Tag Archives: Princes of the Church

The Art of Schism or How to Make Part of the Orthodox Church into Your Personal Sect

  1. First find a small part of the Church with naïve and uneducated people in charge, who will not want to obstruct your highly-developed personal ambitions, as they think that you can be useful to them and they are desperate to recruit.
  2. Tell them that you are highly educated and hoodwink, charm and impress them, exaggerating and lying about your credentials and titles, relying on their ignorance. They will not care to know the difference, as they only look at external appearances.
  3. Engage in a full-scale PR operation among others, which with your natural acting talents, smile, gift with words, command of the internet, support from the sponsors and minders behind you and your overriding ambition, you should find very easy.
  4. Proceed to isolate your little part of the Church by expressing contempt and hatred for every other part of the Church, calling all others ‘satanic’, ‘heretical’, ‘schismatic’ or ‘uncanonical’ and presenting yourself as ‘spiritual’, ‘holy’, ‘pure’, ‘canonical’, with exclusive and superior truths and call all others in some way ‘tainted’. (You will find something).
  5. In order to present yourself as the infallible Pope of your domain, a Prince of the Church and Prince of the Pharisees, cultivate your appearance. Your natural preening narcissism will help you in this.
  6. Ensure that you have total and totalitarian control over everything that the naïve entrust you with, sending out your personal network of spies and agents to find out exactly what your victims are doing and saying and to police them.
  7. In order to implement full control, make certain that all who are much older and far more experienced than you, contradict you or challenge you, know the truth about you and know better than you because they are actually educated and saw through you from the start, abandon you by witch-hunting them and demanding their property and money. Then you can obtain your desired absolute power over the select few of the ignorant and hoodwinked who remain.
  8. Make any who resist you feel guilty by using the techniques of exceeding your authority, falsely claiming that they owe you absolute obedience, belittling, intimidating and humiliating them, further developing your personality cult.
  9. Eliminate and blacken any who resist you by slandering them and insulting them in front of everyone.
  10. Claim that only your group has like the pharisees the exclusive possession of the truth and that all others are somehow inferior and defective. All members of your sect are to be exploited by you as they are naive. You will of course practise ‘corrective baptism’, that is, the rebaptism of Orthodox, which is expressly forbidden by the Creed.
  11. Brainwash any who are young and naïve so that you can control their minds. You will find podcasts and zooms very useful here. Remember the manipulative practices (and the riches) of tele-evangelists.
  12. Ensure that you enslave any whom you give presents to and retain well-deserved presents from them. Hang the presents over them like carrots hang over donkeys. They must feel that they are in debt to you and be dependent on you for ever.
  13. Check the social media of all and censor and correct any opinions that are not perfectly in line with your own. Use your network of admiring slaves to malign and try and discredit those who have different views to you. This is your cult.
  14. Prey on the single, lonely and woman-disliking, like yourself. Find psychologically and pathologically vulnerable, naïve, weak and ignorant young men through your powers of manipulation and make them feel indebted to you.
  15. Recruit those who have money, especially naïve and conservative-minded women who have never met any other Orthodox. They will be very useful to you in your quest to obtain property and income to finance your superior lifestyle.
  16. Always lie whenever you have to justify yourself.
  17. Micro-manage all situations. Your control and power must be absolute in all circumstances.
  18. Always remember the five-word golden rule: Bully, Intimidate, Manipulate, Betray, Orchestrate (BIMBO).
  19. If you are found out through your psychological, spiritual and other abuses, have your Plan B ready.
  20. When you need to implement Plan B, take as much money with you to feather your nest in the next country you flee to. Remember the example of your predecessor Antony Grabbe, the six-million dollar man.