Category Archives: The Ukraine

The Fall of the Western Empire: All Roads Lead to Kazan

According to the American-run Mediazona group, which no-one would ever accuse of being pro-Russian, the number of Russian deaths in the Ukrainian conflict is now nearly 73,000, with perhaps another 100,000 wounded and 6 deserters. This compares with 848,000 Ukrainian deaths and seriously wounded, with perhaps 1,000,000 less seriously wounded and over 80,000 deserters, let alone the millions who have run away abroad to avoid being press-ganged into the suicidal military who are dying in vain for the USA.

Ex-President Zelensky is now so desperate and delusional that he is blackmailing and bluffing NATO with the threat of using nuclear weapons. This threat is if NATO does not allow the Ukraine to join it and so if NATO countries are not obliged to participate in the US proxy war directly. This is an empty threat, because he does not have any nuclear weapons and cannot obtain them. And a NATO proxy war is by definition one in which NATO does not lose any troops.

As for the Western Empire with its plutocrat oligarchy, it is desperately trying to hold on in the Ukraine and the Middle East until the inauguration of the new US President in January 2025. They know that the war is lost. Even if they throw a few more billion dollars at the Ukraine, it will make no difference, as dollar bills do not win wars. Already a trillion dollars, which is what this futile conflict has so far cost the USA and Western Europe in subsidies and suicidal sanctions, has made no difference except to postpone the inevitable defeat of Kiev.

Only arms, munitions and soldiers make a difference. And there are very few of those left in the Ukraine, especially after the disastrous invasion of Russia’s historic Kursk province. This has already cost nearly 26,000 Ukrainian dead and seriously wounded and nearly 1,000 tanks, vehicles and artillery pieces. As for the NATO warehouses, they are almost empty, and NATO countries are unable in their very deindustrialised state to make arms and munitions. The casino player has little more to bet; the hand is lost. How can he leave the gaming table without losing face?

As for the Ukrainian regime, it is clearly a Fascist state which steals hundreds of churches from the faithful and allows its armed gangsters to lock them up so no-one can go in. No-one will go in. Whereas Russia has a military strategy, Kiev has only a PR strategy, Psyops, devised by US and UK PR companies which give out their lies to be parroted by the Western media. (As for Israel, it is bankrupt, its economy is in tatters and hundreds of thousands of Israelis are fleeing, especially to Cyprus, Greece and the USA. Who wants to live in Israel now?).

In fact, the plutocrat oligarchs are now facing their nightmare of a threefold defeat in the headlines: Russian troops greeted victoriously by masses of people lining the roads, as they liberate the Russian port of Odessa and Transdnistria and vigorous support shown for Russia all over north-east and south-east Europe, not only in Hungary and Slovakia; the Russian victory comes in establishing a New Ukraine in the north and west of the present Ukraine on the model of Belarus and with an independent Church; Iran shoots down over 50 Israeli warplanes and destroys Israeli bases and concentrations of armour and troops with its unstoppable hypersonic missiles; Chinese troops land in Taiwan and greeted as liberators by virtually all the (Chinese) people who live there and support for China shown throughout the Asia-Pacific.

The reality is that the US has $36 trillion of unpayable debt. This is more even than its official GDP, which in reality is far lower than that declared.  It has wasted $8 trillion on its forever wars which it has lost since 2003. It also has to finance some 750 military bases in 80 countries, not to mention CIA offices all over the world. Only US arms merchants and politicians benefit. The US can no longer afford to keep its colonies among the Global Majority, and will be obliged to abandon Israel, South Korea, Taiwan, just as it has had to abandon the Ukraine. It will have to evacuate Western Europe, which will finally have to sort itself out, dividing into four regions, the 21 countries of the north-west and south-west, and the many others in the north-east and south-east, close to Russia, which in this way become ready to join BRICS. The US will be left, at best, to concentrate on its crippled self.

Nine hundred years of Western colonisation, 450 years of colonial expansion to the peripheries of Europe, 450 years of colonial expansion outside Europe, and since 1945 decolonisation, first political and now at last real, that is, economic and geopolitical, have led to the present situation. The Western world is collapsing because it is harvest-time and the devil is dancing around it. The BRICS Summit in Kazan is not the beginning of the end of the Western Empire, but the ending of the end of that Empire.




From Kabul to Kiev and the Future of the Russian Orthodox Church

After his brutal rebuff in Washington (together with Starmer), ex-President Zelensky is now desperately touring leaders of Western Europe, even seeing the Pope, in order to try and get support for his failing regime. The fact is that, regardless of whether Harris or Trump wins in the US elections in a few weeks’ time, the US has abandoned Zelensky’s Ukraine, turning its back on it and disengaging from it. The US media will just stop talking about the Western rout in the Ukraine, as they did in Afghanistan. Kabul or Kiev, it is the same thing. You have lost, sweep it under the carpet, it never happened. The US has to face Israel’s military and economic collapse and its great commercial rival, China. It has no more time for the loser in Kiev. Americans never like losers, so it is walking away from them.

The US has dumped Kiev on Europe and will, as usual, leave Europe, whose tail the US has been wagging for years, hanging out to dry. The US refused to allow Kiev to make deep strikes on Russia, it will not allow Kiev to join NATO, indeed it cancelled the Kiev-NATO Rammstein meeting of 12 October and the majority of the EU do not want Kiev to join it. (Ironically, the only country which enthusiastically supports Kiev’s EU membership is the UK, which itself left the EU!) Yes, the EU may string Kiev along, which will then string naïve Ukrainians along, but Europe has no more arms or munitions to give Kiev, and many countries, like Germany, Croatia, Italy and Slovakia, have publicly said so. Just as the British ran back to their island at Dunkirk in 1940, so the US is running back to the Big Island in 2024.

As for Zelensky, he will also try to run away to the same place. The Russian Army has all but destroyed the suicidal Ukrainian forces which crossed the border into the Kursk province of Russia. 22,000 Ukrainian troops are already dead or wounded. From Kursk Russian forces could cross into Sumy province and take Kiev. For the 7 January? Russia will get on with the reformatting, absorbing and rebuilding of the Ukraine as a New Ukraine under a new government in Kiev, effectively forming a southern Belarus. Russia will take back the Russian south and east, including Odessa and Kharkov. A small slice of the south-west corner may return to Hungary, with autonomy granted at last to Carpatho-Rus (what Kiev condescendingly called ‘Zakarpattia’), and perhaps small slices in the south will return to Romania.

By agreement with Moldova the Russian Federation could take back Transdnistria and probably, also by agreement, Gagauzia. These moves would be extremely popular, but leaving Romania to take back most of Moldova. As for the tiny Baltics, they will die out, until they reach friendship agreements with Russia, once their US elites have been removed. This Baltic situation will be repeated throughout Western Europe, as US elites in the EU and the UK are removed by popular vote – as indeed is already happening. The defeat of the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev will also bring freedom for the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and shame on the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which the US bribed to set up a fake Church for ‘the national Ukrainian religion’, to replace the Church of God.

At this, questions will arise for the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, centred in Moscow. In nearly three years of the conflict in the Ukraine, the Patriarchate has lost control (to the CIA) of its New-York based Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), whose sociopaths have been rebaptising other Orthodox. It has also lost control of the Church in the Ukraine, in Moldova and in the Baltics. In the Western world the Moscow Patriarchate has been discredited, with the Patriarch of Moscow even being banned from Canada, the UK and Lithuania and its parishes there contracting and losing virtually all Non-Russians. The racist rejection by Muscovites of Moldovans, Ukrainians and local people, many of whom had been devoted to the Russian Orthodox Church for fifty years and more, has been scandalous.

It is now difficult to see what the Church authorities in Moscow can do to recover the situation. Moscow is in schism with the Greek Churches. It has invested in Africa, officially a Greek territory. Other Local Churches distrust it. Tens of millions have been disaffected from Moscow, after it betrayed them, in one way or another, including now banned priests inside Russia, who have been forced to leave the country in order to continue. Regardless of the outcome in the Ukraine, that is, the inevitable Russian military and political victory, you cannot force people to be what they are not. You cannot force people to go to church. It may even be that the Russian government will have to intervene in Moscow Church matters in order to bring it round to abandoning its disastrous and suicidal policy of centralisation.

May God’s Will be done.




Our Future after the Defeat of Millennial Nazism in the Ukraine


The geographical fault-line between what is Western Secularist (former Catholic-Protestant) and Orthodox Christian Civilisations runs through the Austro-Polish Hapsburg far west of the Ukraine. This is precisely the origin of the present war there, for the same reason as the war in ex-Yugoslavia took place a generation ago because of the existence there of that same civilisational fault-line, only to the south-west of the Ukraine. The Secularist desire has been to conquer the Ukraine (and then ex-Yugoslavia) in order to exploit its natural resources and riches. One Imperialistic Civilisation, the Western Secularist, is trying to take over the other, the Christian. However, we are resisting and the Christian will be victorious, for: ‘We are based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and justice. Our values ​​are humanity, mercy and compassion’. What is the situation in the Ukraine now, after what will soon be 1,000 days of tragic conflict?

