Category Archives: Establishment

The USA Abandons the EU and UK Losers

Narcissism is not compatible with Empathy, which is an essential ingredient of all Diplomacy

US Diplomat Charles Freeman

The first Secretary General of NATO was the British General Ismay, born in colonial India, studied at Charterhouse, failed to get into Cambridge, and went to Sandhurst. The closest advisor to Churchill, he was so British Establishment that his first name was actually Hastings, in ‘honour’ of the catastrophic defeat of England in 1066 and the genocide of 100,000 English people, which that Nazi-style regime carried out after the English defeat. Typically for people like himself, Ismay later even received the Norman title of Baron. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, it was Establishment types, Parliament, Councils, the Army, the BBC, the Church of England, the rich, or the propagandised who still read newspapers, who flew Ukrainian flags in 2022 (they have been taken down since). The British Establishment supports war because it is founded on war. The Establishment is simply supporting its own aggressive ethos.

From the start Ismay defined the aim of NATO as being to ‘keep the Russians out, the Germans down and the Americans in’. This eloquently expresses the view of the British Establishment even now. In today’s world, we see how the loser war party, led by the intensely unpopular and peace-wrecking Macron and Starmer, held a failed emergency PR ‘summit’ in Paris of a few states from Western Europe, with puny militaries and tiny arms industries, largely dependent on the USA. This fantasy summit broke up in chaos. They have no money, their Parliaments will not allow them to send troops to die and the peoples and the soldiers will not obey. In any case, there are so few combat troops they can send, they will be killed within two weeks. Tell that to the power-obsessed politicians of the Establishment, stuck in a long-ago European Imperial dreamworld past, a virtual reality, from which they refuse to wake up.

However, the far more important meeting is that of the peace party in Saudi Arabia. Here Russia set out the terms for the Ukrainian capitulation after its disastrous and costly defeat. After long-delayed democratic elections in the Ukraine, the probable new President of the Ukraine, Victor Medvedchuk, will make peace. The US is tired of being co-opted into Britain’s wars, such as the First and Second World Wars, and seeing its sons die for the British Establishment and its Redcoats. The profound hostility of the British Establishment to President Trump and his cause of peace is the end of the ‘special relationship’ between the US and the UK. When the tiny UK poodle wants to continue war, but the big US bulldog wants to make peace, the situation becomes absurd. Is it that the Western Europe elites, which is only good at PR, has come to believe in its own lieing ‘narratives’ and so is deluded?

Meanwhile, not far away from the peace talks in Riyadh, in the UAE, yesterday Zelensky and his wife stayed at Hotel Moscow (literally) and transferred ‘funds’ from Kiev to money-laundering Emirate banks. They were busy preparing for the inevitable outcome of the Ukrainian defeat, in case escape is possible. Trump’s US has abandoned its loser-proxies. It is time to tell Starmer, Macron and their little allies in the North of Europe, the seven small Nordic and tiny Baltic countries (total population of all seven 33 million), in private, about reality. Because after anti-peace Zelensky, if he does manage to escape, it will be the hated Starmer and Macron’s turn to have to run away from the bankruptcy they have helped create in their countries. They will find no support from the US, from Russia, or from the majority of EU and NATO countries, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland or from any others in Eastern Europe.

The European Union and its military arm NATO are hopelessly divided and will collapse, just as the Soviet Union collapsed in its own time. They have both outlived their age. They belong to the post-War past. Three generations have passed since they began. Generational change has happened. The world has changed. The old elites, represented by Zelensky, Starmer, Macron, are isolated, both from other leaders and from their own peoples. But change does not need to be negative. At last Europe has freedom, the opportunity to join the rest of the world as equals. For the elites of countries which never had empires, like Ireland and most of those in Eastern Europe, this will be much easier, for they are not stuck in the past. For the elites which recently ran empires, as in Britain, France and the Ukraine (its empire has existed since 1922) and exploited others, it will be much harder. But not for their peoples.

We are heading towards a new geopolitical configuration of the world, which is also an old one. Throughout the nineteenth century Russia and the USA were allies. The USA sent large medical aid to Russia in the British invasion of the Crimea; Russia protected the Union in the US Civil War and sold Alaska to it and not to then British-run Canada. As for the countries of Europe, they can now have democratic elections, not least in Romania and Germany, which yearn for freedom. Other tyrannical unions can break up – Catalonia, England, Scotland and Wales can retrieve their old freedom and Ireland can reunite. Then free European countries can join BRICS individually. Some will no doubt form trade associations, especially those in former Hapsburg and Ottoman South-East Europe, which have so much in common. The old elites are done. Freedom is in the air after all these years and it is welcome to the peoples.




Why Does the British Establishment Hate Russia?


