Category Archives: Freedom

St Andrew’s Work


A spectre haunts Europe. It is the spectre of freedom. From north-west Europe to south-east Europe, professional politicians of the Establishment elites are quaking: they may lose their jobs and with them all their opportunistic careerism and self-seeking will have been for nothing.


Perhaps on orders from a worried Washington, today three English public schoolboys (in fact one a Polish Jew who attended an elite State school, but his manner is still that of an English public schoolboy) have hurried to Scotland in panic. They fear freedom and the people who may vote for freedom. Washington is worried about a new country that, initially at least, will be free of both its political and economic arm, the EU, and of its military arm, NATO. No doubt the CIA, through its poodles in England, is listening in on nationalist conversations, in the hope that it can discredit Scottish leaders. Certainly, the sight of three English public schoolboys in Scotland will bring in a great many votes for the Scottish National cause.

Together with them, all European Establishments are worried. If Scotland does opt for freedom, Wales, Northern Ireland and then at last England will also free themselves, but France, Spain and Italy, at the very least, are also directly concerned, for they too have minorities, from Brittany to Catalonia, from Lombardy to Corsica. All artificial unions are doomed to collapse, whether the Soviet Union, the British Union (UK), the European Union or the American Union (USA). The implications of freedom for Scotland are enormous; little wonder that the Westminster Establishment has scurried to Scotland. However, the more intelligent among them must realize that, whether their last-minute delaying-tactic bribes work or not, Scotland’s departure from the Union imposed on it over 300 years ago is sooner or later inevitable. The game is up.

If a yes for freedom vote is recorded, the UK will no longer exist and the British flag will seem an anachronism. But if the UK no longer exists, then we shall all be free of the EU. The absurdly-named United Kingdom Independence Party, UKIP, will have to call itself what it is, the Independence Party. As for the three other political parties in England, they can then at last coalesce into one and rename themselves the single party for EU-appointed careerists and opportunists – which is what they have long been. As for a place on the UN Security Council, perhaps that absurdly biased organization can at last be restructured and places given to the countries that really matter and represent the real world: China, India, USA, Russia, Germany, Brazil and South Africa.

The Ukraine

Kiev’s rag bag ‘army’, composed for 50% of western Uniats and schismatics, and then of Nazis, criminals and US, UK and Polish mercenaries, supported by US and Mossad advisors and rockets, has failed to impose its tyranny on the eastern Ukraine. Having shot down a Boeing airliner, Kiev’s army and air force have been totally discredited. Over 3,000, mainly civilians, are dead, killed by the CIA puppet, the corrupt arms-dealing oligarch Poroshenko, now a war criminal. Even the cream of US PR men could not get him more than 25% of the vote, similar to that obtained by various other US puppets in Latin American banana republics and South Vietnam over the last 65 years. Even the EU, largely responsible for the original fiasco, is realizing that the Ukraine is just another artificial union, a conglomerate formed by the Russophobic Communist Party some 90 years ago, and now ardently defended by the West (which also founded Communism in Russia).

Novorossiya, New Russia, the southern and eastern half of the ‘Ukraine’ (in fact western Russia), the object of these terrifying Western-organized atrocities in 2014, is heading for freedom as part of the Russian Federation. So too are many in central and northern Malorossiya, though in Kiev neo-Nazi bands are still terrorizing the population who seek refuge in the Russian Federation. Carpatho-Russia, miscalled by Kiev ‘Zakarpat’e’, also wants freedom; if it does not join the Russian Federation, perhaps it will return to Slovakia or even Hungary, leaving Ukrainian persecution behind it. This leaves only Galicia, or eastern Poland, where all the troublemaking Uniats and schismatics are. It seems that President Putin would be happy for it to return to Poland, since most Galicians have nothing in common with Orthodox culture.

Moreover, Uniat persecution of the Church in the Ukraine has at last brought realism to the last few remaining ecumenist fantasists and naifs in Russia and also to those in Romania. In neighbouring Moldova the Church has taken a firm stand against the EU and its Satanism, despite the bribed pro-EU politicians there. What an example to Romania. And the EU is not having its way in Serbia and Montenegro either. Despite the presence of CIA-funded Protestant sects in the Ukraine, Moldova and Romania, the people have resisted. It may be that by the end of 2014, we shall see great political changes in Europe, both north-west and south-east.


Both Scotland and the Ukraine, not to mention Romania, are close to St Andrew. Let us pray to the first-called apostle that, come his feast in the secular month of December, we shall have good news in all the countries where he is venerated. Freedom is in the air and sooner or later we shall have it.