In the Ukraine Now

Last Sunday I asked one of my parishioners where her husband, who is a builder, was. She explained that, together with hundreds of other Russian-speaking builders who live all over Western Europe, he is in the Ukraine, six weeks on, six weeks off. There, just outside Kiev, he is helping to build a palace for the well-known Rinat Akhmetov, the richest oligarch in the Ukraine. She showed me a photograph of the palace under construction. It is indeed a huge Disney-like, oriental palace, of the sort that has not been built in this country for 200 years. She told me that it is being built with the finest materials, marble and gold, from all over the world. Here is the reality of the bankrupted Ukraine today, where tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are dying every month on behalf of such oligarchs, who have been fattened on billions of our dollars, euros and pounds, though our own infrastructure is collapsing.

Two and a half years ago Western leaders used to repeat the same hypnotising mantra: ‘We will support the Ukraine for as long as it takes.’ What did that mean? As long as what takes? For as long as it takes the Democrats to win (or lose?) the US elections in November 2024? Now they declare: ‘We will support the Ukraine for as long as we can’. But what does that mean? ‘For as long as we want?’. For today virtually everyone, even in the pro-Kiev Western media, has dropped the propaganda line and knows that the West has lost its proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia, wasting a million young lives and $250 billion. That is why few in the West now speak of it. That conflict used brainwashed Nazi or press-ganged Ukrainians to die on behalf of the USA, in order to attack and destroy Russia, without a single American dying. ‘The best investment ever’, according to Graham, a particularly Fascistic US Congressman.

The fact is that the Russian Federation has had to demilitarise and denazify not just the Ukraine, as it had originally and clearly announced as its aims on 24 February 2022 together with the third aim of the liberation of the Donbass, but also NATO. (By the way, NATO was established thanks to Nazi Germans like Reinhard Gehlen after 1945). The demilitarisation and denazification of NATO was never the ambition of the Russians; it was the fault of NATO, which gave all its political, financial and material support to prop up Kiev instead of supporting peace talks. Otherwise, the Ukraine would long ago have capitulated to Russia. The task of demilitarising NATO is why the conflict in the Ukraine has taken so long. The task of denazifying the Ukraine, which many thought impossible, has happened as a result of the deaths, or rather suicides, of whole Nazi regiments of the Kiev Army and of the emigration of others.

There will soon be no Nazis left in the Ukraine, or whatever will replace the Ukraine after the defeat of the Kiev regime and the rout of US/NATO. This was the inevitable result of the Western refusal to negotiate with the Russian Federation for eight years. Now even more NATO countries like Croatia and Slovenia have joined Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Turkey in rejecting the US/NATO war in the Ukraine (let alone in allowing the fantasy of letting the Ukraine join NATO). Italy, Germany and even disillusioned Poland fundamentally agree with them, and France, changeable as ever, has spoken of possible talks. Even the Pentagon in Washington now refuses to give any more support to Kiev, as US military stockpiles are so severely depleted. There remain only the puny military forces of the Russophobic UK, and the seven Nordic and minute and dying Baltic States which still support Kiev, at least in rhetoric.

Zelensky cannot talk, since the West forced Kiev to pass a law to forbid them in April 2022. For the Ukrainian surrender to take place so that there can be peace, Zelensky the US actor-stooge must be removed together with the whole Neo-Nazi cast of the show in Kiev. Perhaps they will murder one another in a violent coup in Kiev, or else they will run away to join the Ukrainian mafia in the USA. In any case, they will remove themselves. The time for peace talks and ceasefires is long over. Some suggest that Kiev can survive under NATO, if it cedes some land to Russia. But Russia, by far the biggest country in the world, does not want any land, it wants security. They could have taken place at any point between early 2014 and early 2022. They did not, because Kiev and, above all, its Western sponsors refused. The Ukraine, as it was, has no future. It will have to capitulate on Russian terms. The West forbade it to have a future.


Ever since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, and even before that, under worldwide Western Imperialism, the Planet has faced the possibility, one day, of a One World Dictatorship. Since 1991 this potential has become closer. The identity of a possible World Dictator seems to have been a future President of the USA, governing the world through ambassadors and vassals. After the US occupation of the Ukraine in 2014 and then the challenge to its hegemony by the Russian Federation, the possibility of such a One World Dictatorship has rapidly receded. This is because of the BRICS organisation, which recognises several centres of power. Founded 15 years ago on 16 June 2009 in Ekaterinburg, the city of the martyrdom of the last Russian Tsar, BRICS, now with nine members, already has a larger economy than the G7. The Non-Western world is now interested in BRICS, which is to meet in Kazan in a few days’ time.

Indeed, over 150 countries now either want to join BRICS or else have expressed a desire to join it. It is clear that the multicontinental BRICS Alliance, initially Brazil, Russia, India, China and then South Africa, now with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the UAE, is going to replace the UN. The latter is in the US and is effectively controlled by three Western countries of the UN Security Council, the US, the UK and France. They can ignore and block any of its resolutions, like those regarding the illegal sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, Iran, China, Cuba etc, or against Israeli genocide. The teeming billions of Africa, Latin America and India have no real representation at the UN. BRICS is destined to set up a new Assembly or Parliament for the Global Majority. It is also pursuing the gradual process of dedollarisation of the world economy and will replace US-controlled organisations like the World Bank and the IMF. The future beckons.

The impetus for BRICS and its dedollarisation has been created by the US weaponisation of the dollar against the Russian Federation and other countries and the stealing of their assets and gold. Thus, trust has been broken in the SWIFT international payments system. It is not that BRICS is a bloc, it is not, it is a multilateral, multipolar, multicontinental, multicivilisational organisation. As a result, the Western world, which is also bankrupt, that is, the USA and its Anglosphere vassals like the UK, Canada and Australia, the divided Peninsular Western European EU, and other US coastal and island colonies and vassals like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the settler state of Israel, have been isolated – or rather have isolated themselves. BRICS means the disappearance of the hegemony of the USA and all its vassal organisations, not just the World Bank and the IMF, but the G7, the EU, WHO, UNESCO etc.

We can see this Western self-isolation and irrelevance in the fact that the Russian Federation, by far the largest country in Europe by population and area, is now the largest economy in Europe and growing rapidly, and yet Western European countries have cut themselves off from it and are declining. Why cut yourselves off from natural resources like oil, gas, fertiliser, minerals? Countries like Turkiye and all South-Eastern Europe, from Austria to Greece, from Serbia to Hungary, from Romania to Slovakia, from Bulgaria to Cyprus, from Czechia to Croatia, have realised that they are missing the boat. They will peel off from EU tyranny and join BRICS too. They may be joined by countries in South-Western Europe, from Spain to Italy, and eventually France, Benelux and Germany. Only English-speaking North-Western Europe will remain in the US orbit, but only until their US-appointed elites have been overthrown.

BRICS means the end of the domination of the Atlantic Powers, which has lasted for 500 years. The Pacific and Indian Powers have risen and are taking their place. The former Western colonies or countries that adopted one or other of the bipolar Western ideologies of Capitalism or Communism, from Eurasian Russia to Africa, from Asia to Latin America, are freeing themselves from Western geopolitical and financial colonialisation. BRICS countries work on behalf of their peoples, who believe in sovereignty and patriotism, but do not believe in the tyranny of transnational corporations, banks and Globalism. Centralisation, whether Capitalist or Communist, is dead. It is time in all spheres to move away from top-down centralised control and to delegate to the grassroots. It is time for the dinosaurs to remove themselves from the world stage, or else be removed by the ever-accelerating course of history.

The Sinking Millennial Titanic

Some observers say that the present rout of the West in the Ukraine, which the West tried to expand to and absorb by its habitual organised violence after February 2014, is a turning point. They say that it marks the end of 500 years of Western domination of the world and overseas expansion, expressed by the word ‘Globalism’. This began with Western voyages of conquest and settlement across the Atlantic to the Americas, Africa and Asia some 500 years ago. They are wrong. The Western world and its unique ideology of supremacy and infallibility began not 500 years ago, but 1,000 years ago. It can even be dated precisely – to 14 February 1014. Then, in Rome, the new foundational Creed of the West was consciously promulgated – previously it had only been proclaimed by illiterate provincial barbarians, who did not even understand what they were saying. From then on, the West moved south and east.

This new Creed, first proclaimed in Rome at the Coronation of the German King Henry II as the ‘Holy Roman’ Emperor (he was not Holy or Roman), claimed that the Holy Spirit, the Source of all authority and unity, proceeds from the leader of the West. Then the leader of the West was the Pope of Rome – even though the formal dogma of his infallibility was not proclaimed and formulated until 856 years later, in 1870. However, his supremacy was already clear in, for example, the Dictatus Papae of Pope Gregory VII in 1075, though nearly all of these principles had been repeated for decades. Today this supremacy and infallibility have been passed down to and inherited one after the other by the leaders of other Western countries. Now it belongs to the President of the USA. The claim to worldwide supremacy and infallibility has been the essential belief of the post-Christian, post-1014, post-Schism West.

