Tag Archives: Greed

‘Greek Poverty Premeditated’

One of the most respected bishops of the Church of Greece, Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, has organized a highly popular concert in aid of the Greek poor. Substantial amounts of money were collected at the concert on behalf of those suffering from the financial crisis.

The Metropolitan spoke out at the concert, saying: ‘We live at a time of tragedy for our country. The reason for the catastrophe is not some natural cataclysm, but the greed and premeditated plan of the global government. But Greece has lived through much harsher trials and has always overcome them with faith in Christ and the immortal ideals of our people. Notably the Orthodox Church has always been the ark of salvation for Greeks’….’The Church is not a ministry of social defence, her aim and task is the Kingdom of Heaven and that is why she is an inspiration for us in overcoming our weaknesses. In today’s situation when the State is helpless, like a vacuum, the Church has taken on itself its task. Our means are few, but with unlimited love and trust in the Lord we are carrying out our ministry. If need be, we are ready to sell off even the candelabra and lamps from our churches in order to help those in need’.


We idolised money and then went bankrupt – the Church of Greece

Athens 17 July 2013

Metropolitan Amvrosios of the Church of Greece has stated that the fall of Greece began in 1986. His statement coincides with that of the Greek deputy M. Voridis who blamed Greece’s plight on the governments of Andreas Papandreou of 1981-89 and 1993-96. The full text of the statement is given on the Agionoros.ru site.

The Metropolitan reminded people of Papadreou’s words, ‘Give everything to Tzovolas’ (the Minister of Finance from 1986-89). ‘The Metropolitan went to comment: ‘Today we have reached the bottom of the abyss and the present slogan of our creditors is, ‘Greece’ we have taken everything from you!’.

‘Our only salvation is to return to repentance to God’s ways. We idolised money and then went bankrupt! Let us return to God’s ways and correct our lives. May the example of the prodigal son in the Gospel parable inspire us. The Lord who loves mankind awaits us with open arms! Amen!