Freedom for England?

Whatever the result, the forthcoming Scottish referendum is proof of the forthcoming dissolution of the United Kingdom. Sooner or later the centralized London/Westminster British State is doomed to fail. Invented in 1707 through the bribery by London of unprincipled Scottish opportunists and careerists, the Union with Scotland (in fact the colonization of Scotland by London) cannot last and may even end in a few days’ time. Once it has ended, Northern Ireland will eventually at last be united with the rest of the island of Ireland and Wales too will throw off the colonial yoke.

Little wonder that the Westminster Establishment, shaken out of its complacency by recent polls, is now in panic and making its usual empty promises to the Scottish people. However, the real question for us is whether all of this will lead to the death of the British Establishment and at last to the freedom of England. Ever since 1066 the obsessive idea of Empire has haunted London. First England went under, then Wales, then Ireland, then Scotland. The medieval Anglo-Norman Kings were also intent on subjugating France, naturally, since they were more French than English.

However, the real and ruthless imperialism came under the Germanic Georgian usurpers and the Victorians, who were obsessed with a worldwide Britannia, an obsession which dragged us into two World Wars. Now in the 21st century it is time to give up imperial pretensions and return the lands of the Isles to their rightful status, an island archipelago off the shores of North-Western Europe, forming four independent countries, united by friendship and not political intrigue and bribery. Only freedom from the alien British Establishment and its Norman elite can bring long-awaited freedom to England.

The Footprints in the Western Desert are Satan’s

The news that US-armed and CIA-organized neo-Nazis have raised a swastika-like flag in a town in the eastern Ukraine comes as no surprise. It means that the government in Kiev, voted in by only 25% of hoodwinked Ukrainians, and which barely received 5% of the vote anywhere in the south and east of the Ukraine, is illegitimate. It means that it will never receive the popular assent of the people of the Ukraine and that in the south, east and in the Transcarpathian south-west, it faces implacable resistance from partisans and freedom-fighters, however many billions of dollars Washington foolishly pumps its way.

The present anti-Russian sanctions are already rebounding on the West and threaten a new, self-imposed recession in Europe. The Chinese are delighted – it has given them a new market at no cost to themselves, handed to them on a plate by Western stupidity in its eastern imperialism. Come the winter and the inability of the junta to pay for heating will lead to popular revolt. And the news that a community of Satanists, just as we predicted, has been registered by the new pro-EU junta in Kiev, proves our point: the footprints in the Western desert are indeed Satan’s.

Is Europe Spineless?

A war is going on in Europe. True, wars are going on in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, all wars directly caused by Western greed for natural resources and consequent meddling. Those countries have been wrecked and devastated, hundreds of thousands lie dead, all because of Western interference and exploitation. But this new war is in Europe. True, there is an old war in Europe, in Serbia, occupied and downtrodden for fifteen years beneath the boots of NATO troops, and tens of thousands there look to Russia for liberation from the ravages of US/EU tyranny. But that war is now a bloodless war of ethnic cleansing and occupation, whereas in the Ukraine it is now horribly violent with mass graves. Parents of the teenage draftees of the so-called Ukrainian Army are rescuing their sons, taking them back home, so they will not be forced to kill their own people or themselves be killed.

The recent Presidential elections in the Ukraine (turnout = 45%), where a Western-inspired civil war is taking place and the ruling neo-Nazi junta controls only a small part of the country, were, apparently, perfectly legitimate. (Yet, the hypocritical Establishments of the West declare that the present Presidential elections in Syria are a ‘farce’, because they are taking place during the Western-inspired civil war there). True, both the wars in Europe and in Syria are not really civil wars as much as wars between foreign mercenaries (in the Ukraine hired by the mafioso oligarch-puppets of the CIA-installed regime in Kiev, in Syria paid for and armed by puppet dictatorships in Qatar and Saudi Arabia) and the martyred people of the Syria and the Ukraine. And the people are being slaughtered in their hundreds by those Godless mercenaries in a genocide, simply because they want faith and freedom.

