Category Archives: Russia

Russia’s Defeat of the European Delusion: From Old England to New England


With panic and lunatic rhetoric, the Brussels and London elite are now developing fantasy schemes. These consist of spending their non-existent money, or else stolen Russian money, on rearming themselves against an equally non-existent ‘Russian threat’. Trying to intimidate and zombify the Western European public, from the now electricity-starved Baltic statelets to Finland and Sweden, ‘surrounded by Russian submarines’, from Germany to France and the UK, and even from once-neutral Switzerland and to impoverished Southern Europe, the paid Western European media are inventing and developing mythical narratives of ‘Russian threats’. The belligerent elite and their media do not want peace, they want war. Once impoverished Western people have been intimidated, the elite believes that they will pay even more tax to it. But the US no longer believes the lies of that elite. The US wants to rid the world of the cocaine-riddled actor Zelensky and replace him with the politician Timoshenko. Only they are not the ones who will get to choose.

Part One: Western Europe and Russia

The Underlying Russophobia

The Western European elite has always been anti-Russian because Russia is the nearest target, rich with natural resources, and so is the easiest option for expansion and pillage. The ‘Drang nach Osten’, the ‘Onslaught towards the East’ is the ambition of the whole elite. Today it still suffers from a delusional fantasy, born in the virtual world where it lives. Having fought almost to the last Ukrainian soldier, this delusion is to declare a ‘ceasefire’ in the Ukraine without Russia, not consulting the winning side, to win the war with a pathetically weak army, obsolete arms and no money, and to have peace talks and peacekeepers only in order to keep the war going. For them ‘Peace is War’. It is as if Hitler in early 1945 had offered peace terms from his bunker: ‘If you declare me the winner and withdraw, then I will stop fighting’. The incompetent elite offers only the continuation of their already failed Ukrainian fantasy. The only hope for the peoples of Western Europe is to withdraw from the failed Imperialist project, of which NATO and EU are the outward symbols, and to find new leaders.

The Decomposition of the European Delusion

We are witnessing the unravelling of the millennial Imperialist dream and so the decomposition and fragmentation of Western Europe. However well-masked, the founding ideology of Western Europe has always been Nazism, ever since the 11th century Crusades, and like the whole Non-Western world, Russia has always opposed Nazism. And now the US has at last realised that it has all along been used as a dupe to continue the Western European elite’s project. As regards the Ukraine, the French Macron, a typical narcissistic pseudo-intellectual, preaches the violent dream of a new racist Crusade as in 1854, Blackrock’s German agent Merz continues to commit suicide as in 1945, and the UK Starmer et al are capable only of imagining propaganda terrorist operations, dramatic PR, but strategically irrelevant, like the disaster at Dieppe, the Dambusters attack, or the hubris of Arnhem in World War Two, repeated at Bucha, in the disastrous 2023 counteroffensive, at Krynky, in drone attacks on Russian refineries and homes in Moscow, Belgorod, Rostov and Kursk.

The Tribal Rivalries of Western Europe

Western Europe is at a turning-point. Isolated and squabbling with one another, its elite is set against the whole world. The post-World War II settlement with its NATO and EU is over, as all the old institutions are crumbling. The fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact were the first signs, then the reunion of the two Germanies, Brexit, failed EU centralisation, which trampled over every European nation and culture, the crazy attempt by Western Europe to extend into Non-Catholic and Non-Protestant Eastern Europe, even into the Ukraine, and finally the suicidal defeat of NATO in Europe’s Second Crimean War against Russia in the Ukraine. All this is giving rise to the revival of old rivalries. Who will lead Europe? France, Germany or Britain? Who will be the last emperor? Macron who imagines himself as Napoleon, Starmer as Churchill, or Merz as a new Bismarck? It is all sheer fantasy. They have come to believe in their own lies. Peace between the political and economic tribes of Europe will be guaranteed by Russia and the USA, which are far greater than all these midgets combined.

Russia and the Third Defeat of the Combined West

During its millennial history the Russians have defeated many enemies, only one of whom, the Mongol-Tartars, came from the East. All the others came from the suicidal West. These were the Teutonic Knights, the Poles, the Swedes, the British, French and Turks in 1854 in the Crimea, the Germans and Austro-Hungarians in 1914, and the three invasions from the Combined West: under Napoleon, the French and the 12 Nations; under Hitler, the Germans and the 5 Nations; under Obama and Biden, the East Galicians (‘Ukrainians’) and the 28 Nations. This last effort at conquest used the Ukraine as the proxy battering ram to destroy Russia, but failed miserably, although it took Russia over three years to defeat all of NATO and Western Europe, though not the USA, which has retreated, seeing the obvious coming rout. After this final defeat of suicidal Western Europe will come collapse and the foundation of a New Europe, most interestingly for us of a New England. England has been awaiting refoundation and resurrection for nearly a thousand years. Let us look back.

Part Two: England and Russia

The British Assassination of England

The ‘British’ were assembled and appeared in 1066. They were composed of all the scum of North-Western Europe, all the worst Viking, Norman, Fleming, Breton and Frankish bandits. They have always been anti-English, massacring the Old English in the years after their invasion, calling them ‘Anglo-Saxons’, ‘peasants’, ‘villains’ and ‘plebs’. The British, who took their name from the no less sadistic Romans and their Imperialist name for these islands, ‘established’ themselves, and then extended their sadism to the Celtic peoples in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, ethnically cleansing everywhere. After massacring them, the British then began to massacre others in Europe, notably French, later Germans, more recently Russians, and at the same time peoples in the New Worlds, in the Americas, the Caribbean, India, China, Africa and Oceania. Always, however, the English were the first victims of the British and remain so until this very day. Only today they are victims of mental and spiritual massacres, those of self-censorship (wokeness) and brainwashing, not of physical massacres.

Old England

There was once another England. This was pre-British or, if you prefer, pre-Norman, England. Naturally, like all societies it had a social hierarchy, but those at the top and those at the bottom were basically the same English-speaking Anglo-Celtic race, together with the genetic heritage of pre-Celtic peoples. Relations with the purely Celtic peoples were delineated by borders, to the west by Offa’s Dyke and then the Irish Sea, to the south-west by the River Tamar, to the north by the Roman-built walls. A high point in the history of Old England was the saintly King Alfred and his immediate successors, who assimilated the Danish and Norwegian Viking minority by accepting their voluntary baptism and brought unity. There was no place for racism here, the outlook was international, England was part of the concert of nations. Notably, King Alfred had been to Rome as a child, used diplomacy, recruited many helpers from the Celts and Continental Europe. He sent alms to Jerusalem and India, and sent merchants to the ports of Continental Europe and as far as the White Sea.

The British Assassination of Russia

In 1916, facing bankruptcy, the British Establishment saw that it was losing the War in Europe, for which it was itself in part responsible by not mediating peace between the two Continental sides. Its only way of winning would be to involve its US ‘transatlantic cousins’ in the war. Having contrived to bring down the Tsar’s Russia in Saint Petersburg and obtain huge loans from Zionist bankers in New York, all was set for the fateful events of 1917, including later the Balfour Declaration, as demanded from New York. Russia was assassinated in the assassination of the Russian Royal Martyrs. They were martyred by the British/Norman Establishment, the New York banksters and the jealousy of treacherous Russian aristocrats, so-called ‘liberal democrats’ and ‘Constitutionalists’. Today in Britain it is the same ‘Liberal Democrats’ who are opposed to Russia, though almost all Conservatives and Labourists share the same prejudices. They also continue to want to co-opt the USA as their catspaw, as they did in the First and Second Wars and under the sick and foolish Biden.

New England

A close friend of the saintly King Alfred was the righteous King of East Anglia, St Edmund the Martyr – who was assassinated by the Vikings/Normans. Through his sacrifice he became the Patron-Saint of England and remains so to this very day. St Alfred the Confessor and St Edmund the Martyr are the symbols of any future National Liberation and National Cultural Revival, of a Freed New England and a Freed New English People and Culture. Freed, that is, from the British/Norman Yoke, from the Oligarchic Establishment and its State propaganda mouthpiece media, which, despite people’s heroes like Hereward the Wake or Robin Hood, have zombified the masses, feeding them on bread and circuses since the century before last. However, for freedom to come, attention has to be paid to healing England and the English People, and this means rejecting any temptation to interfere in the affairs of others. Attention must be paid to Altar, Throne and Cottage, to Faith, Government and People, for England to become once more a nation in the concert of many nations.


In its paranoia, the British Establishment which still dreams of and even still lives in its Imperial past, is obsessed with its Victorian Great Game fantasy. Therefore, it is constantly inventing fake Russian plots against itself: the MI5 poisoning of Litvinenko, the Malaysian aeroplane Flight 17, downed over the Donbass by Kiev in 2014 and blamed on Russia, the MI5-poisoned Skripals in Salisbury, fake Russian cyberattacks and fake Russian spies are all myths, ‘narratives’, invented in self-justification. Moreover, the Establishment still wants revenge for its failed invasion of the Crimea in 1854, which was so disastrous that it led to the fall of its government of the time, and for the failed British coup d’etat in Russia in 1917. Those of us who are believers, despite the CIA infiltration of the Russian Orthodox Church here and its bishops who demand that Russian troops leave the Ukraine, know that all that is hidden will be revealed. The Truth will out. Here are fearful words of warning to the corrupted British and to the Western European elite: You are only punishing yourselves, for God is not mocked.

The Western European Elite Isolated

The Western proxy war in the Ukraine continues, though it is now more or less without the US, which is tired of losing so much money in that entirely unprofitable project. Thus, it is now a Western European proxy war. It seems as though the US will next abandon the equally absurd and loss-making NATO, which Russia has all but destroyed anyway. And the Ukrainians are running out of soldiers to die. Meanwhile, Zelensky has said that he will quit, providing he gets more money. ‘Give me the money and I will go away’. This is typical of a narcissist, whose sense of entitlement is such that he can only be compared to a spoiled brat. Given the new attitude of the US, Zelensky now has to find more dupes to exploit. And the dupes are queueing up for him in Western Europe. This is especially so in the UK, where the proud Establishment is still living in the delusional fantasy of Imperial greatness, although dead long ago, and in vainglorious Napoleonic France, where this fantasy is also shared.