The consequences of the 14 February 1014 Declaration of Papal, that is, Western, supremacy and infallibility can already be seen in the 1030s with the Papally-sponsored invasions of Spain and then Sicily. In 1066 it came again with the Papally-sponsored invasion and genocide of England, again using its Norman shock troops, and then to Wales, Scotland and Ireland, where the same genocide was repeated. But it is also clear in the German/Frankish/Western ‘Crusades’ in the Holy Land, in internal inquisitions and crusades (against the Cathars) in Western Europe, and in those of the Teutonic Knights in Eastern Europe. The essence of this ethnic Western ideology was what we today call Nazism. And it is precisely ethnic Western. For example, when the Soviet Union invaded Bulgaria in 1944, ordinary Bulgarians greeted the Soviet forces enthusiastically, for only the Germanic elite in Bulgaria was Nazi.

The fact is that Orthodox Church culture, even of lapsed Orthodox Russians and Bulgarians in 1944, is anti-Nazi. For example, let us take the case of the Non-Orthodox British historian, David Irving, who defends Nazi Germany. For him anti-Nazism is hypocrisy, given that Allied leaders also participated in Hitlerite crimes and racism in that conflict. True, Hitler hated the Jews and the West loved them, but only because the Western Allies were funded by Jewish financiers. However, just like Hitler, the Western leaders also hated ’subhuman’ Russians, Africans, Arabs and Asians. Irving should have been consistent and angry at all Nazism, not just British, French and American, but the German too. So the foolish Irving attacks Allied Nazism, not seeing that anyone can be a Nazi. For example, a bankrupt Israeli, Netanyahu, real name Mileikowsky, is also a genocidal Nazi, and as such is opposed by heroic Non-Zionist and anti-Nazi Jews.

Nothing can save the West from its sinking Titanic in Kiev. True, it can try and blame the senile Biden, but shifting the blame is not a solution. In reality, the West is not afraid that Russia will win against it in its proxy war, but rather it is afraid that the truth will win. This fear of the truth has now become the main concern. This fear of the truth is also why most Western people will not join the Orthodox Church – because they refuse to repent. As Western people claim: ‘I cannot join the Orthodox Church because of my culture’. They reject Christ because of their proudly unrepentant, Secularist culture. All they have to do is to refer back to their countries of birth before the millennial aberration and deviation of 1014. For example, I am English by blood, have a British passport, but I am not British, not even English. I am Old English and belong to Old England, to Orthodoxy, to Christ, not to Secularist pride.

The Future of Western Europe, Russia and the Orthodox Church

Thus, White Supremacism, Racism, Aryanism, Fascism, Nazism, Zionism, whatever you wish to call it, is deeply Western, as it justifies imperialism, colonialism and the exploitation of the whole Non-Western world. Ultimately, it goes back to the supremacy and infallibility of medieval Papism. This ideology is not of the Church. That is why certain Russians of the émigré Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) group, Romanians of the Iron Guard, and other Fascists, even though somewhat culturally Orthodox, were always tiny fringe groups, outside the mainstream, outside communion with the Church, outside Christianity. Let us recall that Christianity was born in Asia, not in the aberration of a Europe, cut off from the rest of Asia and, above all, from the Church of God. The tired old Western ideologies of Papism and Protestantism are dying. However, their substitution by Secularism is even worse, indeed, it is lethal.

Here we can speak of the Sovietisation of the West over the last 35 years of President Bush’s ‘New World Order’, already the Old World Order. Sovietisation can be seen in the Western elite/nomenklatura which governs by Uniparty and censorship (‘cancelling’) of ‘dissident’ views. Such ‘heretics’ commit ‘hate speech’ and so are persecuted. The elite has learned nothing from the fall of the USSR. Sovietisation is lethal, for it is based on death, hatred for God, persecution of the Church and its words of life, through abortion, euthanasia (‘good death’) and inevitable depopulation, as women are told to be men and men are told to be homosexuals. That is the new norm. On the other hand, Russia is returning to its roots. It is no longer Western, neither Imperial as it was from 1721-1917 with its serfdom, nor Soviet as it was from 1917 to 1991 with its Gulag, nor Oligarchic as it was from 1991 to 2016 with its Wild East Capitalism.

The 300 years or twelve generations of the three Western experiments in Russia failed, and disastrously so, and have now led Russia to begin the return to its roots. It is all that remains. These are precisely the roots to which the last Tsar, Nicholas II, wanted to return to, in governance, in social and foreign policy, in architecture, in Church painting and singing. The Tsar, who founded the Hague Peace Conventions, would have greatly approved of BRICS, of international co-operation and harmony. He was the forerunner to it. The future Ukraine will share in such co-operation. After the tragic conflict which the USA has created there, the New Ukraine will be renewed and its third world infrastructure will be brought to world class standards by BRICS, its corrupt Western oligarchs chased out by a State that protects its people, as has been happening so spectacularly in Russia over the last twenty-five years.

The transformation of the Russian Lands, the Russian Federation, the Ukraine and Belarus, will mean transformation within the Orthodox Church, 75% of whose faithful live in those Lands. True, several parts of the Orthodox Church are for now under the control of elderly individuals, who are stuck in the past. Such is the situation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Istanbul, where individuals still dream of an Empire which collapsed nearly 600 years ago. In Moscow too, there are individuals who also dream of an Imperial future, patterned by rigid ritualism, ultra-nationalism and propose a militarised and uniformised ‘Church-Army’. And as a result, there are individuals in the Russian Church, who call themselves ‘princes of the Church’, who dream of imperialist power and effeminate riches, ironically sometimes sponsored by the CIA, and who undertake schism, jealousy and hatred, persecuting pastors and people alike.

The reality is quite different from those delusions of empire, for the Church does not belong to ‘princes of the Church’, but to the faithful people. For example, the population of Non-Orthodox Western Europe, inclusive of and westwards of Finland, Germany, Austria and Italy, is approximately 431 million. Almost exactly 1% of that population are Romanian Orthodox (other Orthodox, Greeks, Russians, Serbs etc, number at most only 0.2% of that 431 million). Certain elderly Greeks and Russians may dream of building ecclesiastical empires in Western Europe, but they are irrelevant to 4.3 million Non-Greeks and Non-Russians. Such too is the situation elsewhere outside Russia and Greece, in lands where Orthodox have emigrated and live. The future of the Church in the Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic States, Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania is with the majority who live there, not with imperialistic dreamers in distant cities.


A fresh wind is blowing from the east and it is sweeping away the corrupted old world, the cobwebbed, antiquated and dying structures formed out of the last millennium and the domination of the planet by the anti-Christian Western world and its ideologies, whether Capitalist or Communist. The old ‘Papism’, centralised control from one centre, is dead. The unipolar and unilateral is rapidly being replaced by the multilateral and multipolar. Western Europeans, wake up! You have been fooled and betrayed for a thousand years! They have substituted the truth with a fake! Return to your spiritual roots and identity! Ignore the pathologically sick, who reject their own identity, and tell you that you are beyond salvation without their rebaptism, and come to the Church of God. Here you are welcome. Yes, indeed, our values are: ‘humanity, mercy and compassion’.  The old is going. The new is here. Welcome!






Twelve Revelations from the Conflict in the Ukraine


The US-orchestrated conflict in the Ukraine began in February 2014 after the US tried to expand there in order to set up bases along the Russian border. After continual provocations by the US-installed Kiev puppet regime, its murder of 14,000 Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians and its NATO-backed persecution of the Orthodox Church, the conflict intensified in February 2022. Since then, there have been twelve revelations in all: about the Kiev regime, the Free Ukraine which is now taking shape, the Russian Federation and the Western elite, which has been standing behind Kiev, using it as its proxy to try and destroy the Russian Federation and exploit its resources. The four groups of three revelations for each are:

The Kiev Regime


  1. It has become clear that the Kiev regime wants to blackmail the US, that is, all of NATO, into directly involvement on the ground in the Ukraine, as this is the only hope it has of possibly defeating the Russian Federation. Alone it can do nothing, it does not have the willing or trained manpower, let alone the necessary arms and munitions – which highly deindustrialised NATO countries cannot provide Kiev with anyway. (Similarly, through its constant provocations, Israel wants the US to get directly involved on the ground in its war against Iran in the Lebanon and its genocide in Gaza. Alone it too can do nothing). If the US does get involved directly in either case (most NATO countries will categorically refuse to do so), World War III could begin. At least for Kiev, it appears that the end is nigh, after it was seemingly abandoned by the Pentagon in Washington. In Israel nothing is yet clear.


