Tag Archives: Freedom

The Last Civilization

The question of how many civilizations there have been and are in the world is an open one. For example, among others, there are the Babylonian, the Chinese, the Hindu, the Egyptian, the Buddhist, the Greek, the Roman, the Japanese, the Christian, the Muslim, the Amazonian, the Mayan, the Aztec, the Incan, the North American Native, the Western, the Polynesian, the Zimbabwean.

One thing is clear, however: civilizations are always inspired at origin, and are then shaped by, spiritual faith, religious belief. Indeed, it can be said, that the purer the original spiritual inspiration, the finer the civilization, the less pure, the more barbaric. And if spiritual inspiration and purity fail, then the civilization fails, it becomes barbaric and decadent and finally collapses.

Here we should not be surprised by the description of a civilization as ‘barbaric’. Many were barbaric. We know that, among others, the Aztecs and the Mayans, practised some human sacrifice; most others at times practised slavery. All at times practised wars, sadistic cruelty and torture. The Western practises massive child-sacrifice, killing millions of its own children every year in abortion. And each time, absurdly, these civilizations justified their wars, cruerlty and torture by religion, so making it into an anti-religion. We have just seen this in the Western invasion of Iraq, in which hundreds of thousands of people have died, been cruelly tortured and maimed in the name of the Western ‘crusade’ for ‘freedom and democracy’, which words are spelled ‘oil and gas’.

Indeed, this barbarism is particularly clear in the case of Western civilization. This first came into being in the eleventh century and so has now existed for 1,000 years. Overlaying its original spiritual inspiration, it began among Frankish tribes by reviving Roman paganism and then ruthless asserted itself, slaughtering all possible rivals. These then included Jews, Muslims and Orthodox Christians, in its so-called ‘Crusades’ – genocides in the name of the Cross. It tried to deny that they even existed – ‘go away and shut up’ as a British politician said to it last week.

As this Western civilization developed, it became global and ever bloodier, attempting and achieving the total elimination of rival civilizations with less aggressive military technology, in the Americas, in Oceania, in Africa, murdering those with bows and arrows with guns. Thus, it ensured that the great civilizations of the Amazon and the Mayas which it destroyed have only just been rediscovered from beneath the jungles that overgrew them. In this way, it strove to ensure through its unparalleled global aggression (‘globalization’) that it would become the last ‘civilization’ left on the planet, leaving no choice.

This it did by consistently replacing its inherited religious inspiration of 1,000 years before with its apocalyptic technology, asset-stripping the rest of the world after applying the technology of death to those who resisted it, creating: castles, armoured horsemen, bows, cannon, muskets, grenades, industrialization, financial control, rifles, artillery, machine guns, concentration camps, aircraft bombs, poison gas, tanks, submarines, rockets, atomic bombs, chemical and bacteriological weapons, missiles, the illusions of virtual technology….And if these do not destroy the world and poison its food, other Western-invented pollutants, chemicals, plastics and modified genetics, will.

We can compare this with Christian civilization, the greatest rival to Western civilization, which for that reason Western civilization so hates and has again and again attempted to annihilate. Christian civilization is a Eurasian civilization, far broader than simply Western civilization. This, founded on the tiny, Westernmost tip of Eurasia, cut itself off from the rest of the world, creating in its self-imposed isolation the myth of ‘Europe’, a purely artificial construct. It invented itself and defined itself by aggressive technology, becoming the evil empire.

On the other hand, Christian civilization, founded in Jerusalem, quickly spread to East (the word ‘Asia’ means ‘East’) and West (the word ‘Europe’ means ‘West’), to India in the East and Africa in the West. This has had in its near-2,000-year old history three capitals after Jerusalem, the First Rome, the Second Rome (Constantinople) and the Third Rome (Moscow), and thus, by transferring the centre of its power has miraculously survived for almost two millennia.

Western civilization has again and again tried to wreck and destroy the centres of Christian civilization, as in the 13th century, in the 17th century, and then in 1812 and 1854. However, its aggression has become especially clear since 1914. Thus, it invaded the remaining centre of Christian civilization again in 1914, usurping the legitimate Christian power there in 1917, sending in Russian-speaking enemies to destroy it, invaded it again in 1941, murdering 27 million human-beings, declared a Cold War on it for nearly fifty years, crippling it between 1992 and 2000 and, as it miraculously revived against all the odds, again attacks it today, surrounding it and menacing it with its weapons of mass destruction, eating away at its borderlands.

