Tag Archives: The Future

Four Weeks of President Trump: War, Peace, the Russian Superpower and the Suicide of Irrelevant Europe

Four weeks since his inauguration on 20 January, we can now say that President Trump’s style is that, as Russians say, of ‘a monkey with a hand grenade’. That is, he throws ‘chaos bombs’ – he casts very large stones into the world pond and then observes the ripples. His many words are clearly not to be taken seriously; only his deeds are serious and many more of them will be serious. Trump closely observes the reactions to his often apparently bizarre propositions. Thus, thanks to some of these, he has discovered that many of the tiny population of Greenland would like to join the USA formally (informally, it has been in the USA since the 1940s), if the price is right. And the Premier of Alberta in Canada will probably also join the US (each Canadian province has the right to secede), if the conditions are right. In which case all Western and Northern Canada would follow Alberta. Ontario and Quebec can rot alone. This would be the end of the Danish and British Empires. As for the Panama Canal, we now see that the US could take it militarily in a few hours.

In the ‘Middle East’, Trump claims that he wants to ‘evacuate’ (= ethnically cleanse) Gaza of its two million native Palestinians and build a ‘Middle East Riviera’. Clearly, this is just absurd bluster to provoke people, especially the unsinkable Israeli Zionists, who are about to be ‘sunk’ and abandoned by the USA. In reality, as Trump knows, but dares not say, the key to peace in West Asia lies with Iran. And the key to Iran lies with the vast Northern Eurasian landmass called the Russian Federation, just as the key to North Korea lies with that Federation and just as the reintegration of Western Europe into Eurasia is the only solution to the problems of the Western European Peninsula. Trump claimed he could get peace in the Ukraine in one day. In reality, he knows that peace in the Ukraine, Europe (and Iran) can only be reached through Russia, which alone stopped the genocide committed by the Obama-appointed, Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev against Ukrainians in the Donbass. And it was the EU, not NATO, that triggered this conflict in 2014 and provoked the war there in 2022.

Russia will never undertake peace talks with Nazis. It did not do so with Hitler, it will not do so now. Russia will destroy them, now as then. There are only three paths to peace in the Ukraine for Kiev’s troops – surrender, desertion, or death. Trump has neither carrot, nor stick to impose anything on Russia. He has nothing to offer – for Russia has everything. For example, the 24,000 illegal Western sanctions against Russia have made the Russian economy boom to become the largest economy in Europe and sent other European economies into isolation, deindustrialisation, stagnation and decline, now with Third World basic infrastructure problems. There will be no more suicidal sanctions against Russia from the West. The USA is going to lift its sanctions. The ‘criminal charges’ against the Russian President are a joke, the freezing of Russian assets and interest from them are theft, and the fantasy of Western arrests of Russian ships in international waters are piracy on the high seas. And the powerful Russian Navy would respond to any such arrests in kind.

What a sad reputation the West has earned for itself among the Global Majority. There will be no ceasefire, no frozen conflict, no interventions or peacekeepers in the Ukraine. You only have peacekeepers when there is no peace – as in ex-Yugoslavia. Instead, in the New Ukraine, whatever it will be called and whatever its borders, there will be permanent peace, following the Russian military victory and the military defeat of Zelensky, the cornered ‘Mad King of Kiev’, as the previously misinformed Trump has now realised. The delusional warmongers of the West, now confined to Western Europe, the EU and the UK, who cannot admit the reality that they lost their war, are totally irrelevant and have been sidelined. The Presidents of Russia and the USA will agree on peace terms and security guarantees not just for the Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe – and without the irrelevant Ukraine and Europe. The Western European (EU and UK) elite is out of control. Its political elite must be regime-changed and then the countries concerned can be stabilised.

There is in Trump’s propositions no betrayal of the Ukraine. They are a recognition of reality. Kiev lost against a Great Power, as was obvious would happen from the start. The only betrayal is that by the European elite, who have betrayed the peoples living in the Soviet-created Ukraine, continuing to squander their lives, and have also betrayed the peoples of Europe, continuing to squander their money. The European elite, which includes Zelensky, desperately wants war and hates peace, because it will not admit that it was wrong in trying to extend the virtual reality of their European Union Empire eastwards. Polish historians are heading to Moscow, as Russia prepares to return the far west of the Ukraine, demilitarised, to its former owners, to Poland, Romania and Hungary, undoing the evil of Stalin who stole those areas from them. None of this is ‘the defeat of the West’, as some claim, but it is the defeat of the Combined Nazi West, embodied by Napoleon’s, then by Hitler’s, and now by the Globalists’, failed multinational invasion of Russian Lands.

Three defeats of the elite of the Collective West in a row over eight generations. Only the New, post-senile USA can remedy this situation together with Russia, collapsing, or rather letting collapse, the delusional fairy-tales of the EU and NATO. The Europe which they invented does not exist. The Christian Vice-President Vance told the Western elite the truth in Munich and was met with deep shock, ice cold hostility and then furious rage. That is what you get for telling atheists the truth. The European elite is today like those who in Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor refuse freedom, preferring the slavery of the past. Trump is doing what he promised to do, but failed to do in 2016 and he is avenging himself for the British ‘Russiagate’ nonsense. He is at last draining the Washington swamp with its massive corruption, involving trillions of dollars, as revealed by his friend Musk. It has also been revealed that the ‘narratives’ of slavish State propaganda outlets like the BBC and the British Reuters agency were financed by USAID to broadcast their lies. No surprises there.

The speech of Vice-President Vance in Munich is historically important. It quite undoes the last 80 years of history and represents the renegotiation of Yalta, overdue since 1992. Western Europe is now on its own – through its own choice. The disintegration of the EU began with the (still unimplemented) Brexit and then Hungary and Slovakia. The whole of largely Orthodox South-East Europe from Croatia and Austria on, with Romania, will leave the collapsing EU. As for Germany, it will renew ties with Russia, something which France and the UK have always opposed, approving the US sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines and the collapse of the German economy, approved of by the traitorous German elite, still in power for a few more days. Following the declaration that Europe is no longer the US priority, Vance reproached the decomposing Western European elite for having lost its values, Christianity, through uncontrolled Muslim immigration, and losing Democracy, through the morally depraved, sociopathic elite’s censoring of free speech with ‘narratives’.

There is no threat from Russia and China, only from the delusional European elite who wanted to extend their domain into the Ukraine in a proxy war which they still do not understand they have lost! Why should the USA sacrifice itself for Fascist anti-democrats who forbid democracy in Kiev, Tbilisi, Bucharest and Berlin? The EU and its UK sidekick are the new Soviet Union, the new European Nazism, where people, including sincere Christians, are arrested. As the US considered that the Soviet Union had been defeated, why should it defend a new one? Why does NATO still exist? Forget the North Atlantic. The new centre of the world is the Pacific, where the USA, Russia and China meet. It seems that Vance’s speech was a trap to see the reactions of the European elite. They had the wrong reactions. It was a stone cast into the bankrupt European pond of pedophiles. Karma has come to the hypocritical Europeans who regime-changed others, but reject it when their own people want it. The Ukraine is the Afghanistan of the EU, the defeat of the new Soviet Union.

Talks between the delegates of the two Presidents about peace in Europe opened in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia on 18 February. They cannot take place in Europe because there are no neutral countries left in Europe, certainly not hypocritical, pro-war Norway and Switzerland, nor NATO Sweden and Finland. All these pro-Nazi nations are still supplying arms to the Kiev regime. The problem with Western Europe is that the default position of its elite is Fascism, an inheritance from medieval Roman Catholicism. This is why the delusional grandchildren of Nazis of today’s EU support the delusional Nazis in Kiev. Birds of a feather flock together. Germany, France and the UK will all be regime-changed by their peoples and with full and open US backing. We are marching towards the great Victory Day Parade in Moscow on 9 May. Then the leaders of the four Great Powers, who in 1945 were allied, will stand on the rostrum: Presidents Putin, Trump, Xi and Modi. No European leaders will be there, except for the Hungarian and Slovak. Nazis will not be welcome….

