Tag Archives: Freedom

On the Resurrection of Europe: The Message of the Christian Empire to Europe

There was once a Christian Empire. At the far Western tip of the Eurasian Continent, Europe was an integral part of that Empire, giving birth to the light of ten thousand saints to combat and defeat native European darkness. This was Holy Europe. But Europe fell away from those saints, that ideal of holiness and its Empire, replacing holiness with the darkness of idolatry, out of envy not tolerating that it was not at the centre of the Empire. In revolt and falling back into its old darkness, Europe successively laid waste to both centres of the Christian Empire, New Rome in 1204 and the Third Rome in 1917, slaughtering even the Russian Ruling Family, who were Europeans. To allow them to be killed, on orders from New York, was suicide for Europe, but as for the Christian Empire, it miraculously survived.

Now, one hundred years on, in 2017, Europe is at a turning-point. Will the yearnings of Old Europe be heard or will the New Europe, atheized and so homogenized, altogether wipe out the Old Europe of the saints and their heritage of holiness? The message of what survives of the Christian Empire, of Russian Orthodoxy, to Europe is that its Resurrection, the salvation of the best of Old Europe, that which is compatible with the Church, is still possible. Once Europe was Holy Europe, just as the Russian Lands were Holy Rus. The Saints of the Russian Lands speak to Europe and the Saints of Europe speak back to the Russian Lands. The Russian Orthodox message to Europe is to give it back the Orthodox Trinitarian commandments in order to save it. These Trinitarian commandments are:

Faith: To keep faith with the integrity of Orthodox Christianity, avoiding manmade substitutes, mere religions, recent constructs of the fallen mind.

Sovereignty: To be loyal to the Incarnation of the Faith in the Christian Empire, rejecting manmade substitutes, false and idolatrous empires based on envy.

The People: To respect the gifts and restore the destinies of each individual European people, inasmuch as they are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

From north to south, passing from Oslo to Madrid, from west to east, passing from Dublin to Vienna, passing over the centre of the Cross in Paris, we make the sign of the Cross over Europe and entrust it to the Church of God. It is our belief that we are approaching the end of the world and that that end will come, if another Christian Emperor is not soon restored. And for the Tsar to be restored, we require the Cross of Repentance in the west, Return in the east, Redemption in the north, Rebirth in the south, and so Resurrection in the centre. And if the Tsar is not restored, then the Tsar of Tsars will come.


Limassol, 1 June 2017

The website Agionoros.ru. reports that in Cyprus on 28 May, in front of a large audience, an evening meeting was organized by the local Metropolia to coincide with the anniversary of the fall of Constantinople, ‘the Acropolis of Orthodoxy’, on 28 May 1453.

The local Metropolitan Isaiah said that the new Franks (modern Western Europeans) were trying with new laws and the spread of heretical teachings to uproot ‘all that is holy from the souls of contemporary Greeks and to deprive Greece of Christ’. He added: ‘However much the occupiers try, we will not surrender and accept the plans and memoranda of the international creditors and the anti-Christian, immoral and neo-liberal instructions from Europe’.


The last few months have seen the Western elite furious with Western peoples. The self-obsessed Western elite, led by such has-beens and failures as Obama, Clinton, Blair, Hollande and Merkel, has brought its media to campaign against the people and their choices. In its censorship of free speech through the Soviet-style tyranny of political correctness, it arrogantly denies the people freedom. It patronizingly tells them that they are so stupid that they are unable to make the correct choices, unlike them, the elite. Now, The ‘the enemies of the people’, such as Washington Post and The New York Times, so beloved by the ever-patronizing, anti-people BBC, together with the whole Western liberal Establishment, have been fully launched against the people’s choice of Brexit and Trump.

However, the liberal Western Establishment and its hireling media hacks are doomed. The Establishment is made up of yesterday’s men, who have tyrannized the people for over fifty years. A new generation is appearing, as the third generation (75 years) since the end of the Second World War ends. The old and debt-ridden, US-designed, anti-Hitler but Hitleresque Union, gradually cobbled together after 1945, the EU, as well as its grotesquely outmoded Cold War NATO military wing, has been discredited. It will probably not survive much longer. We look to the future, not to the past. The people, the once silent majority, are casting off the shackles of liberalism of the last 50 years.