The US neocon elite plans to make the Ukraine into a testing ground for its GM crops, banned in Russia, as also in the EU. However, the EU wants to bury around Chernobyl its nuclear waste. Already priests are being murdered and tortured, forced to flee from Kiev and Odessa to Russia, they cannot resist the intimidation and threats to their families. Make no mistake – just as in ex-Yugoslavia and Syria, this is a war on Orthodoxy and only, only, the enemies of Orthodoxy, Uniats, sectarians and so-called ‘Orthodox’ modernists (= apostates), rejoice in it. Thus, only a few days ago the pope of Rome, a rabbi, an imam and a Greek patriarch met to conspire. However, on the banks of the Jordan only a few miles away, the actual Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem and a delegation of Russian bishops met to concelebrate. Babylon and Jerusalem just a few miles from each other….

The still unbrainwashed peoples of Europe, resisting the bread and circuses fed to them, are seeking freedom from the federalist EU Fourth Reich dictatorship. In recent days we have seen how the peoples of Europe are beginning to revolt against the EU Babylonian nightmare. Believers of left and right are united, whether it is the leftist parties of Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain (or Paul Craig Roberts and others in the USA) or right-wing leaders like Marine le Pen, Nigel Farage, Helmut Schmidt, Vaclav Klaus (or Americans like Henry Kissinger, Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul). So we can answer the question of our title and say this: the good news is that the peoples of Europe are not spineless. The bad news is that the European Establishments and the EU elite are spineless. Utterly unprincipled. They swim with the tide – and that tide comes from satan.

The Last Bastion of Orthodoxy

But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Rev. 2, 25


For 100 years, ever since 1914, the world has constantly been at war. This is because, before the final and inevitable triumph of Christ, a One World Government must come to power in Jerusalem. Hence the recent preparatory visit there of Pope Francis, accompanied by an imam, a rabbi and a Greek Patriarch. The assaults on all the Orthodox Churches are to be seen in the light of this preparation. However, the main obstacle to the enthronement of that government, and it will be an enthronement, is the resurgent Russian Orthodox Church. This is why the multinational chorus of the Western media, orchestrated and fed as one by the powers that be, so violently expresses its hostility to this last bastion of the Church of God on earth, so proving its importance.

The Seven Ancient Churches

The first phase of the assault, launched as long ago as 1909, was on the Seven ancient Churches. First to be tempted was the tiny and impoverished Patriarchate of Constantinople, weakened by flattering its Greek nationalism or phyletist Hellenism. The assault was then spread to the three other tiny and impoverished but also ancient Patriarchates in the Middle East and the rest of the Greek-speaking world in Greece, Cyprus and Albania. Today, as the Patriarchate of Constantinople is tempted by Uniatism, the faithful in its jurisdiction, led by the monks of Mt Athos, resist and look to freed Russia for deliverance from the chains of modernism, ecumenism and even apostasy, provoking the question: Will these Churches survive until 2054?

The Seven New Churches

The second phase of the assault was on the Seven youngest Churches. It came first in the Balkans, by bombing and dividing Serbia, bribing Romania, Bulgaria, as also the Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, into the EU and attempting to undermine Georgia. Then came the attack on the Seventh Church, the Russian. First, they tried to attack her through Syria and the Middle East, but this failed. As President Assad said this week: ‘Russia has saved Syria and the whole Middle East’. So the assault entered a second phase, through the Ukraine, where schism, a civil war and genocide have been instigated, just as they were in Serbia. The aim is to destroy the unity of the Russian Church so that the Russian State, now reviving under the Church’s influence, can also be destroyed.


Thus, the powerbrokers of this world have attempted to destroy the whole Orthodox Church, subordinating it to this world. In the first fifty years of the third millennium they wish to make all fall away from Orthodoxy, just as they made all fall away from Orthodoxy in the Western fifth of the Church in the first fifty years of the second millennium. So they turned to the Russian Orthodox world, undermining its vulnerable, protestantized outer fringes with renovationism. Now they are turning to the marches of the Russian Orthodox world in the western Ukraine, where they continue the genocide of Orthodox under a puppet President who made his oligarch’s fortune not from chocolate, as his PR advisors claim, but from arms-dealing and even worse. Now all is at stake.

Eurosodom or Euro-Vision?

The news reached me in the USA on Sunday. The Eurovision Song Contest, usually inane but relatively innocent, had been won by a bearded transvestite who could not even sing. There was a clear political conspiracy of systematic jeering of the innocent Russian song. This was sheer provocation. The accelerating repaganization of Europe is now headlong, as it hurtles towards its suicide. What was unthinkable only ten years ago is now a reality. Satanism is here and we can smell his sulphur.