The draining of the swamp in the Church has also begun in recent months. However, there is very far to go. The latest incident in Moscow, where the Patriarch appeared to put nationalism above the Kingdom of Heaven has scandalised many (https://spzh.eu/en/news/84525-roc-head-on-preaching-kingdom-of-god-not-patriotism-never-heard-that). Many people have told me that they no longer want to be part of the Russian Orthodox Church, especially when they found out that the home of the brave, but perhaps very naïve, young priest was afterwards searched by the police. The Russian Church, which we knew only in its old émigré form, a completely different planet, has repeated the anti-missionary error of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the 1970s, when its archbishops rudely sent away all Non-Greeks and told them to become Protestants or Roman Catholics. To be honest, we fear what will happen next in the Russian Church, for God is not mocked. We tremble for those responsible and those who applaud them. It is insane. God is our Judge.

However, elsewhere the canonisation on 4 February by the Romanian Church of 16 New Martyrs and Confessors, who witnessed to God’s Truth, though persecuted by both Communist atheists and Capitalist atheists, is already having an effect. The EU-selected, German President of Romania has resigned. Despite the EU there will be free elections there and an Orthodox candidate, who wants peace in the Ukraine, Romanian territory returned, and NATO and EU meddling stopped, is by far the frontrunner. This is only the start. The Confessors Sofian of Antim, Dumitru Stăniloae, Arsenius of Prislop, Elijah Lăcătușu, the Venerable Paisius and Cleopa of Sihăstria, Dometius the Merciful of Râmeț, Seraphim the Enduring of Sâmbăta de Sus, Callistratus of Timișeni and Vasiova, Heraclius of Bessarabia, the Hieromartyrs Constantine Sârbu, Liviu Galaction of Cluj, Alexander of Bessarabia and Hilarion Felea, the Martyr Gerasimus of Tismana, and Bessarion of Lainici, all proclaim the same thing: Christ has conquered and the gates of hell will not prevail.









Standing up to the Bullies: The Chickens Come Home to Roost

Foreword: Retribution and Faith

There is such a thing as retribution, also called requite or recompense. Retribution is popularly known as ‘getting your just desserts’, ‘karma’, ‘payback’, or ‘the boomerang effect’, but the words of the Saviour express it as According to your faith be it unto you (Matthew 9, 29). This means that, if we have no faith, we will suffer, but if we do have faith, we will suffer only as much as we need and we can bear, for God is with us. This is the meaning of the saying: ‘We are Orthodox, God is with us’. His grace protects us, for we are with Him.

That God is with us depends on Faith. However, if we do not have Faith and it is replaced by a mere ideology, regardless of whether it is liberal or conservative, not only do we lose Divine protection, we also become stupid. This is because ideologies are not based on reality, but on intolerant ideals imposed by trying to make reality fit them. When reality refuses to fit, the ideologies collapse. This is what happened to Fascism and Communism. Today, this is true of Globalism, the one-size-fits-all incredibly intolerant Western ‘liberal’ woke ideology.

A Bully

As everyone has long known, the new (and old) US President is a bully. However, it is possible to stand up to him. Russia and China do. In fact, anybody can stand up to a bully, it is a question of will-power and allies. However, the new US President is also an Anti-Globalist, he believes in local spheres of influence. His sphere is Northern America, which is why he will take over Greenland and then maybe Canada, perhaps working from the east, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan etc to Ontario and Quebec in the west, as the most resistant.

He may even want to take over Latin America, though that is very uncertain, since those countries have become much more independent in recent decades, refusing their old role as vassal banana republics. In the wider world, he may want to take over the rest of the Anglosphere – Australia, New Zealand and the mother countries, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The latter could agree, given the bankruptcy of the EU and British Establishments. But for all of them there is still the very strong alternative of BRICS, of China and Eurasian Russia.

The Technique of the Bully

When American authorities overthrow legitimate governments and then occupy their countries, from Iraq to the Ukraine, they first boss the local people around, insisting that everyone speaks American, instead of their native English, or whatever the local language may be. Next, they ship out the gold reserves. Thus, straight after the coup in Kiev in 2014, the US conquistadores took out the $15 billon of gold reserves from Borispol. Those who come here do the same, they want the gold, any treasure and property they can get their hands on.

In other words, they attempt to asset-strip, intimidating, humiliating, picking on the slightest weakness, as all bullies do, and then expelling the legal owners and taking over their church property. ‘Give me the keys’, they scream down the telephone. Then, when nobody goes there any more, because the legal owners, clergy, choir and people, have been ‘defrocked’ and expelled by them, they plan to sell the by then empty church property to buy themselves a bishop’s palace, from where they can continue to practise their guru’s papal infallibility.

Resistance to the Bully

Our unwavering adherence to the practices and canons of the Church has been criticised by the same ‘crazy convert’ fringe. They express personal hatred, personal jealousy and bullying persecution, trying to close the churches of the faithful people, bought and set up with their own money. They even defrock the clergy of other Local Churches because ‘their paperwork is not in order’, while themselves taking in misled clergy from other Local Churches without letters of leave! However, the truth is now out the world over. All can see it.

Having canonically and clearly belonged to the Patriarchate of Romania for three years, that is, to the mainstream of the Church, we are able to concelebrate with all Orthodox. There are no schisms here. This freedom is the fruit of standing up to bullies, having principles, defending the integrity of Church life – all recognise us as canonical. However, those who created schism and are out of communion with others, the schismatics whom we left, are ever more isolated, stewing in their own juice, with nobody listening to them. They are talking to themselves.

Real Clergy Unite

The fate of all whistleblowers is to be persecuted at first, but later they are justified and they say: ‘Told you so’. For those who slandered and punished the whistleblowers have painted themselves into their own self-created corners, where they are ignored by all, if they are at all noticed. The most distinguishing feature of the punishers is their imagined infallibility and power – they never apologise, but instead they only justify their lack of Christian faith and way of life. This is proved by their inability to repent for the evil they have committed.

The duty of all non-careerist, that is, real, bishops and priests is to pray, celebrating the services and distributing the sacraments. In this way they gather the people together, they unite, for dioceses and parishes are communities and families. However, there are those who want to divide families, setting son against father, daughter against mother, one nationality against another, one jurisdiction against another. The dividers are unpopular, well known for not telling the truth, persecuting and closing churches. Such isolate themselves.

Afterword: The Cleansing Has Begun

Meanwhile, those who do their jobs of gathering together are respected and are invited to concelebrate everywhere. For they are in unity and communion and communion is the sign of belonging to the Church. This communion enrages even more the dividers, schismatics and persecutors, for they are ever more isolated and all see that they are out of communion with others, confined to their tiny sects and ghettoes. And the more they rage, the more they are ignored and even mocked. They have created a vicious circle for themselves.

The Great Cleansing of the Church is coming. Yes, the Church has been infiltrated, as it always has been. In the time of Christ, the Twelve were infiltrated by a traitor, Judas. It is no different today. They shout that Russia must leave the Russian Ukraine to its Fascist fate of genocide, fully agreeing with their US masters. It is normal – they have the same masters as the Ukrainian puppets, they are brothers. It is sad to see that the Church too has been infiltrated by them. But the Church too will be cleansed of them. There is no doubt about it.