However, it is true that this Western aggression has only been possible because of internal treachery, the apostasy of most of the elite and then of other traitors within Christian civilization itself. This can clearly be seen by the successive defection down the centuries of Russian-speaking boyars/aristocrats/oligarchs from the values of Christian civilization.

However, Western civilization has over the last fifty years or so systematically rejected the source of its own inspiration, ever accelerating its apostasy. This apostasy at first emptied its churches, but now undermines even the most fundamental and universal cultural values of all civilizations, for example, denying that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, as was prophesied by the apostle in his second letter to Timothy.

Thus, the nations of Western civilization, only 10% of the world, gradually become over 1,000 years an anti-religion and so anti-civilization, die out, renouncing the source of all civilizational inspiration. Thus, even its families die out, its peoples are denatured, and Western civilization ensures not only its collapse, but its suicide and extinction.

Conversely, over the last fifty years or so Christian civilization has slowly set out on the path of restoration, accelerating its return by repentance, especially in the last thirty years, to the source of its inspiration in Christ and His Church. It is still not clear how far this still very fragile restoration will go, but there are great hopes – our only hopes for the last Civilization.

The 11th Century Scramble for Europe and 21st Century Globalization

Eight centuries before the 19th century European ‘scramble for Africa’ (the rush with which Western European elites invaded and conquered Africa for purposes of exploitation), there took place the scramble for Europe, the same process of legalized plunder. This happened between 1050 and 1250, the year 1050 being an endpoint in a 300-year long process of degeneration and so a launch-pad for what had been unknown before in the vast part of Europe – feudalism. The process was led by the Franks, a people whose name means ‘the free’, for all whom they encountered became their slaves. From 1050 on the Franks created a new institutional and cultural uniformity in the first ‘European Union’.

This process can therefore be called ’the Frankization of Europe’. It was a process that had begun in the Carolingian heartland of what is now western Germany and north-eastern France. From here in the 11th century, this spread southwards to Italy and northwards to Scandinavia, in 1066 it was carried by its Norman shock-troops westwards to England and later to Wales, Scotland and Ireland, then southwards to Spain and later carried by Teutonic shock troops eastwards to the Slav Lands and Hungary. By the end of the 11th century the process had reached beyond Europe to the Holy Land. This was the beginning of what is now called ‘globalization’, which merely means the scramble for the world.

Thus, the ordinary people of Europe were the first victims, and not the bearers, of Frankish expansion, trampled down beneath the alien castle-building cavalry elite. The Crusades are the best example of this papally-orchestrated war of conquest, fought in the name of God and profit, expanding Frankish religion and trade. This is also what is happening today, the expansion of the Frankish/Western religion of political correctness (including sodomy) and its asset-stripping business. Vigour, boldness, brutality and greed, this was what made up the Faustian brew of the Frankish conqueror, just as it does today. By the late Middle Ages 80% of Europe’s rulers were Franks; today they belong to the ‘Davos elite’.

In the late 11th century the Welsh bishop, Rhygyfarch (1057-1099), witnessed to the ‘gratuitously cruel’ Norman conquest of south Wales and wrote his lament: ‘The people and the priests are despised by the words, hearts and deeds of the Frenchmen. They burden us with taxes and consume our possessions. One of them, however lowly he may be, makes a hundred natives tremble with his command and terrifies them with his look. Alas, our fall, alas our deep sorrow’. Similarly, but this time in support of conquest and not lamenting it, in the 1090s the Frankish monk and historian Guibert of Nogent wrote of the Crusades that ‘God has instituted holy war’. He could have written ‘jihad’.

So began the myth of the ‘Free World’, which means the world enslaved by the Franks. So was born the myth of freedom and democracy, that is, of the anti-social individualism (narcissistic selfishness) of modern times. It can be heard in the imperialist anthem ‘Rule Britannia’, which proclaims that upper-class Britons will ‘never, never, never be slaves’, yet theirs was an empire founded on slavery, or at best, wage-slavery. So was born the chosen people myth, of Aryans, Nazis and, in the USA, of WASPS and ‘American exceptionalism’. BBC Establishment propaganda still insists on ‘the international community’ – the same myth of ‘the West is best’ and ‘the West against the rest’, which is today called the G7 and the New World Order.

