Category Archives: Decivilisation

The West is Alienated from Christ and Therefore Intolerant

Many people worldwide have been amazed at the Western indifference and even hostility to the plight of massacred and fleeing Christians in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria and now in the Ukraine. There, 55,000 refugees have fled to Russia in the last 24 hours from the devilish massacres by foreign mercenaries of the Christian people of the Ukraine. The neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, under strict Western control, sends in tanks, murders and maims Christians, refusing to talk to its own people.

Where do this intolerance and hatred for Christianity come from? Surely the West supports Christianity? It used to. And why does President Obama meddle in the UK’s possible decision to leave the atheist EU and Scotland’s possible decision to leave the atheist UK? Why does he threaten and intimidate even Western peoples? Where does this bullying arrogance come from? These riddles have today been answered by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov.

As reported by the Interfax Religion agency and the website, the Russian Orthodox Foreign Minister considers that the West has become antagonistic to Russia because of its return to the Church of Christ. He noted the Russian amazement that the West still equates the Russian Federation with the atheist Soviet Union, whereas ‘the new Russia is returning to traditional spiritual values, rooted in Orthodoxy’.

At the same time, he noted that the ever clearer contradiction ‘between the multipolarity of the world which can be objectively affirmed, and the desire of the USA and the historic West to hang on to their habitual positions of domination, the ever clearer contradiction between the cultural and civilizational diversity of the contemporary world and attempts to foist Western values on everyone’. He added that the West ‘is increasingly breaking away from its own Christian roots and is less and less receptive to the religious feelings of people of other confessions’.

The Liberation of Europe and Russian Orthodoxy

As the last elderly ecumenists of a dying generation meet in Jerusalem, the results of the European Union Elections give hope. Whether in France, the UK, Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Germany, Italy and a number of other EU countries, the peoples of Europe are in revolt against the Babylonian European project. This has been foisted on them by the Establishment elites of Europe, their handsomely-paid Eurocrat servants and those who stand behind them. Whether left or right, anti-EU and so pro-European, pro-people, pro-social justice, pro-freedom and pro-Tradition parties are gaining support in Europe.

In the UK there is a particularly interesting situation, for just as the European Union Establishment elite is worried, so too is the British Union Establishment elite. This is not just because of the populist and misnamed UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) which should perhaps be called the EIP (the English Independence Party), as it has far less support outside England and English Wales. It is also because there are national movements especially in Scotland but also in Wales, which wish to put an end to the old Unionist structure of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, in which latter there may now be a majority in favour of reunion with the real Ireland. This move against the pseudo-British Unionism of the UK is in miniature the same move as that against the pseudo-European Unionism of the EU. It is the same yearning for freedom against Big Government.

Just as the survival of the EU (with Kievan blood still fresh on its hands) and its once seemingly inevitable development into a despotic Superstate is threatened, so too is the survival of the despotic British Union, the UK. The threat here comes above all from the independence referendum to take place in Scotland after the summer. Allowed by the same elite which ironically disallowed the overwhelming results of the democratic referendum in the Russian Crimea, Ukrainian for only 60 years, it may result in an independent Scotland, British for 300 years. This would mean the end of the UK and also of the British flag, an invention of the Imperialist, slave-trading, ‘Rule Britannia’ 18th century. It would inevitably be followed by referenda in Wales and Ireland and also, at long last, freedom for England, enslaved for 950 years by the foreign ruling elite’s myth of Britain.

Perhaps the four nations of the Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) can be saved from the Roman-Norman-Germanic Imperialist myth of Britain and find again their freedom, sovereignty, independence and dignity. If so, they could then form a free Confederation of the Isles, with perhaps a Parliament in the Isle of Man, from where uniquely all four island nations are visible. And, following that model, the nations of Europe could also be saved from the Carolingian-Napoleonic-Hitlerian Imperialist myth of Europe and find again their freedom, sovereignty, independence and dignity. If so, they could then form a free Confederation of Europe, with perhaps a Parliament in a free Carpatho-Russia, which is after all the geographical centre of the real Europe. Is it possible that the peoples of Europe are voting for freedom which they will attain?

The EU Establishment elite is all the more concerned in that the bid for freedom in Europe is backed by President Putin (defended by the UKIP leader as well as other European politicians), from whom the foolish Mr Cameron was expecting support against Jacobite Scottish independence. The attack by the Hanoverian Establishment Prince Charles against President Putin’s support for freedom in the Ukraine, Europe and the UK is here significant. He has just returned from a $400 billion energy deal with China, with which Russia has been forced to ally itself since the aggressively anti-Russian, expansionist US/EU alliance in support of the separatist CIA-installed junta in Kiev. The President supports traditional moral values, which only a few years ago were considered to be civilized norms; today they have been thrown away as the decivilized West heads for suicide.