Those who applauded this transvestite declaration of ‘peace and freedom’ and thought that it was a declaration of human rights and democracy could not have been more wrong. As one whom I know who has never liked President Putin told me: ‘I will now vote for him’. The message has indeed struck home in the troubled and divided Ukraine: As President Putin told the Ukrainians: ‘Is this what you wanted: Eurosdom? Then you can have it, but we will remain Christians’. As Europe sinks ever deeper into the pagan degeneracy of Ancient Greece and Rome, the fate of Pompeii threatens it.

Russia is today offering all Western peoples, inside and outside Europe a vision, the true Euro-Vision: a Eurosodom or the vision of a Europe of Tradition. This Song Contest has crystallized the polarization of the Western world. For months now conservative Republicans – paleocons, not the opposite neocons – in the USA have been praising President Putin and ironically and amazingly condemning their own country as ‘the evil empire’. The once implacable enemies of the Soviet Union are becoming the implacable friends of Russia. The same has been happening in Europe. There is developing here a broad coalition of Western citizens, let alone Ukrainian citizens, who now look to Russia for salvation and rescue from Eurosodom.

The clear and deliberate provocation of Eurovision has backfired. It has created support for true peace and freedom, not the ‘peace and freedom’ of Antichrist, but those of Christ, which ‘pass all understanding’ of the new pagans. The Western world thought to make the Ukraine into the battleground between Christ and Satan; in reality it has made itself into that battleground. As never before in the whole of history, Western people who are still spiritually alive, who still have a conscience – and not just the Orthodox among them – are looking to Russia for leadership and support.

Exactly 200 years ago Russian troops liberated Paris from the tyranny of the atheist Napoleon after he had tried to enslave Russia with a multinational European army, 90% of whom died in the attempt. Today, Orthodox Russia is being called on to liberate ‘Paris’ – that is, the whole Western world that is enslaved by its apostasy – once more. In 1814 Paris rang to the cries of Christ is Risen; in 2014 these are once more the only words that can change the Western world. Protestantism is all but dead; Catholicism, its former Pope rejected, has utterly discredited itself despite its recent public relations campaign; there remains only the Church of God, without which there is indeed no Christianity, and Russia is at the heart of the Church, as it has not been since 1917.

The Big Picture Beyond the Ukraine

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.

George Orwell

The battle for the Ukraine is on. All earnestly pray that there will be no full-scale genocide of the peoples of the Ukraine by the US-appointed neocon regime in Kiev. Those who live outside the Ukraine, including in the Russian Federation, can and should only watch, making sure that there is no NATO invasion, as is threatened. Russian intervention would only be justified in order to protect Ukrainians from such genocide by the US vassals in Kiev. In principle, it is up to the peoples who live in the present-day borders of the Ukraine to decide their destiny, which may even include leaving the country. So far only the Crimeans have done this, overwhelmingly expressing their desire for freedom in their referendum which at last restored them after a 60-year interval to the Russian Federation. Democracy thus denied access to the US fleet which had intended to use the Crimea as its Black Sea headquarters.

Here we should make no mistake. The general US-EU encirclement of Russia is designed to end Russian access to the North Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. By encircling and confining Russia to an isolated landmass without outlets to the sea, bullying US-EU empire builders seek to limit Russia’s role as a rival power centre and possible counterweight to its imperial ambitions for hegemony in the Middle East, North Africa, South-West Asia and the North Atlantic. The bankrupt US and transvestite EU are intent on destroying independent, national and non-aligned governments throughout the world and converting them into imperial satellites by whatever means are effective, ‘divide and rule’ being the favourite. Thus, the US has moved from encircling Russia via ‘elections and free markets’ to terror and economic sanctions in the Ukraine, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Asia.

Washington’s (‘the international community’s’) strategic objective is to isolate Russia, undermine its military capability and erode its economy by strengthening NATO’s political and economic collaborators/national traitors/NGOs inside Russia – so dividing it, returning it to semi-vassal status and grabbing its gold. Bankrupt Washington’s One-World goal is to place neo-liberal political puppets in power in Moscow, just like those who oversaw the pillage and destruction (‘privatization’) of Russia during the infamous Yeltsin decade, creating the oligarchs. The US-EU power grab in the Ukraine is a step in that direction. The neo-Fascist junta in Kiev has now unleashed a large-scale military offensive against the pro-democracy, anti-coup, Russian-speaking majority in the east and south of the Ukraine who have been demanding a federal form of government reflecting Ukraine’s cultural diversity.