However, today, after a thousand years of the sanctification of warfare, of the Western delusion of self-justification, of the militarization and monetarization of society, of institutionalized Western terrorism (‘shock and awe’), the myth is coming to an end. God is not on the side of Western, or anyone else’s, greed and terrorism. The lies of a thousand years have their consequences and will have to be paid for. It is called retribution. The vassal states of American feudalism, from Western Europe to Japan, from South Korea to New Zealand will not forever be held in subjugation by their lords. And this is the future history of the twenty-first century, the terrible yet redeeming story of which is now being written.



Hope in Europe

The gaffe-prone anti-diplomat, British Foreign Secretary Johnson, is in Moscow to apologize for some of his idiotic insults and lies to the Russian government. The UK needs to buy Russian gas. Cold War propaganda is no longer needed. In the UK itself, it has been announced that the UK government is at last to return to us our sovereign passports, stolen from us without consultation 30 years ago.

Meanwhile, the EU-supported Fascist government in Madrid has lost its elections in Catalonia, which has courageously reaffirmed its desire to become independent again. Some of its citizens are fighting for freedom for the eastern Ukraine from the illegal Fascist junta in Kiev. That US-installed junta is now collapsing in self-created bankruptcy, as millions flee that impoverished country.

The Fourth Reich EU, discredited by its loss of the UK, is now threatening Poland for its desire for sovereignty, even wanting to expel it for its love of freedom. However, the whole of the old Hapsburg Empire and even more, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Lands, Slovakia and Poland, is in revolt against the unelected dictocrats of Brussels. How long before the ever-arrogant EU finally collapses?

Meanwhile, the Russian Church moves ahead in its hopes to establish a United Russian Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe, the foundation of a new Local Church for Western Europe. The old heterodox religious organizations of the second millennium are rapidly dying out. The old structures are falling and failing. Everywhere it is time to move forward. Christ beckons.

President of European Commission Proclaims the Fourth Reich

In a historic speech on 13 September, the last day of the Church’s Old Year, the President of the European Commission, the Luxemburger Jean-Claude Juncker, declared in Brussels his vision of a future European Superstate, in effect, a Fourth Reich. As one German MEP, Beatrix von Storch, put it: ‘I think his whole speech was a historic one. He was going against all the good guys and he was declaring the United States of Europe. It was frightening what he came out with today’.

Von Storch added: ’The European Union which has been presented to us today is not the one we want to be members of. But I think it will be difficult to set it up that way because imagine the Eastern European States and I think they will be the next to follow the Brits out of the European Union’. ‘You could see him as a person today acting like a dying man with the last vision of something which is about to explode. I think it was to some extent tragic’. Asked how long the EU could survive in its current form, she said: ‘It has to be reformed immediately. They will change the European Union into the United States of Europe without treaty change. Without the change of the treaties. This is incredible what we have heard today’.

Juncker’s ‘vision’ of a European Superstate is considered by most to be a Federalist fantasy and in Britain most people are today greatly relieved to be leaving an EU which could well turn into the tyranny of such a Federalist Dictatorship. Now it remains for England, Scotland, Wales and perhaps Ireland, later perhaps together with countries like Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Lands, Poland and others, to free themselves. Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania have been ravaged by the EU, their young forced to emigrate, Lithuania has lost two-thirds of its population and Latvia is little better off. If England can free itself of Britain, that is, the alien British Establishment and its corrupt bureaucrats, it may yet show the path to freedom for others.

However, for this to happen, all must give up swimming with the tide for selfish advantage for the maintenance of the ruling class, and stand up for principles and the Truth. This means giving up the hypocrisy of double standards on which the British Establishment (just like the Brussels ‘elite’ and the Washington ‘Deep State’) has been built. As for us, we stand for Another England and Another Europe and Another America. We choose Freedom, not Tyranny.