The Big Three and the Coming Changes

After 20 January, will we see a meeting of the Big Three, China, the USA and the Russian Federation, perhaps in Kazakhstan, in the heart of the Heartland? If so, that will mark the end of the old post-1945 settlement and with it the end of the lingering remains of any domination of Western Europe. If so, the Big Three will discuss the future of security in the new multipolar world, neither unipolar, nor bipolar, after the emergence of these three Regional Superpowers, each with its own sphere of influence around it. These are:

The Russian Federation, with its sphere of influence of Belarus, the Ukraine, or whatever it will be called, the rest of the old Russian Empire of Eurasia, but now also including the Korean Peninsula and Western Europe; the USA, perhaps renamed the USNA, the United States of Northern America, with its sphere of influence of Greenland, its 51st State, Canada, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, perhaps extending even to Iceland, Ireland and the British Isles, but only if those Isles can be liberated from its Fascist Establishment; China with its sphere of influence of East Asia, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and perhaps even neighbouring Australia and New Zealand. The rest of Asia will be dominated by the three ‘I’s – Indonesia in South-East Asia, India in South Asia and Iran in West Asia. Elsewhere, in Africa and probably also in South America, there will be decolonisation and the turning to China and Russia.

Debilitated Europe is irrelevant to the Big Three, as Europe is imploding, which process already began with Brexit. The European countries have all lost their war with Russia, and they include once neutral countries like Switzerland, Sweden and Finland. The future of Europe is in Eurasia = Russia. Already Danish socialists want Russian help to protect Greenland. But Russia will not help a country which sent arms to fight against it. Much will happen in Europe first. Soon Russia will control Odessa, and so the Black Sea and the Danube delta. All of South-East Europe will be the first to fall into the Russian sphere of influence. Hungary, Slovakia and now Croatia are clearly anti EU, and probably Czechia, Slovenia and Austria, with its new national-popular government, are also heading to freedom.

Romania is now racked by protests and rebellion against the EU elite, which forbade the Romanian people to have the President of their choice. The EU cancels elections, as it wills. Be careful, however, the Romanians shot the last unelected President who was imposed on them. And then what will happen in Moldova? Surely it will join a liberated Romania with a new national government, And in much-wronged, but Russia-loving Serbia and the countries around it? And in Bulgaria, already moving closer to Russia? And Greece and Russian Cyprus? The whole of South-East Europe is now moving towards Russia and China, with impoverished Italy and imploding Germany not far behind them. Germany cannot live without Russia.

Once Germany has renewed its relations with Russia, it will leave the EU, after which the EU will collapse. The trainwrecks of NATO and the EU are not going to survive their defeat in the Ukraine, especially not in South-East Europe. Nor will Western European financial markets, which will probably face recession, stagflation or even hyperinflation. As for Syria, it is in chaos, caused by the Western removal of Assad. This chaos is spreading to Syria and Turkey. The prophecy of St Paisios the Athonite that Erdogan will be the last President of Turkey is coming true, for Turkey itself is not long for this world. As to Armenia, the foolish choices of its elite are costing it dear.

Some believe that the victory of Russian Tradition after the Ukrainian conflict is also the victory of Western conservatism. This is not true. Russian Tradition is all about traditional values, whether Orthodox Christian, Muslim (15%), Buddhist or other. In other words, Russian Tradition is constructive, for it not only believes in social conservatism, but also believes in social justice. However, Western conservatism is destructive, as it is all about supremacy and domination, notably it is anti-Muslim and anti-socialist. It will have to change, if the Western world is to survive.


Twelve Questions and Answers on the Ukraine January 2025


The conflict in the Ukraine has been reshaping the world ever since 2022. First of all, there was mass emigration from the Ukraine to Europe by both genuine refugees (millions of these were evacuated to or fled to Russia) and others who just wanted to take advantage of Western political ideology and propaganda. Paying for them was bankrupting for Western European countries. Even more bankrupting were the suicidal, self-imposed, anti-Russian, in fact anti-Western, sanctions. Then it became apparent that the Western world was now isolated – China, India, Latin America and Africa, which know all about Western colonialism, either directly took the Russian side, or gave no support to the West. The old ‘Third World’, called by the politically correct name pf the ‘Global South’, became the Global Majority, the 87% of the world supporting Russia.

The development of the Russian-founded BRICS, now with Indonesia, was vastly accelerated after Western sanctions and illegal confiscations in 2022. Suicidal Western sanctions against Russia also vastly accelerated the boom of the powerful Russian economy, which soon became the fourth largest economy in the world, overtaking both Germany and Japan. It was clear that the post-1945 settlement, the world led by the US and Western-dominated, was over. This was confirmed by the US election results, which chose the nationalist, but not imperialist, Trump, who had survived two assassination attempts. As a result of the self-imposed collapse of Western European economies, unable to print dollars like the US, whose governments, after depriving themselves of cheap Russian gas, oil, fertilisers, cereals and minerals, began to collapse.

The latest disastrously managed Establishment regime to collapse is the Canadian, notorious for supporting Ukrainian Nazis. The propagandised and brainwashed peoples of the Western world are finally waking up and refusing to vote for their corrupt and authoritarian oligarchic elites, from which they no longer receive any benefit. Instead of Russia being regime-changed, which is what the Western elite falsely claimed was to happen at the beginning of 2022, Western regimes regime-changed themselves, starting with the rejected Biden. These regime changes were due to the curse of their support for Kiev, which seems to have the Midas touch in reverse. Now national-patriotic parties of left and right are taking over Europe, with the agenda of the overthrow of EU tyranny and the reset of relations with Russia after its victory in the Ukraine.

  1. Why does Trump want to end Biden’s Ukraine project?

Like most Americans, and like all successful American businessmen, Donald Trump does not like losers. That is why he got the US out of the war it had lost in Afghanistan. And this is why he is ending Washington’s next losing and bankrupting project in Kiev. He is a dealmaker, not a loser, especially not in a distant and notoriously corrupt country, in which the US has no strategic interest. Biden was surrounded with people who had an ideology to impose. As a pragmatist, Trump now has to manage the defeat of the Biden ‘Project Ukraine’, making it look as far as possible like a triumph for himself. Whatever we may think of Trump with his many obvious faults, he is a pragmatist. The Biden ideologists are now leaving the sinking ship.

Trump’s pragmatism and America First nationalism are the strategic logic why he wants to control his side of the Arctic. He would like to get the ten provinces and three territories of Canada to join the USA. To some that seems like a fantasy for the moment, especially in the form of one single state, but it may happen. Canada is only just over a tenth of the USA in terms of population. And Trump may very well purchase Greenland, just as the USA purchased Alaska before. How much would Greenland’s 50,000 people want to vote yes to US rule in a referendum? $100,000 each? $5 billion in all? This is a fraction of the $177 billion that the US taxpayer has been forced to waste in the Ukraine. Tiny Denmark’s colonial claims are totally irrelevant here and Greenland long ago left the EU.

Greenland with Canada could create 64 states in the USA and consolidate Northern America into one single geographical, political, economic and cultural entity, the largest country in the world, with US ownership of the Panama Canal and ‘The Gulf of America’ reinforcing that nationalism. This Trumpian policy of US national security behind a sphere of influence is exactly what President Putin is doing – securing his borders. And Trump, not Biden, is already the de facto President, ruling from Florida. In effect, whether he realises it or not, Trump is preparing Northern America to enter the multipolar world of BRICS, as one of six Great Powers: China, India, Russia, Brazil and Latin America, South Africa and Africa, and then Northern America/USA.

Finally, there is the humanitarian side of this immense post-Soviet tragedy. Knowing that the Kiev Ukrainians have lost over a million troops, killed and wounded, and the eastern Ukrainians, Chechens and Russians have lost over 100,000 troops  killed and wounded, who would not want an end to the conflict? There will be so many Ukrainian (called ‘Russian’) brides, as there is no-one to marry. The men are dead and crippled.