  1. The US policy in the face of yet another lost war is not the same as the Kiev regime policy. The US policy is to hold on in the Ukraine only until the US elections in fewer than 40 days’ time or, at most, until the inauguration of the new President in fewer than 100 days’ time. After that, the whole policy can be dropped, as its abject failure can then be blamed on Biden, who by then will no longer be in power, not even officially, if, that is, he is still alive.


  1. Under the atheist Jewish Presidents Poroshenko and Zelensky, the Kiev regime set up a fake Church, which it tried to substitute for the real one. Although the CIA bribed part of the Greek Church to give this wild scheme some credibility, it has no serious believers in it and is headed by nationalist gangsters with defrocked corrupt and homosexual ex-clergy. How could it be taken seriously, when it was formed by violent thugs and hooligans? These beat up real Orthodox clergy and people in order to steal 1,500 emptied church buildings from the real Church under Metropolitan Onufry, whom the whole free Orthodox world backs. Typically, one of the first acts of the fake Church was to go over to the Protestant calendar, as favoured by its creators, the CIA!


The Free Ukraine


  1. The virulently anti-Russian, BBC-sponsored Mediazona group reckons ‘Russian’ casualties in the conflict at between 70,000 – 120,000 killed and wounded (against over 800,000 for the Ukrainian military). However, Medizona fails to explain that most ‘Russian’ casualties are Ukrainians from the east of the Ukraine, millions of whom have fled to Russia over the last ten years, seeking freedom and safety from genocide. These free Ukrainians form the backbone of the ‘Russian’ infantry who, as they see it, are today liberating the Ukraine from the Kiev regime and Neo-Nazi groups. The conflict in the Ukraine is a civil war and everybody there knows it.


  1. The Ukraine is also being freed by an anti-Nazi Ukrainian resistance network. These are local Ukrainians outraged by the genocide carried out by the CIA-imposed Kiev regime and its dreaded SBU secret police. Their network provides intelligence to the Russian-led forces, so that they can destroy NATO equipment and munitions, eliminate foreign mercenaries and carry out sabotage on Kiev regime infrastructure, especially electricity generation and the railways.


  1. There will be no ceasefire, ‘stalemate’, ‘frozen conflict’ or ‘Korean solution’ in the Ukraine. Russia is advancing, so it will not open any peace talks, even if Kiev wanted them, which it cannot, as the Western elite long ago forced Kiev to make peace talks with Russia illegal. There will only be capitulation, unconditional surrender, on Russia’s terms. This means Russia retaining at the very least the five Russian provinces which it has more or less occupied or liberated already, and possibly the next four historically (until 1922) Russian provinces. The rest will be demilitarised, de-NATOised and neutralised. There will be self-determination for the Non-NATO rest, the Free Ukraine, with freedom for the Church and human rights for all its citizens of all nationalities guaranteed.


The Russian Federation


  1. Thanks in part to the fabulously backfiring Western sanctions, the economy of the Russian Federation is now the fourth largest in the world, even according to the very low PPP measurement, after only China, the USA and India. However, it is clear that the economy of the Russian Federation, which has a population only one tenth of India’s, is now catching up with the economies of both India and the USA. The size of the latter’s economy is much exaggerated, as it is measured by the non-productive criteria of finance, insurance, real estate and crime, and not by manufacturing. And yet in 2022 the Western media told everyone that the Russian economy was no bigger than Spain’s! In any case, the Russian economy has overtaken both Japan’s and Germany’s, which are in freefall, leaving France’s and Britain’s in ninth and tenth places in the world and Spain’s somewhere further down the list. The Russian economy is now the largest in Western Eurasia and there will come a time when it will become the third largest in the world.


  1. The development of the Russian-founded BRICS has been greatly accelerated by the illegal anti-Russian sanctions, such as the refusal to allow Russia to use payments by SWIFT, imposed by US and European aggressiveness and narcissistic jealousy. Western aggression has thrown the Russian Federation, China, Iran and others in the Global Majority together in the warmest of embraces. Seeing these sanctions, the rest of the world is now turning its back on US and Western European bullies, whom it too can no longer trust. This is the boomerang effect of sanctions, which has led to the accelerating decline of the one billion of the West and the accelerating rise of the seven billion of the Rest. Western sanctions have boosted BRICS perhaps by up to ten years in just two years. The collapse of the dollar is no longer a myth, but a dangerously close real possibility, as too is the possibility of BRICS becoming the new UN.


  1. After many generations of both State-imposed and now self-imposed imperialisation, ritualisation, bureaucratisation, militarisation and secularisation, the administrative bureaucracy of the Russian Orthodox Church has lost its spiritual independence and has compromised itself. To its shame, it is refusing to support persecuted confessors for Orthodoxy and so is no longer taken seriously. However, freedom is in the air and more new Local Orthodox Churches will yet be formed out of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has unworthily clung on to centralised, imperialist, Soviet-style power for far too long. And this is despite the Russian State’s abandonment of centralised, imperialist, Soviet-style power over thirty years ago. Indeed, the Russian Church administration may need the help of the Russian State to get the Russian Church to catch up, returning it to its true heritage, of St Sergius, St Seraphim, St Matrona, St John of Shanghai and all the other New Martyrs and Confessors, who confess the freedom of the Holy Spirit.


The Western Elite


  1. Over the last 30 years the Western European ruling class has lost its spiritual independence and, compromising itself, has been vassalised. Whereas thirty years ago, indeed even twenty years ago, the Western European governing class showed independence in thought and action, today it has surrendered itself to the Globalist US elite, to which it essentially belongs. However, although their elite is now US-run, European Sovereigntist patriotic peoples, regardless of left or right politics, are today beginning to overthrowing in elections these Globalist Brussels-Washington leaders. Many of these leaders who cling on to power despite the election results are also perverts. The peoples are asserting their independence from them. This is clear in the very weak and unpopular government in Germany, in France, which has had no government for three months and where rule is through a president-dictator who refuses to accept the results of elections, and in the UK, which is now on its hated fifth Prime Minister in five years and may soon be on its sixth. Hungary, Slovakia and now Austria have already overthrown their elites and in Italy, the UK and the Netherlands, the people are trying. Outside Europe, Japan is following the same pattern.


  1. The media of the Western world, often also led by perverts, have given up freedom and free speech in favour of censorship. This is because its media, like its elite, are US-controlled, called under ‘editorial control’. Their new word for lies or propaganda is ‘narratives’. Narratives come from living in a virtual world, from delusions and wishful thinking, PR, psyops and spin.


  1. The source of these delusional narratives is the narcissism of the Western elite. Narcissism always blinds to reality, as narcissists prefer to live in delusions. We can see this in US Foreign Policy, just as we can see it in US bishops. When narcissists do not get their way, as they have no empathy anyway and despise those who do, they lose their temper and often turn to drink and try to destroy families, as we have also seen, screaming, ‘Give me the keys to the church’, down the telephone.

The Collapse of Unions

Ex-President Zelensky (his term ended last May) is now in the USA, proposing a ‘Victory Plan’. In fact, as the bankrupt Ukraine is being defeated, if not routed, this is a Plan for World War III. This is because it demands that the Ukraine join NATO, meaning that NATO troops would then die fighting nuclear-armed Russia in the Ukraine. Well over half the already bankrupt countries in NATO are totally against this. In any case, NATO has very few weapons and munitions left in terms of tanks, artillery, drones and shells, it has and prints only inflationary dollar bills. The fact is that there is no ‘Victory Plan’, except in the deluded fantasies of CIA-controlled US and UK PR advisors, whose scripts are read by the handpicked actor Zelensky.

With 800,000 Ukrainian dead and wounded, 400,000 of them since 1 January 2024, (and 70,000 Russian dead) so far, it is long since time for the conflict in the Ukraine to end. Those who want it to continue want to continue Slav fratricide. It will not end in stalemate or a frozen conflict, it can only end in the capitulation of Kiev through the overthrow of the Neo-Nazi puppet regime in Kiev by those many Ukrainians, who hate it and resist it. Nobody wants to fight for them any more, for they are not following a Ukrainian agenda, but an American agenda. There will follow the formation of a New Ukraine inside realistic and natural borders. And it will be NATO and EU free, for neither NATO, nor the EU has any future anyway.

The tragic events in the Ukraine, like the waves of Israeli terrorism against Palestine and the Lebanon, blinding and maiming civilians through exploding electronic devices, are ushering in a New World Order. This New Order is the result of the 1991 collapse and dissolution of the Soviet Union and now the collapse and dissolution of the American Union, which is 33 years overdue. The American Union means not just the USA (a corporate Union formed after a bloody, four-year long civil war in the USA), but all its associated, largely US-run organisations, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the G7, the OECD, NATO, the EU, the Anglosphere, AUKUS, the Five Eyes, the Olympic Games, the ICC, the ICJ, the Nobel Prizes etc.