The choice is clear: Holy Rus or Conchita Wurst; Recivilization or Decivilization. This is the choice available today. All else has been tried and has failed. For if China, and for that matter India and the rest of the East, want to go the way of the eccentric and isolated West, they too will end up with Conchita Wurst. The only alternative to the West, Orthodoxy, is there at the heart of the Eurasian Economic Union. Christianity is and always has been a Eurasian Faith, symbolized by the double-headed eagle of the Church, uniting East and West. Just as Russia liberated Europe from Napoleon’s Empire in 1814 and liberated it again from Hitler’s Third Reich in 1945 (thus, as the ungrateful Prince Charles seems to ignore, having saved Britain from starvation and surrender to Hitler in 1942, as Churchill foresaw), will Russia be called on to save Europe again, this time from the expansionist EU Fourth Reich?

With all this in mind and the example of a dissolving UK, there is no reason why European regions such as Catalonia, Galicia, the Basque Country, Brittany, Corsica, Wallonia, Flanders, Lombardy, Sardinia, Sicily, Bavaria, Saxony, Sorbia and many others may not also become independent. It is just, but only just, possible that Europe may yet abandon the centralized bureaucracy of Imperialist EU tyranny and choose to restore freedom, sovereignty, independence and national dignity. It may still be possible that Europe will, for a time at least, postpone Babylon and choose freedom. It will be supported by the Russian Orthodox world. Hope in Europe.

Eurosodom or Euro-Vision?

The news reached me in the USA on Sunday. The Eurovision Song Contest, usually inane but relatively innocent, had been won by a bearded transvestite who could not even sing. There was a clear political conspiracy of systematic jeering of the innocent Russian song. This was sheer provocation. The accelerating repaganization of Europe is now headlong, as it hurtles towards its suicide. What was unthinkable only ten years ago is now a reality. Satanism is here and we can smell his sulphur.

Those who applauded this transvestite declaration of ‘peace and freedom’ and thought that it was a declaration of human rights and democracy could not have been more wrong. As one whom I know who has never liked President Putin told me: ‘I will now vote for him’. The message has indeed struck home in the troubled and divided Ukraine: As President Putin told the Ukrainians: ‘Is this what you wanted: Eurosdom? Then you can have it, but we will remain Christians’. As Europe sinks ever deeper into the pagan degeneracy of Ancient Greece and Rome, the fate of Pompeii threatens it.

Russia is today offering all Western peoples, inside and outside Europe a vision, the true Euro-Vision: a Eurosodom or the vision of a Europe of Tradition. This Song Contest has crystallized the polarization of the Western world. For months now conservative Republicans – paleocons, not the opposite neocons – in the USA have been praising President Putin and ironically and amazingly condemning their own country as ‘the evil empire’. The once implacable enemies of the Soviet Union are becoming the implacable friends of Russia. The same has been happening in Europe. There is developing here a broad coalition of Western citizens, let alone Ukrainian citizens, who now look to Russia for salvation and rescue from Eurosodom.

The clear and deliberate provocation of Eurovision has backfired. It has created support for true peace and freedom, not the ‘peace and freedom’ of Antichrist, but those of Christ, which ‘pass all understanding’ of the new pagans. The Western world thought to make the Ukraine into the battleground between Christ and Satan; in reality it has made itself into that battleground. As never before in the whole of history, Western people who are still spiritually alive, who still have a conscience – and not just the Orthodox among them – are looking to Russia for leadership and support.

Exactly 200 years ago Russian troops liberated Paris from the tyranny of the atheist Napoleon after he had tried to enslave Russia with a multinational European army, 90% of whom died in the attempt. Today, Orthodox Russia is being called on to liberate ‘Paris’ – that is, the whole Western world that is enslaved by its apostasy – once more. In 1814 Paris rang to the cries of Christ is Risen; in 2014 these are once more the only words that can change the Western world. Protestantism is all but dead; Catholicism, its former Pope rejected, has utterly discredited itself despite its recent public relations campaign; there remains only the Church of God, without which there is indeed no Christianity, and Russia is at the heart of the Church, as it has not been since 1917.