Why do such delusions still exist? Sadly, the greater the empires of the past – the British and the French – and the longer ago they began (in Britain in 1066, in Capetian France a century later), the greater their delusions in the present. Moreover, the British and, in theory, the French, came out as victors in 1945, though they were victors only on paper, their victory was Pyrrhic. In reality, the British had begun handing over their Empire to the US as early as 1916, according to Milner’s Round Table plan. This plan was to destroy the Tsar’s Russia and then use the US as a catspaw to prolong British Imperialism. However, all that was good in the Tsar’s Russia, State-regulated Capitalism and free healthcare and education, survived in the USSR. It proved unvanquished. We clearly see that continuity today – Russia is still the largest country in the world and the largest economy in Europe. The Tsar’s Russia, with even its flag, is rising from the dead. Nemesis is coming for those who tried to destroy it.

The Western European elite has now isolated itself from both the Russian Federation and the New USA. There is no more ‘Collective’ West, for only Zelensky and the warmongering Europeans want to continue their war. Thus, that elite has made itself even more irrelevant and laughable in the eyes of the rest of the world and of its own non-zombified peoples. The future German Chancellor Merz (whom 71.5% of German voters do not support) and the unelected ‘Brussels Empire’ bureaucrat, Empress von der Leyen, have both expressed that isolation very eloquently. As the USA prepares to lift sanctions against Russia, the self-harming and very unpopular EU and UK elites (with about 20% of support) are applying even more sanctions to further destroy their own economies. Given the hostility of the Western European elite to both its Great Power neighbours, east and west, and the complete absence of any positive foreign policies or strategies, what possible future can they have?

First of all, we have to understand why the Western European elite refuses to grasp reality, whereas the USA, under Trump, has finally grasped the reality, that it has been willingly deceived by Kiev and its own former, very corrupt elite. The reason for the obtuseness of the Western European elite is because it is profoundly stuck in that above-mentioned thousand-year-old rut. This comes from belief in its snobbish and arrogant prejudice of its own mythical superiority, that somehow, mysteriously, ‘The West is Best’, that is, ‘We are best’. Conversely, the USA has, at worst, only a 250-year-old mentality of superiority, arguably, it may only be 80 years old, going back only to 1945. After all, we should not forget that the greatest ally of the USA in the nineteenth century was Imperial Russia, indeed Russia probably saved the US Union during its Civil War. And both countries fought together against Germany in two World Wars as allies. Are we returning to that once more?

Thus, the US elite is throwing off that mentality of superiority, which it took on from Western Europe, especially from the British elite. However, in Western Europe we can see how that anti-Christian mentality of superiority was shared by its most important leaders during the 1940s. For example, Hitler hated his neighbours, the Slavs (he slaughtered 30 million of them in his holocaust) and the Jews, just as they did during the Teutonic Crusades. Churchill hated ‘blacks and browns’, Africans and Asians, his imperial neighbours. As for De Gaulle, he hated his neighbours, the Arabs, just as they did during the Crusades against the Holy Land. Typically, by the end of 1940 all the Roman Catholic countries in Europe were run by Nazis. It can be said that this Nazism, the hatred of neighbours, is the common ideology of the Western European elite. Look back to Mussolini in Italy and Ethiopia, the Belgian Leopold in the Congo, the Dutch in the ‘East Indies’, the Spanish conquistadores, or the Italian Columbus.

But what will post-Yalta Western Europe be replaced by? Surely there needs to be a New Yalta? The Old Yalta was 80 years ago and is no longer relevant. A New Yalta would be attended by the New Big Three, Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi (instead of Churchill). ‘Eastern Europe’ (in fact the eastern half of Western Europe) is already making its choice, in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, even in former East Germany, probably in freed Romania next May and, as riots take place against the EU in Sofia, probably in Bulgaria too. Others will follow them. Thus, most of ‘Eastern Europe’ is already deciding on its future – it is in free trade and shared cultural contacts with the Russian Federation. Independent of Russia, it will also be independent of the EU. Western Europe also needs to return to and reintegrate the rest of Asia or, if you prefer, Eurasia. The people want it. After all, Europe is a fake Continent, it is part of Asia and all ‘Europeans’ came to the European Peninsula from Asia.

In other words, the future of Western Europe is also to be with, though in no way under, Russia, that is with the rest of Europe, half of which is precisely inside Russian borders. Today the symbolic head of Western Europe, the elderly and ill Pope of Rome, lies close to death, like his Religion in Western Europe, as also the Protestant groups in Western Europe, which broke off from the Popes, and which are now also dying out in pedophilia. This is also deeply symbolic. Is there a viable alternative in Orthodox Christianity? True, parts of both the Russian Church have been infiltrated through hatred-preaching ‘Orthobro’ bishops and the Greek Church through bribes, but there are other Orthodox Churches, which are free, not subjugated to the USAID of Biden. The other Local Orthodox Churches can help Western Europeans return to their roots and identity. Here is the chance for Western Europeans – to return to authentic, ancestral ‘European values’, from Christ, Who also came from Asia.
















The Turning-Point of 2025: The Self-Humiliation of the Western European Elite

Foreword: The Great Delusion

‘The West defeated Russia in the Cold War’. This is the greatest delusion and myth that the West has entertained since 1945. In 1992 the West deluded itself and thought that ‘history had ended’ in its own ‘victory’. In reality, the West never defeated Communism, rather Communism, having inevitably failed economically, turned into Nationalism, both Russian and Chinese. The fact that Marxist materialism failed, which had been predicted long before, does not mean that Capitalist materialism, greed for profit, would succeed. Marxism was wrong about Marxism, but it was right about Capitalism. Russia, freed from Communism, became State Capitalist, as it had been before the British regime-change of 1917, when it had already attained a 85% literacy rate and electrification and would have been the world’s greatest power by 1950. China too has returned as a Great Power, State Capitalist, as it had been until 1840.

Four Speeches and Vice-President Vance

Four speeches have marked my life because they were visionary. The first was the Peace Speech of President J. F. Kennedy in June 1963. Two months later came the famous Martin Luther King ‘I have a dream’ speech. The third is the Harvard Speech of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in June 1978 and the fourth was given outside the USA, by the American J.D. Vance in Munich just now, in February 2025. The last speech shook the elites of Western Europe, but was loudly applauded by ordinary Europeans, glad that someone was at last allowed to tell the truth in public and not get arrested by the more or less Fascist European ruling class. That ruling class remains feudal and its structure reflects the medieval ruling pyramid, header by the Pope, now replaced by the Infallible Ursula von der Leyen.

This fourth speech was when the US Vice-President, one who consciously chose to become a Roman Catholic and is a great supporter of the much-persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church, berated the Western European elite for its anti-democratic and anti-Christian practices. This speech marks the divorce between the USA and the militant and warmongering Western European elite which includes and sponsors the Ukrainian elite, but not, for example, the Hungarian and Slovak elites. The Ukrainian elite, backed by the Western European elite and led by Zelensky, is now blocking peace in the Ukraine. Trump recommends that Zelensky flee to France, so that peace can come there and so that the tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, who are dying every month, will live.

Meanwhile, at the North-Western End of the Asian Peninsula

The North-Western Peninsula of Asia is called Europe and is just over 10 million square kilometres in area. The Eastern half of that Peninsula lies inside the three East Slav nations, which consist of the European part of Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus. The Western half of the Peninsula, divided into some 40 countries, lies outside those borders. However, the Eastern part of the Western half, with its many Slav peoples, is culturally closer to the Eastern half than to the Western part of the Western half. Thus, the far Western part, or quarter, of the Peninsula forms the 21 countries of what is the real ‘Western’ Europe. Those countries are populated by the Germanic peoples, mainly in the north, Romance peoples, mainly in the south, and small numbers of others, Celts, Basques and Maltese.

The one-thousand year period of the ‘Western European’ domination of the rest of the world, at first only of the Near East and Eastern Europe, which much expanded from 1492 on, is now over. The colonial empires of countries like Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium etc are finished. Only relics like Greenland, New Caledonia, Tahiti, the Falklands, Gibraltar are left. The USA and Russia have ended them and the future of the whole of the Western half of the Peninsula has been decided in Saudi Arabia, outside Western Europe, for it is now irrelevant. Its governing elite deserves this humiliation. How can the peoples of ‘Western Europe’ be supported after their elite’s defeat in this great geopolitical shift, a defeat which simply mirrors the defeat of the Soviet elite?

The Realistic People Versus the Ideological Elite

Today’s USA is run on realism, that Russia is a Great Power, whereas the Western European elite runs on ideology – ‘the West is Best’. Ideologies are always blind to reality because they try to fit reality into a mere ideology. This is why ideologies always break down. They are unrealistic. Such was the case with absurd Nazism and Marxism. Now it is the case with Western Imperialism. Realism shows us that Russia was a Great Power in 1914. The West then tried to destroy it five times. The first time was in 1914, the second time was in 1917, the third time was in 1941 and the fourth time was in 1991, the fifth time was in 2022. Each time the West failed. This time Great Power Russia has defeated not just the junta in Kiev, but all of NATO, which is now all but dead because the USA is leaving it.

Unlike Western Europe, the USA has a Constitution, which begins ‘We, the people…’. Therefore, the USA, founded by Europeans fleeing oppression, has at last been able to sideline the old, anti-democratic US elite, which was previously wholly supporting the treacherous, oppressive and authoritarian Western European regimes. Both elites promised the defeat of Russia, that its economy would be ruined and ‘the rouble would be turned into rubble’ and that the USA and Western Europe would, as the Nazi Eurocrats intended, break up Russia and seize and exploit its vast assets. Such fantasies could only have been expressed because the elites were living in a virtual world of fantasy narratives, of delusional wishful thinking, that is, of propaganda lies which they had persuaded themselves to be true.

EU/UK Hysteria

Reacting to Trump’s policy of actually talking to Russia, the hysterically Russophobic EU Commissariat is having a nervous breakdown. Just like Kiev, the EU cannot take part in any peace talks with Russia because the EU wants war. As for the Ukraine, it held ‘peace summits’ and refused to invite Russia, so why should the Ukrainian dictator be invited to future Russian-American peace talks? In any case. Kiev has still not rescinded the executive order of October 2022 which actually forbids it from peace talks with Russia. Now the authoritarian EU has just implemented its sixteenth package of sanctions against Russia! Surely if fifteen packages did not work after three years, a sixteenth will not either. All it will do is bankrupt EU countries even quicker. Such is their suicidal path.

