Four Weeks of President Trump: War, Peace, the Russian Superpower and the Suicide of Irrelevant Europe

Four weeks since his inauguration on 20 January, we can now say that President Trump’s style is that, as Russians say, of ‘a monkey with a hand grenade’. That is, he throws ‘chaos bombs’ – he casts very large stones into the world pond and then observes the ripples. His many words are clearly not to be taken seriously; only his deeds are serious and many more of them will be serious. Trump closely observes the reactions to his often apparently bizarre propositions. Thus, thanks to some of these, he has discovered that many of the tiny population of Greenland would like to join the USA formally (informally, it has been in the USA since the 1940s), if the price is right. And the Premier of Alberta in Canada will probably also join the US (each Canadian province has the right to secede), if the conditions are right. In which case all Western and Northern Canada would follow Alberta. Ontario and Quebec can rot alone. This would be the end of the Danish and British Empires. As for the Panama Canal, we now see that the US could take it militarily in a few hours.

In the ‘Middle East’, Trump claims that he wants to ‘evacuate’ (= ethnically cleanse) Gaza of its two million native Palestinians and build a ‘Middle East Riviera’. Clearly, this is just absurd bluster to provoke people, especially the unsinkable Israeli Zionists, who are about to be ‘sunk’ and abandoned by the USA. In reality, as Trump knows, but dares not say, the key to peace in West Asia lies with Iran. And the key to Iran lies with the vast Northern Eurasian landmass called the Russian Federation, just as the key to North Korea lies with that Federation and just as the reintegration of Western Europe into Eurasia is the only solution to the problems of the Western European Peninsula. Trump claimed he could get peace in the Ukraine in one day. In reality, he knows that peace in the Ukraine, Europe (and Iran) can only be reached through Russia, which alone stopped the genocide committed by the Obama-appointed, Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev against Ukrainians in the Donbass. And it was the EU, not NATO, that triggered this conflict in 2014 and provoked the war there in 2022.

Russia will never undertake peace talks with Nazis. It did not do so with Hitler, it will not do so now. Russia will destroy them, now as then. There are only three paths to peace in the Ukraine for Kiev’s troops – surrender, desertion, or death. Trump has neither carrot, nor stick to impose anything on Russia. He has nothing to offer – for Russia has everything. For example, the 24,000 illegal Western sanctions against Russia have made the Russian economy boom to become the largest economy in Europe and sent other European economies into isolation, deindustrialisation, stagnation and decline, now with Third World basic infrastructure problems. There will be no more suicidal sanctions against Russia from the West. The USA is going to lift its sanctions. The ‘criminal charges’ against the Russian President are a joke, the freezing of Russian assets and interest from them are theft, and the fantasy of Western arrests of Russian ships in international waters are piracy on the high seas. And the powerful Russian Navy would respond to any such arrests in kind.

What a sad reputation the West has earned for itself among the Global Majority. There will be no ceasefire, no frozen conflict, no interventions or peacekeepers in the Ukraine. You only have peacekeepers when there is no peace – as in ex-Yugoslavia. Instead, in the New Ukraine, whatever it will be called and whatever its borders, there will be permanent peace, following the Russian military victory and the military defeat of Zelensky, the cornered ‘Mad King of Kiev’, as the previously misinformed Trump has now realised. The delusional warmongers of the West, now confined to Western Europe, the EU and the UK, who cannot admit the reality that they lost their war, are totally irrelevant and have been sidelined. The Presidents of Russia and the USA will agree on peace terms and security guarantees not just for the Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe – and without the irrelevant Ukraine and Europe. The Western European (EU and UK) elite is out of control. Its political elite must be regime-changed and then the countries concerned can be stabilised.

There is in Trump’s propositions no betrayal of the Ukraine. They are a recognition of reality. Kiev lost against a Great Power, as was obvious would happen from the start. The only betrayal is that by the European elite, who have betrayed the peoples living in the Soviet-created Ukraine, continuing to squander their lives, and have also betrayed the peoples of Europe, continuing to squander their money. The European elite, which includes Zelensky, desperately wants war and hates peace, because it will not admit that it was wrong in trying to extend the virtual reality of their European Union Empire eastwards. Polish historians are heading to Moscow, as Russia prepares to return the far west of the Ukraine, demilitarised, to its former owners, to Poland, Romania and Hungary, undoing the evil of Stalin who stole those areas from them. None of this is ‘the defeat of the West’, as some claim, but it is the defeat of the Combined Nazi West, embodied by Napoleon’s, then by Hitler’s, and now by the Globalists’, failed multinational invasion of Russian Lands.