After Brexit and then Trump, now there is Le Pen in France. The only serious candidate against Le Pen, Francois Fillon, was shot down by the French branch of the liberal Establishment because he claimed to be a Christian. (If he was indeed corrupt, as the Establishment asserted, he was no more so than the whole French mafia elite). So blinded was the French Establishment by its hatred for a Christian that they destroyed him – who was probably their only hope of clinging on to power. Thus, they probably destroyed the only serious rival to Le Pen, so cutting off their nose to spite their face. Self-obsession is indeed blinding. If Marion Le Pen wins in France, the European Union, and so the sodomization of Europe, will be over.

The Russian Federation has led the way in the Western movement back to Western Christian roots. This is not because of some innate Russian superiority – it is simply because the Russian Federation has in its predecessor already been through, and survived, what the liberal Western Establishment is planning to create in the West: a new Soviet Union. It was no coincidence that the Soviet Union ended a few days before the European Union began. Just as the tyrannical Unionist Soviet dictatorship ended in disaster in the destroyed Russian Empire, so too the tyrannical Unionist Brussels dictatorship EU/NATO dictatorship is ending in disaster in the destroyed Western European empires.

The Russian Empire, still in fragments on its margins after 100 years since the 1917 catastrophe, though with 76% of its territory surviving intact in the form of the Russian Federation, has reminded the Western world of its roots and true destiny. They are not in futile consumerism and vain narcissism, but in Christ and His Saints. It is still not clear that the Western world will listen to the Russian experience and defeat of militant atheism; the liberal elite is fighting hard, with its usual mixture of disdain, slander and ‘fake news’, in favour of militant atheism against the Truth, which alone will set it free. However, the Saints of Western Europe (the real ones – from the first millennium, her roots) and the Saints of Russia, especially those of the last hundred years who defeated atheism, are a cloud of witnesses. They, together, are ignored at the peril of the West. He who has ears, let him hear.

On the Meaning of Destiny and the Future of Russia and the West

Introduction: Destiny

The word ‘destiny’ is vague because it has different meanings according to the three parallel universes which exist. The first-created universe is Heaven and here the word ‘destiny’ means God’s Will. The second universe is Earth, now fallen, aptly called in Old English ‘Middle-earth’ (a term more recently popularized by a former Oxford Professor of Anglo-Saxon, J.R.R. Tolkien). Here the word ‘destiny’ can have the pagan connotations of ‘the fates’, indicating fatalism and the buffetting of forces apparently beyond human control, called by the Ancient Greeks ‘the gods’, but by Christians ‘the demons’, but it can also have positive connotations, for on Middle-earth, people can also be inspired to do God’s Will, though this is not always understood. Finally, there is the third universe, which we call Hell, that provides a hellish destiny, what the demons want for us.

The Parallel Universes

Those who listen out for and do God’s will have a heavenly destiny or calling. They follow their heavenly roots of the past and the future. Awaiting Divine inspiration, they can have a prophetic gift and become God’s seers, visionaries. They foresee a hellish destiny for mankind if there is no repentance and a heavenly destiny if there is. (Demons can only foresee the hellish destiny because they have renounced their freewill to do good. This is why demonic prophecies are very often wrong in their dire and depressing prophecies, as they are unable to see the possibility of good. And this is why secular media often depressingly imitate those hellish forecasts). Prophets have their eyes fixed on the future and are not too bothered by the details of the present, which can tie down to the quagmire of this world, and which scandalize the narrow-minded who cannot see long-term.

Christian Destiny

Those who listen to their Divine calling and so have a Christian Destiny, do not live according to the destiny of the Middle-earth, still less to hellish destiny, but according to heavenly destiny. Their prophecies lead heavenwards. Their destiny is, according to the logic of this world, seems strange, irrational, ironic, mysterious. In reality, none of this is true, for it is the logic of this world that is composed of fallen human rationalism and therefore is strange and ironic. God’s logic, heavenly destiny, is quite different, it leads heavenwards.

Men and Women

The general heavenly destiny of men is self-sacrifice, meaning tenderness. That of women is natural beauty, meaning beauty of soul. The general hellish destiny of men is egoism, meaning brutality. The general hellish destiny of women is artificial beauty, meaning vanity. Modern Western society has largely chosen a hellish destiny, so becoming a society of egoism and vanity, that is, the selfie society, a society of narcissism, the self-important, I-society of look-at-me Facebook and MySpace, of i-phone and i-pad, of I love me.