My best friends and so many of my relations are British and I am devoted to them and to much in the English way of life….It has never been possible to discuss with them the utterly vile politics of successive British Parliaments. They were nearly all anti-Russian – and so often without the least cause. So much of British policy is wholly contrary to their own tradition of fair play. Olga Alexandrovna Romanova, The Last Grand Duchess, by Ian Vorres, P. 240.

The Western elite hates Russia, Look at Biden or, in France, Macron, or in Germany, Scholz and Baerbock. However, none hates Russia as much as the British elite. Whether it is the host of nonentities who have been Prime Ministers, like Starmer, Sunak, Truss, Johnson, May, Cameron, or the foolish Secretaries of State for Defence (= Offence) like Wallace, Shapps, Healey, they all come and go in swift succession. Conservative or Labour, they all belong to the same Uniparty, whose only aim is the unprincipled, as with Litvinenko and the abducted Skripals. Clearly, there is something here that is deeply theological. Because they hate Christ, they hate Orthodox. But what of the history of their hatred and the tanks, missiles and drones that they use against Russia today?

Emperors Paul I (+ 1801) and Nicholas II (+ 1918) of Russia were both removed and then murdered as a result of plots hatched by the British ambassadors in the Saint Petersburg of their times. As John Gleason points out in his 1952 book The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain, systematic and institutionalised British Establishment hatred for Russia began after the liberation of Paris by Russian troops in 1814. This Russophobia was an artificially manufactured product of a campaign of a relatively small number of men who won acceptance for their views by force of repetition. In other words, if you repeat the lie often enough, it will stick. It was all about the British elite’s fanatical ambition for world hegemony. No rivals could be allowed.

Despite the invasion of Russia and the occupation of Moscow in 1812, Russia emerged from the Napoleonic Wars as the dominant land power in the world, its troops liberating Paris in 1814. By then it had the largest army in Europe by far and the proven capacity to project its forces from Paris to the Caucasus and Central Asia. Consequently, by the 1830s jealous British Establishment chauvinists and imperialists had started presenting the Russian Empire as an evil rival. This Russophobia developed through the 1840s and in the early 1850s British Russophobes were raising fears that Saint Petersburg would liberate Bulgarians and others from the Ottoman Empire, free the Greeks in Constantinople and would also control the Black Sea.

Therefore, in 1853 the British engineered the ‘Crimean War’. This was fought mainly in the Crimea because that was the only place where the British and their proxies, the Turks, the French and thousands of German mercenaries, could feasibly project armed power against Russia. Fruitless British attacks on Russia from the White Sea, involving shelling a monastery and churches, and another operation involving a landing of marines on Russia’s Pacific Coast opposite Japan led the British to understand that they could not invade Russia – it was vast and although the British were a strong naval power, they were only a very weak land power. The British Establishment’s only hope was to dismember Russia from inside through traitors and so destroy it and exploit it, like a new India.

Having invaded the Crimea, the British elite understood from their poor performance and huge losses that it would be better to use proxies to defeat Russia, either internal or external enemies. Thus, they began their ‘Great Game’, their attempt to destroy Russia, surrounding it, invading Cyprus, Persia and Tibet. Therefore, in 1904, the British next used a proxy, the Japanese Empire, to attack Russia with its battleships, many of them built or financed by the British. The attack on the Russian Pacific Fleet in Port Arthur was unannounced, an act of ‘infamy’ and treachery, just like the Japanese attack on the US Fleet in Pearl Harbour in 1941. However, even after this the British still failed to overthrow the Tsar through the Japanese attack and the ensuing ‘1905 Revolution’.

Therefore, in 1914 the British again used jealous proxies to try and destroy Russia, this time Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Seeing the coming Russian victory in 1917, In December 1916 British spies fired ‘the first shot of the Revolution’, assassinating Gregory Rasputin with the help of degenerates, like the transvestite Yusupov. Thus, it was that the British engineered the overthrow of the Tsar on 15 March 1917. On 6 April 1917 they brought their new ‘useful idiot’ proxy, the USA, into the War and freed Trotsky on 29 April 1917, allowing him to arrive in Russia on 17 May, so that he could lead the war against Russia, as Lenin was incapable. (On 2 November 1917 the British passed the Balfour Declaration, creating the present bloody chaos in the Middle East).

However, despite all the chaos after the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917, the British elite could still not destroy the USSR. Thus, in 1941 they once more used their German proxies to destroy and break up Russia. After they had failed in this, with the miracle of the Soviet liberation of Berlin in 1945, they decided with the Americans to use Nazi Galician fanatics to terrorise the Ukraine, right up till 1959. Today there are still British-protected Nazis in Kiev. The British Establishment divided Europe in order to rule it and, since 1917, has used the USA as a proxy in all its wars. But I write about the British Establishment, not the peoples who live in the British Isles and Ireland. One day, we, the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh, will rise up and end millennial British Establishment tyranny.