As for the crazy idea of EU/UK peacekeepers in the Ukraine, why would Russia, which decides on this, as it holds all the cards, accept ‘peacekeepers’ from countries who are at war with it, economically at war and also supplying arms and mercenaries to the enemy side? And you certainly do not need peacekeepers, when you already have peace, as Trump promises. Why does the leadership of Britain and France want war and threaten interventions with non-existent troops? The British Army, just like the French, has twice as many horses as tanks, and its Navy has more admirals than ships. It is a fact. Another fact is that Alexandre de Rothschild runs the bank clerk figurehead Macron in France and shady figures in the City of London runs the figurehead of Starmer, who got the job because of his wife.

Towards International Peace

Both Starmer and Macron have now become prisoners of their own rhetoric and promises. Macron was clearly defeated in elections last year, but refused to resign despite the French people and the most popular Party, the National Rally. In the UK the new Sovereignist Reform Party, the British equivalent of the National Rally, now has 212,000 members, having overtaken the Conservative Party with 130,000 members on 26 December, and now heading to overtake the Labour Party within three months with its fast-declining 309,000 members. And Reform is headed by Trump’s best friend in Britain, Farage. Europe’s biggest former Imperialists, like the British, and the much-mocked liars of their media have yet to understand that the Unipolar, Westcentric world is over. And it really is.

When will the crazed Western European elite, centred among the unelected and overpaid Politbureau of Commissars in Brussels and the hated minority governments (both elected by 20% of the electorate) in London and Paris, all of which betrayed the genocided people in Eastern Ukraine, understand? As the elite will never stop believing in its own lies, it will have to be replaced by a new governing class, come up from the peoples of Western Europe and representing the peoples’ interests. Its first action should be the renewal of diplomatic ties with Russia and then the lifting of all suicidal sanctions against Russia, quashing the absurd criminal charges against the Russian President. Then it would need to support vital agreements such as those below, since the only real players support them.

Agreement In Europe

An overarching Eurasian Security Agreement needs to be reached. After the imminent regime-change in Kiev, which has been blocking peace, in this way peace can be reached for the New Ukraine in its new borders, probably governed by President Roman Medvedchuk without the warmongering dictator Zelensky. There must also be a stop to the nasty persecution of Russians who live in the Baltics. In return, the East Slavs will agree to stay within their borders in the eastern half of Europe, unless attacked again by the highly aggressive West, as has, unfortunately, so often happened, five times in the last eight generations. There must also be peaceful self-determination referenda in ex-Yugoslavia, which can be implemented once the Western world stops meddling there.

In this way, the EU and NATO, their sell-by dates expired long ago, exactly in 1992, can be collapsed. All their member-countries can then retrieve their sovereignty and their own currencies and form friendly and voluntary regional trading associations, if they so wish, also joining BRICS like normal countries Their hugely wasteful military budgets, standing on average at about 2% of GDP, could then be cut in half. They do not need armed forces; nobody wants to invade them – they are all bankrupt anyway. Together with the renewal of trade with Russia and the import once more of cheap energy, cereals and fertilisers from Russia, Western Europe could reindustrialise and renew its crumbling infrastructure, roads, railways, utilities, and social, health and educational systems.

Agreement Outside Europe

The USA should close down all its military bases and interests in all of the Eastern part of the Western half of Europe, in countries like Poland, the Baltic States, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, ex-Yugoslavia and also in Germany and the Nordic countries. Similarly, it should close all its bases and clear out its occupying forces in Africa, the Caucasus, Central Asia, as well as in Japan and Thailand, where they have no reason to be and are not wanted. The US has its own sphere of interest – in Northern America. The return of the US military back home from Eurasia would help it stop the rise in its huge national debt of 36.5 trillion dollars, which is increasing by three million dollars every minute. The USA is bankrupt because of its attempt to rule all.

A war has been raging in West Asia, as the ‘Middle East’ is called in the West. The USA has to find a solution to the problems caused by its satellite, Israel. How can Israeli troops be removed from the Lebanon? How can the native people of Gaza live in conditions fit for human beings? When will Israeli persecution of the native people on the West Bank, which it occupies, cease? How can the bloodshed stop in what used to be Syria? The key here is perhaps in Russian guarantees to Iran. Beyond this, with Russian guarantees to North Korea, the US could withdraw its troops from South Korea. With Taiwan at last allowed to return to China, the US could be allowed by Russia and China to absorb Greenland and Canada, if their peoples accepted this by free referenda, as Russia has held in the Ukraine.

The Future and the Church

In the latest news, we can see the possible future of the old Soviet Ukraine, depending on referenda results. All the east and the south will pass to the Russian Federation, as will Transdnistria also. Most of North Bukovina (Chernovtsy) will return to Romania and possibly the small eastern part will go to Moldova in return for Gagauzia, if Gagauzia wishes to join the Russian Federation. Zakarpattia (Subcarpathian Rus or Ruthenia) will either go entirely to Hungary or else will be divided between Hungary and Slovakia, as before. As for the provinces of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivivsk and the western half of Ternopol, they will return to Poland. This would leave the New Ukraine, Kiyivska Rus, with the City of Kyiv, Kiyiv, Zhytomir, Rivne, Volyn, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Vinnytsia, Khmelnitskyi, and the eastern half of Ternopil.

In Church matters, surely there is only one solution. For the New Ukrainian/ Kiyivska Rus Church, to receive autocephaly, as also the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland), should have their own Autocephalous Church. And Moldova must have its own autocephalous Moldovan Orthodox Church too, according to a Tomos signed jointly by Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow and Patriarch Daniel of Bucharest, as this is joint territory. If Moscow wanted one day to grant autocephaly to Belarus, that may happen. That would stop any uncanonical invasions of Russian canonical territory by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. It would also make twenty Local Orthodox Churches. Such decisions might at last bring a resolution to the long-standing uncanonical situation of the Diaspora.


The Western European elite dinosaurs dwell in the past with its EU and NATO. They cling on to it, but the USA now looks to the future. There the generational shift has happened. This has exposed the corruption of USAID, of the National Endowment for ‘Democracy’, of the FBI and the CIA. The absurd Russiagate scandal will be exposed as a British attempt at regime-change in the US, covid as a Deep State error, as also the recent scandal of Epstein and the old one of the Kennedy assassination. Corrupt Western governments and their media are being exposed. Trump will save face by agreeing to the (Russian-created) New Ukraine and peace, declaring it as his victory. Let him. The future is clear – the Big Three, China, Russia and the USA, with a BRICS-composed Security Council and seats for the Big Three as for India, Africa, Brazil and Muslim Indonesia, and one seat for the ever-squabbling tribes of Europe. This is the future.

Four Weeks of President Trump: War, Peace, the Russian Superpower and the Suicide of Irrelevant Europe

Four weeks since his inauguration on 20 January, we can now say that President Trump’s style is that, as Russians say, of ‘a monkey with a hand grenade’. That is, he throws ‘chaos bombs’ – he casts very large stones into the world pond and then observes the ripples. His many words are clearly not to be taken seriously; only his deeds are serious and many more of them will be serious. Trump closely observes the reactions to his often apparently bizarre propositions. Thus, thanks to some of these, he has discovered that many of the tiny population of Greenland would like to join the USA formally (informally, it has been in the USA since the 1940s), if the price is right. And the Premier of Alberta in Canada will probably also join the US (each Canadian province has the right to secede), if the conditions are right. In which case all Western and Northern Canada would follow Alberta. Ontario and Quebec can rot alone. This would be the end of the Danish and British Empires. As for the Panama Canal, we now see that the US could take it militarily in a few hours.

In the ‘Middle East’, Trump claims that he wants to ‘evacuate’ (= ethnically cleanse) Gaza of its two million native Palestinians and build a ‘Middle East Riviera’. Clearly, this is just absurd bluster to provoke people, especially the unsinkable Israeli Zionists, who are about to be ‘sunk’ and abandoned by the USA. In reality, as Trump knows, but dares not say, the key to peace in West Asia lies with Iran. And the key to Iran lies with the vast Northern Eurasian landmass called the Russian Federation, just as the key to North Korea lies with that Federation and just as the reintegration of Western Europe into Eurasia is the only solution to the problems of the Western European Peninsula. Trump claimed he could get peace in the Ukraine in one day. In reality, he knows that peace in the Ukraine, Europe (and Iran) can only be reached through Russia, which alone stopped the genocide committed by the Obama-appointed, Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev against Ukrainians in the Donbass. And it was the EU, not NATO, that triggered this conflict in 2014 and provoked the war there in 2022.

Russia will never undertake peace talks with Nazis. It did not do so with Hitler, it will not do so now. Russia will destroy them, now as then. There are only three paths to peace in the Ukraine for Kiev’s troops – surrender, desertion, or death. Trump has neither carrot, nor stick to impose anything on Russia. He has nothing to offer – for Russia has everything. For example, the 24,000 illegal Western sanctions against Russia have made the Russian economy boom to become the largest economy in Europe and sent other European economies into isolation, deindustrialisation, stagnation and decline, now with Third World basic infrastructure problems. There will be no more suicidal sanctions against Russia from the West. The USA is going to lift its sanctions. The ‘criminal charges’ against the Russian President are a joke, the freezing of Russian assets and interest from them are theft, and the fantasy of Western arrests of Russian ships in international waters are piracy on the high seas. And the powerful Russian Navy would respond to any such arrests in kind.

What a sad reputation the West has earned for itself among the Global Majority. There will be no ceasefire, no frozen conflict, no interventions or peacekeepers in the Ukraine. You only have peacekeepers when there is no peace – as in ex-Yugoslavia. Instead, in the New Ukraine, whatever it will be called and whatever its borders, there will be permanent peace, following the Russian military victory and the military defeat of Zelensky, the cornered ‘Mad King of Kiev’, as the previously misinformed Trump has now realised. The delusional warmongers of the West, now confined to Western Europe, the EU and the UK, who cannot admit the reality that they lost their war, are totally irrelevant and have been sidelined. The Presidents of Russia and the USA will agree on peace terms and security guarantees not just for the Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe – and without the irrelevant Ukraine and Europe. The Western European (EU and UK) elite is out of control. Its political elite must be regime-changed and then the countries concerned can be stabilised.