The time of Unions is over. The Soviet Union, formed as a result of the First World War, and the American Union, formed as a result of the Second World War, are finished. The Soviet Union is being replaced by a Confederation of the three East Slav peoples, Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian, returning to the pre-Imperial Russia (which was also Unionist) of over 300 years ago. However, the American Union has not yet been replaced. Its dissolution, concerning the whole Western world which is vassal to it, is far more dramatic, for it is based on a Western Union which is a millennium old. Its ideology of Globalism, that is, US-controlled Domination, is to be replaced by the mutually beneficial co-operation of Sovereign Nations.

Russophobia and the Ukraine: Self-Liberation or Self-Destruction for Western Europe?

PART ONE: Russophobia and the Ukraine

Introduction: Western Russophobia

Western Russophobia has always been based on a large number of artificial and utterly hypocritical oppositions: Superior-inferior; West-East; European-Asiatic; Christian-barbarian; Civilised-primitive; Modern-backward; Strong-weak; Liberal-autocratic; Democratic-authoritarian; Good-evil; White-black. In other words, the West is always right. In fact it has always based its ‘rightness’ on lies, PR propaganda, Hitlerian racist enmity and a series of hypocritical prejudices. Let us look at this Russophobia in one specific case, the classic British case.

British Russophobia

After the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815, a defeat largely owed to the German Prussians rather than to Wellington, Great Britain no longer had an enemy. It soon found one: Russia. Russia had directly defeated Napoleon and his Combined Western Army of twelve nationalities of some 600,000 in 1812, and had then liberated Paris in 1814. Therefore, it was a potential rival and therefore the enemy. By the 1830s this feeling of hostility towards Russia had been developed under the pro-Ottoman Urquhart and British imperialists invented the paranoid, anti-Russian, delusional narrative of ‘the Great Game’.

So came the full-scale, unprovoked invasion of Russia in the so-called ‘Crimean War’ of 1853-1856. Then Britain’s propaganda machine suddenly switched from being anti-French to anti-Russian and from anti-Ottoman to pro-Ottoman, allying itself with the vengeful Napoleon III, the nephew of the previous evil enemy, and with the Muslim Ottomans. At the end of the nineteenth century the British were to exploit the anti-Jewish pogroms, conducted almost wholly by Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian Galician peasants, and none of which took place on Russian territory, as yet another anti-Russian tool.

Free England Condemns the Hypocrisy of the British Ruling Class

In the 1830s the English liberal Richard Cobden (1804-1865) called for an end to this Russophobia.  He was already arguing that just as ‘in the slave trade we (the British) had surpassed in guilt the world, so in foreign wars we have the most aggressive, quarrelsome, warlike and bloody nation under the sun’. In October 1850 he wrote a letter claiming that in the last 25 years ‘you will find that we have been incomparably the most sanguinary nation on earth… in China, in Burma, in India, New Zealand, the Cape, Syria, Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc, there is hardly a country, however remote, in which we have not been waging war or dictating our terms at the point of a bayonet’. Cobden stated that the British, ‘the greatest blood-shedders of all’, had been then involved in more wars than the rest of Europe put together. This was factually correct.

For this, Cobden blamed the British Establishment aristocracy, which he stated had ‘converted the combativeness of the English race to its own ends’. On the British invasion of Burma in 1852, Cobden wrote: ‘I blush for my country, and the very blood in my veins tingled with indignation at the wanton disregard of all justice and decency without our proceedings towards that country exhibited. The violence and wrongs perpetrated by Pizarro or Cortez were scarcely veiled in a more transparent pretence of right than our own’. The Burmese, Cobden continued, had ‘no more chance against our 64-pound red-hot shot and other infernal improvement in the art of war than they would in running a race on their roads against our railways…the day on which we commenced the war with a bombardment of shot, shell and rockets…that the natives must have thought it an onslaught of devils, was Easter Sunday!’

Western Fascism

In the end, Great Britain ‘won’ its Great Game by overthrowing the Tsar through its regime-change operation which culminated in 1917. But that was a Pyrrhic victory. It all went wrong, for it was in this way that Britain was largely responsible for creating the anti-Western Communist Soviet Union, which replaced the highly Westernised Christian Russian Empire. When the next Combined West invaded Russia in June 1941 under Hitler, the second Napoleon, this multinational invasion from the West was welcomed by the Russophobic British. However, it ended unexpectedly with Russian troops liberating Vienna and Berlin from Western Fascism in 1945.

This was exactly as the Russian Empire had been about to do in 1917 before the British sabotage of Russia in the so-called ‘Revolution’. In reality, despite British anti-Russian propaganda about pogroms, the pogroms in Germany and Austria were far worse than any in the Non-Russian territories in the west of the old Russian Empire. And it was precisely such Western pogroms which later gave rise to the appalling and purely Western phenomenon of Fascism and Nazism, most of whose death-camps were, like Auschwitz, liberated by Russian-led Soviet troops.

Occupying the Ukraine

Now we leave to history the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and move forward to our own times. Once Russia had thrown off the purely Western atheist Communist yoke in 1991 (yes, Communism is like Fascism a Western ideology and has nothing Russian about it), there was a period in which the US-led Western world invented a new enemy, Islam. However, given its ensuing defeats in the Muslim world in the 2010s, its attention turned back to Russia as its enemy once more. On the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War One, the Combined West, now called NATO, meaning Washington and its mainly Western European vassals, invaded the Russian Lands again: Paris, Berlin, Washington. Napoleon, Hitler, Biden.

This meant the CIA violently toppling the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in Kiev in 2014, applauded by EU Commissars. After eight years of pleading for peace since 2014, in 2022 Russia was obliged to pre-empt the planned Kiev invasion and genocide of the Russian Lands in the south and east by NATO-trained and NATO-supplied Kiev regime forces. The US intention was to use the Kiev regime and its troops as pawns, suicidal proxies to weaken and destroy Russia. Russia pre-empted the invasion by sending token forces into the Ukraine. Thus began the liberation of the Russian south and east of the Soviet-invented ‘Ukraine’, so dismantling this purely artificial country, invented by Western-created Communist monsters from 1922 on, into its constituent parts. This means essentially into Russia, Ukraine, Poland. Hungary and Romania.

Liberating the Ukraine

Russia does not want to ‘conquer’ the Ukraine, whatever ‘conquer’ means. By far the biggest country in the world has no need of more territory. Its hope is that the powerful anti-Nazi Ukrainian Resistance Movement can overthrow the CIA-imposed and financed Fascist regime in Kiev with the angry, disillusioned and betrayed peoples of the Ukraine. The hope is that with help Ukrainians will set up their own Free, Non-Nazi, Non-CIA, Ukrainian government there, which will unite the Ukrainian Ukraine into a sovereign country.

Its protection from Western/NATO imperialists will be guaranteed by the Russian Federation. The drama has always been that, greedy to control and exploit their natural resources and geopolitical significance, the West has never allowed the peoples of the Ukraine self-determination. Hence 40% of Ukrainian territory now belongs to the US Blackrock Corporation, sold off by corrupt and feudal Kiev politicians behind the backs of their peoples.

World War III or World War I, Part III?

This lack of self-determination, or lack of freedom, for Ukrainians has resulted in the largely MI6-planned terrorist attacks on Russian civilians, repeating the typically British terrorist attacks on German civilians and others in World War II, which were just as futile. This has resulted in the recent, NATO-planned Ukrainian incursion into the unpopulated and forested southern tip of the Kursk province of Russia. World War II German Panther and Tiger tanks, driven by SS Ukrainians, have been replaced by German Leopard tanks today.

Nothing has changed. Little wonder that some consider that there has only ever been one World War, but in three parts. Perhaps it is World War One, Part III that is now ending in the Ukraine? The US at last understands that it has lost its proxy war in the Ukraine; all it wants to do now is to hold on until the US elections, when they can forget it. Although this liberation is well-advanced, what can be said of the future liberation of the Western Peninsula half of Europe, which begins after the Polish border?

PART TWO: Self-Liberation or Self-Destruction for Western Europe?

The New Poverty of Western Europe

The centre of Western Europe’s economy and industry had for at least five generations been Germany, despite two Great Wars. No longer today. Having been forced by its US-run elite to cut itself off from cheap Russian gas, oil and other natural resources and accept the US destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, exactly as the US had publicly promised to do, its industry is closing down. The social effects in a country which is already full of refugees from the failed US-led wars in Muslim North Africa, West Asia and the Ukraine, are catastrophic. Germany, like the rest of Western Europe, is already no longer an economic rival to the US, for like most EU countries it threw away control of its own currency. Widespread poverty is now visible. The US has won, defeating not victorious Russia, but destroyed Western Europe.

The centre of Western Europe’s ideology and diplomacy had for generations been France, which even provided it with the French language for diplomacy. With its UN seat, it promoted an independent, pro-Gaullist European line, opposing, for example, the second US war against Iraq in 2003, for which Americans called the French ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’. No longer today. Since the corrupt President Sarkozy, who forced France to join the US-run NATO in 2009, France has been ruled by US-placed Presidents. Today, France is paralysed, as its Rothschild bank-clerk president, Macron, surrounded by other perverts, has refused to implement the results of the last French Parliamentary election, which he disastrously lost. The country is ungovernable and he is left as a detested dictator.