The Betrayal of England

I can remember about fifteen years ago meeting a very posh lady who belonged to the Liberal Democrat Party, as she never tired of telling us, who had ‘come to the Orthodox Church through her practice of Buddhism and her villa on Patmos’. Explaining how important she was and how many important people she knew, she asked me, ‘And what do you do?’ Answering in my best Essex accent (which is not difficult), I replied, ‘I’m a Saxon peasant’. She swiftly turned from me in horror that someone so unEstablishment had been allowed to frequent Her Pompousness.

Meeting such individuals was not unusual then. However, the same lady, like others of her ilk, soon left the Orthodox Church and returned to her Buddhism, whatever that was. (I rather doubt that it resembled at all the real Buddhism of, say, today’s Myanmar. It was rather a patchwork of intellectual exoticism that made her feel virtuous, justifying her very condescending psychology). This hatred of the people, ‘plebs’, is characteristic of the Establishment, of which she was so obviously a part. This patronizing attitude, which underpins for example, the upper middle-class, chattering class ethos of the BBC or MI5, goes back a very long way.

Certainly, it was present among the alien governing class in Romano-British times, renewed by the British-loving Normans and their Francophile mythology. It was renewed in the eighteenth century, when the cruel and racist anthem ‘Rule Britannia’ was written to justify the enslavement of Africans and anyone who got in the way of the rich becoming richer, it was celebrated in the Victorian hypocrisy of the British penny coin with its image of Britannia, while contemporary politicians like Blair and Brown have tried to enforce the selfsame Establishment mythology of ‘Britishness’, even trying to teach it as a brainwashing ideology in State schools.

Essentially, this ‘Britishness’ is the betrayal of England – and also of Wales, Scotland and Ireland and all our peoples. This is because the Establishment, the parasitical elite, which promotes this ideology is alien to us, the peoples of these isles. The antidote to it is to be faithful to ourselves, to our Anglo-Celtic roots. The word ‘Britain’ and ‘British’ are abhorred by the Irish: it should not surprise us, given the history of genocidal massacres there under the ‘British’ Elizabeth I, Cromwell, then the Potato Famine and the 20th century. It is time to drop the words Britain, British and Britishness from our language. But it is even more time to drop the practices that lie behind such words.

Questions and Answers from Recent Correspondence (August 2017)

Q: It is now the centenary of the 1917-18 Moscow Local Church Council. What are your thoughts?

A: This was an important event because that Council at last restored the Patriarchate. (This happened twelve years after Tsar Nicholas II had already offered to restore it, but certain bishops had at the time shown themselves unready for the restoration and had openly rejected his offer. They had become State-dependent. That was a tragedy). However, having been prepared for years under the Tsar, it is sad that this Council finally took place not under his reign, but under the ‘democratic’ tyranny of the traitor Kerensky, who had deposed both the Metropolitans of Saint Petersburg and Moscow and whose minions interfered in the Council. Any view of the Council must be mixed because of the political interference and pressures on it, but among those who took part, there were saints, future martyrs. These we revere, especially St Tikhon the Patriarch.

Q: In your writings you call for the restoration of the Orthodox Empire and yet you dislike imperialism, for example, British imperialism. Surely this is a contradiction?

A: I have made it clear that I strongly dislike and totally reject Western-style/Soviet-style (it is the same thing; Marxism was a Western ideology) centralist imperialism. However, the restoration of the Orthodox Empire is not about some crude Western-style imperialism, but about the fulfilment of Russia’s Christian duty. This is Russia’s God-given duty only because no other Orthodox people is large enough or strong enough to do this. God gave Russians such a huge part of the world with so many resources so that they could defend Christianity, obviously not for some narrow racist glory. As the Beatitudes say: Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. The Russians lost the Christian Empire in 1917, precisely because they had lost their meekness.

If the Romanians or the Serbs or any other Orthodox people were strong enough, then I would support them. But they are obviously not strong enough and multinational enough, concentrating instead on building the highest church in the Balkans and playing up to the Americans. This is provincialism and primitive nationalism. Only the Russian episcopate, whatever its faults, is multinational. Take for example the Patriarchate of Antioch: every single bishop in it is an Arab and it cannot be otherwise. Other Local Churches are the same, from Georgia to Greece.

The all-inclusive, multinational, multilingual Orthodox Empire, that of worldwide Rus (or Romaiosini), has to be restored because only it can counter the Anti-Christian Empire which is today centred in Washington (before in London). Only the Orthodox Empire can hold back Antichrist.