There is in Trump’s propositions no betrayal of the Ukraine. They are a recognition of reality. Kiev lost against a Great Power, as was obvious would happen from the start. The only betrayal is that by the European elite, who have betrayed the peoples living in the Soviet-created Ukraine, continuing to squander their lives, and have also betrayed the peoples of Europe, continuing to squander their money. The European elite, which includes Zelensky, desperately wants war and hates peace, because it will not admit that it was wrong in trying to extend the virtual reality of their European Union Empire eastwards. Polish historians are heading to Moscow, as Russia prepares to return the far west of the Ukraine, demilitarised, to its former owners, to Poland, Romania and Hungary, undoing the evil of Stalin who stole those areas from them. None of this is ‘the defeat of the West’, as some claim, but it is the defeat of the Combined Nazi West, embodied by Napoleon’s, then by Hitler’s, and now by the Globalists’, failed multinational invasion of Russian Lands.

Three defeats of the elite of the Collective West in a row over eight generations. Only the New, post-senile USA can remedy this situation together with Russia, collapsing, or rather letting collapse, the delusional fairy-tales of the EU and NATO. The Europe which they invented does not exist. The Christian Vice-President Vance told the Western elite the truth in Munich and was met with deep shock, ice cold hostility and then furious rage. That is what you get for telling atheists the truth. The European elite is today like those who in Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor refuse freedom, preferring the slavery of the past. Trump is doing what he promised to do, but failed to do in 2016 and he is avenging himself for the British ‘Russiagate’ nonsense. He is at last draining the Washington swamp with its massive corruption, involving trillions of dollars, as revealed by his friend Musk. It has also been revealed that the ‘narratives’ of slavish State propaganda outlets like the BBC and the British Reuters agency were financed by USAID to broadcast their lies. No surprises there.

The speech of Vice-President Vance in Munich is historically important. It quite undoes the last 80 years of history and represents the renegotiation of Yalta, overdue since 1992. Western Europe is now on its own – through its own choice. The disintegration of the EU began with the (still unimplemented) Brexit and then Hungary and Slovakia. The whole of largely Orthodox South-East Europe from Croatia and Austria on, with Romania, will leave the collapsing EU. As for Germany, it will renew ties with Russia, something which France and the UK have always opposed, approving the US sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines and the collapse of the German economy, approved of by the traitorous German elite, still in power for a few more days. Following the declaration that Europe is no longer the US priority, Vance reproached the decomposing Western European elite for having lost its values, Christianity, through uncontrolled Muslim immigration, and losing Democracy, through the morally depraved, sociopathic elite’s censoring of free speech with ‘narratives’.

There is no threat from Russia and China, only from the delusional European elite who wanted to extend their domain into the Ukraine in a proxy war which they still do not understand they have lost! Why should the USA sacrifice itself for Fascist anti-democrats who forbid democracy in Kiev, Tbilisi, Bucharest and Berlin? The EU and its UK sidekick are the new Soviet Union, the new European Nazism, where people, including sincere Christians, are arrested. As the US considered that the Soviet Union had been defeated, why should it defend a new one? Why does NATO still exist? Forget the North Atlantic. The new centre of the world is the Pacific, where the USA, Russia and China meet. It seems that Vance’s speech was a trap to see the reactions of the European elite. They had the wrong reactions. It was a stone cast into the bankrupt European pond of pedophiles. Karma has come to the hypocritical Europeans who regime-changed others, but reject it when their own people want it. The Ukraine is the Afghanistan of the EU, the defeat of the new Soviet Union.

Talks between the delegates of the two Presidents about peace in Europe opened in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia on 18 February. They cannot take place in Europe because there are no neutral countries left in Europe, certainly not hypocritical, pro-war Norway and Switzerland, nor NATO Sweden and Finland. All these pro-Nazi nations are still supplying arms to the Kiev regime. The problem with Western Europe is that the default position of its elite is Fascism, an inheritance from medieval Roman Catholicism. This is why the delusional grandchildren of Nazis of today’s EU support the delusional Nazis in Kiev. Birds of a feather flock together. Germany, France and the UK will all be regime-changed by their peoples and with full and open US backing. We are marching towards the great Victory Day Parade in Moscow on 9 May. Then the leaders of the four Great Powers, who in 1945 were allied, will stand on the rostrum: Presidents Putin, Trump, Xi and Modi. No European leaders will be there, except for the Hungarian and Slovak. Nazis will not be welcome….

The draining of the swamp in the Church has also begun in recent months. However, there is very far to go. The latest incident in Moscow, where the Patriarch appeared to put nationalism above the Kingdom of Heaven has scandalised many ( Many people have told me that they no longer want to be part of the Russian Orthodox Church, especially when they found out that the home of the brave, but perhaps very naïve, young priest was afterwards searched by the police. The Russian Church, which we knew only in its old émigré form, a completely different planet, has repeated the anti-missionary error of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the 1970s, when its archbishops rudely sent away all Non-Greeks and told them to become Protestants or Roman Catholics. To be honest, we fear what will happen next in the Russian Church, for God is not mocked. We tremble for those responsible and those who applaud them. It is insane. God is our Judge.

However, elsewhere the canonisation on 4 February by the Romanian Church of 16 New Martyrs and Confessors, who witnessed to God’s Truth, though persecuted by both Communist atheists and Capitalist atheists, is already having an effect. The EU-selected, German President of Romania has resigned. Despite the EU there will be free elections there and an Orthodox candidate, who wants peace in the Ukraine, Romanian territory returned, and NATO and EU meddling stopped, is by far the frontrunner. This is only the start. The Confessors Sofian of Antim, Dumitru Stăniloae, Arsenius of Prislop, Elijah Lăcătușu, the Venerable Paisius and Cleopa of Sihăstria, Dometius the Merciful of Râmeț, Seraphim the Enduring of Sâmbăta de Sus, Callistratus of Timișeni and Vasiova, Heraclius of Bessarabia, the Hieromartyrs Constantine Sârbu, Liviu Galaction of Cluj, Alexander of Bessarabia and Hilarion Felea, the Martyr Gerasimus of Tismana, and Bessarion of Lainici, all proclaim the same thing: Christ has conquered and the gates of hell will not prevail.









On the Present Divisions in the Russian Orthodox Church on Account of the Ukraine


We have never had the slightest doubt that the Russian Federation, one of the World’s four Superpowers and the fourth largest economy in the world, would emerge militarily victorious in the conflict in the Ukraine. It is common sense, its military-industrial base is far greater than that of the Collective West and its military technology is far ahead of the Western, which is stuck at least one generation behind in the 1990s, as shown by its burning backward tanks in Russia and the Ukraine. On top of that, it is supported by the whole Non-Western world, including China, India, Africa and Latin America, all who have been and are victims of Western colonialism and exploitation – nearly 90% of the planet. The West has isolated itself through its crimes. The Western defeat in the Ukraine, which is rapidly on its way, is Divine chastisement for its hubris and all its crimes over the centuries, not least its recent genocides in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and the Ukraine.

However, this common sense does not mean that we rejoice in any of this profound tragedy or Russia winning the war. Will Russia win the peace? At least a million men are dead or maimed in the Ukraine. All are victims of international politics, above all the victims are the poor Ukrainians, whom the racist Americans and the Western European elite want to see killed ‘until the last Ukrainian’. Now they want to murder even those Ukrainians between the ages of 18 and 25. However, as we have said from the outset, another great loser will be the once multinational Russian Orthodox Church, which has lost its Ukrainian flock and others by descending into Russian nationalist politics and cutting itself off from communion with the corrupt hierarchy of the Church of Constantinople. All seem to have forgotten that we are pastors, not politicians and we have no interest in power and money. Their punishment is coming. As the proverb says: Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

Introduction: The Conflict in the Ukraine

The very tragic conflict in the Ukraine has especially since 2022 caused divisions in the Russian Church outside the Ukraine. (I do not speak of the divisions that it has caused inside the Ukraine – they are all too obvious).

For: Patriots?

On the one hand, there are the Conservatives (for want of a better word), who fully support the armed conflict, which has already created over a million victims, killed and wounded. Many of these, on both sides, are formally baptised, in the same Russian Orthodox Church. Nevertheless, the views of the Conservatives, shared, it seems, by all the bishops and most of the priests inside Russia, though not by all of them in Western Europe and the USA, are that this is an operation to defend the Russian Federation and Russians in the east and south of the Ukraine from American-led NATO and Neo-Nazi Ukrainian aggression from the Kiev puppet government. Therefore, Russian actions are justified. Indeed, they claim that Russian actions are simply defending threefold Orthodox East Slavdom, Holy Rus (the Russian Federation, the Ukraine and Belarus), from Western evils like atheism and transgenderism, like that of the 1916 murderer and traitor Yusupov.

Those who support the Conservatives proclaim that the latter are sincere Christians and good pastors, who are just defending Russia against its God-less Western enemies. Those against the Conservatives consider them to be cruel, heartless, anti-Christian, divisive and politically-motivated. How can they, especially as clergy, be in favour of destruction, war and death? What about: ‘Thou shalt not kill’? They consider that the supporters of the Russian forces are mercenary and murderous hirelings of an aggressive Russian government, and that they will do whatever the Russian State wants, that they have no Christian conscience. Their argument is supported by the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church is, or rather, used to be, the Church of all Russian Orthodox and all canonical Ukrainian Orthodox, that it used to be multinational. Therefore, to support one national side against another is to divide the flock of the Church, introducing a civil war into the Church. Is that Christian?

Against: Traitors?

On the other hand, there are the Liberals (for want of a better word), who are opposed to the conflict and demand the withdrawal of Russian forces from the Ukraine. These include the clergy of the former Russian parish in Amsterdam and in Madrid (all of them linked to the late liberal Metr Antony (Bloom)), and a well-known archpriest and protodeacon from Moscow, now in exile in Western Europe. They, and several others, have all been ‘defrocked’ by the Moscow Patriarchate for disagreeing with the ‘Party line’ (See Note 1) and so joined the Patriarchate of Constantinople – Moscow’s US-financed rival. But they had nowhere else to go. Others, bishops of the Russian-American Synod in New York have also called on Russia to withdraw its troops. The anti-Russian attitudes of such bishops, who are American citizens, are not surprising. In the past, they had at least one CIA-agent bishop and until 1991 subsidies from the CIA. Why should they not accept subsidies again?