As regards the destiny of Russia, we can say the following:

The first shot of the so-called Russian Revolution, as stated by one of the assassins, Purishkevich, was fired on 30 December 1916. The countries of the former Russian Empire then went through three 25-year generations of horror, obscenity and hysteria, of turning their backs on their roots. After the bloodshed following 1916, came 1941 and yet another Western invasion, which was a call to repentance, then the abortion holocaust of the 1960s with the whole Soviet ABCD (alcoholism, abortion, corruption and divorce), the result of 50 years of rejection of pre-Revolutionary values and the demotivation, especially of men, who no longer had any role to fill, as the State had total control, and finally the horrors of perestroika after 1991, in which millions died premature deaths, especially through vodka and suicide, as people were unable to face the banditry of so-called ‘privatization’ and ‘the bright future’, promised for the huge sacrifices made for the Soviet Union, turned into a nightmare. The heaven on earth promised by the Communist ideologues had become hell on earth.

Today, the hangover and vestiges of the hellish destiny of the Soviet past are still alive, but the younger generations are now aware of their Christian roots, of their forgotten and rejected heavenly destiny. Hell stopped in 1991 and a great many stepped back from the brink. Hope sprang. A generation on, there is still uncertainty, but as time passes more and more Russians have not only stepped back from the brink, but are fleeing it as fast as possible.

The West

The same pattern of generational change, every 25 years, has gone on in the West. In 1914 the Western elite rejected Christ and slaughtered and maimed its youth in indescribable conditions. In 1939 it rejected the possibility of repentance and deepened its abysmal tragedy. In the 1960s it rejected inherent Christian cultural values. In 1989 it began to spread its evil to Eastern Europe and worldwide under the slogan of a ‘New World Order’ and the word ‘globalism’. Western Europe, since 1917 under US domination, now became nothing more than a laughable US vassal.

However, in 2016, with the events of Brexit, the election of a Non-establishment politician in the USA and the rejection by Italy of Brussels bureaucrats, there is hope that the Western world is also stepping back from the brink. Having peered over the precipice and seen hell, some at least are coming to their senses. What will 2017 bring? Of course, it may be that the events of 1916 are mere pauses before, lemming-like, the West continues its suicide, but it may be these events mark a sea-change. The West stands on the edge of the cliff, hesitantly. Political elites and their hireling-journalists, who obey hellish voices and destinies, are alarmed: they could lose their well-paid jobs Could the people be reclaiming their freedom despite their alleged manipulation into zombies by the Western media?


In Paris this weekend, a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower, Patriarch Kyrill consecrated the symbol of Holy Rus in the Western world, a new Christian Cathedral and spiritual centre. Jerusalem has come to Babylon. Will this help the Western world to come back to its senses and roots? By the grace of God, may it be so.

Towards the Reshaping of Europe

Western European governments have over the last two years held several hypocritical commemorations of the millions of victims of the First World War, the flower of the youth of Europe. These commemorations have all been hypocritical because at no point has any of those governments expressed repentance for the blasphemy of 1914, which was no less than a renunciation of the Christian Faith. As there has been no repentance, neither has any punishment been apportioned for the perpetrators, first of all the elites of Germany and Austria-Hungary, which attacked Serbia and then Russia, but secondly France and Great Britain, most of whose elites also longed for war.

The First World War, begun against Russia by Austria-Hungary and Germany, led directly to the Russian Revolution, orchestrated and welcomed by Great Britain and France and financed by Germany and the USA. That nightmare led directly to the birth of the Leninist-Troskyite Soviet Union with its massacred millions, the rise of Hitler who invaded the Soviet Union, killing 27 million, two generations of Cold War with its threat of mutually assured destruction (MAD), proxy wars worldwide and then a generation of Neocon-Trostyite invasions and coloured revolutions worldwide. Perhaps 100 million dead. Not including the hundreds of millions who have died so far in the abortion holocaust.