All Orthodox should support it, rather than sidelining themselves in marginal and fringe groups with their narrow, ethnic, Balkanized politics or policies dictated and bishops appointed by the US State Department. This includes some people on the spiritual fringes of the Russian Church, which has two sets of enemies and traitors: modernist liberals and narrow Russian nationalists. Both of them equally reject the multinational and imperial (‘ecumenical in the Orthodox sense) calling of the Russian Church, each in their own provincial way.

Q: Is such a view important to Russians as well as to Non-Russians?

A: It is vital. For instance, most Russians in this country do not come from Russia itself, but are Russian-speakers from the Baltic States, the Ukraine and Moldova, in other words, from fragments of the Russian Empire. One of their greatest difficulties is their search for an identity. The Soviet identity has long since gone, they have no identity with the Russian Federation, as they generally do not have Russian nationality. As for the new countries where they were born, they do not belong to them, finding them provincial, narrow and basically dependent American colonies and in any case they have been rejected and made into second-class citizens by their chauvinistic, Russophobic, US puppet governments. They belong to something much greater, this is to Rus’, to the multinational Christian Empire. Our nationality is Russian Orthodox, whatever our passports may say. Passports are merely State documents. They will not get us into heaven, the only place we need to go. We have a spiritual passport, which says ‘Orthodox’ on it. And that is far more important.

Q: Would you say that you see Western Europe through Russian eyes?

A: Only inasmuch as Russian eyes are Christian eyes. It is interesting that you suggest this, but it does suggest that you misunderstand the word Russian. I have no interest whatsoever in Non-Christian Russia and Non-Christian Russians (as an Orthodox, naturally I use the word Christian in its real sense, i.e. its sense as Orthodox). That is why I never visited Russia between 1976 and 2007.

About three years ago a certain elderly member of the Paris Jurisdiction in this country accused me of failing to respect the British Establishment and put it first in my views. This made me laugh, but it was also very sad because it meant that he was disobeying the Gospel and failing to put the Kingdom of God first (he should have read the Sermon on the Mount). Such liberals are always erastians, putting the anti-Orthodox State first, as did the ‘Liberal Democrat’ Kerensky in 1917.

I look at Western Europe, including the British Isles and Ireland, through Christian (= Orthodox) eyes. Read St Bede the Venerable – he does the same, dating his writing according to the reign of the Christian Emperor in New Rome. I do the same: I live in the Suffolk district of the East Anglian province of the Kingdom of England of the Christian Empire of New Rome. The fact that New Rome is now in Moscow and no longer in Constantinople is not the point. The point is that we must be consistent and real Orthodox, refusing to reduce the Church of God to some exotic, liberal, disincarnate fantasy spirituality, the path of spiritual delusion, or else to some racist nationalism (phyletism), but being faithful to the Incarnation of the Church’s teaching. Otherwise we are not faithful to the prayer ‘Our Father’: ‘May Thy will be done on earth, as in Heaven’. Either we are Christians or else we are not.

Q: Is it true that globalization is controlled by Jews? And how do we counter it?

A: No, it is not true. That is racist. Many people are in charge of globalization and the New World Disorder, though I doubt if they number more than a million worldwide and perhaps far, far less. Certainly, globalization (which used to be called Americanization) is pro-Israel and many of its leaders are atheist Jews (Zionists) and globalization is essentially a codeword for Zionism, but the majority of people involved are not Jewish and certainly not believing Jews. The point is that most Zionists in the world are not Jewish at all, but simply people who have fallen into Satan’s invention of One World Government.

We counter globalization by building up the Church, which is at once multinational (interpatriotic) and local (patriotic), unity in diversity. This is the spiritual meaning of our lives.

Q: I have been shocked by certain words and acts of your Patriarch Kyrill, who met the Pope in Cuba last year. Surely that is indefensible?

A: Any Patriarch is here today, gone tomorrow. The Head of the Church is Christ, not any Patriarch, whoever he may be. I have to say that I have always failed to understand a mentality which says that personal opinions must always coincide. I may have personal opinions that differ from those of my Patriarch. So what? In such a large Church as ours, differences of opinions are inevitable. We do not belong to a tiny sect, in which all personal opinions have to and can coincide. This is pure Protestantism, Convertism, Sectarianism. This says: ‘You do not agree with me, therefore I am leaving you and will go off and found my own Church’. There has to be tolerance on inessentials. What are the essentials? They are all listed in the Creed. That is what we believe; the rest is opinion, inessentials.