Europe Governed by the American Empire

The two other major EU countries, Italy and Spain, are silent, besieged and impoverished like all the other smaller ones from Ireland to Portugal, Romania to the Netherlands, Greece to Croatia, by masses of illegal immigrants, whom national governments are not allowed to reject, as the elites passed control from the nation state to the Globalists. The only Western European countries whose voices are heard are those who scurry to repeat and exaggerate US policies, being ‘more royalist than the king’, to try and show that their completely unimportant countries are somehow important. Indeed, the US has to restrain these fanatics.

They are delusional. In fact, the leaders of these countries are talking to themselves. The countries are the Northern European UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland and the three tiny Baltic statelets. The combined population of these latter three is only one tenth of France’s, which has a UN seat, and yet their voices are heeded far more than France’s. All these eight countries amount to no more than three or four of the fifty US States. However, all over Europe a revolt has begun against the oppressive US-run elites in the breaking down UK and among the European Union Commissars who are the new Pilates, the New Roman governors.

Western European Resistance

However, so far only 25% of Europeans of left or right are revolting against US oppression. The Globalist Uniparty, whatever it may call itself, Labour, Conservative, Social, Democratic, holds sway. Most Europeans have been brainwashed by the US-run and, in the case of the BBC, pedophile media into believing that the only alternative to being slaves of the American Empire is to be subject to the bogeymen of Russia and China. These, apparently, are ‘authoritarian’, ‘autocratic’ and ‘Fascist’.

And most citizens are so zombified that they actually believe such lies. With their ‘leaders’ in bondage to the US, the majority of Western Europeans are brainwashed by bread and circuses and left ignorant. Europe has made itself irrelevant on the world stage, ideologically, politically, diplomatically, economically, socially, culturally and, most significantly, spiritually and morally. It is a sad time in European history. Western Europe is dying – through its own choice.

Free Europe: De-Americanisation

Since the 1940s Western Europe, like Japan, has been occupied by US troops. As a result, over the last eighty years, Western Europe has been thoroughly americanised, colonised and vassalised, coca-cola-ised, macdonald-ised, netflix-ised, singing in American, and reclothed in the unisex American uniform of jeans, T-shirts and trainers. There is the attempt to create a highly centralised United States of Europe, at present called the EU and run by the US-trained elite of unelected Eurocommissars.

The US aim is to destroy the strength of industry in Western Europe through its illegal sanctions ‘against Russia’, in reality against Western Europe, destroying its economies, as it destroyed the Nordstream pipeline. The only hope for Western Europe is, probably nation by nation, to be abandoned by the US, just as Soviet-controlled Europe was abandoned by the USSR, like a row of dominos between 1989 and 1991. Western Europe will then have to de-americanise itself, by turning to the multipolar BRICS Alliance, ejecting its US imperialist masters

The Alliance

This Alliance, with a BRICS Security Council of Five and soon perhaps fifty associate members, is becoming a new and at last real and independent United Nations. Only in BRICS will nations be allowed to keep their own identities, but also to reintegrate Eurasia and benefit from Russian natural resources and Chinese investment. Let it be made clear, Russia will not liberate Western Europe; its interests stop at the Polish border, where East Slavdom ends. Russia has turned its back on aggressive and now unimportant Western Europe.

Western Europe must help itself, liberating itself. Russians are tired of going to liberate Paris and Berlin and seeing its soldiers die there. No more. However, de-americanisation is only the first of the two stages in the process of the self-liberation of Western Europe. Before the US intervened in Western Europe in 1917, having in 1916 ordered Great Britain to overthrow the Tsar’s Russia before its long-prepared entry into the War, it was already and again at war with itself. It has constantly made war with itself and with others. Only Western Europe can liberate itself from this.

Free Europe: De-Frankisation

After all, the USA is itself a Western European invention, resulting from the aggressive Western European invasion and occupation of the lands of the original Asian settlers there. Ther huge territories had belonged to them for thousands of years before Western Europeans settled them. The fundamental process, which must probably happen before Western European nations join BRICS, is ‘de-frankisation’, which I will explain below. This is indicated in the above quotation from Cobden, that ‘the British, the greatest blood-shedders of all, had been then involved in more wars than the rest of Europe put together’.

For this he blamed the ever-aggressive British aristocracy, which he declared had ‘converted the combativeness of the English race to its own ends’. Now the British aristocracy are of Viking origin, the Vikings, called in history Northmen or Normans, used as shock-troops for the spread of the imperialism of the Frankish ruling class of Continental Western Europe. It is this same Frankish and, in the British Isles and Ireland, its local Norman variant, that controls politics, the media and the arms trade throughout Western Europe. Until it is removed from power, which is possibly peacefully, its wars of aggression will continue.

Conclusion: Towards a Great England and a Great Europe

Those who are anti-imperialist in England are often accused of being ‘Little Englanders’, rather than ‘Great Britainists’. Our values are in fact neither Great British Imperialism, essentially Fascist, nor Little England bigotry, essentially Ignorance. Rather, because we are actual Christians, we believe in a ‘Great England’, an England made Great because it prizes above all Love and Truth, that is, Patriotism and Peace, and not the Anti-Patriotism of Globalism and its forever wars. And these words apply to each and every other people of Western Europe.


The Russian-Founded New World Order and Moving to Russia

Introduction: Why I Have Not Moved to Russia

As a fluent Russian-speaker, I wanted to move to Russia when I was actually 20, when I was invited to study at the Moscow Theological Academy in 1977, but the Cold War prevented that. I would long ago have moved there, if I were 20 years old. In the last twelve months I have been invited to move there, where the futile slanders of me by one here are mocked, to serve as a priest by two Patriarchal bishops, whom I know and who know the real situation.

However, my family lives here and my Russian and other parishioners need me here. I will not be going to Russia, unless my whole family, all 27 of us, wishes to go. I prefer to stay and continue the fight against the ecumenists, against the covidists, and against the pseudo-Russian schismatics. I was, by God’s will, born here. God put me here to do something here. When I was 18 and the late Metropolitan Kallistos told me that, I did not know what that something was.

Gradually, the twofold sense of my life was revealed to me. It was to witness to Western European Orthodoxy, to St Felix, St Edmund and the ten thousand other Western Saints, whom St John also venerated, and so to restore the Non-Establishment West, and, secondly, in the words of the ever-memorable Slovak Metropolitan Laurus, ‘to keep the purity of Holy Orthodoxy’. This meant to act against the rogues of left and right, against both the scribes and against the pharisees.

This meant fighting against both the spiritually empty intellectuals, ecumenists and modernists, and the equally spiritually empty ‘princes of the Church’, whose only interests are their preening narcissism and love of power and money. Both sides, acting together against the mainstream, that is, against the mighty river, of the Church of God, are too cowardly and unprincipled to stand up to such corrupt bullies, anti-family perverts and psychopaths, and they repeat their slanders against us. But we are not cowards and unprincipled. God is the Judge of those who repeat slanders against us.

Russian Military, Political and Diplomatic Victories

In the wide world, today the government of President Putin is liberating the bankrupt Ukraine and its patriotic and persecuted faithful from NATO Nazism, as promoted by the local Fascist rogues in Kiev. Clearly, this conflict will end with the Kiev regime’s capitulation. Russia hopes that this capitulation will take place through a popular Ukrainian insurrection against the Kiev regime. That is possible. The US-created Ukraine is the biggest loser of this war, but not far behind it is the now isolated and impoverished Western Europe. This has lost greatly, as it has committed economic suicide by boycotting cheap Russian gas, oil, fertiliser and other resources and has also taken in eight million very expensive Ukrainians, who became very unpopular there through their demands and sense of entitlement. As for the third loser, the ungoverned USA, it has already abandoned the Ukraine, just as it abandoned Afghanistan and Iraq before it.

Internationally, the same Russian government has created a defensive Alliance with China, North Korea, Iran, Belarus and Mongolia. Thus, Russia’s borders, east and west are now secured and protected, much as they were in January 1904, before the West attacked Russia indirectly (through Japan, which later wanted to destroy Korea, China and Mongolia), and then in January 1914, before the West attacked Russia directly. South Asia, India, is already with Russia and we will soon see the consolidation of the Eurasian heartland, as Central Asia joins this defensive Alliance of Eurasia.

As for the Russian-sponsored BRICS Economic Alliance, even now 45% of the world population, it was founded in 2009 in Ekaterinburg, the City of the Martyrdom of Tsar Nicholas II and his Family, a martyrdom ordered from New York. BRICS, now with nine countries, includes other countries from Asia (the UAE), Africa (Ethiopia and South Africa) and Latin America (Brazil). In Kazan, in seven weeks’ time, new members will ask to join the BRICS Alliance, some say thirty countries, some say more, though most of them may not actually be joining as early as this year. Among the candidates are countries as diverse as Azerbaijan, Cuba, Bolivia, Gabon, Venezuela, Belarus, Turkiye, Algeria, Indonesia, Vietnam, Serbia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan and even, one day, for the moment EU Hungary, Slovakia and Italy.