The Tortuous Path of Western Religion in the Global World

This April’s canonization of two twentieth-century Popes of Rome has only served to underline the gulf between the Church and Roman Catholicism as regards the criteria for sainthood. The first pope to be canonized, a jocular Italian peasant, and the second, a highly politicised Polish nationalist philosopher, were both enemies of the Orthodox Church. The first took part in anti-Orthodox activities in Bulgaria, the second in Yugoslavia and the Ukraine. This is no surprise, since both have been canonized by a Jesuit pope, who is a form backer of Galician Uniats and last weekend received the self-appointed Premier of the Ukraine, the scientologist and promoter of anti-Ukrainian terrorism Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

The present Pope’s support for the disintegration of the Ukraine probably comes under US orders, following President Obama’s recent visit to Rome, just as John Paul II made himself available to the US to help bring down the Soviet bloc in the 1980s. It was under the latter’s pontificate in particular that Catholicism was penetrated by pedophile priests, whose activities were camouflaged by Rome. Naturally, the double canonization in Rome was attended by a bishop from the Patriarchate of Constantinople, who sat with the other Uniats, not with the Protestants (Lutherans and Anglicans). In this way that Patriarchate can see what its fate will be if it does entirely join Rome – it will become just another Roman Catholic colonial subculture.

These papal canonizations, like that to follow later this year, illustrate the confusion of the Vatican of the last fifty years. It is not exact to say that Catholicism has lost the way; rather it has found a multitude of false ways. As they say: when you stop believing in something, you will believe in anything. The gap between official Vatican proclamations and what ordinary Catholics actually believe has grown and grown. However, the overall trend of the last fifty years has been towards a Catholicism that is ever more secularized, protestantized, politicized, turned away from God, symbolized by their priests who now turn their backs to God during their services and face the world instead. The Catholic merger with the world is also symbolized by the ‘modern’ ‘design’ of its church buildings, furnishings and vestments. And the modern designs of the 60s and 70s look very old-fashioned in today’s post-modern world.

Overall, Catholicism has shown a loss of the sense of the sacred, of Divinity, of holiness, a movement towards protestantization and so secularization. In the face of that, many of the most devout Catholics – as well as many ordinary Catholics – have abandoned Catholicism, since they have felt abandoned by their own hierarchy. Catholicism has lost the Western world. Its reality today is in Latin America, Africa and Asia, though here too there are losses, for example Brazil, where 40% of the population is said to have joined Protestant sects. Of the future it is hard to speak. The sectarian Muslim world and Hindu India remain mysteries, though it is said that by 2030 China will be the largest Christian nation on earth. And there, as everywhere else, the spiritually sensitive and the historically-minded will see through Western mythology and find their way to the Orthodox Church.

As a result of the collapse of Catholicism in the Western world, over the last two generations right-wing Catholics have joined the Catholic traditionalists; as for the moderate and the younger generation, faced with the spiritual desert of the West, they have been drawn into any number of sects and cults. There they seek a sense of belonging. The degeneration of modern Catholic worship, characterised by infantilism, the entertainment mentality, and the lack of spiritual understanding are reflections. They are reflections of the modern consumer mentality. This has conditioned and shaped modern Catholicism, like modern Protestantism, making it into a ‘cafeteria religion’, a ‘pick and mix’ consumerist supermarket. Today Western religion faces a civilizational dead end; the thread of its manmade life has been unwound. If the West wants to continue as a spiritually-based entity, and so a morally-based entity, it will have to look outside its apostatic self for sustenance.

Reconstruction Begins (1914-2014)

1914 – 1939 – 1964 – 1989 – 2014. The hundred-year nightmare of four generations of decivilisation is coming to an end. The generational change is becoming apparent and the cycle of historical injustices is being broken. True, we are now witnessing only the first timid signs of this transformation, but there is the promise of much more to come. After the recent expression of the free choice of the people of the Crimea, we are now witnesses to a historic moment throughout the Russian Federation and indeed throughout the Eurasian Union. The attempt to westernise, that is, to secularise, Christian Russia by violence, that which began 100 years ago in 1914 by dragging the then Russian Empire into the contagion of a decivilising Western imperialistic war, has failed.

The attempt to destroy the millennial underlying belief system which held together the East Slav and other peoples of the Russian Empire had begun with the influx of Western materialism among the upper classes long before 1914. What was new in 1914 was the spread of Western materialist ideology in a most extreme form. First, from 1914 a foreign invasion (as in 1812 and 1854) led to weakness. However, this time the weakness became so great that in 1917, just as the Russian Empire was on the brink of victory, it led to the overthrow of the legitimate government by upper-class traitors, orchestrated from the British Embassy in Saint Petersburg (just as the recent overthrow of the legitimate government in the Ukraine has been orchestrated from the US Embassy in Kiev). lmmediately, after a good many deaths, this ‘bloodless’ revolution took the legitimate ruler captive and pressure was put on the Church to compromise and accept the coup d’etat.