Those who are against the conflict are said to be sincere Christians and good pastors. Those who support the conflict consider those against to be political traitors. In effect, those against the conflict are supporting Russia’s enemies, the Western Powers, led by the USA. They tell those who are against the conflict to visit the Avenue of the Angels monument in Donetsk, where 400 children murdered by Ukrainian/US shells between 2014 and 2022 are buried, together with nearly 14,000 adult civilian victims. Also, they point out that most of the ‘Russian’ troops fighting in the Ukraine are Ukrainians anyway – Russian-speaking inhabitants of the eastern and southern Ukraine, who are fighting for their right to speak their native language and attend their Orthodox Church, which is sorely persecuted by Kiev. Since they are Ukrainians, how can they withdraw from their own country? Here is the essence of the tragedy – this is the worst sort of war – a civil war.

The Third Way

Those who are for the conflict seem to support Russian nationalism and militarism, those who are against the conflict seem to support US globalism and secularism. It is clear that neither of these extremes can be supported. We support the Third Way. This says that the Church should not take sides in a conflict between secular States, the Russian Federation and the USA, both of which have, for example, very high rates of abortion and divorce, suffer from weak family life and have very low levels of Church attendance. We should act as pastors, not politicians, as Christians, not as secularists. Our secular passport may say Russian or Ukrainian, but our spiritual passport says Orthodox Christian. This is our heavenly nationality, over all that is earthly. We should pray not for ‘victory’, but for ‘peace’. It seems to us that the Russian Orthodox hierarchy in Moscow should grant the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church full independence.

If independence, or autocephaly, is what the canonical Ukrainian Church needs in order to stop persecution, even if only temporarily, let it have it. The Church does not put power above peace and money above love. Sadly, we must admit that the conflict in the Ukraine has highlighted that many, on both sides, have done the opposite, playing politics. For them there is only power and money, not peace and love. The example of St Nicholas of Japan (+ 1912) should be followed. During the Japano-Russian War of 1904-05, as the Russian bishop of Japan and founder of the Japanese Orthodox Church, he lived as a recluse in prayer, telling his Japanese flock to pray for the Japanese authorities, as the Apostle Paul instructs us. And then he fell silent for the duration. Why do the Church authorities in Moscow not do the same today? We also have the example of St Silvanus the Athonite (+ 1938), who during the First World War simply prayed that the least evil side win.

Conclusion: Towards Healing

Here are the examples that we may follow, praying that the present grave divisions inside the Russian Church and those between it and other Local Orthodox Churches may be overcome.


  1. ‘Defrocking’ for political reasons is utterly uncanonical and is ignored by all sixteen Local Orthodox Churches, including the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Church of Constantinople and the Russian Church. Thus, one part of the Russian Church freely receives ‘defrocked’ clerics from the Church of Constantinople, as well as, in the past, many from the Patriarchate of Moscow. Constantinople received hundreds of ‘defrocked’ Ukrainian clerics in the 1990s and has received others more recently. The Romanian Church has received over 200 ‘defrocked’ clerics in Moldova and in England from the Russian Church, who had been ‘defrocked’ because they had been persecuted by their bishops. As one Russian Moscow bishop told me about another bishop who had carried out such actions: ‘Send for the psychiatric ambulance to pick him up’! What always happens after such ‘defrockings’ is always ‘refrockings’, when meaningless pieces of paper, written against the Holy Spirit, often still in their unopened envelopes, are simply cancelled.

Peace for the Ukraine – and for the Orthodox Church?

US Disengagement?

Even before Trump had been elected, the US elite had realised that it had to disengage from its Ukraine project. Russia had not been weakened, regime-changed, dismembered and destroyed, as had been the US plan all along. Instead its economy was booming, becoming the fourth biggest in the world, President Putin was more popular than ever and BRICS had taken off. As for the illegal Western sanctions, they were ignored by 90% of the world and damaged only the West. The US puppet, Zelensky, in his bunker in Kiev is clearly delusional, taking, they say, cocaine and desperately threatening invasions of Russia, without troops, arms and munitions, and even nuclear war, without nuclear weapons.

The claim by President-elect Trump during his campaign that he would achieve peace in the Ukraine within 24 hours, even before he entered the Oval Office was all presupposition and hubris. How could he end a war which the US had already lost. and Russian victory is ending anyway? Peace does not depend on him, even if the tragedy began as a US proxy war. Peace depends on the actions of the Russian military and President Putin. Indeed, peace may come through Russian military victory and Ukrainian military collapse even before Trump assumes office. That would probably be very welcome to Trump, enabling him to begin as President unburdened of the curse of the Ukraine, which has ruined everything.

The fact is that the President-elect does not want to solve the conflict in the Ukraine, what he wants is to disengage from it, so that the US can save money and at last ‘pivot to Asia’. The Ukraine is now a distraction from US strategic interests. Trump wants to run away from Kiev, just as the US ran away from its failed wars in Saigon and Kabul. Trump can do this very easily, if Kiev collapses before Trump’s inauguration. He can simply blame Biden for everything. This will be his ’exit strategy’. The puppet-master has changed and so the puppets must change too. After all, Trump has from the outset stated that the war would never have begun, if he had been President at the time. And that may well be true.

Peace Talks?

But who can Russia talk too? The Russians cannot talk to the Ukrainians, as their President is illegitimate and talks with Russia were literally outlawed by Kiev in 2022. The Russians cannot talk to Europeans, as they have shown themselves to be delusional liars and treaty-breaking traitors ever since 2014. This can be seen from their refusal to implement the so-called Minsk Accords, which they openly confessed were simply delaying tactics. In any case, the narcissistic and so delusional European ruling class is discredited and hated by the peoples of Europe and represents only the past and its own selfish interests. That ruling class is unable to talk to Russia because it is incapable of dealing with reality – its defeat.

In any case, Russia will certainly not sit down and talk now, when it is on the brink of victory. Would the Allies have stopped in January 1945 to talk to Hitler? Russia will not stop now, victory is in sight. Anyway, as we said, Kiev has literally outlawed talks with Russia and its President is illegal, as his term of service ended earlier this year, like that of his Parliament. The war has continued for so long only because of Biden’s support and EU and UK backing. And bankrupt Europe cannot replace the US, as Europe has run out of money and arms and cannot let its own troops die there. And it is troops that the Ukraine needs, for it has lost nearly a million soldiers, 517,000 of them in the unfinished year of 2024 alone.

As a result, with no-one to talk to, the Russians are taking back more and more territory from the Ukraine, 100 years after it was illegally handed over to the Ukraine by the anti-Russian Bolsheviks. There will be no ‘frozen conflict’ or ‘stalemate’ here, just Russian victory. ‘Frozen conflict’ was possible two years ago. The only people the Russians could talk to now are the Americans – but under Trump. Trump is a businessman and wants to disengage from a loss-making business and must sack Zelensky. As the Americans no longer have any diplomats, the hope is that Trump will appoint the only European politician left – Victor Orban – to talk not only to the Russian President, but also to the Russian Patriarch.

The Russian President

The Russian President could express the following terms to Trump’s representative, perhaps Orban: Firstly, drop all 16,000 illegal anti-Russian sanctions and absurd criminal charges. Then, recognise as Russian the four Russian provinces which have already joined Russia, and, if they have been taken by Russia by then, the next four once Russian provinces of the south and east, including Nikolaev and Odessa on the Black Sea coast, and the three more once Russian provinces to the north-east (Chernigov, Sumy, Poltava). The Russian President would leave the rest to become again the real Ukraine, perhaps to be called ‘Kievan Rus’ (Kiyivska Rus’), more or less mirroring Belarus to the north.

Such a nationally homogenous, Ukrainian-speaking Kievan Rus would consist of 14 administrative areas, just over half of the original 27 (including the two that were in the Russian Crimea), its new easternmost provinces being Kiev, Cherkasy and Kirovohrad. This would represent an area of about 260,000 square kilometres and a pre-war population of about 16 million. This would draw Ukrainian refugees back from Europe. Kievan Rus would be a neutral, sovereign and independent nation, that is, demilitarised (free of NATO) and denazified (free of the EU) which are racist, anti-sovereignty organisations. Agreement could then be reached and Russia would by treaty guarantee the territorial integrity of all European nations.

Of course, they would have to make a condition that Moldova should carry out referenda for any groups among its border population, such as those in Transdniestria and Gagauzia, who may wish to join Russia. Similarly, referenda must be held for Romanian and Hungarian minorities on the borders of Kievan Rus who may wish to ‘go home’. If the three tiny Baltic statelets were at last obliged to grant human rights to their Russian minorities, there would be no threat from Russia to them. With such an agreement, the Western half of Europe would be secure and could slash its military spending. Then Trump would see his dream come true and abandon NATO, which could be dissolved, just like the EU.

The Russian Patriarch

The Russian Orthodox Patriarch also has to be involved in these talks. Leader of by far the largest Local Orthodox Church, the whole Orthodox Church of 200 million has been in chaos ever since the British-orchestrated palace revolt or ‘Russian Revolution’ of February 1917. Without the Russian Church, several key Local Orthodox Churches were taken over through political interference by Great Britain and, after the Second World War, specifically in 1948 with the forced removal by the CIA of Patriarch Maximos V of Constantinople, by the USA. Freedom for the Orthodox Church, the end of Western interference in its internal affairs, is essential for peace in the Ukraine and for justice in Church affairs.

There would have to be an agreement with the Russian Church, which has also suffered as a result of American policy in the Ukraine and elsewhere. This is principally because of the Zionist neocon ideology, implemented by Nuland, Pompeo, Blinken, Biden etc. This established a fake Church in the Ukraine, permitted the open persecution of the real Church there and also sanctioned the Russian Patriarch personally. What could the terms of the Patriarch be and what concessions could he grant in return? Here there has to be mutuality, as there have been excesses on both sides. Here are Russian Orthodox terms to be imposed on the Greek Churches by the USA, with compensation from the USA:

  1. Closure of the fake Church in the Ukraine, the OCU, with Constantinople withdrawing its absurd Tomos, which justified it. All stolen property is to be returned to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (see Concessions 1, 2 and 3 below).
  2. Release of all Orthodox in Finland, Estonia and Lithuania from the uncanonical jurisdiction of Constantinople, introduced from the 1920s on, on condition that all Orthodox there be granted a new Autocephalous Baltic Orthodox Church (see Concession 5 below).
  3. No more interference by Constantinople in the affairs of the Polish Orthodox Church and, especially, in those of the Church of the Czechia and Slovakia.
  4. Granting to the Russian Church of jurisdiction over all Africa, except for Egypt, which has its own historic Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, based in Alexandria (thus returning to the pre-1920s situation). This is on condition that Moscow establishes an Autocephalous African Orthodox Church there by 2050.