Russian victory was imminent at the end of 1916, liberating Vienna in summer 1917 and Berlin in autumn 1917, just before the Western prevented that victory by overthrowing the Tsar with its agents and replacing him with the Western agents, Lenin and Trotsky, the former of whom created the Ukraine, the second of whom was born in what is now the Ukraine. Russia is back. This Russian victory may be imminent again, in 2024 – unless the West can overthrow the present Tsar. Over a century of thwarted Russian victory may be over at last, despite the spies, traitors, perverts and schismatics who have infiltrated the Russian Orthodox Church.

Russian-United Eurasia and European Collapse

Three of the four world’s superpowers and largest economies are in Asia: China, India and Russia.  China and India were once far more prosperous and far more advanced than Europe, before Western Europeans colonised, exploited and destroyed them. That process has now gone into reverse: Asia now dominates Western Europe. Moreover, Eurasian Russia is getting Asia to unite. East Asia (China etc), West Asia (the old ‘Middle East’), South Asia (India etc) and North Asia (Russia) are uniting. Apart from the still hesitant five ‘stans’ of Central Asia, what is missing is US-occupied North-West Asia (what is still called ‘Western Europe’, 5% of the world population) and US-occupied North-East Asia (the ever-shrinking Japan and South Korea).

The hope is that both the latter, the North-West Asian Peninsula (the Western half of Europe, which has so disastrously tried to expand into the Eastern half, in the Ukraine) and the North-East Asian Archipelago (Japan and South Korea), will liberate themselves from Americanisation (camouflaged beneath the word ‘Globalism’) and enter into this Grand Alliance of the Global Majority of BRICS. For this to happen patriotic left and patriotic right have to unite against the anti-patriotic, NATO-Nazi Globalists of the US-created Uniparty, who are the real extremists. Liberation from the 20% of the pro-US, pro-EU, pro-NATO, pro-Kiev and pro-Woke Globalist Establishment is what the 80%, the peoples of Western Europe, seek. For the Globalists always put anti-national interests first, to the detriment of their own electorates.

Such liberation from the Establishment, the System, as it is called in Germany (‘the Deep State’ in the USA), is now the electoral path in the UK, France, Germany and almost every other country in Western Europe, against the highly unpopular ruling class elite. We the people want our sovereignty and our national identity, which we believe is in our saints, back. In the meantime, we have to face the contemporary Western reality. This is summed up by both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Pagan Games in Paris, which show exactly what its nature is. The Serbian Orthodox tennis player Novak Djokovich and some African athletes resisted the persecution and blasphemies against Christianity there, but few others did.

LGBT ideology and transgenderism dominate the Western Establishment (for example, the millionaire pedophiles employed by the BBC) more and more. It is shocking. The West has become the collapsing Soviet Union. It is 1989 in the West. As a result, President Putin has issued an executive order to take in spiritual refugees from the West, on condition that they share in the traditional religious values of the Russian Federation and that they are under persecution. Should people move there?

Moving to Russia

So far only one Russian family from our parish has moved to Russia, though not because they were under persecution. That was eighteen months ago.  It was a great success financially. They both have jobs which they like and they are already able to buy their own home. One other parishioner is thinking about following their example, but most of my many Russian parishioners are not even contemplating it. Let alone our Ukrainians, Balts, Romanians, Moldovans, Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks and the other twenty-one nationalities among our 600 regular parishioners.

Here some should take care, not returning Russians who know the situation perfectly well, but naïve and idealistic Non-Russian converts to Orthodoxy. They should ask themselves many questions first: Why do most Russians stay here and new Russians even want to come here? Why do they not return and others still want to leave Russia? The fact is that in today’s Russia, most live in high-rise tower blocks, abortion is twice even the appalling level of Western countries, divorce is just as high as in the West, and most baptised Orthodox are still cremated when they die. Beware of ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’ syndrome.

Then there is the bureaucracy (just as bad as in France) and corruption, which is especially noticeable when it comes to health care with its universal envelopes under the table. As for the Church, only 2-3% go to church, partly because of the problems of corrupt and oligarchic homosexual bishops and money-grubbing priests (those two problems helped cause the post-1917 persecution of the Church). What many in the West do not understand is that Russia is dominated by a cultural Orthodoxy, rather than a zealous, practising Orthodoxy, just like every other country in the Orthodox world.

Then there are purely practical questions. Do you speak Russian? You will have to learn. What money will you live off, if you live in Russia? What job will you find? How will your children adapt to a very different and much tougher school system? Will you attend church in Slavonic and on the old calendar? (If you do not do so here, how will you cope there?). Just a little dose of reality.

Conclusion: Avoiding Escapism

For most it is too early to contemplate moving to Russia. Let us wait and see. As long as we can still be saved here, as long as we can still fight and resist here, despite the persecution of us here, not by LGBT fanatics, but by certain so-called ‘Orthodox’ bishops, let us stay here. To leave now seems like running away. We still have the chance to win here.


After the End-Game in the Ukraine

Introduction: After the Conflict

After two and a half years of conflict in the Ukraine, we have at last arrived at the end-game. There may even be less than six months to go, as the conflict could even end on about its 1,000th day, in mid-November. What will happen once the end-game is over, whether that is in 2024 or in 2025? Once the war is won, how will the peace be won? What will post-conflict Ukraine look like? What are the differences in intentions between the ‘moderates’ and the ‘hardliners’ in Moscow?

Provinces Returned to the Russian Federation?

At first, in 2014, the profoundly Russian Crimea and Sevastopol (which also counts as  a province) returned to Russia by overwhelming popular consent after sixty years of Communist-enforced separation. This was extremely popular. Then, because of Kiev’s genocidal aggression there, in February 2022 the two provinces of the Russian Donbass also returned to Russia by overwhelming popular consent. Next, because of Kiev’s threats to the Crimea, in late 2022, Russian Zaporozhie and Kherson also returned to Russia, again by overwhelming popular vote in referenda. Both the moderates and the hardliners in Moscow agree about the return of these six Russian provinces with their pre-war population of twelve million, as also about the neutrality of the Ukraine, that it will never become part of NATO.

Unlike the moderates in Moscow, however, the hardliners want Russia to take back the rest of Novorossija, another four provinces, namely, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa, though also by referenda, which are still to be held. Moreover, the fate of the three provinces of Sumy, Chernigov and Poltava, which are also on the west bank of the Dnieper, hangs in the balance as well -the hardliners want them too. If they transfer to Russia, then much of the territory conquered by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, his son, Tsar Peter the Great and Tsarina Catherine the Great some 300 years ago, will be restored to Russia. If these seven provinces returned to Russia, this would reduce the New Ukraine to fourteen provinces out of the original twenty-seven.

A Province Returned to Romania?

As a result of Kiev’s invasion of Russia’s Kursk province, continual drone attacks on and terrorist threats to civilians and installations far inside Russia, most of the remainder of the Ukraine is probably going to end up as a third Union State, independent in local affairs, but otherwise more or less under Russian control, in effect a client state similar to Belarus. However, from this remainder of the Ukraine, the very small province of Chernivtsy (North Bukovina), or most of it, may, if it chooses to do so by referendum, return to Romania, from where it was taken in 1945. This transfer could perhaps take place in exchange for Transdnestria and Gagauzia, which overwhelmingly want to leave Romanian-speaking Moldova and join Russia. However, that will depend on Moldova, not on Romania.

If the rest of Moldova then chooses to rejoin Romania by referendum, perhaps on the Russian condition that all NATO bases are closed in Romania, that will be their choice. However, we think it much more likely that Moldovans will choose to remain independent of EU Romania and so free to receive cheap Russian energy. In that case, in an independent Moldova, the Moldovan Orthodox Church must receive joint autocephaly from the Russian and the Romanian Orthodox Churches, with all so-called ‘defrocked’ clergy (defrocked for purely political and non-canonical reasons) ‘refrocked’, as is always done in the case of political defrockings. Church unity can then be achieved there.

Provinces Returned to Hungary, Slovakia and Poland?

As for Hungary, it should also take back the tiny slice of Hungarian territory on the edge of the Ukrainian border. This would be taken from the strangely-named province of Zakarpattia, which could get back its old name of Podkarpatska Rus (Subcarpathian Rus) and also possibly return to Hungary or else to Slovakia.

Then there comes the situation of the Western provinces of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk, and possible the next three other far western, formerly Polish provinces of Volyn, Rovno and Ternopol. Should they be separated from the future New Ukraine and return to Poland, as the moderates recommend? True, the CIA and MI6 financed and supplied anti-Russian, Neo-Nazi terrorism in far western Ukraine from 1948 until at least 1958 and many Russian patriots died there.