This first coup d’etat was followed some six months later by the seizure of power from these upper-class incompetents and traitors. This second coup d’etat was operated by a group of extreme and violent materialists, the brainwashed heirs of Voltaire, Darwin and Nietzsche, imported into Russia through and by Germany in a train (not sealed, as the myth would have it). lmmediately, the Church, which had always supplied the belief-system of the Russian Lands, came under bloody and unheard of persecution and the former ruler and his family were slaughtered. The materialists abolished the Russian Empire and founded the Soviet Union. There followed a generation of the most violent persecution, sweeping away millions of innocent lives, including 600 bishops, nearly 200,000 priests, monks and nuns and millions of faithful Christians. Mass shootings, artificial famine in Russia and the Ukraine to enforce collectivisation (on the model of the ‘Enclosures’ in England and the ‘Clearances’ in Scotland), torture chambers and concentration camps were the rule of the day. The Western world, birthplace of the ideology behind this holocaust, was mainly silent and eagerly traded with the new country.

This generation of violence ended in 1941, when the contagion that had yet again started in Western Europe, this time in 1939, also spread to the Soviet Union with yet another invasion, the fourth bout of anti-Russian Western imperialism in the five generations since 1812. On the feast-day of All the Saints of the Russian Lands, expansionist Nazi Germany invaded the former Russian Empire, causing 27 million mainly civilian victims, the greatest holocaust and genocide known to the history of humanity. However, it was also this holocaust that began to bring the new rulers of the Soviet Union to their senses. lt was a very slow and extremely painful process that lasted two generations and although direct persecution of the Church more or less ceased, indirect persecution continued most viciously. However, during that period, most stopped believing in atheism – when they had believed in it at all – and even their atheist rulers began to realise that their ideology was bankrupt.

It was in 1989, exactly two generations after the Second European War of 1939, that the signs of imminent collapse became obvious. This culminated in 1991, exactly two generations after the most recent Western invasion of the Soviet Union, that the atheist regime collapsed and the country fell apart. The West was triumphant and now, having divided, it tried to rule through its present ideology. So there began that disastrous period when Western materialism, now in its liberal consumerist form of individualist egoism, spread anarchically into the newly divided countries of the old Soviet Union. The spiritual and so moral decivilisation of the West took over. There was a decade of shame, when capitalist oligarchs (the old nomenklatura, the new aristocracy) stole the public assets and the poor were created. ABCDE – alcoholism, abortion, corruption, drugs and emigration – prevailed. Many of the best left, many of the worst seized assets and power. Only in recent years have we begun to see light, culminating now in the freedom and return home of the Crimea.

Four generations, one hundred years, since the attempt to destroy the Russian Orthodox world began in 1914, its geographical reunion has started. Christianity, in its original form and not in the apostate and compromised forms of the second millennium, is rising up against the whole tide of atheist secularism that seized power in Saint Petersburg in 1917 and in Kiev in 2014. lf those who are apostates and those who are compromised do not wish to join this movement, they are free not to do so. Thus, if the Roman Catholics of former Poland, now the far west of the Ukraine, wish to leave the Ukraine for the Poland of the secularist and bankrupt EU, let them do so, taking their Galicia with them. But let them leave the rest of the Ukraine, the other 80%, alone. As regards the rest of the smaller and weaker Orthodox Christian world in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, it can now look to the Russian Orthodox Church to lead it away from the mess of pottage of the European Union and the USA, back to Orthodox Christian roots and the free and uncompromised calendar and practices of the Orthodox Tradition in the coming Inter-Orthodox Council. The Restoration, Reconstitution and Reconstruction of the world that was lost in 1914 are in the air. Our vision is clear.

Freedom for Orthodox Little Russia and Orthodox Carpatho-Russia?

The Time of Troubles, the anarchy of the mob, is real in Kiev and the Galician far west of the Ukraine. The meddling French, German and Polish Foreign Ministers have had to flee for their lives from the swastikas and EU flags of the Nazi mob. They fled along with the utterly corrupt Yanukovich, though democratically elected and not at all a dictator, still abandoned by President Putin in disgust at his avarice and provincial stupidity. The EU representatives really do not need what they have created – a bloody quagmire with a humanitarian crisis, hundreds of thousands of refugees, terrorist attacks, tanks on the streets and other such joys of the Second EU War (the First EU War was, and still is, in the refugee camps and street demonstrations of Yugoslavia).

Now the EU representatives will have to answer some very difficult questions from television viewers at home. Such as: “Why are the people waving EU flags wearing Nazi emblems?” or “If they are peaceful, then why are they throwing Molotov cocktails at policemen and taking them hostage?” “Do we really want these violent barbarians from Lviv to join the EU?” “What makes you think that the five Ukrainian nuclear power plants will remain safe if the country falls into chaos?” “If Ukraine becomes ungovernable, how are we going to get our Russian natural gas next winter?’’