The US-EU has promoted this ‘military response’ to mass popular dissent and encouraged the coup regime to eliminate the civil rights of the Russian-speaking majority through neo-Nazi terror and to force the population into accepting junta-appointed regional rulers/oligarchs in place of their elected leaders. In response to this repression, popular self-defence committees and local militias quickly sprang up and the Ukrainian Army was initially forced back with thousands of soldiers refusing to shoot their own compatriots on behalf of the Western-installed regime in Kiev. Some even joined the freedom fighters. For a while, the neo-liberal junta had to contend with the disintegration of its ‘power base’. Following the advice of visiting CIA Director, Brenner, the junta then dispatched its elite ‘special forces’, trained by the CIA and FBI, to carry out massacres of pro-democracy civilians and popular militias.

Thus, the puppets of the crumbling US Empire bussed in armed thugs to the diverse city of Odessa to stage an ‘exemplary’ massacre: burning the city’s major trade union headquarters and slaughtering 42, mostly unarmed, civilians who were trapped in the building with its exits blocked by neo-Nazis. The dead included many women and teenagers who had sought shelter from the brutes. The survivors were beaten and imprisoned by the ‘police’ who had passively watched while the building burned. It is clear that NATO strategists who planned the putsch were only thinking about weakening Russia militarily and gave no thought to the costs of sustaining their puppet regime in Kiev when Ukraine had been so dependent on Russia. They appear to have overlooked the dynamics of the predictably hostile east and south of the country, which after the massacres are now utterly lost to the murderous junta.

Today Kiev can barely afford to feed its soldiers and has to rely on neo-Nazi volunteer militias. The junta now lacks legitimacy among most Ukrainians and has lost control of all but a small patch of land occupied by government offices in Kiev (echoes of Baghdad and Kabul). It has even lost the loyalty of the neo-Fascists and other now disenchanted former supporters. In general, their power-base of Uniat or schismatic Galician nationalists from the borderlands (ukraina) in the former Polish far west have decided that they want to leave the Ukraine and join the bankrupt EU. Only it is not at all clear that the EU will ever want them, bankrupt as they are. Meanwhile, in other parts of the Ukraine, the peoples of Transcarpathia (Carpatho-Russia) and Transdnestria would like to join the Russian Federation, though they have no borders with it and are far away, unlike those of the Crimea.

The majority, the peoples of New Russia in the east and the south and the peoples of Little Russia, including Kiev, in the centre, are now alienated; the regime is killing its own and so has lost all legitimacy. Although it is clear that the Ukraine will survive its present turmoil, it will be with a real and non-NATO government, different borders and, quite possibly, a different name. It may be that a new Ukraine will revert to its historic name of Little Russia and consist only of Little Russia, New Russia, Transdnestria and Carpatho-Russia, losing the Crimea and, to its relief, trouble-making Galicia. Such a Little Russia would enter the new Eurasian Economic Union, which will initially consist of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus. That would be the solution to the sorry Ukrainian saga, which is only a delayed result of the fall of the Soviet Union, with its ill-conceived internal borders, a generation ago.

That fall was itself the delayed result of the fall of the Russian Empire, the original geopolitical catastrophe in 1917. And that attempted destruction of Christian (Russian) Civilization was ultimately caused by the apostasy into Catholicism of the once Orthodox Christian West a thousand years ago. In 1204 in its pride it attempted to destroy Christian Civilization by sacking its capital in New Rome. It then degenerated into the Judeo-Christian or Catholic-Protestant world, which has now degenerated into the Euro-Atlantic and openly anti-Christian world. So this is a geopolitical struggle which has been going on for centuries. Thus, in 1854 the Western Powers invaded the Crimea (then, as now, in Russia) to destabilize and weaken the Russian Empire. Then they invaded the Ukraine for a second time in 1914 and for a third time in 1941. And now in 2014, they are doing it for the fourth time.

Thus, it can be said that the First World War of 1914 never ended – it was only ever interrupted. And it is being continued today, exactly one hundred years on and in the Ukraine again. The aim of this new aggression is to destabilize and weaken the unexpected and unwelcomed (for it) resurgence of Russian Orthodox Civilization. This aggression is only the next stage of a four-pronged aggression against the Orthodox Christian world: against the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the other ancient Patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem since 1917; against the Balkan Churches in Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and also Cyprus since the 1920s; against Syria in the last three years; and, finally, today again, against the Ukraine. The atheist West cannot allow Russian Orthodox Civilization, which is the hub of the whole Orthodox Christian Church and Civilizational World, to grow strong.