For this reason, the moderates do not want to touch this territory. However, now that most of the Neo-Nazis have been killed in the conflict or have fled to the West, there would be much less opposition there to remaining in a New Ukraine, which would have a measure of independence. Surely Russia is obliged to secure its borders by controlling this territory, rather than giving it back to Poland? The danger is after all that any unliberated territory, or territory handed over to Poland, will be turned into use as a NATO terrorist base against you. So argue the hardliners, who would thus reduce the New Ukraine to seven provinces.

Conclusion: The New Ukraine

This New Ukraine or Malorossija would be left perhaps with a minimum of seven provinces and a maximum of twenty-one, counting the City of Kiev and the Kiev province separately. It would have a population of between about nine and twenty-five million, providing that all ten million or so who left to work in the West in the last ten years return, which is highly unlikely. Essentially, it will be a landlocked, southern and large Belarus. Although it will be bankrupted, it will never pay the debts of the old regime back to the West, especially to the City of London, and will be rebuilt by Russia and China. Surely, however, its canonical Church would have to receive autocephaly from Moscow and become a centre of national unity and identity, just as in the future Moldova.



The Fall of Kiev and the Fall of the American Empire

The conflict in the Ukraine exists because the US political, military and media Establishment and its vassals in Western Europe want it to exist. Virtually all Western politicians from Lindsey Graham to Kaja Kallas, from Antony Blinken to Boris Johnson, have made it crystal clear that the aim of the conflict has never been to support the Ukraine, which they despise (even if they do know where it is), but to destroy Russia, ‘until the last Ukrainian is dead’. The Ukraine is merely a useful idiot, a proxy, a battering ram aimed at Russia, no more. All this is clear from the 2019 report of the Rand Corporation, the think tank of the Pentagon, a report which is publicly available.

No ordinary people want this conflict, neither in the USA, nor in Western Europe, nor in the Ukraine, whose wretched cannon fodder people are its main victims. Popular opposition is visible in Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia. Elsewhere opposition is hidden or else labelled ‘populist’, ‘far left’ or ‘far right’ by the oligarchic elite of the Western Establishment, but it still exists among the non-brainwashed population. For the conflict exists and continues because of US megalomania and, above all, because of the ever greedier US military-industrial complex, which demands ever more profit.

These two factors, megalomania and greed, have always accompanied every empire. The Roman Empire, ruled by a clique of greedy oligarchs in Rome, the medieval Roman Catholic Empire, with its megalomaniac inquisitions and greedy indulgences, the Spanish Empire, megalomaniac to spread Catholicism and greedy for gold and silver mined by slaves, the French Empire of the megalomaniac ‘Sun-King’, which went bankrupt financing the American War of Independence, the British Empire, which died of greed and hubris, and the Soviet Empire, which wanted to dominate the world, all fell because of megalomania and greed. Every time the megalomania grew too great and every time the greed for profit grew too strong, empires fell.

If we take the case of the British Empire, we can see how, despite the sinister warnings of the humiliating Boer War with its British concentration camps and the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic in 1912, it still entered into the Great European War in 1914. It did not need to and could instead have mediated as a blessed peacemaker and brought peace. It did not do that because of its megalomania and greed. Thus, it emerged from that war in 1918 on crutches. When it emerged from the second part of that war in 1945, the inevitable result of the unjust ‘peace’ of 1918, it was not on crutches, but in a wheelchair. Its greed in countries ranging from India to Singapore and China to Kenya, had been punished. It was the result of megalomania (‘the sun never sets on our empire’) and City of London greed to strip all the countries which it invaded of their natural resources.

If we take the case of the Soviet Empire, we can see how, despite the warning of the German invasion of 1941 and the catastrophic genocide of Slavs by the Nazis, it still built itself up in Eastern and Central Europe (East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia), in Korea, Vietnam, in decolonising Africa, and finally in Afghanistan. It was this last war which finished it off. Bankruptcy was the result of its megalomaniac overreach. Its successor State, the Russian Federation, has at least learned its lesson and no longer wants to impose itself on the rest of the world and wants to prioritise itself.

Today we see the same process in the American Empire. Since 1945, when it ended up on the winning side in Europe only thanks to the sacrificial victory of the Soviet Union, it has never won a war (the US invasion of tiny Grenada was hardly a war). For example, its war in Korea ended in a stalemate, and it lost all its other wars, in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. In each case it was routed. Now in the Ukraine, it faces the same rout. ‘We have won’, ‘this is the end of history’, we can do anything’, ‘we are exceptional’ are only hubristic delusions which its Establishment feeds on.

This threatened rout is why NATO has in desperation launched its last-ditch invasion of the largely deserted forests of the Kursk province in the south of Russia with all its technology. The casino-playing NATO, that is, Washington, has staked everything on this operation. Having failed by far to take the Kursk Nuclear Power Station and lost over 7,000 of its troops already, it has now been reinforced by thousands more troops. Eighty-one years ago, in 1943, Kursk was fighting against German tanks. Now German tanks are there again. As one Dutch farmer put it: ‘Russia saved us from Napoleon. Russia saved us from Hitler. Russia, please save us from Washington’.

The atheists in Kiev have forgotten that the city of Kursk is the birthplace of the prophetic St Seraphim of Sarov. The atheists in Kiev have also forgotten that, having invaded the southern tip of the province of Kursk, they then banned the Orthodox Church. The consequences of this for the Kiev atheists and their Western puppeteers are enormous. God is not mocked, as atheists will soon find out.

The fall of the American Empire will be all the greater than the fall of all those which fell before it, because America was never satisfied with just taking a portion of the Globe, like the empires before it, it greedily wanted everything, according to its megalomaniac ideology of Globalism. For Globalism is the ultimate form of megalomania and greed combined. This will become visible to all at the BRICS Alliance summit in Kazan in two months’ time, from 22 -24 October. This will be attended by a great many representatives of the Global Majority, not least the leaders of the first, third and fifth largest economies in the world: China, India and Russia. Dozens more countries want to join the 9 members of BRICS. By contrast to Washington, these members preach not Globalism, but Multilateralism – the future.



24 August 2024: ‘Democratic’ Ukraine Bans its National Church

On 24 August the Western-backed and Western-financed ex-President Zelensky (legally he has been a dictator since May) signed a law banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. (Zelensky is by race a Jew and by faith an atheist). This is because this Church is a Non-Western Church (just as the Ukraine is a Non-Western country), only a semi-independent part of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. This law will be enacted in 30 days’ time. What are the options?

First of all, Ukrainian Orthodox (= the vast majority of Ukrainians) will not attend any of the fake Churches, including the nationalist, pro-Nazi fake ‘Church’, invented by Washington by paying the Greek Patriarch to set it up. This is much to the present embarrassment of that Greek Patriarch, who, he now claims, naively thought that Ukrainians would attend such a Church, founded on theft and violence, encouraged by its gangster leaders, and composed of defrocked or unordained ‘clergy’.

This means that Ukrainian Orthodox will either stop going to church and wait for better times, or else they will try and go to church and get beaten up or killed or be arrested and put in prison. Christian blood on the streets is apparently what the Western Powers and the Greek Patriarch are sponsoring.

Some say that the Russian Patriarch of Moscow, Kyrill, and the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew, whose combined ages are 161, could do something else. Patriarch Bartholomew could dissolve his failed, fake Church on condition that Patriarch Kyrill officially gives the Ukrainian Orthodox Church full independence, known as ‘autocephaly’. For only a Mother-Church, in this case, Moscow, can grant autocephaly. And if the Ukrainian Orthodox Church becomes autocephalous, Zelensky’s law will be meaningless.

That would be a miracle. If it happened, all the other Local Orthodox Churches, all 14 of them, would automatically recognise the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as a canonical, autocephalous Church, the 17th member of the Orthodox family. And Moscow and Constantinople could enter back into communion. And this could happen even with a Council of the whole Church.

However, such happiness is highly unlikely. What is likely?

Far more likely is that within the next few months Russia will take over the whole of the Ukraine, partly militarily and partly politically. The Ukraine will either entirely disappear as a nation-state, or else will exist with about one third of the territory it previously had and be fully dependent on Moscow. In other words, it will return exactly to its situation before Communist dictators created it after 1922. 100 years of errors will be over. Then the law banning the Church will be as irrelevant as ex-President Zelensky and his whole illegal government, which will have disappeared by then.

However, in such a case, just as Constantinople failed to force people to attend its fake Church, so Moscow will not be able to force people to attend a Church still dependent on it. As the Russian proverb says: ‘You will not endear yourself by force’. Or as the English proverb says: ‘You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink’.

In any case, the problem will remain. Either the Russian Orthodox Church is a nationalist organisation, or else it is a multinational and missionary Church. It will have to choose. Either it adapts to and adopts other cultures, or else it will remain as a mononational Church with no multinational significance, as some of its senior bishops want.