The country has been destroyed, all on account of the West Ukrainian-Hitlerite fantasy that the Ukraine could win a conflict launched against a Superpower, a conflict that the Ukrainian people had clearly rejected before it even began, just as they had rejected NATO, both then and now. Only the panicking EU and UK elites and Zelensky and his gang in Kiev want the conflict to continue. Neither Putin, nor Trump wants this. Above all, the Ukrainian people do not want to be, and never wanted to be, victims of this obscene tragedy of power politics. 84% of them want peace talks to begin now.

  1. Once Trump hands over the Ukraine project to Europe, why don’t the EU and the UK simply take the place of the US as sponsors of the Kiev regime?

There are two reasons why they cannot do this.

Firstly, Western Europe is financially bankrupt. It has no more to give, neither from its depleted arms stocks, nor from its empty bank vaults, especially not the UK.

Secondly, it is morally bankrupt. On its conscience, together with that of the Biden regime, is the war crime of having had killed or maimed over a million Ukrainian men, soon from the age of eighteen up, told to fight and die for the West by their racist masters ‘to the last Ukrainian’, and all for nothing, certainly not for the Ukraine. What does it matter to them if Slavs die? They are subhuman anyway….

The Western world is going to get a new elite for whom the conquest of Kiev is not existential, unlike for the present elite of the legacy parties and the legacy media. They have staked everything on the loser in Kiev in their desperate attempt to expand their ramshackle EU empire eastwards. Instead, the prosperous Russian Federation is consolidating Eurasia, moving westwards, retaking Orthodox land, and other countries will soon come into Russia’s economic orbit, including Germany, whose now faltered success is dependent on Russia. Victory in the Ukraine is only the start. The new European elite will, like Trump, be composed of those who are opposed to the Globalists’ proxy war in the Ukraine.

This is already happening with leaders like Orban, Fico, Meloni, Georgescu, Le Pen, Weidel of the AfD (supported by Musk), and Farage. It is exactly the same process Europewide. For good or for ill, the national-patriotic parties in Western Europe have grown from support of 5% to 10%, from 15% to 20% and are now polling 25% to 30%. Who knows how far they will expand further? In most Western European countries, these new parties are already the second biggest parties in their respective countries, like the AfD in Germany and Reform in the UK. These are at present heading towards becoming the biggest parties.

The anti-English Starmer regime will collapse, just as the hated Scholz regime and that of ‘Governor’ Trudeau have collapsed and then that of Macron will also collapse. All were supported by only about 20% of the electorate, though by 100% of the heavily censored legacy media, which has told the most outrageous lies from the start. The other regimes will fall in Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, which have all betrayed their neutrality. Ultimately the US puppet regimes in Poland and the depopulated Baltics will fall, once the Washington and Brussels string-pullers of the puppets fall, as their proxy war against Russia is defeated.

  1. Why are the Russian armed forces making a frontal attack on the Ukrainian forces? Why do they not take the easy and fast way and simply go round the side, invading the Ukraine from Russian territory in the north, going round the back of the very strong Ukrainian fortifications, built up by NATO for eight years since 2014? This is what the Germans did in 1940, when they went round the side of the impregnable Maginot Line and so took France within a few days, instead of within a few years and with relatively few losses.

The frontal attack is taking place because of Russia’s three clear aims, none of which includes taking large amounts of Ukrainian territory, unlike the German aim in France in 1940. (When you are by far the largest country in the world, as Russia is, nearly thirty times the size of the Ukraine, you have no interest in taking a little more territory). Let us recall what the three Russian aims are, as they were clearly stated on 24 February 2022 and have been restated ad nauseam, though few have listened. These three aims are: the liberation of the two Russian provinces of the Donbass, which had been genocided by Kiev for eight years before 2022, and the demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukraine.

True, the first aim had to be expanded from two eastern provinces to the liberation of the four easternmost Russian provinces. This occurred after the Kiev regime illegally tried to cut off water supplies to the Crimea which go through those two additional provinces. (The Crimea was part of Russia until 1954 and voted massively to rejoin it by internationally-observed referendum in 2014). In order to ensure those water supplies and because of the massive support for Russia in the two additional south-eastern provinces, which had been part of Russia until 1922, in 2022 they too returned to Russia.

True, the second aim of demilitarising the Ukraine was achieved in just a few months in 2022, but then NATO modified it into the aim of Russia having to demilitarise the whole of NATO. This was because NATO supplied Kiev with massive amounts of NATO equipment and half-trained huge numbers of Kiev troops in using that equipment in Western countries. This is why the conflict has taken three years, and not three months.

The third aim of denazifying the Ukraine, that is of ensuring the freedom there to use the Russian language, to live according to Russian culture and to practise the Orthodox Faith of the majority of Ukrainians, has been occurring in a tragically different and cruel way to that hoped for. It has been occurring through the deaths of tens of thousands of Neo-Nazi, Kiev regime, elite troops, like those of the Azov battalion. This is denazification, the Nazis are literally dying out.

  1. Will there be a stalemate in the Ukraine?

This is delusional, a fantasy, wishful thinking, propaganda, a ‘narrative’, or in plain English, a lie. There can only be a stalemate in the Ukraine, if Russia wants one. And it does not. Since the Kiev regime is crumbling and heading for collapse, there is and there can be no stalemate, only Russian military victory. Russia decides the military outcome, not Western fantasy-writers and politicians who only talk to each other, never to Russia, which alone will decide the outcome.

  1. Why does Moscow not assassinate Zelensky?

Moscow does not act like the CIA, assassinating leaders of other countries. Apart from the immorality and illegality of such an act (President Putin is a lawyer by training and always acts very cautiously and legally, in self-defence), why assassinate your greatest ally? Zelensky’s foul-mouthed incompetence has been the guarantee of Russian unity and success. He was selected by the CIA for his acting ability as a talented PR frontman and to deliver the Western scripts provided to him. He has no grasp of either political or military matters, as we can see from his disastrous PR-motivated, British-planned ‘offensives’ in Kherson and invasion of Russia via the tip of the Kursk province. He is therefore the CIA’s greatest gift to Russia. His fierce opposition to peace talks means that Russian forces will continue to advance for as long as they want.

  1. Will Moscow enter into peace talks with Kiev?

This question is purely theoretical, since in 2022 the Kiev regime outlawed negotiations with Russia under pressure from Western countries, notably from the USA and the UK. The disgraced ex-Prime Minister of the UK, Johnson, a proven liar, played a crucial role as Washington’s errand boy in forcing Kiev to break off the nearly successful talks in Istanbul and then forbidding negotiations in early April 2022.

Let us recall that the Ukrainian leaders of the Donbass in eastern Ukraine tried to negotiate with the Western-installed regime in Kiev for eight years between 2014 and 2022, but US and EU-controlled Kiev always refused to talk seriously and failed to honour any agreements. The last Russian peace offer, made in June 2024 on behalf of the eastern Ukrainians, was as generous as it will get (see below). The longer Kiev refuses to negotiate, the harsher the Russian conditions will become.

  1. What are Russia’s current peace terms?  i The people of the Crimea and the four Russian provinces, which have already officially been taken into Russia, must be recognised as for ever Russian citizens. (Condition one). ii The Ukraine can never join NATO and can only have very limited armed forces. (Condition two – demilitarisation). iii The authorities in Kiev must cease all persecution of the Russian people, language and culture and also of the Orthodox Church in the Ukraine, returning its churches, seized by violent thugs. (Condition three – denazification). iv Illegal Western sanctions against Russia and trumped-up criminal charges against Russian politicians must be withdrawn immediately. v Democracy and freedom must be restored on all remaining Ukrainian territory, with free political parties, free elections and an end to censorship and the reign of terror of the CIA-trained SBU secret police.
  2. What will happen if Kiev refuses these conditions and continues the conflict to the end?

