Category Archives: Iran

On the Eve of Destruction? Prayer or Despair


Whether among the secular elite or among the Church elite, corruption, perversion and faithlessness are everywhere, in almost apocalyptic fashion. The Western elite seems to be obsessed with its virtual world delusions which come from its wishful thinking lies, that it calls ‘narratives’, which are psy-ops and propaganda. For example, most Roman Catholics are still stunned by the anti-Christian opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in ex-Catholic and Prime Minister-less France, which is now ‘run’ by perverts. Perhaps they were stunned even more by the silence and eventual half-hearted condemnation of that blasphemy by the Pope of Rome. Some Catholics have even asked if he is not one of them. No comment. It is for Catholics to comment on their own elite.


Meanwhile, the US-funded provocations of the Western crusader state of Israel against Iran, with Mossad assassinations of Iranian leaders and friends, now look as though they could lead to a regional war in the powderkeg of West Asia, perhaps in the Lebanon. Hundreds of thousands of Jews have already fled Israel, whose army with its many deserters, has been mauled by the genocided Palestinians, many hundreds of whose civilians are massacred every single day by Israel’s US bombs. If the leaderless and rudderless US, where the senile Biden has been replaced in a coup d’etat, obsessed with an election next November, directly takes part in this war, it will be on the orders of Washington fanatics, blinded by their ideology.

If so, expect US Navy ships to be sunk. This could be in the eastern Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, where 30% of the world’s oil passes, or in the Red Sea. US ships already had to run away from the Red Sea once, frightened of Houthi missiles. Iran is being armed with air-defence systems and missiles by Russia. The Muslim world, Russia and China are united in support of Iran. Little wonder that stock exchanges amid the political chaos of the Western world have been crashing, not least because they have seen that US debt is unpayable. Printing more trillions of dollars is not an option.

Meanwhile, almost unreported in the Pagan Games-obsessed and media-manipulated Western world of bread and circuses, 2,000 ageing Ukrainian troops are being killed or wounded every day. Despite the  six obsolete US fighter aircraft hiding in Romania, whose futile presence is merely a PR stunt, surely the tragedy there can only last another two months at most?  Moreover, Ukrainians are themselves rebelling against their authorities and the Fascist military pressgangs, who are trying to recruit the over-60s, so desperate is the manpower situation. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering or deserting every year. The conflict in the Ukraine, with its untrained and surrendering troops, can only end in one way, the unconditional capitulation of Kiev, which for ten years refused to negotiate. In the meantime, Russian forces are heading for the Polish border.


In the UK, some minor riots against mass and uncontrolled illegal immigration, wretched refugees from the West’s futile wars in the Middle East, have been taking place in a few of the poorest working-class areas in the north and midlands of England. The anti-working-class British Prime Minister, the Zionist millionaire Starmer, elected by 20% of the population, but with a massive parliamentary majority, can only bluster. His prisons are so full anyway that he has to release thousands of prisoners before term. But then the last two British Prime Ministers were not even elected – such is the inbred elite of British democracy, which is in fact like the EU, a US-appointed globalist autocracy.

Starmer’s utter incompetence is not going to solve any problems, let alone draw up a strategy to deal with decades of accumulated discontent in the oligarch-controlled UK. The future looks grim. Decades of British incompetence and exploitation have produced the destruction of public services and utilities (which now resemble more public disservices), tens of thousands of homeless people sleep rough on the streets, hundreds of thousands of children have to eat from food banks run by charities, amid dangerous potholed roads and polluted rivers. Decay is all around.

Indeed, on top of the failure of the hopelessly underfunded police, defence and education services, there is the utterly failed National Health ‘Disservice’, with nearly 8 million waiting for urgent medical attention. The number goes down only if those waiting for treatment die before they get treatment, as so often happens. Why such social injustice? Partly, because of the tens of billions wasted in futile wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Ukraine, each time without any consultation, and at the British Akrotiri base (run under US orders) in Cyprus, which is used to supply bombs for the ongoing genocide of 200,000 Palestinian civilians and children in Gaza.


In the meantime, on 25th July, the Synod of the Russian Church in Moscow at last began the long, long overdue campaign to cleanse the immoral and amoral members of the episcopate and senior clergy of that Church. First, it suspended the notorious liberal intellectual, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev). At best he can only be retired, like so many other hypocritical metropolitans who ‘let the side down’, like the alcoholic and married Metr Ioan, who once sat in Paris or, much worse, the pedophile metropolitans, two of whom it has already ‘retired’ in Moscow, or those ‘retired’ from Kazan in that disgusting affair.

The suspension of Metr Hilarion followed the long overdue suspension of the Rector of St John the Theologian’s University in Moscow, the notorious Abbot Petr Yeremeev. Now also Archbishop Ephraim of Birobidjan has been ‘retired’. As for Bishop Ignaty (Punin), once very close to the Patriarch, this notorious homosexual thief has at last been defrocked. And in the Crimea Bishop Callinicus, aged 47, has also been ‘retired’. Meanwhile, in London, the defrocked drug dealer ‘Bishop Maxim’, notorious for his sexual orgies even when he was an unpunished priest in London, roams free from the Russian police.

Many will complain and ask when this drop of punishment in the ocean of corruption and perversion will extend to take in all the corrupt and perverted (most of them are the same people). When will it spread to all those hundreds of corrupted and perverted bishops and senior clergy both inside and outside Russia and their gay mafia gangs, whose antics have been known for years or even decades? These gangs are the ones who persecute the honest parish pastors and ignore the people and their basic needs. Yet no action has ever been taken against them and these evil men are still shielded and protected.


The people have been left unprotected for decades, both by secular and ecclesiastical authorities. Both have been and are equally corrupt. May the Church cleansing, which has at last begun, spread to the hundreds who need to be cleansed. And may it spread outside the Russian Church to the utterly corrupt episcopate in Constantinople and elsewhere. And may it finally spread to the political authorities too. Now is the time for prayer. The alternative is despair.