Russian Concessions:

  1. Immediate resumption by Moscow of communion and concelebration with the Churches of Constantinople, Alexandria and other Greek Orthodox Churches.
  2. Immediate rescinding of all ‘suspensions’ and ‘defrockings’ of clergy in Russia, the Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Western Europe and elsewhere, which were carried out for political reasons because of clergy disagreements with political, nationalist or uncanonical sectarian ideologies, imposed by certain Russian bishops.
  3. Autocephaly for the Kievan Rus Orthodox Church within twelve months.
  4. Autocephaly for the Moldovan Orthodox Church on the remaining national territory of Moldova within twelve months, in concert with the Romanian Orthodox Church, in order to reunite all Moldovan Orthodox in one Church. The Moldovan Diaspora in Western countries would come under the care of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
  5. Autocephaly for all Orthodox (about 500,000 in number) in the three Baltic States and Finland, forming an autocephalous Baltic Orthodox Church within twelve months.
  6. All Russian Orthodox in the Diasporas in Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania are to be instructed, under threat of excommunication, to merge by negotiation into new Local Churches, to be founded on those territories by 2050. This would be conditional on all other Local Churches which have Diaspora jurisdictions issuing the same instructions to their Diasporas.


The New Age of Sovereignty

You always knew who the goody was and who the baddy was in the cowboy films of the mid-twentieth century. The goody always wore a white hat, the baddy a black hat. Simple. This reflected the Cold War mentality of the time. The Capitalists were good, the Communists were bad. It was all an oversimplified world of good versus evil, right versus wrong, ‘with us or against us’, as per Bush. It was a simple, bipolar, dualist, Manichean world of black and white. It was not of course reality, which is usually lighter or darker grey.

In reality, although nobody liked the tyranny of Communism, especially those who lived in Communist countries, the paradoxical tragedy was that after the fall of Communism, the world became unipolar. In other words, the US and its Western vassals could brook no rivals. It was the ‘spoiled brat syndrome’ – ‘I am the only one’. ‘Hegemony’, that is, supremacy and domination over all, became the order of the day. But hegemony and bossy control freakery do not work – ask any Californian bishop who has tried to impose it.

However, as the whole world, except for the Western, now knows, neither a bipolar world (Capitalist versus Communist), nor a unipolar world (Western), work. Rule by one or two always leads to despotism. The solution is a multipolar world, which breaks the tyranny of the monopoly of one and the warring opposition of two. This is the realm of the Holy Trinity. Sadly, the West wants either unipolar or else bipolar, the ‘democratic’ (West) versus the ‘autocratic’ (East). This is the heretical nonsense of Manichaeism.

The fact is that the Western Establishment oligarchies are certainly autocratic, they ignore and despise their ‘deplorable’ peoples. ‘plebs’, as in France, the UK and Germany, all governed by minority governments. For the people are the greatest threat, as we saw from the very unexpected (for the elites) results of the referendum on Brexit and the recent US election. They were not unexpected for the people. As for the pro-Western CIA-sponsored dictatorships in the Arabian Peninsula, Latin America and Asia, are they not autocratic?

But the most autocratic of them all is the Kiev regime, which has banned other political parties, critical media, sent all opposition to the firing squads, prisons and torture chambers of the dreaded Secret Police, and is now even banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. On the other side, India is the world’s largest democracy. And President Putin can easily win any election, in the same way as the very popular political leaders of China and Iran. Some people like such ‘autocratic’ governments – the more the better, they say.

As long as the Western elites and their venal media criminalise or ‘hitlerise’ a dialogue with ‘cancelled’ Russia (though they talked to the USSR and China during the Cold War), the only end to NATO’s anti-Russian war in the Ukraine is Russian victory and their total defeat. And that will not be long now. The Western elite never cared about Ukrainians, or any other Non-Western people, it just used them as proxies, so their own troops did not have to die. However, this does not mean that the Russians are not guilty of mistakes.

For one thing, as President Putin has openly admitted, there was the continual Russian naivety with regard to Western politicians from 1989 on. The Russians actually thought they were dealing with honest people, viz the Minsk Accords. And then there has been the problem of the hangover of the old Soviet centralisation. After 1991, the Russian Federation failed to give the real Ukraine (the north-western half, not the Russian southern and eastern half), autonomy and to respect its culture and language, authentically Ukrainian.

It was the usual condescending Great Russian chauvinism and imperialism, dating back to the pre-Soviet times of the Imperialist Establishment, which says that if you are not Russian, you are a third-class citizen. This is the same attitude as in the Russian emigration, pre-Soviet and post-Soviet, towards all Non-Russians. This imperialist attitude of both many Russians (and many Americans – they have that in common) meant that the US conquered very venal Kiev in 2014 for a paltry $5 billion. But look at the miserable results.

The scale of the events in the Ukraine is that of a Shakespearian tragedy. The main role was performed by the CIA-hired and very overpaid actor and comedian Zelensky, who  firsthad to improve his English, learn Ukrainian and be reclothed in khaki sweatshirts for the role. Like Caesar, expect Zelensky to be betrayed and stabbed by Brutus. The Ides of March are near. President Putin is waiting for free Ukrainians to take power, perhaps with Trump’s backing. Then banned peace talks can start and the European elite can resign.

There needs to be a New Ukraine, sovereign, independent, free of NATO and the EU – which are not going to survive anyway. And as a Sovereign Nation  it must have its own autocephalous or independent Church. Ordinary Ukrainians, unlike their greedy oligarchic elites – usually Non-Ukrainians – have been the sacrificial lambs of both American and Soviet Imperialism. Hopefully, President Putin can persuade the Church in Moscow to abandon centralism and give autocephaly to all Russian Orthodox in territories outside the Russian Federation.

This may mean that before Trump’s inauguration in seventy days’ time the Russians will advance towards the Dnieper, taking from four to seven more Ukrainian provinces, including the Black Sea Coast, so joining up with Transdniestria. The territories outside the Russian Federation, where Russian Orthodox live, would need autocephaly, meaning a Church of the New Ukraine and a Church of the Baltics. All the other Diasporas, as well as Moldova, would have to come to an agreement with the other canonical Orthodox there.

Imperialism has always been a problem. It bankrupted the seventeenth-century empires of Spain and Portugal, of eighteenth-century France and of nineteenth-century Britain, each time the bankruptcy taking place in the century after greatness. Imperialism caused two ‘World’ (European) Wars. Now in the twenty-first century, Imperialism has bankrupted the USA. We believe that the Russian Federation has learned from the bankruptcy of the equally Imperialist USSR. The administration of the Russian Orthodox Church must learn that too.

We have entered the new Age of Sovereignty. Sovereignty is what multipolarity means, where one nation is balanced out by the others and no-one can become too powerful. All defend their own and each other’s interests, as the UN should have done. Away with the old Imperialism of unipolarity, World Dictatorship, and the bipolar Imperialisms of two rival blocs, everyone else crushed between them. We have entered the world of Sovereign Nations. Imperialism caused two World Wars and has nearly caused a Third. Enough is enough.

The Fall of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Rise of the Russian Orthodox Church

‘God so loved the world that He did not send a Committee’.

Foreword: The Hundred Years War Is Ending

The Hundred Years War (1914-2024) is at last ending, not in Sarajevo where the first part began in 1914, not in Warsaw, where the second part began in 1939, but in Kiev, where the third part began in 2014. The second and third parts were made inevitable by the key, first part, caused by rival Imperialisms. All three parts have pulled into Europe the USA, which had profited from them until the last part. But the seeds of US success contained the seeds of its own destruction. In order to maintain its supremacy, the US yoked itself to a delusional madman in Kiev, who has the most developed sense of entitlement of any of his people. When he does not get the means of destruction that he wants, and that is always more and more lethal, he throws a tantrum, like any spoilt actor or diva who wants adulation.

As with any spoilt child, all you have to do is call his bluff, that is, ignore him and walk away. However, he is still by far the most dangerous dictator of the many recruited and employed by the US, in any banana republic whether in Latin America, Western Europe, the Middle East or the Far East, with the possible exception of the equally genocidal maniac, Netanyahu. For Kiev wants nuclear weapons. It was inevitable. All that the US – and hysterical Western Europe – have to do is to pull the carpet from under the Kiev dictator’s feet. However, war victory in the Ukraine, or even the potential peace victory, do nothing to solve the spiritual and structural crisis in the Russian Church, whose jurisdiction used to extend to all the territories of the former USSR and beyond them to the Western world.

The Fall of the Moscow Patriarchate

The Russian Orthodox Church administration in Moscow, founded, named and centralised in Soviet times as ‘the Moscow Patriarchate’, is in great difficulty. It has once again tried to impose impossible political demands on the consciences of clergy and faithful everywhere, just as it did in the late 1920s, of which the ‘Sergianist’ mentality is currently much admired within the Patriarchate. These political demands stretch to outside the Russian Federation and Belarus – though even inside these countries it has great difficulties. There it has even ‘defrocked’ clergy for having political views on the tragic conflict in the Ukraine which are different from those of the Patriarchal authorities.

Wanting to pray not for ‘victory’, but for peace, that is, for the Victory of Christ, persecuted independent clergy have often had to flee abroad. Moscow also finds its churches boycotted by many faithful all over Russia. Surely an Orthodox is defined by his agreement with the Creed, the Symbol of Faith, not by his political views? Why this dogmatisation of political opinions and the canons, as also happened during the Soviet period? Surely the dogmatisation of non-dogmatic political views is, by definition, uncanonical? Outside those two Russian territories, where Patriarchal authority is backed up by the State, the situation of the Moscow Patriarchate is not just difficult, but catastrophic.

Inside the Former USSR

Inside the former USSR, the worst situation is in the Ukraine. Here over 12,000 churches and their clergy no longer commemorate the Russian Patriarch, since he is seen as an enemy leader. This is a pastoral disaster. How does a pastor come to be seen as the enemy of his people? He may reply that their perspective is wrong, but the fact is that that is how they perceive him. And it is too late to do anything about it. In Latvia, Russian Orthodox also no longer commemorate him, as the four besieged bishops there have had to declare independence from Moscow, despite their divided flock, who are often boycotting the Church. The situation is chaotic.