In this case, Russia will take back the whole of the formerly Russian eastern and southern half of the Ukraine, including cities like Kharkov, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa. This will cut Kiev off from the Black Sea coast, making what remains of the Ukraine into a landlocked country, and linking Russia to Transdnistria. This could create pro-Russian protests in Moldova and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. The hated, US-installed regimes and elites there may be pushed out by popular pressure, just like the anti-Russian French puppet government in Georgia, which has already been pushed out. Russian victory is going to encourage a lot of suppressed pro-independence and anti-NATO feeling throughout Eastern and Central Europe.

  1. In that case, will there appear a new Ukrainian state?

Definitely, and possibly even two Ukrainian states. Once the two small Romanian and Hungarian parts of the western Ukraine have been returned to Romania and Hungary, there will remain Eastern Galicia. This consists of the provinces of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and the western half of Ternopil (the rest of that province belongs historically to Volyn). This could either become part of Poland again, or else even become a new independent Roman Catholic state of some four and a half million people, called Galicia, and belonging to the EU. It is not part of the Orthodox world.

The rest of the old ‘Ukraine’, a name invented by Austrians at the end of the century before last together with the Ukrainian flag, will perhaps return to its dignified and historic name of ‘Kievan Rus’. This country could be similar in size to Belarus to the north, though with a population two times larger, of 18 million. This will be quite independent of NATO and NATO’s economic arm, the EU, neither of which, in any case, will last long in Trump’s Western world. That is a minimum. It could be bigger.

  1. What will the future of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the schismatic groups be after the Russian military victory?

This is the question which concerns us far more. As for the rest, we are just outside observers of the political and military facts, however tragic they may be.

The schismatic sects will wither and die. The small but very violent, State-created and US-financed Constantinople group under the puppet Dumenko and the tiny group under Filaret will both die out. They will both have to return the churches that they stole from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. And this real Church, under Metropolitan Onufry, will have to receive autocephaly from Moscow. Ukrainian hatred for Russia and Patriarch Kyrill, who has appeared to support this tragic war and then uncanonically ‘defrocked’ some 60 members of the clergy who were opposed to it, is now such that the gross insensitivity and chauvinism of Muscovites have made this autocephaly inevitable. There must be a truly independent Ukraine, not a Western puppet.

As we have said from the outset, winning the war is not the same as winning the peace. Hence the need for a real Ukrainian State, where people can live in peace and democracy, speak Ukrainian, and live freely, without fear of Zelensky’s censorship and secret police. By backing this war, the tragic events of which we have been observers, the administration of the Russian Church has compromised itself before the faithful clergy and people of the Church of all nationalities, not least Russian. Naturally, this autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church will then look after its Diaspora in Western Europe and elsewhere, which already has 100 parishes.

  1. If Moscow has to cede autocephaly to the Church under Metropolitan Onufry, what consequences could that have for the rest of the Russian Church?

Firstly, the Russian Church still has to undergo full ‘destatisation’. This word does not mean independence from the State – the Church received that in 1992 after the collapse of Communism. Then the attitude of the Russian State to the Church became one of indifference, rather than hostility. ‘Destatisation’ means the end of a mentality of dependence on the State. This mentality gradually evolved after the Church was deprived its own Patriarch in 1700.

Then it became an Imperial Church, with its caste of paid clergy and professional choirs, leading to clericalism, and the destruction of eucharistic life and resulting community/parish life, replaced by private services of intercession and memorial. Membership of the Church is by definition voluntary. An attitude towards the Church as some kind of welfare state, for which the people have no responsibility, is not healthy. This mentality of dependence has in one way or another lasted ever since then.

However, it is also true that this mentality of reliance on the State had appeared even before that, as is shown by the Old Ritualist schism in the 17th century. The fact that the schism was about a State-imposed ritual, is highly significant, for it is the State that divides through rituals and ritualisation, because ritual, like the State, is all about the outward, not about the inward and Faith. The Faith of the Old Ritualists was identical to those who followed the new ritual, which in any case was identical in 99% of its acts.

Such destatisation today means decentralisation, that is, the granting of autonomy or rather autocephaly to others. Others means any Orthodox group numbering 100,000 or more, which lives on territories outside the Russian Federation and has at least four bishops and monastic life. The Russian Church administration in Moscow has to catch up with the division of the Soviet State, which over thirty-three years ago divided into fifteen independent republics. In other words, the Moscow administration is still thinking in centralised Soviet terms.

The second consequence is that the Church administration, which is responsible, must cleanse itself of the wave of corruption and homosexuality, which has come to infiltrate certain senior groups among the clergy, especially since the fall of the USSR. From then on Russia became the victim of ‘Wild East’ capitalism, characterised by the Western-style oligarch mentality. This was promoted both inside and outside Russia by the CIA and its subdepartments. This mentality came to affect the Church administration. My friend and colleague, the late Fr Vsevolod Chaplin, who died in mysterious circumstances in Moscow in 2020, was of the same opinion.

Here is the harsh truth about what has become necessary after the Russian Church administration has so discredited itself over the last thirty years. The Church administration now has to regain the lost trust of the Orthodox people, clergy and monastics everywhere.

  1. How could the Russian military and political victory in the Ukraine affect the rest of the Orthodox Church?

If the concerned elements in the Moscow Church administration are ‘destatised’, then the same freedom of destatisation can at last come to Constantinople, which suffers from the same dependence on politicians (only in its case on US politicians) and an equal level of corruption and homosexuality. As Trump abandons the Ukraine, he abandons Constantinople. Trump is a disaster for Constantinople, just as he is for the unelected EU Commissars who detest him. At that point, with both Moscow and Constantinople deservedly humbled, a real and very welcome and long overdue Unity Council of the whole Orthodox Church and a return to the canons become not only possible, but, at last, real.







Even Dragons Have Their Ending

Even Dragons Have Their Ending

The Addresses of His Majesty King Alfred II, His Excellency President J. D. Vance and His Majesty Tsar Nicholas III at the Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of John Tolkien and the Unveiling of His Statue in Oxford, England, 3 January 2042


His Majesty King Alfred II

Your Majesty Tsar Nicholas, Your Excellency President Vance, ladies and gentlemen.

The day before yesterday I was crowned the first English King of England for a thousand years. By the grace of God, the English monarchy has returned for the first time since the half-Norman came here in 1042 and through weakness betrayed this land and all these islands into a millennial catastrophe. After French, Welsh, Scottish, Dutch and German Kings, I was crowned King Alfred II. This crowning came after a particularly disgraceful, ignoble and scandalous period in the history of England and all these islands. This was the period of the end of the delusions of empire.

The British Empire essentially ended in 1956 through the betrayal of the United States. And yet after this, one British Prime Minister after another tried to foster British imperial delusions by supporting the same American Empire, however immoral and illegal its acts. That shameful age is over. When that Empire came to its end as a result of its defeat in the then Ukraine, the British elite, known by its Norman name of ‘The Establishment’, ended with it. Since then a new government has formed, come up from the people of this new but very old land, who had been oppressed for a thousand years. Last year Ireland was at last reunited and Scotland and Cymru reclaimed their lost independence.

England has at last been freed from the British elite after a thousand years of captivity. England has become an independent country once more. Our royal capital has left Norman London and returned to Winchester, our political capital has left Norman London and moved to the New Witan, set up in Atherstone. This is a small town on the borders of Warwickshire and Leicestershire, in the very geographical centre of England. Its very name reminds us of Athelney, where King Alfred prepared the triumphant English resistance.