The Jews are fleeing Kiev in fear of Fascist pogroms unleashed by the separatists and bandits from Galicia, some of whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought in the SS, some of whom were given asylum in the USA and Canada after 1945, some of whose children and grandchildren then became advisors to the US and Canadian governments. Even at the US embassy in Kiev they are now wondering whether the 5 billion US taxpayer dollars they have spent trying to undermine the sovereignty of the democratic Ukraine over the last 20 years has been worth it.

Just as in Libya and Syria, they are beginning to realise that the careerist upstart ‘Opposition’ ‘leaders’, who could smell Western money, whom they have backed, actually have no control over the mob that is now in control. And the mob is hopelessly divided, each speaking a different dialect of ‘Ukrainian’. Financial reserves are down to a few days, federal structures are being dismantled throughout the country, regional governors are fleeing, and a default on some €60 billion of Ukrainian bonds seems likely. The EU should be quaking at the Pandora’s Box it has opened, for Russian gas transits through the Ukraine and no refugee camps have yet been set up in Poland.

However, some are rejoicing. Little Russia in the north and east and New Russia in the south, Russian-speaking and Orthodox, are only too glad to see the back of the troublemakers in Eastern Poland (‘’the Ukraine’’), Ukrainian-speaking and predominantly Catholic. After all, the “Little Russians” outnumber the “Ukrainians” by two to one and they have all the riches and industry. Over two thirds of the eastern, southern and northern ‘Ukraine’ will be only too happy to see the back of the separatist rump of the far western Galician Uniats, as they leave Little Russia to become wage-slaves to labour in Berlin’s EU concentration camp and members of an EU puppet government. Yes, they have chosen ‘European values’ – atheism, bankruptcy and unemployment.

Little Russia, freed from the pro-Nazi Galician thugs, will become a new sovereign country and join the Eurasian Union. In the far south-west Carpatho-Russia (Transcarpathia as the imperialists in Kiev have dubbed it) sees at last an opportunity for freedom from the Fascist Ukrainians in Kiev and it too may join the Eurasian Union. The West has lost again through its own ignorant hubris and inept stupidity. Having created anarchy in Kiev and Galicia, who is the West going to support? The guerilla warrior nationalists? The provincialist Galician Nazis? The terrorists with their anti-semitic slogans? The club-wielding Uniat and schismatic thugs? And what if Little Russia and Carpatho-Russia achieve freedom and join the Russian-led Eurasian Union, which will then grow even stronger?

Geopolitical War in the Ukraine

The word ‘ukraine’ means borderland. In other words, ‘ukraine’ is not a country, but a region. In fact historically, it is a separatist term for Galicia, which was invented for anti-Russian political reasons by Austria-Hungary only some 120 years ago with strong Vatican approval. In reality, all of what is called the Ukraine today is not part of that borderland, but part of the Rus homeland of Orthodoxy, called Little Russia.

Therefore, what is happening today in Kiev and the far western Ukraine (Galicia) is not so much a civil war, but more part of a continuing divisive and imperialistic geopolitical war. This is a war against Eurasian Christian Civilization, an attempted coup d’etat financed and orchestrated by meddling Western atheist secularism, which already tried to annihilate the Sovereignty of the former in 1917, exporting its atheist materialist ideology there. Long before this Western secularism had, under various camouflaged names, already produced the Europewide massacres of Karl the Tall, the Crusades, the Inquisition and Wars of ‘Religion’, and then the worldwide genocides of slavery, Imperialism, the Industrial Revolution, Darwinism, Marxism, Nazism, an utterly corrupt EU whose ‘breathtaking’ corruption costs 100 billion euros a year (according to the February 2014 report of EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem), and exploitative Globalism.

Twenty years ago we saw the first part of this geopolitical war in Yugoslavia, also a borderland area, which the EU, led by the Vatican, wanted to divide and rule, snatching it too away from the cradle of Eurasian Christian Civilization. The US-backed EU has not yet been successful in this and has to supply troops to keep the newly parts of this area even under relative control. These troops, and the threat of bombing and economic blockade of Serbia, have not been able even to begin to prepare this region for European Union control and exploitation by Berlin (except for Slovenia and Croatia). However, today, a similar process is beginning in the Ukraine, where the much-practised Western terrorist techniques of the Arab ‘Spring’, including the use of social networks by the terrorists and snipers, are being tested yet again against the democratically-elected government.