This year, Brexit, as yet only a foretaste of freedom has come to enslaved Western Europe and in the USA the election of a pro-Christian, non-neocon promises change. In France, after a decade of extraordinary, anti-Christian and pro-US decadence, the leading candidates for the new Presidency are the pro-Russian Fillon, a convinced Christian, and the anti-EU Russophile Le Pen. Coming elections in Austria, Holland and Germany also promise positive change. In Southern Europe people are thirsty for social justice and in Eastern Europe, Hungary is pointing to freedom. The nightmare of the last 25 years, or perhaps the last 50 years, is at last coming to an end in generational change.

Despite the anti-Russian propaganda of the elite of the bankrupt US-vassal Baltic States, of the CIA-run junta of oligarchs in Kiev, of the sabre-rattling leaders of the Ruritanian Army of 20,000 active soldiers, the Ruritanian Air Force of working 200 aircraft and the Ruritanian Navy of 20 ships of Great Britain, an international laughing-stock, forces are at work in Europe to restore peace. The new Cold War, so vigorously and so blindly begun against Christian Russia by the anti-Christian US, UK and German elites and their military-industrial complexes, which have vastly profited from their massacres in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the Yemen, may be coming to an end.

In Russia itself, the fifth column, which came to power through its US sponsors under the drunkard Yeltsin in the disgraceful and murderous 1990s, is at last weakening. Last week another corrupt minister of the liberal faction was arrested. There is now at last a new Orthodox Minister of Education, though she is hounded by Western-controlled media. In the Russian Church Herself, the minority fifth columnists, beloved by the US embassy, are a discredited rabble of Western-oriented scribes and pharisees. A new generation is coming, quite uncompromised by the Soviet past. They may sweep away the fifth columnists here, as in society in general. The non-globalist future awaits us.

Towards a New New World Order

Neoconservative. Criminally insane spenders that believe in killing brown people for the new world order. Huge Orwellian government, unfathomable amounts of spending, bomb tens of thousands of people to death to rearrange the globe. Take the worst aspects of the liberal and conservative positions and combine them into one and you would have a NeoCon.

Neocons are the greatest threat to life, liberty and property this country has ever known.

See: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Neocon

President Obama has come to the EU to see Chancellor Merkel. They are both panicking. The Neocon Project for the New World Order centred in the USA and in its European Union colony is unravelling. Globalism is under threat because the peoples of the world place some things, like their historic identities, higher than mere money. The chattering classes, who for decades have been put in control of the Western media, not least of the BBC, despising and condescending as ever, call those who are leading the new reality ‘populists’, which in their language is an insult, for anyone who wants freedom and listens to the people is clearly a ‘pleb’, not one of the insiders from the privileged Establishment elite.

What the elite proposes is not freedom, but ‘democracy’, which is as totalitarian a myth as it is possible to find. As unelected, therefore ‘democratic’, EU bureaucrats have all clearly stated, no other nation in the EU is to be allowed a referendum on freedom (nor in the Crimea): other peoples too might decide that they too want to leave the EU (just like the Kiev junta, one of the most corrupt organizations in the world), so corrupt that its accounts can never be audited. After all no-one, no-one at all, was ever asked if they wanted to join the EU. They are well aware that the Eton schoolboy Mr Cameron only allowed a referendum in the UK because in his arrogant hubris, completely out of contact with reality, he thought he would easily win it.

Now that Brexit has been repeated in the USA, it is clear that the Neocon Project that has led to a USA bankrupt to the unimaginable tune of $20 trillion, which will never be paid off, Western Europe awaits the inevitable collapse of the EU fantasy. The question is not if the EU will collapse but when. However, there is a far more important question even than this. That is, what will take its place? As we know, nature abhors a vacuum, therefore in view of the negative phenomenon of the coming collapse of the EU, what positively could take its place? There is no purpose in destructiveness, we look for constructiveness. When we see something destroying itself, we have to think ahead to what could take its place.

Over the last decades we have consistently maintained that we would like to see not an unelected German-led Political Union in the tiny, artificially isolated corner of Western Europe, a Fascist straitjacket ruled by the anti-people EU elite, but a Free Confederation of All European Nations, stretching from Reykjavik to Vladivostok. What we want to see is a community of sovereign nations which would have come into existence in 1917 after the Russian liberation of Vienna and Berlin, had international forces of evil, the first neocons, not brought about the so-called Russian Revolution, thus guaranteeing another eighteen months of World War One, World War Two, the Cold War and then, since 1991, the rape of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

That rape, ensured by the neocons, arrogantly proclaimed, like the pseudo-scientific Marxists, before them, that there was not alternative to them, for this was ‘the end of history’. At present the Neocon hawks and warmongers of the US and the EU are intent on building a wall against the majority of European territory, aiming its rockets and bombs at it, menacing its peoples with nuclear holocaust, provocatively parading their battleships, submarines, planes, tanks and troops along its borders and sabre-rattling accordingly. Their media report their lies exactly as they want. And they want a new Cold War, a divided Europe. Why? Because if they allowed a Free Europe, a Europe of free, anti-globalist peoples and sovereign nations, they would lose all their power and their fat globalist salaries.