British history with all its injustices against the English, then against the Celtic peoples and then against many other people of the world, in Asia and Africa especially, is over. But it also committed injustices against both the American people under the German kings in the eighteenth century. And against the Russian people from the nineteenth century on under a Germanic queen and kings, overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II through Establishment plotting. That age is over. We ask forgiveness of all these peoples for the iniquities visited on them by the greed and evil of the Norman British Establishment.

Two days ago the history of England began again after its millennial interruption. The new and old royal capital of Winchester is in Hampshire, which like Tolkien’s Worcestershire and neighbouring Warwickshire and Leicestershire, are all shires. The real England is the England of the shires, of the Shire, which was John Tolkien’s inspiration. It is our renewed focus on this real England which is now our hope for the reconstruction of our land.

John Tolkien is one of our inspirations in our battle against the dark, satanic mills of which our poet William Blake wrote. Here I do not mean the dark, satanic mills of industry which still disfigured this land and created the ‘Black Country’, as it was then called, in the childhood of John Tolkien and which he portrayed in the evil of The Lord of the Rings. They are gone. What I mean is the dark, satanic mills of the mind. In this New England, which has finally broken through the rusted old shackles of the British Establishment, we are looking to the inspiration of such as Blake and Tolkien.

We are a Nation now seeking restoration, just as King Alfred I, Alfred the Great, Alfred the Truthteller and Alfred the Wise, England’s Lawgiver, England’s Shepherd and England’s Darling, restored England after the Viking invasion. Like him, we too have suffered a Viking invasion, that of the Northmen in 1066, which then turned into a millennial Viking Occupation. We are now freeing ourselves from this, not only politically and so socially, but, even more importantly in my view, spiritually and so morally.

This means arranging new and friendly relations with the rest of the world, with whom the old British Establishment always cultivated conflictual relations. This means firstly with the Celtic peoples of these islands, and then with the peoples of the new Confederation of Western Europe, of which we are one of the now twenty-four Sovereign Nation members, with the Confederations of North-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, which are today so closely and amicably tied to the Russian Tsardom, their obsessions with the Soviet past healing. And it also means new and friendly relations with the wider world of the New Fellowship of the Ring, the Alliance of Sovereign Nations, which grew very swiftly out of the Russian-founded BRICS and so quite replaced the old and quite discredited post-War UN.

This is why we are honoured to welcome here today the heads of state of the two largest nations of the world, of the Tsardom of Russia and of the Confederation of Northern America. In three years’ time we in England are looking forward to the military band of our English Army marching in the Great Centenary Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow to the music of our national flag, The Standard of St George, composed by the genius of Alford. This will be the commemoration of the Victory of the Peoples over Fascism, which victory was won mainly by the East Slav peoples at such huge sacrifice. We honour the victory of your peoples, Tsar Nicholas.

We hope that John Tolkien, who felt so deeply English and so loved the Old England and also its Old English language, those of our national champion and saint, King Alfred the Great, will inspire all of us. John Tolkien once wrote: I should like to save the Shire, if I could – though there have been times when I thought the inhabitants too stupid and dull and for words, and have felt that an earthquake or an invasion of dragons might be good for them. And that is exactly what happened. We want to continue to strive against the dragon darkness of Mordor of our recent past and towards the beacon brightness of the Fellowship of the Ring of the Nations of our future. Today we recall the courage of John Tolkien, who one wrote: Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens. Our New England is not faithless.

As another John, our national poet, John Masefield, put it 100 years ago: We are called to re-establish the England ‘of the uplifted heart, that has so often borne beauty, of the idea of holiness, of the brightness that endures, of the truth that blesses, of the peace that burns away all self…The moving of the world with the glory of the English spirit is now the one thing left to us. That is also the vision of our John Tolkien and it is also our vision.

Thank you all for your attention.


His Excellency President Vance

Your Majesties King Alfred and Tsar Nicholas, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for inviting me here on this historic day in this historic city in this historic land. It is a privilege and an honour.

Over the last seventeen years we have witnessed extraordinary transformations in the arrangement of our world. The old post-Second World War organisations like the UN, EU, NATO, G7 and G20, which today’s children have never even heard of, are gone. Having long ago outlived their purpose, they have been replaced with the Alliance of Sovereign Nations (ASN), which has its roots in the Russian-founded BRICS and ultimately in the international peace proposals of His Majesty Tsar Nicholas II at the end of the century before last.

Today, we see the Big Four, consisting of the Tsardom of Russia, the Empire of China, the Republic of Bharat, formerly known as India, and my own Confederation of Northern America, working together. The expanded group, the ‘Big Ten’, represents the whole world, consisting as it does of Russia, Northern America, China, the Confederation of Western Europe (now twenty-four nations in number), Bharat, the Confederation of South-East Asia, which includes Australia and New Zealand, Latin America, Japan, the Confederation of West Asia and the Organisation of African Unity.

The beginning of these changes came in 2025, when my predecessor, President Donald Trump, sat down to talks with President Vladimir Putin of the then Russian Federation to end the tragic conflict in the old Soviet Ukraine. Those talks ended within twenty-four hours, with the granting of self-determination to all the peoples of the then Ukraine, the south and the east voting to join Russia, others returning to Romania and Hungary, and the formation of a truly independent Kievan Rus in the north and west. Then came at once the dissolution of the warmongering and Nazi NATO, which had caused the conflict. Then President Trump headed to Beijing and the potential conflict over Taiwan was also swiftly resolved, when Taiwan returned to China as an autonomous island-province of the then People’s Republic of China.

The issues in these two areas of contention were easily overcome, compared to the conflict in the Middle East. It took President Trump his full term of four years and involved a third assassination attempt on his life in order to reach a deal. But with the unanimous co-operation of the Big Four to make peace arrangements there, with the formation of a small and peaceful Jewish State, centred on Tel Aviv in the north of the old Israel, a Palestinian State in the south and west of the old Israel, now rebuilt by Chinese Empire, and the status of Jerusalem as a neutral Capital under the control of the Big Four. This was itself an organisation formed in 2025 to put an end to the conflict and stagnation of the old Security Council of the UN, which you may recall.

Donald Trump, who had the same first name as my father and whose name is also my own second name, was born in 1946. Born after the Second World War, which was won mainly by Moscow, he put an end to the long outdated post-Second War settlement. This had become archaic, with its EU, NATO, IMF and alphabet soup of exclusive and aggressive political, military and monetary organisations, which did not represent anyone except the Globalist elite. Donald Trump saw the need for the peoples of the world to decide their own fates and leave the anachronistic post-1945 elitism behind us, as it in no way represented anyone outside that elite.

For these deeds, the then Globalist elite branded Donald a ‘populist’! What greater compliment could there have been! What they considered to be an insult was the guarantee of his success and the success of the people whom he represented. I am one of them. My Scots-Irish family roots go back to the Appalachians, one of the poorest places in Northern America. I got out of it and in this I was greatly aided by Usha, the First Lady, my dear wife, who is here too. It was her Indian wisdom that has always guided me and I wish to thank her publicly today.

It was only after the presidency of Donald Trump, in the early 2030s, that the world scene was really transformed, with the founding of the Confederation of Northern America, the CNA, following the dissolution of the old USA, Canada, Greenland, with just under 400 million people, some 4.5% of the world population. Thus, we saw the unity of our American sphere of influence, just as we saw the unity of the Russian sphere of influence around Russia. Soon after the unity of Northern America came the collapse of the EU, replaced by the Confederation of Western Europe (CWE) and the Confederations of North-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

Then came the founding of the Confederation of South-East Asia, which includes Australia and New Zealand, and also of the Confederation of West Asia. Both the CNA and the CWE then set about paying off their massive debts, which had almost bankrupted both of them. It was in this way that the world witnessed the birth of the Security Council of the Alliance of the Nations, popularly known as the ‘Big Ten’, at last a Council representative of our planet.