Meanwhile, in Lithuania and Estonia, the Russian Church is faced by schisms due to its disputed authority. Indeed, the Patriarch is not even allowed entry into Lithuania (nor into the UK and Canada). In Central Asia, there is dissidence and some are leaving for abroad, others declare that they are retiring. In Moldova, the only country in the former Soviet Union (apart from Georgia) where there is a canonical alternative to the Moscow jurisdiction, over a hundred more clergy have this year alone left with their parishes for the Orthodox Patriarchate of Romania, tired of Russian nationalism, racism and their mistreatment as third-class citizens.

Outside the Former USSR

Outside the territories of the former USSR, the Moscow Patriarchate finds itself in schism with the imperialistic Greek Orthodox world as a result of mutual disputes regarding ‘canonical territory’. This is not because either is intent on doing missionary work among Non-Orthodox, but rather each is intent on trying to steal each other’s flocks. In North America, Metropolitan Nicholas, the leading bishop of the Anabaptist ROCOR sect, an out-of-control American Protestant-style and anti-Russian (!) schismatic group under the Moscow Patriarchate, finds that people walk out on him when he prays for the Russian Patriarch and people refuse to donate.

In Western Europe many Russian Orthodox priests refuse to commemorate the Russian Patriarch or have left him. As for the Ukrainians, they have set up 100 parishes, separate from Moscow in Western Europe. And Moldovans are doing the same. In Australia and especially in Latin America, many will have nothing to do with the Moscow Patriarchate. In general, outside the former USSR, the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate resemble ever smaller, ever more inward-looking, ever more nationalistic groups, often numbering only a dozen or two. As for native Orthodox people, everywhere they are tired of being treated as third-class citizens by Moscow and are leaving.

Babylon Versus Jerusalem

Let us be frank. The mentality that now pervades the apparently often ‘effeminate’ upper reaches of the Moscow Patriarchate is careerist, not saintly, political, not pastoral, bureaucratic, not spiritual, nationalistic, not multinational, Statist, not canonical. For that reason, they are losing their authority and people are, as the phrase goes, voting with their feet and leaving them. However, this fall of the ‘cardinals’ (be they overt or covert) of the Moscow Patriarchate and its associated Soviet-period administrative groups, like ROCOR, is leading to the rise of the Russian Orthodox Church, for the fall of Babylon always leads to the rise of Jerusalem, paradoxically the dead hand of the State brings opposition and so life.

The Rise of the Russian Orthodox Church

The fall of top-heavy, militaristic, Soviet-period superstructures like the Moscow Patriarchate or ROCOR is because the grassroots faithful want to return to the authentic Church. The great mainstream tradition of the monastics, pastors and people of the Russian Church is very much alive. Who were Sts Antony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves? They were real Churchmen, not careerist administrators with their ‘protocols’, they were enlighteners of the peoples of Rus, who brought forth a host of saints, whose holy relics lie in the Kiev Caves today and give out myrrh, calling to God.

Who was the great Russian Orthodox St Sergius of Radonezh? Why is he called the Builder of Russia? He was the heir to that multinational network of monks and saints who spread again the prayer of the heart from St Gregory Palamas and Mt Athos through the Balkans north to the Russian Lands. He and his disciples, like St Nil of Sora, set up dozens and dozens of monasteries to spread the Word of God into still pagan central Russia and this movement spread ultimately to Siberia, the Pacific Coast and even beyond, through St Herman of Alaska and his companions, who spread the Light of Christ to California.

More Recent Saints

Who was St Job of Pochaev? He was the monastic founder who turned the Western Ukraine into an advanced post of Orthodoxy, a bastion against those whose filioquism was a political instrument for the Polish oppression of Orthodox in order to gain more power and wealth. Who was St Paisy (Velichkovsky)? He was the heir to the monastic renewal, forced by persecuting German Tsarinas to take refuge from what is now the Ukraine in what is now Romania, and from there to re-enlighten the Russian Lands, liberating them from the schismatic curses caused by the purely external observances of ritualism and State nationalism.

Who was St Seraphim of Sarov? He was the old, bent-over monk digging in his vegetable-patch in Sarov, whom the rich and ignoble noble regarded as a dirty peasant, because he looked at the saint’s rags and not his praying heart of gold, and who was canonised at the insistence of the pious Tsar against the opinion of bishop-bureaucrats. Who was St John of Kronstadt? He was the righteous and fragrant pastor who prophesied all, exactly as it happened, because the idle rich parasites, who persecuted him and were jealous of him, refused to repent for their persecution of the real Church and the Tsar and enraged the oppressed who then revolted.

The Saints After 1917

Who were the New Martyrs and Confessors, from Tsar Nicholas to St Tikhon, Apostle of America, Bishop of San Francisco and American citizen, who had the services translated into English, and then became the Patriarch of Moscow, from the Martyrs of Solovki to the 20,000 Martyrs of Butovo, from the Martyrs of Kazakhstan to the Martyrs of Kolyma, from St Matrona of Moscow to St Seraphim of Vyritsa, from St Laurence of Chernigov to St Luke of Crimea? Who was the universal missionary St John of Shanghai and Western Europe, persecuted and suspended by ROCOR bishops for being a good pastor and not a right-wing ideologist, and the wise fool Mother Alypia of Kiev, who saw through sinners to their hearts?

These all were those who thought nothing of nationality and politics, but knew that if they sought the Kingdom of Heaven first, then all would be added unto them, and for this reason they became saints. And, despite the persecution of bishop-bureaucrats, effeminates in love with luxury, they were and are followed by a countless host of saints, fools-for-Christ, prophets, faithful women and children, priests and nuns, who are victorious, as they were and are not the practitioners of politicians, but, as practitioners of Christ, the victims of politicians. We know that we are on their side and are undefeatable, for we follow Christ, Who overthrew the devil and defeated our enemy, Death, restoring all to Life.

Jerusalem Conquers Babylon

Faithfulness to the thousands of years of the Saints of the Universal Church, from the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Bible, from the Mother of God to St John the Forerunner, from the Apostles to the Martyrs, from St Spyridon to St Nicholas, from St Basil to St John Chrysostom, from St Maximus the Confessor to St Paraskeva, from St Xenia to St Nectarius of Aegina, and faithfulness to the thousand years of Saints of the Russian Lands, are why the Russian Orthodox Church triumphs against the political schisms of mere Patriarchal ‘careerist administrators’ and ‘effective managers’. The Saints all show not the Primacy of ecclesiastical bureaucrats, but the Primacy of the Holy Spirit, the Victory of Christ. 

Afterword: God Gives Opportunities

The territory of the Russian Federation forms by far the largest country in the world. It is the territory of the USA and the Continent of Australia combined. Its natural resources are extraordinary. In a word, it has everything. It could easily support a population five or perhaps ten times greater than it has now. And yet this is the country that suicidally threw so much away in 1917, before which year the Russian Empire had undergone phenomenal growth for a generation, which was to continue. In 1914 its projected population by the year 2000 was some 600 million. That of the Russian Federation today is 145 million.

I remember visiting the USSR in 1973 and 1976 and saying that I would not return until the Church was free. I remember visiting the Russian Federation many times between 2007 and 2018 and always thinking the situation is on a knife-edge. Either it will go one way, towards Orthodoxy, or else to the other, to militaristic nationalism and purely outward and bureaucratic ritualism. It went this other way. However, there is still the chance to step back from suicide, to the catholicity of the Church, towards good relations with the other Local Churches, so rejoining the mainstream of Love and Truth. May it be so!


Right Makes Might: On the Emerging Post-Western New World Order

Introduction: In the Ukraine

The only question here is if the Kiev regime will collapse and capitulate before 1 January 2025 or afterwards. Western media still practise ‘editorial control’ (= censorship) and distraction (= talk about something else which is petty, irrelevant and of no importance). However, they affect only the fairy-tale ‘narrative’, not the reality of, for example, 100,000 desertions from the NATO-directed, Kiev regime Army. These press-ganged soldiers are refusing to fight because they do not want to commit suicide in the utterly corrupt armed forces.

There is nothing to fight for. They want to go home to their families. Conversely, in Russia they are talking not about Western delusions, which they ignore, but about reality, for example, reparations to be paid by Kiev and war crime trials for the Nazi Kiev regime leaders, who have in fact murdered their own people. They are the true anti-Ukrainians, together with Western leaders who want to fight against Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian’. It is their version of genocide. Such Western leaders too should be tried in war crimes courts.

In the Russian Federation

As regards today’s Russia, some silly people ask if it will revert to the Imperialism of Peter I of 1721 to 1917 or to the very similar Imperialism of the Soviets 1922-1991 (the Soviets adored Peter I), as obviously Russia will not revert to the catastrophes of Western oligarchism (1991-2022).

Clearly, Russia will return to no form of Imperialism because they all by definition failed. The Western academics who propose such fantasies have no understanding. Russia is reverting to itself, which is what Tsar Nicholas II wanted, before he was removed by the Western plotters in 1917, who prevented him from doing so.

The problem is that this truth has not yet been told about the 1917 tragedy. Once the diaries of the Tsarina Alexandra, concealed for so many years, are finally published, all will know and all the Western ‘narratives’ about 1917 will then collapse.

In Europe

The EU has clearly become a vassal of the Washington neocon elite – just as the UK has long been. The EU elite, like the UK elite, is no longer pro-European, but pro-NATO, that is, pro-Washington, that is, anti-European. This is why when Germany’s Nordstream lifeline to Russian energy was blown up by the USA and its proxies and the country went into serious economic decline, the German ruling class was silent. Europe’s rulers hate their own countries and peoples, whom they ignore, even when the people vote them out, as in France. The elitists are anti-national because they are globalists.

The oligarchic nomenklatura of unelected European Union Commissioners, some of them the grandchildren of Nazi officers, are silent. In any case, the elite of the Brussels Politburo has little concept of the lives of ordinary Europeans. It is only an imitation of the unelected oligarchy who rule in Washington, and who also have no concept of the lives of ordinary Americans. They too are anti-national because they too are globalists. The solution to Europe’s self-inflicted woes is neither to be found in being pro-US, nor in being pro-Russian.

The solution is to be found in being pro-European, that is, pro-Hungarian, pro-Slovak, now pro-Georgian (after the failure there of US/’NGO’ and EU electoral fraud under its French puppet President) and, one day, perhaps even pro-French, pro-German, pro-Italian and pro-English. But that means liberation from the yoke of the globalist corporatism which rules us. This means not only liberation from their political yoke, but also from the ideological yoke of the ‘journalists’ paid by that elite, the mere propagandist-mercenaries of the oligarchs. None of them has ever heard the word ‘Truth’.