The current aggression, led by the atheist US administration and backed by atheist EU bureaucrats, is then aimed at splitting off the Ukraine from Russian Orthodox Civilization. The latter stretches from the Polish border to the Pacific Ocean, with outposts far beyond in China, Korea, Japan, Alaska and in a great many other countries throughout the world, including in the Western world. And in this matter we faithful Russian Orthodox in the West have to meet our destiny and responsibility by being outposts, oases and envoys of that uncompromised Russian Orthodox Christian Civilization. The main arm being used here by the US is Galician nationalism, a terrain which has been well cultivated ever since the Hapsburgs. Ironically, however, as a result of that nationalism, today’s Ukraine has given up its freedom for dependence on the bankrupt USA and the EU (Berlin).

Just as Berlin organized the invasion of the Ukraine in 1914 and 1941, so it is invading the Ukraine once more in 2014, exactly 100 years after their first invasion. History is being repeated because people have not learned the lessons of history. True, this time the invasion is political and economic, but in fact Germany has always needed the Ukraine for Lebensraum (living space) and as a market for its exports. Thus, ironically, in its attempt to be independent of Russia, the Ukraine has become a vassal of the neo-feudal West. The only way in which Russia can bring most of the Ukraine back is if it can become an economic magnet for it – as also for the rest of the Orthodox world. This means throwing off the tyranny of Western neocon economics by developing the Eurasian Economic Union, which the atheist West is doing its best to undermine, precisely by destabilizing the Ukraine.

The unity of the Russian Lands was first lost with the overthrow of Imperial Russia after the First Germanic Invasion of 1914; they were gathered together after the defeat of the Second Germanic Invasion by the Soviet Union in 1945; then their unity was lost for a second time with the overthrow of that Union in 1991. We wonder if they are not being gathered together once more, in 2014, not this time by military means, but by political and economic means. Thus, nobody in their wildest fantasies has the intention of gathering together the Orthodox and Eurasian Lands militarily into a new Soviet bloc. Nobody wants or needs such mistakes of the past, however much the West wants to provoke a war between the brother peoples of Russia and the Ukraine. But what we do want to see is a new and voluntary Union, a new Empire, based not on Communist values, but on Christian values, on the Church of God.

This new Eurasian Empire, an Empire of the Spirit, but also a political, economic and social Empire based on Orthodox Christianity, would be a centre against the atheist West. The Russian Federation has to meet its destiny and responsibility, creating a centre of independence for Christendom against the forces of Eastern paganism on the one hand and Western atheism on the other hand. This was after all the role of the Tsar’s Russia before the Revolution and this can be the role of a renewed Orthodox Empire once more, a centre for all who do not recognise paganism or atheism, but recognise the Church of God, belong to Her and confess Her Faith without compromise. St Alexander Nevsky, who in the thirteenth century stood alone to defend the Church and Civilization against the barbaric Catholics wrote: ‘We must strengthen our defences against the West and seek friends in the East’.

Today’s Russian Federation has understood this and understood that playing with Western liberalism, that is, with Sodom and Gomorrah and the law of the jungle that has so miserably failed in the last decade in the Ukraine, as it did in Russia in the previous decade, will mean social, demographic, political, economic and industrial decline. The West wants an Arab spring in the Ukraine, a new Libya and Syria. But it has not understood the power of Russian Orthodox Civilization and that borders do not go through artificially constructed countries, but through the faith in human souls. The West may well have recovered its troublemakers of the nationalist, Uniat and schismatic far west Galicia, but it has lost the rest with its massacres. Orthodox Little Russia will survive as an independent sovereign state, outside vassal status to the US/EU cartel and with its soul, culture, identity and language intact.

Through its Ukrainian adventure, as also through its adventures in Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, the Balkans and Syria, where it provokes apostasy through Uniatism, Protestantism and Ecumenism, the West has only reinforced the geopolitical sovereign identity of the millennial, multinational Russian Orthodox Civilizational World. Once pro-Western oligarchs are withdrawing their money from the West and its Israeli proxy and repatriating it, feeling betrayed. Once pro-Western elements in Russia and the Ukraine are beginning to understand that the pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian Orthodox of Holy Rus were right all along. As St Alexander Nevsky also said: ‘God is not in might, but in truth’. And that is something that the Western elites have never understood and never will, for they have never believed in the God of truth, only in their own towering Babylonian pride.