I speak of all this today because the transformations that we have witnessed over the last seventeen years were envisioned and longed for by the great man whose 150th birth we commemorate today. John Tolkien, born exactly 150 years ago, on January 3, 1892 in what is now South Africa, was a man who had experienced the horrors of the First World War. I have long admired him and especially his work The Lord of the Rings. That was the work which inspired my path towards Catholicism when I was a young man.

John Tolkien’s portrayal of the goodness and innocence of the people of the Shire of Tradition, of my Appalachians, in their struggle for their Sovereignty against the utter evil of Globalist Mordor was key in this. It is my belief that, whatever his personal weaknesses and mistakes in the past, my predecessor President Trump was he who made Gollum fall into the Fire, taking the Ring with him, and when the Ring was destroyed, Sauron lost all his power. For me that is the triumph of our President, whose forebears came from the Hebrides and the Bavarian lands, for he destroyed the Ring of evil which so threatened world peace until 2025 and cast it into the Fire. As John Tolkien wrote and those words are now inscribed on the plinth of his statue outside this very Theatre: Even dragons have their ending.

Donald’s mother, the Gaelic-speaking Mary Anne MacLeod from her very poor home on Lewis, by the white-sanded shores of the remote Outer Hebrides, where they praise Mary and Brigid and Columba, was so proud of her son. She named him Donald after her grandfather. Had she lived to see his work as President from 2025 on, she would have been even prouder of him. Today I say to you together with the Gospel: Blessed are the peacemakers.

Thank you.


His Majesty Tsar Nicholas III

Your Majesty King Alfred, Your Excellency President Vance, ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, I would like to thank the Reform Government of the newly independent English Nation and the governing authorities of the University of Oxford for inviting myself and Tsarina Alexandra here today, and also the staff of the Randolph Hotel for their wonderful hospitality. There was a time, and not so long ago, when Russian leaders were not at all welcome here. Glory to God, that dark age is over.

Since the coronation of His Majesty King Alfred in Winchester Cathedral on 1 January, we have been revisiting places in England visited by my most noble, martyred predecessor, Tsar Nicholas II. He was a great anglophile and once dreamed of living in Norfolk as a gentleman farmer. Yesterday I was in Sandringham and Kings Lynn, where we prayed at the consecration of the new church dedicated to Tsar Nicholas and his August Family on land generously donated to us by the Council of Kings Lynn. White and fair, it is called on to become an inspiration to the people who live there in that old Hanseatic town. This evening King Alfred has invited us to a banquet at Buckingham Palace. Tomorrow, we go to the Royal Palace in Winchester in this renewed Kingdom of England, and then on 5th January to Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, before we return to Saint Petersburg and our Orthodox Christmas Feast there.

Like President Vance, I too have long been an admirer of the work of John Tolkien, who, as a Christian, was profoundly aware of the great gulf fixed between good and evil. That was the origin of his deep moral sense, which he displayed so fully in all his works and in all his life. At the end of that life he also made a donation to our Russian Orthodox church in Oxford.

John Tolkien began writing in 1917, that fateful year, which was so disastrous in the history of my own country, after the overthrow and then martyrdom of my ancestor Tsar Nicholas II and His August Family. That overthrow was prepared here, only a few hundred yards from where we speak in the Sheldonian Theatre, plotted at University College, which, ironically, by legend, though only by legend, was founded by the sainted King, the Great King Alfred I. That overthrow, or ‘regime-change’ as they used to call it, was plotted by a depraved British Prime Minister, British spies and a renegade Russian prince, a traitor and a transvestite of base morality, typical of the worst fabulously wealthy Russian aristocrats of that age. Today history has turned full circle and exorcised that terrible past.

After 1917 my country was thrown into the Fire of Mordor, so vividly portrayed by John Tolkien, who had passed though that same Fire on the killing fields of the Somme, when the European elite bowed down in worship to its cannibal gods. The massacres which that elite had been performing in its far distant colonies, not least in the Belgian Congo, were revisited on its lands as retribution.

John Tolkien understood that death is the enemy of life, that the kingdom of death is called hell and that it is the devil who keeps the laws in hell. And he portrayed that hell in his books. After 1917, my own forebears suffered directly in torture and death, repression and camps, and then the catastrophes of exactly fifty years ago, after the collapse of the atheist regime, and not least my dear mother, who, as you know, was a Romanov. In those days I was much comforted by the words of John Tolkien:

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

Thus, I can say that my whole country also went through a Somme, but a Somme which lasted with varying degrees of intensity for 110 years, until 2027. On a theological level, we too were faced with the monumental struggle between the Shire and Mordor, between Life and Death, between what in Russian we call Православие and Кривославие, between Orthodox Christianity and Twisted Christianity, of the Orthodox Church and a pseudo-Church, a Church of a Political Ideology and Corrupt Business. That has been cleansed, not least through the zeal of His Holiness, our Patriarch John of New Jerusalem and All Russia, who has swept away all that filth, which is such a shameful stain in the annals of our Church.

As regards our judgement of the past, we ask all our ancestors what they lived and died for? Did they live and die for Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, or not? By Faith we mean Faith in the Redeeming Power of Love; by the Tsar, we mean just Christian government; by the Fatherland we mean all those parts of the world which identify as Russian. Gone is the time of the dead hand of State Religion; of corrupt and merciless Government; and of the Imperialism which oppresses other nations and exploits their resources.

Our task for the last fifteen years, since 2027, has been to rebuild and heal our Russian Shire. Seventeen years ago, the world stood on the brink of World War III. Only that visit to the doors of death softened the hearts of pride. By the prayers of the saints the world drew back from the brink, and with the help of several leaders, real statesmen who stood head and shoulders above the pygmy politicians of that time, we avoided planetary tragedy. Statesmen had learned the lessons of the disastrous World Wars, which had brought to ruination twentieth and early twenty-first century Europe. They steered Europe to Renewal and Resurrection.

The statesmen had not been prejudiced by the propaganda which justifies acts of evil. They had understood the futility of empires, which rise in blind enthusiasm, but always fall in decadence. In particular, they learned this lesson from the fall of the last empire, the American Empire, which had exhausted and bankrupted itself in futile wars and invasions all around the world and which ended in vulgar materialism and frivolous infantilism, in greed and selfishness.

Today we have seen how the world which faced Sauron and Mordor has drawn back from the Ring, which bound them all in Evil. John Tolkien understood that peace on our Middle Earth can only come through the co-operation of the Nations, a Fellowship of the Ring, now called the Alliance of Sovereign Nations, a rebuilding of the many Shires, the best in every nation and people, in ‘sovereignty and freedom, justice and humanity, mercy and compassion’, as my predecessor put it. So too do our statesmen. And so too did our saints.

I would like to end my address to you this day by quoting from the Akathist service to one of those saints, who was also called John. This is St John the Wonderworker, whose lifespan covered much the same years as those of John Tolkien. Born into the Maximovich family in what is now Kievan Rus in 1896, he was exiled and lived in Belgrade and Shanghai, in Western Europe and Western America. We praise him because he was ‘filled with love for his fellow-men and did all possible for their salvation’, because he was the ‘righteous accuser of impiety and false teaching’, because ‘his love knew no bounds of land or race’, because he ‘destroyed lies and exalted truth’ and ‘kept his faith and courage amid unjust persecution’.

And was this not also what John Tolkien tried to do? On this the 150th anniversary of his birth, we thank God for him and for all those who do good, bringing peace to the Nations and Hope for humankind. It is our task to remake this broken world a little nearer to the heart’s desire, knowing that this world is only a shadow of the glory of the world to come, but that Help and Hope are always near.

Thank you for listening.