There is in such a view which demands absolute agreement in everything a certain pride: ‘He does not agree with me, therefore I don’t like him’. This suggests that the speaker actually believes that others must agree with him because he is always right! That is not how Christianity works. For example, I do not write because I want people to agree with me. I know that that is impossible because I am so often wrong. I write only in order to provoke thought and prayer. If I cannot do that, then I will cease writing for others.

Patriarch Kyrill met the Pope once. The Patriarch of Constantinople meets him constantly. So what? I shop in a supermarket where one of the cashiers is Roman Catholic and I talk to her. Does that make me a heretic?

In any case those in the Russian Church who have a somewhat 60s mentality are dying out. Read Metr Benjamin of Vladivostok, Metr Vincent (Morar) of Tashkent, Metr Agathangel of Odessa: these are Orthodox hierarchs, loved by all.

Q: Is Ecumenism not a threat to the Church?

A: Ecumenism is dead here, laughably old-fashioned; it seems to be just alive only in less Westernized places, in Greece, Romania, Serbia. Here it lives, but only among old people, very old people. I never hear the word nowadays, it was alive in the 60s, 70s and 80s. That’s not where things are at nowadays.

Q: As a Russian living in England, I recently visited some Anglican churches and I had to keep stepping around stone and metal slabs with graves under them. But English people told me I could walk on them. I was horrified. Why do Anglicans walk on their dead?

A: I presume it is something to do with the Protestant refusal to pray for the departed, and so their lack of respect for them, and it is this that makes them able to walk on graves.

Q: Do you have any favourite sayings or proverbs?

A: Yes, I do. I have thought about your question for several days. Here is a selection of such favourite sayings, all of which I know to be true from observing life:

You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

If you spit in the air, it will fall back on you.

Be nice to people on your way up because you may meet them again on your way down.

No pains, no gains.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

I also have favourite sayings, which, as far as I know, are personal and come from my own experience:

There is only one mistake: not to learn from your mistakes. (From my own life).

Do not destroy something until you have something better to put in its place. (A lesson for those who invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc etc).

You cannot build spiritual life on fantasy. (This comes from observing intellectuals who join the Church but never become Orthodox).

Free Europe (FE), L’Europe Libre (EL), Freies Europa (FE), Свободная Европа (СЕ)

The European Resistance Movement

Le Mouvement Europėen de Rėsistance

Die Europäische Bewegung Widerstands

Европейское Движение Сопротивления

Resist! Resistez! Widerstehen! Сопротивляйтесь!

Our Three Aims: International Freedom, National Freedom, Personal Freedom

1. Free Europe from the Political, Economic, Ecological, Social, Immigration, Gender Propaganda and Dictatorship of the Globalist Elite.

2. Restore the Sovereignty of all the Peoples of Europe, giving them the Freedom to Leave the EU and Live in the Countries of their Choice.

3. Work to Return to the Spiritual, Moral and Social Values of the Common Orthodox Christian Civilization of First Millennium Europe, East and West.

The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars

‘Serve Russia just as you served me…Faithful service to your homeland is more precious in the days of its fall than in the days of its greatness’.

The last words of the Holy Martyr Nicholas II to Colonel Kushelyov, 31 July 1917

‘The night will come soon, dark and long’.

St Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, Prophecy of the Twentieth Century, 25 March 1925

In a remote provincial cemetery in Paraguay where the clocks go slow, beneath the brilliant sun and the torrential rain, lie the grave and mortal remains of Evgeny Ivanovich Smirnov, a White Russian Officer from Kursk and hero of the war against Bolivia (1932-35). He died there exactly fifty years ago, in 1967, across the ocean, so very, very far from his forebears’ homes. There were many such who, like him, did not live to see the light in their homeland and so return there. They are scattered in faraway cemeteries under wooden and stone crosses all over God’s earth, from Manchuria to New South Wales, from Saskatchewan to Seine et Marne, from Patagonia to Vermont, from Tunis to Cape Town, from Belgrade to Dublin, from great European cities to outback shacks, from parched deserts to snowy wastes, their hearts broken by enforced exile from their homes and their kin. Why?