Armouries have been seized in the three former Polish provinces in the west of the Ukraine (Ukraine proper) and semi-professional terrorists, well-trained and orchestrated, have flung themselves against police in Kiev, murdering nine of them in the last 24 hours. These Fascist bandits have left swastikas behind them and one of their leaders, the anti-semite Tyagnibok, has been called a Nazi even by the Calvinistic Angela Merkel in Berlin. However, there are other leaders from the far west, Yatsenyuk, and the favourite German-American puppet Klichko (he speaks English), so beloved of the foul-mouthed US politician Victoria Newland. The present war in Kiev and the far west of the Ukraine is an attempt to yugoslavise the Ukraine.

This attempt is unlikely to succeed, for unlike Serbia, the Ukraine has a border with Russia. As soon as the Olympic Games are over (and the present troubles have clearly been orchestrated by Washington and Berlin to time with them), it is likely that Russia will move to protect its people, the majority of the so-called ‘Ukrainians’. It has no desire to see the Libyanisation and Syrianisation of the Ukraine, or to see it turned into a Polish colomy or German colony, as it was in World War II. Moreover, US dollars and Brussels euros are in short supply nowadays; the US embassy in Kiev has been subsidising the terrorists to the tune of $20 million per week and privding ‘instructors’; the absorption into the US-designed European Union of the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus has all been much too expensive.

Yesterday one of the US warships sent to Sochi two weeks ago to intimidate Russia got stuck on a sandbank in the Black Sea. It may be a symbol of all attempts by Western politicians and media, whether they are Obama or Ashton, to intimidate in the Ukraine. The threat to send NATO troops from Germany, France, Hungary, Poland and Romania to occupy the Ukraine in the latest anti-Christian Western Crusade is only a threat. If the ‘Ukraine’ returns to its pre-1939 borders and the former Polish and before that former Austrian Uniat far west breaks away completely and becomes yet another bankrupt Fourth Reich EU colony, the rest of the Ukraine (85%) will only heave a sigh of relief and say ‘good riddance’.


As we have noted many times over the last thirty years, every generation or 25 years since 1914 has seen a revolution: from August 1914 a world war, from September 1939 a new world war, from October 1964 a social revolution, from November 1989 the collapse of Communism, and perhaps, from December 2014, another new turning point. We think that this may well be the turning point between those who support ‘progressive Western liberal values’ and the rest of the world. Already 15 Western countries and over 16 States in the USA have introduced homosexual ‘marriage’, thus cutting themselves off from the values of the rest of the world and some 2,000 years of life before. 2014 may well be the year of the final, radical, destructive ‘liberal revolution’ that leads to full-blown Neo-Paganism.

It is not only that Western countries have fallen themselves, but above all they are trying to foist their fallenness on others, using political and economic bribery (not in China and India, of which they are frightened, nor in allied countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel). Wherever possible Brussels ‘recommends’ that its diplomatic missions take part in ‘gay parades’. How long before ‘recommends’ becomes ‘must, or you are fired?’ In the European ‘Parliament’, as it calls itself, a feminist Portuguese deputy, Edith Estrella, has put forward a resolution that pre-school children must have sex education. In Germany it already exists. One father there who rejected this for his daughter was sent to prison for one night. How long before that becomes one year? In France homosexual marriage and adoption was enforced by police violence. How long before it is enforced by the guillotine?

Moldovan politicians, having foolishly signed an association agreement with the EU, have now been forced to declare 25 December a public holiday (so the next stage will be to force the Church to abandon the Orthodox calendar, as happened in Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria) and to hold obligatory gay parades. The Ukraine would have been next, but it chose freedom. Serbia and Georgia are struggling to resist. As for Armenia, it may well survive the tentacles of the EU by joining the Eurasian Union instead. As for Russia, the key to the Eurasian Union, it is castigated by the hypocritical Western media for protecting its children from homosexual propaganda. Why has, of all things, sexual orientation been chosen as the flagship of Western intolerance of once normal and once universal values?

It is because in the West ‘progress’ has been redefined as unlimited sexual freedom, that which existed in the sex slavery of Pagan Greece and Rome. But behind it there is the attempt to redefine the very fundamentals of civilisation, the elaboration of the new ideology of the New World Order, in fact, of Neo-Paganism. This means abandoning Christian morality, as the Communists tried, but failed to do in the early 1920s in the Soviet Union. The DeChristianisation of the West, obligatory Neo-Paganism, always so shocking to newly-arrived immigrants from Eastern Europe and Christian Africa, is indeed taking place under the slogan of globalisation – the introduction of the lowest common denominator worldwide.

In order to do this, all differences must be erased, including those between the sexes. There will be no states, no borders, no moral standards, according to Lennon’s imagination. In other words, the project is to create an economic order, in which nationless individuals like nomads will work and wander, without any loyalty to faith, tradition, history, nation and family, manipulated and zombified by the media. We Russian Orthodox are not trying to foist our values on the West, who have chosen their path, but are trying to assert our right to freedom to live and confess our own values against the aggressive intolerance of the West. In this we have many allies in the Western and Non-Western world. Together we can postpone the Apocalypse.