Three defeats of the elite of the Collective West in a row over eight generations. Only the New, post-senile USA can remedy this situation together with Russia, collapsing, or rather letting collapse, the delusional fairy-tales of the EU and NATO. The Europe which they invented does not exist. The Christian Vice-President Vance told the Western elite the truth in Munich and was met with deep shock, ice cold hostility and then furious rage. That is what you get for telling atheists the truth. The European elite is today like those who in Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor refuse freedom, preferring the slavery of the past. Trump is doing what he promised to do, but failed to do in 2016 and he is avenging himself for the British ‘Russiagate’ nonsense. He is at last draining the Washington swamp with its massive corruption, involving trillions of dollars, as revealed by his friend Musk. It has also been revealed that the ‘narratives’ of slavish State propaganda outlets like the BBC and the British Reuters agency were financed by USAID to broadcast their lies. No surprises there.

The speech of Vice-President Vance in Munich is historically important. It quite undoes the last 80 years of history and represents the renegotiation of Yalta, overdue since 1992. Western Europe is now on its own – through its own choice. The disintegration of the EU began with the (still unimplemented) Brexit and then Hungary and Slovakia. The whole of largely Orthodox South-East Europe from Croatia and Austria on, with Romania, will leave the collapsing EU. As for Germany, it will renew ties with Russia, something which France and the UK have always opposed, approving the US sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines and the collapse of the German economy, approved of by the traitorous German elite, still in power for a few more days. Following the declaration that Europe is no longer the US priority, Vance reproached the decomposing Western European elite for having lost its values, Christianity, through uncontrolled Muslim immigration, and losing Democracy, through the morally depraved, sociopathic elite’s censoring of free speech with ‘narratives’.

There is no threat from Russia and China, only from the delusional European elite who wanted to extend their domain into the Ukraine in a proxy war which they still do not understand they have lost! Why should the USA sacrifice itself for Fascist anti-democrats who forbid democracy in Kiev, Tbilisi, Bucharest and Berlin? The EU and its UK sidekick are the new Soviet Union, the new European Nazism, where people, including sincere Christians, are arrested. As the US considered that the Soviet Union had been defeated, why should it defend a new one? Why does NATO still exist? Forget the North Atlantic. The new centre of the world is the Pacific, where the USA, Russia and China meet. It seems that Vance’s speech was a trap to see the reactions of the European elite. They had the wrong reactions. It was a stone cast into the bankrupt European pond of pedophiles. Karma has come to the hypocritical Europeans who regime-changed others, but reject it when their own people want it. The Ukraine is the Afghanistan of the EU, the defeat of the new Soviet Union.

Talks between the delegates of the two Presidents about peace in Europe opened in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia on 18 February. They cannot take place in Europe because there are no neutral countries left in Europe, certainly not hypocritical, pro-war Norway and Switzerland, nor NATO Sweden and Finland. All these pro-Nazi nations are still supplying arms to the Kiev regime. The problem with Western Europe is that the default position of its elite is Fascism, an inheritance from medieval Roman Catholicism. This is why the delusional grandchildren of Nazis of today’s EU support the delusional Nazis in Kiev. Birds of a feather flock together. Germany, France and the UK will all be regime-changed by their peoples and with full and open US backing. We are marching towards the great Victory Day Parade in Moscow on 9 May. Then the leaders of the four Great Powers, who in 1945 were allied, will stand on the rostrum: Presidents Putin, Trump, Xi and Modi. No European leaders will be there, except for the Hungarian and Slovak. Nazis will not be welcome….

The draining of the swamp in the Church has also begun in recent months. However, there is very far to go. The latest incident in Moscow, where the Patriarch appeared to put nationalism above the Kingdom of Heaven has scandalised many ( Many people have told me that they no longer want to be part of the Russian Orthodox Church, especially when they found out that the home of the brave, but perhaps very naïve, young priest was afterwards searched by the police. The Russian Church, which we knew only in its old émigré form, a completely different planet, has repeated the anti-missionary error of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the 1970s, when its archbishops rudely sent away all Non-Greeks and told them to become Protestants or Roman Catholics. To be honest, we fear what will happen next in the Russian Church, for God is not mocked. We tremble for those responsible and those who applaud them. It is insane. God is our Judge.

However, elsewhere the canonisation on 4 February by the Romanian Church of 16 New Martyrs and Confessors, who witnessed to God’s Truth, though persecuted by both Communist atheists and Capitalist atheists, is already having an effect. The EU-selected, German President of Romania has resigned. Despite the EU there will be free elections there and an Orthodox candidate, who wants peace in the Ukraine, Romanian territory returned, and NATO and EU meddling stopped, is by far the frontrunner. This is only the start. The Confessors Sofian of Antim, Dumitru Stăniloae, Arsenius of Prislop, Elijah Lăcătușu, the Venerable Paisius and Cleopa of Sihăstria, Dometius the Merciful of Râmeț, Seraphim the Enduring of Sâmbăta de Sus, Callistratus of Timișeni and Vasiova, Heraclius of Bessarabia, the Hieromartyrs Constantine Sârbu, Liviu Galaction of Cluj, Alexander of Bessarabia and Hilarion Felea, the Martyr Gerasimus of Tismana, and Bessarion of Lainici, all proclaim the same thing: Christ has conquered and the gates of hell will not prevail.