Freedom for the Peoples of the Ukraine: Freedom for the Peoples of Europe

The Crimea, attached to the Ukraine by the drunken Ukrainian peasant atheist Khrushchov in 1954, chose freedom by referendum. The south and east, known historically as ‘New Russia’ and arbitrarily attached to the Ukraine by other Soviet atheists 30 years before the Crimea, are also choosing freedom against the martyr-making junta in Kiev. Odessa, with at least 46 victims of the Kiev terrorists, wants freedom; as also Donetsk and the region around it. Who is next? Could it be Transdnestria, which long ago declared independence from Moldova? Could it be ‘Transcarpathia’- Carpatho-Russia – which has already declared independence from the Kiev regime? Could it be the centre itself with Kiev, formerly known as Little Russia? Or will it be the freedom of Orthodox Volhynia and the great Lavra of Pochaev through the prayers of St Job?

What will remain is the Roman Catholic and schismatic far west province of Galicia, the only real Ukraine, or borderland, speaking its many regional dialects, much half-Polish, a quarter-Slovak and a quarter-German. Perhaps it should return to Poland, as an unwanted relic (and also invention) of the Hapsburgs. Perhaps the US will subsidise it (the EU has refused to do so). It seems curious that the West wished to preserve an artificial Soviet construct, the ‘Ukraine’, with its artificial borders, not registered internationally anywhere. It can only be presumed that the West was thoroughly ignorant of history, or else had actually started believing in its own myths. However, what is even more curious is that the West should have backed such losers as the incompetent murderers, handpicked by the US State Department and approved by the EU, as those who illegitimately seized power by violence in Kiev.

The unrepresentative US-installed puppet regime that was supposed to hand the Ukraine on a plate to the EU and NATO is collapsing, its soldiers and policemen in revolt, and with blood on its hands. Eurofascism has not won; not because the Russian Federation has invaded to liberate it, but because the peoples of the Ukraine have risen up to protest against the Galician separatists and their mercenaries. Colonialist Berlin and Washington, set to ravage the Ukraine, destroy its industry, dump its consumer goods and nuclear waste there, thought that it had won everything. In fact it is losing everything, once more discrediting itself in the eyes of the free world.

President Putin’s popularity has now risen to an unheard of 82%. Even the US now agrees that the EU has blood on its hands in Kiev. The EU is more discredited than ever, as we will soon see in the European elections. China and India have been drawn ever closer to the Russian Federation. The Eurasian Economic Union, which the EU thought it had for ever sabotaged, is about to be launched and may well expand rapidly, absorbing former US puppets like Georgia and Azerbaijan on the way. The world saw the isolation of the West in Syria when it accused the government there of using poison gas, when it was in fact Western-backed terrorists who used the poison gas. Now it has seen the crassness of the Western world in the Ukraine too.

No more will the Ukraine arm the enemies of the people, as it did the Saakashvili regime in Georgia in 2008, slaughtering 2,000 innocents. No more will politically-backed puppet schismatics like ‘the Patriarch of Kiev’ exist and Church property will at last be returned to the Church; no more will politically-backed Galician Uniatism be free to spread in the Crimea, New Russia and Little Russia. The scheme of the CIA-run Patriarchate of Constantinople to take over the Ukraine has failed. Just as in 1945, so in 2014, Eurofascism has been defeated again.

Where does the process of liberation stop? The Caucasus? The ‘Stans’ of Central Asia? Mongolia? Moldova? The Baltics? Serbia and Montenegro? (After all Galicia is to the Ukraine what Croatia is to Serbia; the Second World War proved that). Hungary? Bulgaria? Cyprus? Romania? Greece? Even Peru and Venezuela have expressed interest, indicating that the new Eurasian Economic Union may not only be geographical, but ideological as well. What we may at last be witnessing is the restoration of the Russian Empire, after the treachery and historic injustice that have now lasted for 100 years. Is freedom on the way? We must pray to the martyred Tsar for his help.

News from the World

It is reported that the atheist Muslim (?) President Obama has last weekend been in negotiations with the Saudi Arabian government, trying to persuade it to flood the oil market with production in order to destroy the market for Russian oil. This comes along with his meeting with the Jesuit Pope Francis, with whom he no doubt spoke of again desperately trying to catholicise the Ukraine. Today, in the UK, however, the leader of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage, denigrated and slandered by the Establishment-controlled media for being independently-minded, has called Angela Merkel ‘cold’ (she is after all a Calvinist East German) and President Putin ‘brilliant’.