The World

The West has been defeated, not by millions of Vietnamese or Afghan peasants, but by the Russian Superpower against the (US-supplied and US-trained) largest army in NATO, that of the Kiev regime. The only way that the US could ever have won in the Ukraine is by launching a nuclear war against Russia, which would have meant the utter destruction of the USA itself, since Russia has better nuclear arms than the USA. The defeat of the Western Establishment in the Ukraine means that Might does not make Right. This is why the New World Order is about multilateralism, multipolarity, countries working together for their mutual benefit.

We are no longer talking about being dominated and exploited by one imperialist power. Imperialism, which caused World War I, World War II and nearly World War III, is being replaced by Sovereignism, the co-operation of nation-states. The multilateral or multipolar BRICS is now replacing the Western World Order and its Western-controlled UN and other puppet organisations. This is because those who join BRICS enhance their sovereignty, instead of handing it over to some new Washington or Brussels. It will be up to the West to eat humble pie and enter BRICS, as an equal among many, merely part of the World Community, for it is Right that makes Might, not the other way round. This is the millennial revelation to the Western world. The days of its Supremacy and its G7 club are over.

BRICS includes all Non-Western continents, Asia (China, India), Europe (Russia), Africa (South Africa) and South America (Brazil). Now with ten core members (true, Saudi Arabia has not yet formalised its membership as Number 10), there are twenty-five more countries which are sooner or later going to become full members or partner-states, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Syria, Turkey, Belarus and Serbia. BRICS has gone from a Non-Western Alliance to a true International Community, far more representative of the world than the US puppet, which is called the failed UN.

Conclusion: The Church

Right is Might is in fact the principle of the canon law of the Orthodox Church. And that is why all those who promote nationalist politics in Church administrations, that is, who proclaim that Might is Right against the law of the Gospel, the primacy of the Kingdom of Heaven, forfeit all spiritual and moral right to their positions.

Those who place racist politics and their nationalist ‘protocols’ above the pastoral care of souls do not qualify. They will disappear and, at best, be forgotten by history – at worst, they will die like Arius. The future is with those who clearly have a universal message, which can appeal to all. The paths of the sect lead but to inglory.






Twelve Revelations from the Conflict in the Ukraine


The US-orchestrated conflict in the Ukraine began in February 2014 after the US tried to expand there in order to set up bases along the Russian border. After continual provocations by the US-installed Kiev puppet regime, its murder of 14,000 Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians and its NATO-backed persecution of the Orthodox Church, the conflict intensified in February 2022. Since then, there have been twelve revelations in all: about the Kiev regime, the Free Ukraine which is now taking shape, the Russian Federation and the Western elite, which has been standing behind Kiev, using it as its proxy to try and destroy the Russian Federation and exploit its resources. The four groups of three revelations for each are:

The Kiev Regime


  1. It has become clear that the Kiev regime wants to blackmail the US, that is, all of NATO, into directly involvement on the ground in the Ukraine, as this is the only hope it has of possibly defeating the Russian Federation. Alone it can do nothing, it does not have the willing or trained manpower, let alone the necessary arms and munitions – which highly deindustrialised NATO countries cannot provide Kiev with anyway. (Similarly, through its constant provocations, Israel wants the US to get directly involved on the ground in its war against Iran in the Lebanon and its genocide in Gaza. Alone it too can do nothing). If the US does get involved directly in either case (most NATO countries will categorically refuse to do so), World War III could begin. At least for Kiev, it appears that the end is nigh, after it was seemingly abandoned by the Pentagon in Washington. In Israel nothing is yet clear.


  1. The US policy in the face of yet another lost war is not the same as the Kiev regime policy. The US policy is to hold on in the Ukraine only until the US elections in fewer than 40 days’ time or, at most, until the inauguration of the new President in fewer than 100 days’ time. After that, the whole policy can be dropped, as its abject failure can then be blamed on Biden, who by then will no longer be in power, not even officially, if, that is, he is still alive.


  1. Under the atheist Jewish Presidents Poroshenko and Zelensky, the Kiev regime set up a fake Church, which it tried to substitute for the real one. Although the CIA bribed part of the Greek Church to give this wild scheme some credibility, it has no serious believers in it and is headed by nationalist gangsters with defrocked corrupt and homosexual ex-clergy. How could it be taken seriously, when it was formed by violent thugs and hooligans? These beat up real Orthodox clergy and people in order to steal 1,500 emptied church buildings from the real Church under Metropolitan Onufry, whom the whole free Orthodox world backs. Typically, one of the first acts of the fake Church was to go over to the Protestant calendar, as favoured by its creators, the CIA!


The Free Ukraine


  1. The virulently anti-Russian, BBC-sponsored Mediazona group reckons ‘Russian’ casualties in the conflict at between 70,000 – 120,000 killed and wounded (against over 800,000 for the Ukrainian military). However, Medizona fails to explain that most ‘Russian’ casualties are Ukrainians from the east of the Ukraine, millions of whom have fled to Russia over the last ten years, seeking freedom and safety from genocide. These free Ukrainians form the backbone of the ‘Russian’ infantry who, as they see it, are today liberating the Ukraine from the Kiev regime and Neo-Nazi groups. The conflict in the Ukraine is a civil war and everybody there knows it.


  1. The Ukraine is also being freed by an anti-Nazi Ukrainian resistance network. These are local Ukrainians outraged by the genocide carried out by the CIA-imposed Kiev regime and its dreaded SBU secret police. Their network provides intelligence to the Russian-led forces, so that they can destroy NATO equipment and munitions, eliminate foreign mercenaries and carry out sabotage on Kiev regime infrastructure, especially electricity generation and the railways.


  1. There will be no ceasefire, ‘stalemate’, ‘frozen conflict’ or ‘Korean solution’ in the Ukraine. Russia is advancing, so it will not open any peace talks, even if Kiev wanted them, which it cannot, as the Western elite long ago forced Kiev to make peace talks with Russia illegal. There will only be capitulation, unconditional surrender, on Russia’s terms. This means Russia retaining at the very least the five Russian provinces which it has more or less occupied or liberated already, and possibly the next four historically (until 1922) Russian provinces. The rest will be demilitarised, de-NATOised and neutralised. There will be self-determination for the Non-NATO rest, the Free Ukraine, with freedom for the Church and human rights for all its citizens of all nationalities guaranteed.


The Russian Federation


  1. Thanks in part to the fabulously backfiring Western sanctions, the economy of the Russian Federation is now the fourth largest in the world, even according to the very low PPP measurement, after only China, the USA and India. However, it is clear that the economy of the Russian Federation, which has a population only one tenth of India’s, is now catching up with the economies of both India and the USA. The size of the latter’s economy is much exaggerated, as it is measured by the non-productive criteria of finance, insurance, real estate and crime, and not by manufacturing. And yet in 2022 the Western media told everyone that the Russian economy was no bigger than Spain’s! In any case, the Russian economy has overtaken both Japan’s and Germany’s, which are in freefall, leaving France’s and Britain’s in ninth and tenth places in the world and Spain’s somewhere further down the list. The Russian economy is now the largest in Western Eurasia and there will come a time when it will become the third largest in the world.


  1. The development of the Russian-founded BRICS has been greatly accelerated by the illegal anti-Russian sanctions, such as the refusal to allow Russia to use payments by SWIFT, imposed by US and European aggressiveness and narcissistic jealousy. Western aggression has thrown the Russian Federation, China, Iran and others in the Global Majority together in the warmest of embraces. Seeing these sanctions, the rest of the world is now turning its back on US and Western European bullies, whom it too can no longer trust. This is the boomerang effect of sanctions, which has led to the accelerating decline of the one billion of the West and the accelerating rise of the seven billion of the Rest. Western sanctions have boosted BRICS perhaps by up to ten years in just two years. The collapse of the dollar is no longer a myth, but a dangerously close real possibility, as too is the possibility of BRICS becoming the new UN.


  1. After many generations of both State-imposed and now self-imposed imperialisation, ritualisation, bureaucratisation, militarisation and secularisation, the administrative bureaucracy of the Russian Orthodox Church has lost its spiritual independence and has compromised itself. To its shame, it is refusing to support persecuted confessors for Orthodoxy and so is no longer taken seriously. However, freedom is in the air and more new Local Orthodox Churches will yet be formed out of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has unworthily clung on to centralised, imperialist, Soviet-style power for far too long. And this is despite the Russian State’s abandonment of centralised, imperialist, Soviet-style power over thirty years ago. Indeed, the Russian Church administration may need the help of the Russian State to get the Russian Church to catch up, returning it to its true heritage, of St Sergius, St Seraphim, St Matrona, St John of Shanghai and all the other New Martyrs and Confessors, who confess the freedom of the Holy Spirit.


The Western Elite


  1. Over the last 30 years the Western European ruling class has lost its spiritual independence and, compromising itself, has been vassalised. Whereas thirty years ago, indeed even twenty years ago, the Western European governing class showed independence in thought and action, today it has surrendered itself to the Globalist US elite, to which it essentially belongs. However, although their elite is now US-run, European Sovereigntist patriotic peoples, regardless of left or right politics, are today beginning to overthrowing in elections these Globalist Brussels-Washington leaders. Many of these leaders who cling on to power despite the election results are also perverts. The peoples are asserting their independence from them. This is clear in the very weak and unpopular government in Germany, in France, which has had no government for three months and where rule is through a president-dictator who refuses to accept the results of elections, and in the UK, which is now on its hated fifth Prime Minister in five years and may soon be on its sixth. Hungary, Slovakia and now Austria have already overthrown their elites and in Italy, the UK and the Netherlands, the people are trying. Outside Europe, Japan is following the same pattern.


  1. The media of the Western world, often also led by perverts, have given up freedom and free speech in favour of censorship. This is because its media, like its elite, are US-controlled, called under ‘editorial control’. Their new word for lies or propaganda is ‘narratives’. Narratives come from living in a virtual world, from delusions and wishful thinking, PR, psyops and spin.


  1. The source of these delusional narratives is the narcissism of the Western elite. Narcissism always blinds to reality, as narcissists prefer to live in delusions. We can see this in US Foreign Policy, just as we can see it in US bishops. When narcissists do not get their way, as they have no empathy anyway and despise those who do, they lose their temper and often turn to drink and try to destroy families, as we have also seen, screaming, ‘Give me the keys to the church’, down the telephone.