, its industry is closing down. The social effects in a country which is already full of refugees from the failed US-led wars in Muslim North Africa, West Asia and the Ukraine, are catastrophic. Germany, like the rest of Western Europe, is already no longer an economic rival to the US, for like most EU countries it threw away control of its own currency. Widespread poverty is now visible. The US has won, defeating not victorious Russia, but destroyed Western Europe.

The centre of Western Europe’s ideology and diplomacy had for generations been France, which even provided it with the French language for diplomacy. With its UN seat, it promoted an independent, pro-Gaullist European line, opposing, for example, the second US war against Iraq in 2003, for which Americans called the French ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’. No longer today. Since the corrupt President Sarkozy, who forced France to join the US-run NATO in 2009, France has been ruled by US-placed Presidents. Today, France is paralysed, as its Rothschild bank-clerk president, Macron, surrounded by other perverts, has refused to implement the results of the last French Parliamentary election, which he disastrously lost. The country is ungovernable and he is left as a detested dictator.

Europe Governed by the American Empire

The two other major EU countries, Italy and Spain, are silent, besieged and impoverished like all the other smaller ones from Ireland to Portugal, Romania to the Netherlands, Greece to Croatia, by masses of illegal immigrants, whom national governments are not allowed to reject, as the elites passed control from the nation state to the Globalists. The only Western European countries whose voices are heard are those who scurry to repeat and exaggerate US policies, being ‘more royalist than the king’, to try and show that their completely unimportant countries are somehow important. Indeed, the US has to restrain these fanatics.

They are delusional. In fact, the leaders of these countries are talking to themselves. The countries are the Northern European UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland and the three tiny Baltic statelets. The combined population of these latter three is only one tenth of France’s, which has a UN seat, and yet their voices are heeded far more than France’s. All these eight countries amount to no more than three or four of the fifty US States. However, all over Europe a revolt has begun against the oppressive US-run elites in the breaking down UK and among the European Union Commissars who are the new Pilates, the New Roman governors.

Western European Resistance

However, so far only 25% of Europeans of left or right are revolting against US oppression. The Globalist Uniparty, whatever it may call itself, Labour, Conservative, Social, Democratic, holds sway. Most Europeans have been brainwashed by the US-run and, in the case of the BBC, pedophile media into believing that the only alternative to being slaves of the American Empire is to be subject to the bogeymen of Russia and China. These, apparently, are ‘authoritarian’, ‘autocratic’ and ‘Fascist’.

And most citizens are so zombified that they actually believe such lies. With their ‘leaders’ in bondage to the US, the majority of Western Europeans are brainwashed by bread and circuses and left ignorant. Europe has made itself irrelevant on the world stage, ideologically, politically, diplomatically, economically, socially, culturally and, most significantly, spiritually and morally. It is a sad time in European history. Western Europe is dying – through its own choice.

Free Europe: De-Americanisation

Since the 1940s Western Europe, like Japan, has been occupied by US troops. As a result, over the last eighty years, Western Europe has been thoroughly americanised, colonised and vassalised, coca-cola-ised, macdonald-ised, netflix-ised, singing in American, and reclothed in the unisex American uniform of jeans, T-shirts and trainers. There is the attempt to create a highly centralised United States of Europe, at present called the EU and run by the US-trained elite of unelected Eurocommissars.

The US aim is to destroy the strength of industry in Western Europe through its illegal sanctions ‘against Russia’, in reality against Western Europe, destroying its economies, as it destroyed the Nordstream pipeline. The only hope for Western Europe is, probably nation by nation, to be abandoned by the US, just as Soviet-controlled Europe was abandoned by the USSR, like a row of dominos between 1989 and 1991. Western Europe will then have to de-americanise itself, by turning to the multipolar BRICS Alliance, ejecting its US imperialist masters

The Alliance

This Alliance, with a BRICS Security Council of Five and soon perhaps fifty associate members, is becoming a new and at last real and independent United Nations. Only in BRICS will nations be allowed to keep their own identities, but also to reintegrate Eurasia and benefit from Russian natural resources and Chinese investment. Let it be made clear, Russia will not liberate Western Europe; its interests stop at the Polish border, where East Slavdom ends. Russia has turned its back on aggressive and now unimportant Western Europe.

Western Europe must help itself, liberating itself. Russians are tired of going to liberate Paris and Berlin and seeing its soldiers die there. No more. However, de-americanisation is only the first of the two stages in the process of the self-liberation of Western Europe. Before the US intervened in Western Europe in 1917, having in 1916 ordered Great Britain to overthrow the Tsar’s Russia before its long-prepared entry into the War, it was already and again at war with itself. It has constantly made war with itself and with others. Only Western Europe can liberate itself from this.

Free Europe: De-Frankisation

After all, the USA is itself a Western European invention, resulting from the aggressive Western European invasion and occupation of the lands of the original Asian settlers there. Ther huge territories had belonged to them for thousands of years before Western Europeans settled them. The fundamental process, which must probably happen before Western European nations join BRICS, is ‘de-frankisation’, which I will explain below. This is indicated in the above quotation from Cobden, that ‘the British, the greatest blood-shedders of all, had been then involved in more wars than the rest of Europe put together’.

For this he blamed the ever-aggressive British aristocracy, which he declared had ‘converted the combativeness of the English race to its own ends’. Now the British aristocracy are of Viking origin, the Vikings, called in history Northmen or Normans, used as shock-troops for the spread of the imperialism of the Frankish ruling class of Continental Western Europe. It is this same Frankish and, in the British Isles and Ireland, its local Norman variant, that controls politics, the media and the arms trade throughout Western Europe. Until it is removed from power, which is possibly peacefully, its wars of aggression will continue.

Conclusion: Towards a Great England and a Great Europe

Those who are anti-imperialist in England are often accused of being ‘Little Englanders’, rather than ‘Great Britainists’. Our values are in fact neither Great British Imperialism, essentially Fascist, nor Little England bigotry, essentially Ignorance. Rather, because we are actual Christians, we believe in a ‘Great England’, an England made Great because it prizes above all Love and Truth, that is, Patriotism and Peace, and not the Anti-Patriotism of Globalism and its forever wars. And these words apply to each and every other people of Western Europe.