More seriously, the Serbian e-publishing agency Pres has reported that a Facebook group called FB referendum has petitioned President Putin to ‘annex’ Serbia, calling for a referendum like the Crimean one that would join Serbia to Russia. Within a few hours 30,000 Serbs had signed the petition, expressing their unwillingness to become yet another exploited, deindustrialised and immigrantised Eurocolony, under Berlin’s economic occupation and NATO’s military occupation. And in Bulgaria it has been reported that two thirds of the population support President Putin and are for a Crimean-style ‘annexation’ of Bulgaria – similar to the desire in almost all of the ‘Ukraine’.

The battle lines are being drawn up as in the prophecy of St Seraphim of Vyritsa – between a Christian Empire based in Moscow and an atheist Empire based in Washington. Whose side are you on?

Euroatlantic Aggression Against the Unity of Holy Rus

To speak of a new Cold War between the Western secularist world and the Russian Christian world is absurd; the Western aggression of the Cold War never finishes and has been going on for centuries, at least since the age of Daniel of Galicia (1205–1255) and St Alexander of the Neva (1221-1263). True, sometimes that Cold War heats up, as in the thirteenth century, as in 1612, 1812, 1854, 1914 and 1941. Or, as in recent years, with the attempted US-funded and EU-backed Georgian invasion of Russia in 2008 and now the US-funded and EU-backed seizure of power by mainly Catholic Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine in 2014.

The roots of this aggression, ‘the ‘Cold War’, were sown over a thousand years ago, when what had been the western part of the Church assumed the ideology of papism. This ideology, known as the filioque and stating that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Pope of Rome, meant that what had been the western part of the Church became a papocaesarist State, its self-proclaimed task to conquer the whole world. This globalist imperialism was in the sixteenth century inherited by a new vital force in the West, Protestantism, which asserted that all male believers are popes, not just one, so ‘democratising’ the filioque.

Today and since its long-awaited appearance in the 1960s, there is the new vital force of atheist secularism, which asserts that all, believers or not, are popes, so further democratising the filioque and making faith completely irrelevant, for the Holy Spirit proceeds from all human nature, not just from white males, but also from atheists, pagans, homosexuals, transgenders etc. So the process of apostasy that started in Rome long ago spread outside it. Rome was only the carrier of the virus that will lead to final apostasy and the end of the world.

In today’s Ukraine we see how all these forces, Catholicism (in its Uniat form), Protestantism (in the new self-appointed President), secularist atheism (in the ideology that rules all these puppets), and also schismatic and apostatic ‘Orthodoxy’ under the married ‘monk’ Denisenko who concelebrates with Catholics) the apostate front is complete. All the filioquists are together, all united, all ready to accept the rule of Antichrist, as long as the West rewards them with their toy of Ukrainian nationalism.

Yesterday in Brussels President Obama, himself the apparently lapsed Muslim leader of the collected atheist and agnostic heads of Western European states, made a clear statement of naked aggressive intent against the Christian world. He called for the stationing of more NATO troops throughout Eastern Europe, asserted that Might is Right and that a big bullying power (the USA) has the right to take over a small, bankrupt country (the Ukraine), using the puppet junta that it has put into power there. Thus, in a speech full of historical lies, the US President denied freedom and democracy, the right to self-determination, of tens of millions of Little Russians and Carpatho-Russians, now under the yoke of the Euroterrorist junta in Kiev.

To sow discord between Orthodox Christians using nationalism as the sword with which to rule and divide has always been the Western technique. Thus, in the Balkans, almost a century ago, it began to divide off the small and weak, if ancient, Greek Orthodox world from the rest of the Orthodox world, experiencing success in Anglican-subsidised Constantinople and British-controlled Greece, Cyprus, Alexandria and Antioch. Then under the masonic Patriarch Myron, it tried to pluck Latin Romania from the Orthodox Christian orbit. Today it works ardently in the same direction in EU Bulgaria, in bombed, much divided and bribed Serbia and at this very moment in puppet-regime Ukraine.

Thus using the weakness of nationalism to divide the ‘soft underbelly’ of the Orthodox world (for which nationalism the West then reproaches it!), the West hopes to disrupt the Inter-Orthodox Council which may take place as early as 2016. Now is the time of testing. If semi-modernist, Western-financed representatives of Local Churches at that Council do not return to the fullness of the Orthodox Christian Tradition, regarding for example ecumenism, the liturgical calendar and other practices, it will turn out not to have been a Council at all, merely a failed Conference. It will then be for the Russian Church to organise a real Council, attended by all the bishops of all the free Local Orthodox Churches.

Euroatlantic aggression against the unity of Holy Rus means a clear choice between Western Secularism and Orthodox Christianity. Whose side are you on?