We propose a free Europe, of free trade, of co-operation, of peace and disarmament, a Europe of music, art and literature, a Europe that celebrates its cultural roots in the first millennium of Christianity, a Europe to which newcomers from other races are welcome, providing that they accept these our Christian values. What do the enemies of the peoples of Europe say to that? This is what one American says:

” …A number of thoughtful Americans suspect that the neoconservatives are responsible for 9/11, as that event gave the neoconservatives the “New Pearl Harbor” that their position
papers said was necessary in order to launch their wars for hegemony in the Middle East. 9/11 led directly and instantly to the invasion of Afghanistan, where Washington has been fighting since 2001. Neoconservatives controlled all the important government positions necessary for a “false flag” attack.

Neoconservative Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who is married to another neoconservative, Robert Kagan, implemented and oversaw Washington’s coup in Ukraine and chose the new government.

The neoconservatives are highly organized and networked, well-financed, supported by the print and TV media, and backed by the US military/security complex and the Israel Lobby. There is no countervailing power to their influence on US foreign power.

The neoconservative doctrine goes beyond the Brzezinski doctrine, which dissented from Detente and provocatively supported dissidents inside the Soviet empire. Despite its provocative character, the Brzezinski doctrine remained a doctrine of Great Power politics
and containment. It is not a doctrine of US world hegemony.

While the neoconservatives were preoccupied for a decade with their wars in the Middle East, creating a US Africa Command, organizing color revolutions, exiting disarmament treaties, surrounding Russia with military bases, and “pivoting to Asia” to surround China
with new air and naval bases, Vladimir Putin led Russia back to economic and military competence and successfully asserted an independent Russian foreign policy.

When Russian diplomacy blocked Washington’s planned invasion of Syria and Washington’s planned bombing of Iran, the neoconservatives realized that they had failed the “first
objective” of the Wolfowitz Doctrine and had allowed “the re-emergence of a new rival . . . on the territory of the former Soviet Union” with the power to block unilateral action by

The attack on Russia began.”

Washington’s Perilous War for Hegemony by Paul Craig Roberts

On President Trump

The election of Mr Trump in the USA is seen as a disaster by some (like the now discredited Mr Cameron), as a triumph by others. History will tell us which it will be. However, whatever we may think, his victory tells us something significant about the Western world. After a generation of ‘liberal’, neocon tyranny that bombed countries back to the Stone Age worldwide, the West is facing the overthrow of the anti-people, anti-democratic, anti-patriotic and anti-Christian political Establishments of the New World Order in a wave of popular revolt. Strangely enough, this worldwide trend began outside London and other elitist centres in the backwaters of the real England, on St Audrey’s day, 23 June 2016.

Following the unpredicted victory of the anti-Establishment outsiders in the EU referendum in the UK last June, Mr Trump said that his victory would be a ‘Brexit plus plus plus’. He was right, because his victory represents another step in the overthrow of anti-democratic political Establishments around the world. All is now possible, in forthcoming elections in neocon-run Italy, France, Germany and elsewhere, despite the unelected EU gerontocrats who forbid other EU countries to hold referenda on freedom. The propaganda and wishful thinking of the opinion polls, of the chattering classes and of the robot-like Establishment-paid journalists of the six companies who control the Western world’s public media have all been proved wrong. The people have spoken. Why has this happened now?

It has happened because we have reached the end of a generation. The abolition of the Soviet superpower almost exactly 25 years ago at once went to the heads of the US Superpower’s neocon elite and they embarked on a generation of a series of invasions of other countries and overthrows of democratically-elected governments worldwide, imagining that they could rule the world in a pattern of unheard of anti-freedom meddling. That nightmare – because it was a nightmare and their hundreds of millions of victims from Serbia (Clinton’s) to Afghanistan, from Iraq to Egypt, from Libya to Syria, from the Ukraine to the Yemen confirm it – is now at an end. The American people are also tired of tyranny and bankruptcy. The old is out and a new wind is blowing through the world.