2014: Towards the Realignment of the World


Once upon a time the West was Christian. It is no longer, not even hypocritically. The long and complex process of DeChristianisation, that is, the fall from Orthodox Christianity known as Westernisation, has gone on for 1,000 years and is now coming to its bitter end. The last fifty years, my own lifetime, which followed two Western Wars, called World Wars, have seen a most dramatic turn. As we come to the 100th anniversary of the First Western War, we are now actually seeing a realignment of the world into only two blocs – one Western and Secularist, in other words, Neo-pagan, the other Universal and Traditional, in other words, Christian. However, the basis of this second bloc is in fact the Russian Orthodox Church with its integral Christian values and ensuing world view.

Why Only Two Blocs?

There are many competing religious ideologies in the world, but in reality they are too compromised, too weak or too local to withstand the Western Secularist onslaught. Thus, the heresies of Catholicism and Protestantism (and make no mistake, apart from a few eccentrics, the whole Russian Orthodox world categorically views these as heresies), have no chance of survival because they are at the roots of Western Secularism itself and so are inherently compromised; Buddhism is a psychic philosophy, not a religion; Hinduism depends on the inward-looking nationalism of Hindustan (India); Animism is even more primitive than Secularism itself. Of all the great religions there remains only Islam. But Islam, like its cousin Old Testament Judaism, operates on far too primitive a level of violence, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, to convince anyone beyond its own fanatical nationalists. And in any case, fatally divided into Sunni and Shia, Islam is a house that is destined to fall, its divisions now ruthlessly exploited by the Western Secularist Powers.

What remains? Only the Church of Christ. Its Empire, weakened by the deliberate export of Western Secularism, in its Communist form, 100 years ago, followed by the worst persecutions and massacres in the epic 2,000 year history of Christianity, is now reviving, as we hoped it would 20 years and more ago, under the name of the Eurasian Union. The spiritual foundation stone of this Union is the Russian Orthodox Church, 75% of the whole Orthodox world, and it stands out as the critic of Western Secularism.

With the political, economic and social project of the Eurasian Union under way, we are now more and more seeing the spiritual and therefore moral aspects of the project. This is essentially the first stage of the Reconstituted Roman Christian Empire – the rebirth of that which existed before the blasphemies of 1917. Standing completely outside the heterodox Christian world with its Scholasticism, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment and Modernism, and uncompromised by Western interference as in some of the smaller Local Orthodox Churches, the Russian Orthodox Church is in fact the only consistent and consequent Christian critic of Western Secularism.

The Thirst for Revenge

Seeing the dangers for itself of any form of opposition, especially if that opposition has a real, that is, a spiritual and so moral, basis, the Western authorities, using their security services, subservient media and zombified populations, have therefore launched a typically underhand attack on Russia. This routine, highly aggressive Western Drang nach Osten (Drive against the East) comes on the exact 201st anniversary of the victory of Rus against the 1812 invasion of its domains by the French and their allied 12 Western tribes. This not only liberated the Russian Empire from the atheist scourge, but also resulted in the liberation of Paris by Russian troops in 1814. This was 100 years before Russian troops again relieved Paris, though then, in 1914, this was from the might of the Catholic-Protestant German Second Reich, rather than from the God-less, revolutionary hordes of Bonaparte.

This routine Drang nach Osten comes after the brilliant victory of Russian diplomacy last August which averted a possible Third World War being started by the USA in Syria. The Western revenge for the victory of peace has come in the last few weeks with the attempted invasion of the Ukraine, using Galician dupes financed by the CIA and encouraged by a series of foolish Western politicians, showing their usual militant intolerance for a Sovereign State. However, this too has failed.

So there has been the attempt to surround the Eurasian Union with missiles, to which the Russian Federation has replied by installing missiles around Kaliningrad. So now we are left with absurd and pathetic Western accusations about ‘political prisoners’, such as the billionaire bandit Khodorkovsky, who has shown his hatred for Russia by fleeing to Germany, or the yobbish and blasphemous female dupes of the CIA-orchestrated, sex and violence ‘Pussy Riot’ group, or the release of the detained trespassers from Greenpeace. If these silly slanders do not work, the all too predictable Western politicians will then try and spoil the Sochi Olympics.