Because in 1918 the peoples of the Russian Empire actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, consented to the murder of the last Christian Emperor and his family and beautiful children at the hands of a clique of foreign maniacs and ever since they have had to pay in blood for their crime, either of treason, or of cowardice, or else of deceit. The ruling elites of foreign powers did not only stand by, but actively financed and encouraged the sadistic murderers. The jealous elites of Great Britain and France had already beheaded their own Christian kings in bloody, secularist revolutions and could not understand why others would not do the same. The greedy elite of Germany had always wanted to destroy the Slavs, militarily, from Charlemagne to Hitler, and, economically, to Merkel. As for the crazed elite of the United States, it wanted, as it still wants, to head a Zionist-inspired World Dictatorship.

In that way, repeating their lie that, ‘you cannot turn the clocks back’, they ensured that there would be no return to the peace of the pre-1914 world, but war without end, with only pauses on the way to their suicide. Having rejected a thousand years of the revelations of the Holy Spirit, in the nineteenth century the Western elite proclaimed the death of God and in the first half of the twentieth century it proclaimed their new gods of Communism and Fascism. But when these failed hopelessly in unspeakable barbarism and downfall came, they proclaimed the golden calf of Consumerism, bread and circuses, which in despair the people turned to, living without an ideal. Us who did not follow the consumerists call ‘losers’. For us there is more important than the stripes in toothpaste. For us ‘losers’, our ideal is still Christ and His heavenly kingdom, which we wish to bring down to earth.

To the ‘winners’, we say let the dead bury the dead, for we know that the last words on earth belong to Christ. Their illusion that they are winners will only lead them to bitter disillusionment. As long as we remain faithful to Christ, we have no cause to fear. In the meantime, we shall continue to fight for Christ’s Truth, delaying the coming of the Antichrist until more can find salvation. This means bringing down Christ’s Kingdom on earth, incarnating the truths of the Orthodox Christian Faith. Perhaps we are mystics, but we are pragmatic mystics, bending the State to all the implications of the Church of God. ‘May thy will be done on earth, as in heaven’. One day, perhaps sooner than many expect, the bourgeois Consumerist nightmare will inevitably end, and then the Western and Westernized world will be faced with spiritual reality: that which Evgeny Smirnov suffered for in his exile in faraway Paraguay.

The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars.

The Wild West Is Winning

There are many Wests.

There is the West of good roads, clean water, villas with baths and central heating. There is the West of pagan Romans who liked to see people killing each other for their amusement and slaughtered heathen peoples in order to steal their lands. There is the West of the Age of Saints that loved Christ. There is the West of barbarian invasions and slaughter. There is the West of settlement, learning and beautiful illuminated manuscripts. There is the West of terrorists on horseback called knights, protection racket castles, short-living serfs and feudal exploitation. There is the West of Scholastic philosophy and learning that argued about angels and pinheads. There is the West that continually started aggressive wars and was primitive, dirty and disease-ridden. There is the West of much admired art, sculpture and book printing. There is the West that committed genocide in New Worlds, enslaved their peoples and destroyed their cultures.

There is the West that invented new religions and killed and oppressed its people using these religions as pretexts. There is the West that killed its children and exploited its poor in filth. There is the West that made classical music. There is the West that invaded almost the whole of the rest of the world, impoverished and massacred its native peoples and tried to strip them of their natural resources. There is the West of knowledge, science, medicine and technology. There is the West that invented guns and bombs of terrifying power. There is the West of culture, refinement, literature, opera and ballet. There is the West that started World Wars, mutilating and massacring its youth by the million. There is the West that works for justice and peace. There is the West that forces itself on the rest of the world and destroys and pollutes local cultures and family life, imposing mass abortion, euthanasia, perversion and worldwide electronic dictatorship.

There is the West of culture, light and life and the West of destruction, darkness and death. The first we call the West of the Saints, the second we call the Wild West. The first is the West of the highest common denominator – of Christ and holiness. The second is the West of the lowest common denominator – of Antichrist and anti-holiness. The second has been winning for a thousand years. But nothing is inevitable.