Today, the arrogant, dollar-greedy elites of puppet regimes of US neocon vassal states worldwide, from Paris to Berlin, from Kiev to Tallinn, from Warsaw to Tel Aviv, in warmongering NATO and neocon EU, in Latin America and Africa, the puppet-leaders shaped by the spiritual revolt of the disastrous 1960s, are in a state of shock. Living in the denial of their elitist cocoon of the past and unprepared to hear the voice of the exploited people to triumph, these globalists are now justifying themselves, hurling insults. But their insults are those of bad losers. What is to come is uncertain, all that is known is that there will now be change: the future has come. We can only pray that the change will be positive.

Red Russia or White Russia?

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union almost exactly a generation ago, the question has often been raised as to what the destiny of Russia is – to be Red or White. For some, called Red Russians, are Soviet-born, and others, called White Russians, were born outside the Soviet Union. Of course, the question is purely abstract, inasmuch as both Red Russia and White Russia are dead. Red Russia died a generation ago, though it had been dying for a generation before that. As for White Russia, I was one of the many priests who buried its last representatives in the 1980s and 1990s. Nevertheless, I am an heir to White Russia, just as there are those who are heirs to Red Russia. And, although it may sound strange to some, I find myself in complete agreement with the heirs of Red Russia and I know and respect them. Why?

Although there were heroic Tsarist figures in White Russia, there were many anti-Tsarist figures also, indeed, many of the latter were atheists. Their only concern in fighting the Reds was not to fight against atheism and for the restoration of the Tsar, but to get their property and money back. In other words, they were capitalists, without spiritual significance. That is how the White Movement was undermined, betrayed and lost – by their spiritual impurity. Their heirs, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, are sometimes shocked to learn that the Tsar’s Russia had free schooling and an advanced educational system, with almost 90% literacy, and more or less free healthcare (a one rouble stamp per year in your passport) and a strong social protection system. Social justice was a priority.

More than this, the Russian Empire of Tsar Nicholas II keenly supported anti-colonial independence movements around the world, whether in Siam (Thailand) and Morocco, Korea and Ethiopia, South Africa and Tibet. The fact is that what the Soviet Union is praised for – its free education, free medicine, social justice and anti-colonialism – was merely its inheritance from the Tsar’s Russia. On the other hand, what it is castigated for, its slaughter of millions of its own citizens in artificial famines and concentration camps, its vicious persecution of the Church, dissidents and minorities, its alcohol, abortion, corruption and divorce epidemics and its initial inability to defend its borders against Hitler’s hordes (in the First World War, the Germans got no further than the western borders of Russia), were not parts of the Tsar’s Russia.

Today, with Red Russia dead, there is no going back to its appalling, genocidal practices, especially in the early Troskyite days of the anti-Russian Zionist Bolsheviks. As for the compromised part of White Russia that was not White at all, the money-grubbing and exploitative part that was anti-Tsar and carried out the February Revolution for its own selfish, nationalistic, political, power-grabbing interests, it too is dead. It withered away in irrelevance and bankruptcy in Paris and elsewhere. What is left? There remains the White Russia in exile that believes in Holy Rus and today encourages and is encouraged by that part of today’s Russia that believes in the same. This, we believe, is the Russia that will yet triumph over the remaining negative vestiges of the Soviet era, its alcohol, abortion, corruption and divorce.

Today, the struggle of the heirs of both Red and White Russia is not against one another. It is a common struggle against the anti-Christian traitors of post-Soviet Russia, the corrupt, power-seeking oligarchs who control so much of the media, industry and bureaucracy. These are those who, in their own selfish interests, act as the puppets of the anti-Christian Western neocons, against whom we heirs of White Russia in the West also struggle and against whom we struggled in 1917. For today’s neocons are the spiritual descendants of the selfsame secularists who betrayed the Church in Western Europe a thousand years ago, splitting it from the rest of the Church, making it first Roman Catholic and then Protestant, and who also betrayed the Tsar’s Russia in February 1917. They all say that Might is Right: but we all say that God is Right.