The Fruits of Western Intolerance

Meanwhile, in the real world, millions of Syrians are starving and freezing as a result of the Western-fomented invasion of their country by savage Islamist mercenaries, paid for by the Sunni fanatics of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Islamist Afghanistan, 80% controlled by Taliban and the Western troop contingents holed up as prisoners in their own highly fortified ghettos, looms; ruined Iraq explodes in violence – like Yemen, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The whole Middle East is a powderkeg of Western-encouraged division and terrorism. Moreover, this terrorism is spreading throughout Africa; the Western-armed fanatics who have seized control of parts of Libya have now spread to Mali, as all along the long Muslim-Christian watershed of Nigeria, the Central African Republic and South Sudan.

In Central and Eastern Europe, it is now clear that although a generation ago so-called ‘perestroika’ led to the collapse of the dictatorship of Communist Materialism, it also led to the foundation of the dictatorship of Consumerist Materialism. The whole thing was, in the end, only treachery and the exchange of one God-denying tyranny for another. Thus, the former Communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe have been ravaged; as the ‘losers’ of the Cold War, they are owned by European Union ‘investors’; there is no work, villages and towns have been destroyed, young people have fled as refugees to the ‘winners’ of the Cold War in Western Europe, where they work on minimum wages in menial tasks like Christian slaves in Ancient Rome, and their countries are ruled by utterly corrupt, but EU-approved, ‘parliamentarians’. Full employment, culture, low crime rates, social security, an excellent education and free health care, are lost and are bitterly regretted by all who knew them

Ironically, the greatest advocates of the internationalist rape of former Communist Europe are nationalists, often, as for example in the Ukraine, Hungary and Latvia, resettled there from their old emigrations. Like robots, they do whatever the CIA and their US ambassadors tells them to: support the drug dealers, human organ merchants and gun runners who run occupied Kosovo; open a secret prison where we can render and torture Islamists; allow poppy fields in Afghanistan to flourish; support genocide in Iraq and Libya; vote for the massacre and bombardment of Syria; visit a synagogue for a photo opportunity; hold a ‘Gay Parade’ and impose homosexual ‘marriage’; be nasty to Russia: and instantly the EU-installed elites of the new Central and Eastern Europe grin and vote yes, just as they used to grin and vote yes when before some Communist gerontocrat from Moscow told them to destroy themselves.

Against the European Suicide

These countries are today occupied by the colonists and integrationists of the EU Fourth Reich, just as they were once occupied by the Nazi Third Reich. Their conquered and foreign-owned media spread their lies to captive populations, their education systems are zombified, children are taken from their fathers and mothers, in Lithuania known as ‘parents No I and No 2’, assets perhaps to be sold abroad for adoption, perhaps to be adopted by homosexual couples, perhaps to be debauched by compulsory ‘sex education’, certainly to be taught that men and women are the same, for your very gender is, apparently, merely a social construct, a fruit of conditioning. So say all those who have been brainwashed by the conditioning of Western Secularism and so are unable to think for themselves.

Europe dictates that these countries too must be destroyed, they must lose their national identity and sovereignty and their national traditions. So, like Greece, they must be flooded with Muslims so that their Christian identity can be trampled underfoot. It is no good claiming that there is no alternative. There is. It is called the Eurasian Union. It rejects sodomy, moral decadence, liberalism, oligarchy, capitalist consumerism and proclaims the Tradition. This is not anti-Western, for all in the West who support just, healthy, traditional values, those of the ancient saints of the West, will join it – providing, of course, that the nascent Union can finally free itself of the systemic corruption spawned by the old Communist errors. After all, Christianity is itself an Asian religion that came to Europe and in the symbolism of the double-headed eagle supported the unity of East and West, Asia and Europe, Eurasia.

Western Europe continues its suicidal policies, resulting in ultra-low birth rates, homosexual marriage and senile dementia. Western Europe is dying out of its own will, reaping the millennial fruits of its apostasy, becoming a corner of irrelevance and Fascist intolerance before the face of the rest of the world. It is opposed by the ever-growing spiritual and moral importance of the Russian Orthodox world, incarnate in the Eurasian Union. This combines States with social values and traditional values, freedom from the anti-family sodomocracy and gender dictatorship of the barren European Union.


The essential Western heresy was to promote itself as independent of Asia, that is, independent of Christ, replacing Him with its ethnic leader in Rome, from whom it made to proceed the Holy Spirit, God himself. This is Sodom, the land of intolerance of real men and real women. We of the Eurasian Union utterly reject its tyranny of lies, injustice, stupidity and vulgarity, To its ideology of materialist Consumerism, Western and Secularist, we oppose the ascetic and ecological principles of Orthodox Christianity, Universal and Traditional, which are so hated by the decadent, self-indulgent and dying contemporary West. As we stand on the brink of 2014, the 100th anniversary of the first Western War, we issue a rallying cry: Those who are not with us are against us. Where do you stand?

25 December 2013