3 January 2025



A New Year’s Message: Battling Antichrist and His Antichurch

A buffoon will destroy the Ukraine

1992 Prophecy of St Gabriel (Urgebadze)

  1. The Antipoliticians: The Collapse of the Western Political Establishment

The once apparently inexorable march towards the Brave New World of Globalism, that is, towards the One World Dictatorship of Antichrist, has been restrained. The restrainer is President Putin. However, he has been supported and followed by the whole Global Majority, those who represent the seven billion plus of the world against the one billion plus who are formally, and only formally, represented by the Western elite, whom we call Antipoliticians. For they are the forerunners of Antichrist, he who replaces Christ is adored by those who replaces politicians.

The Global Majority would not submit to the Globalists. Even though the world was intimidated by the mainstream media’s covid hysteria, outside the Western world the majority refused to conform. Then the same thing happened in the Western war against Russia, which has been taking place in the Soviet-established borders of the Ukraine. The vast majority rejected the West’s fairy-tale ‘narrative’ of lies, with which the Western elite has deluded only itself. Now that it is apparent that the Globalist elite and its hireling media are losing their war on Russia in the Ukraine, they are collapsing in desperation and panic. Thus:

In the American Empire the Globalist and bankrupt regime of Emperors Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden is dying out in humiliation and dementia. The American Empire first tried and failed to assassinate twice its new rival, Trump. Now it is desperately fighting in its last days to cling on to power and cause maximum worldwide destruction, as in Syria. But it has been voted out of power by the American people.

In the military dictatorship of South Korea, established by the US decades ago, the corrupt President faces impeachment for trying to take over the country in a coup d’etat and trying to give away its stockpiles of US arms to the Kiev regime.

In Japan more and more voices are calling for independence from the occupying and bankrupting US regime.

In Israel the US-financed and supported leader has been placed on a list of wanted war criminals for his genocide in Gaza, followed by his genocides in the West Bank, the Lebanon. He is now illegally invading Syria – again. So where are the Western sanctions against Israel? Double standards again.

In Canada the hated woke Trudeau regime is collapsing. Future President Trump has even joked that the US should take over Canada as its fifty-first state. But his joke was taken seriously by many Canadians who welcomed it as the solution to their national problems.

In the bankrupt UK the authoritarian Starmer regime, chosen by only 20% of the electorate, is collapsing, together with the economy, the military, and Establishment pedophile Anglicanism. According to some, Elon Musk is to give $100 million to the only Opposition, the fast-growing and anti-Ukraine war Reform Party. President Trump, it is said, will clamp trade tariffs on the UK, if Trump’s friend, Farage of the Reform Party, is not made at least the new UK ambassador to Washington. Instead Starmer wants to appoint a very sinister individual, Mandelson, a Non-British homosexual, known in the UK for over a generation as ‘the prince of darkness’. A senior aide of Trump has called Mandelson (Mendelsohn) ‘an absolute moron’. The old EU technique, practised as long ago as the Maastricht Treaty in the 1990s, of cancelling or repeating elections that you risk losing may soon be imitated by the Starmer regime in the UK.

In bankrupt and deindustrialising Germany the hated Scholz regime has collapsed. Early elections will take place in February 2025.

In France the anti-democratic Macron regime, elected last summer by only 20% of the voters, and clinging on to power against the will of the people, has collapsed. It is expected to collapse again.

Thus, the Western European Big Three, the UK, Germany and France, all face a choice between Trumpian candidates and Brussels candidates. (Brexit has never been implemented in the UK – the British Establishment did not want it, and Starmer is the Brussels candidate). All three yesmen (Starmer, Macron, Scholz) are resisting the Trumpian candidates (Farage, AfD, Le Pen) on orders from Brussels. It labels all opposition to it as ‘far right’, regardless of whether they are on the left, on the right, or in the centre.

In fact, the unelected Commissars of totalitarian Brussels, several of them the grandchildren of Nazis, behave as if they were members of an International Fascist Party. Therefore, they refuse to implement any democratic decisions. All three main countries of Western Europe are bankrupt and suffer from collapsing infrastructure, but all three have been giving tens of billions to the equally bankrupt Ukraine. All three are desperately anti-Trump and anti-Russian and look at countries like China and India as racially inferior. Thus, they all despise and oppose three of the world’s four largest economies, China, India and Russia. Do not look for logic here. The only logic is the determination of the Western European elite to commit suicide. It is an Antilogic, for they are Antipoliticians.

In Romania, where the patriotic, Orthodox (he is a priest’s son), and therefore anti-Zelensky and anti-EU, candidate was expected to gain 63% of the vote according to polls, the imminent elections were cancelled by the Biden regime. Only their candidate, on 37%, was supposed to win.

They have not yet been able to cancel elections in Hungary and Slovakia – the only free countries left in the Western half of Europe, even though they tried to assassinate the Slovak Premier six months ago. It is widely expected that Hungary, Slovakia and Non-EU Serbia will join BRICS as soon as possible. Italy, Spain and Portugal may follow them in time, as the EU collapses.

In Georgia, US/EU-financed protests against the anti-US/anti-EU election victory over the defeated French President have failed miserably. The US/EU threat is now to call new elections because the results of the first elections were ‘wrong’.

In Moldova, despite massive election fraud by the EU, the US/EU victor has in practice no majority.

China looks on in astonishment at the Western chaos. One day it will soon just walk back into Chinese Taiwan, unopposed, as the West s so distracted by the chaos it has created.

Meanwhile in Moscow, General Kirillov was assassinated. Why? It was he who exposed the British-planned fake chemical attack in Syria. Next he exposed the Skripal attack, when the British failed to murder Russians with Novichok poison, which almost uniquely in the whole world, is kept eight miles away at the sinister British chemical weapons centre at Porton Down. He then exposed the US bioweapons factories in the Ukraine. His assassin? An MI6-trained Uzbek terrorist paid by the Ukraine.

Throughout the world, it is at last being recognised that so-called democracy in the Western world is a myth and was long ago replaced by authoritarian oligarchy. The West, like its puppet in Kiev, is ruled by the rich. There is no democracy here.

All this leaves the existence of the seriously divided NATO and EU in serious doubt. The deluded and racist Western fantasy that it has the supreme right to control and oppress the rest of the whole world is over.

  1. The Antipastors: The Collapse of the Western Spiritual Establishment

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those that are good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2 Timothy 3, 1-5

The millennial Western institution of the Vatican is now in crisis and is threatened by a formal split. Some say that the present 88-year-old, wheelchair-bound Pope, is the last one. He appears to many pious Roman Catholics to be more concerned with the secular world than with the spiritual world. Many of them are scandalised by him.

After his fall in a pedophile cover-up scandal, the Archbishop of Canterbury, called by some ‘The Archbishop of Woke’, resigned and the survival of the Church of England is in doubt. Thousands of its churches are empty, most of its members are elderly. Those who appointed this Archbishop wanted him because he had been an executive in an oil company before he became an Anglican cleric. They appointed him because they wanted a manager, as they think of the Church as a Business. Next time how about appointing someone who actually believes in God? Managers will not help churches. Only pastors will help churches.

However, the foundation of the Antichurch is not some uniquely Anglican or Roman Catholic problem, it concerns all Christians. There are individual Antipastors, who are not just Roman Catholic and Protestant, but also Orthodox. The Orthodox concerned have been infiltrated into the Church by the CIA and other such agencies, with the predatory and debauched spirit of Capitalism.  Their only interest is creating from the Church a Business. The most prominent among them is Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, notorious for setting up with a large amount of US money ($25 million?) the ‘Orthodox Church in the Ukraine’. This is a fake Ukrainian nationalist organisation, not a Church at all, but a gangster mafia which steals church buildings from the Church by violence.

This elderly Patriarch Bartholomew, almost as old as the Pope of Rome, publicly declares that he wants to apostasise from Orthodoxy and become a departmental manager in the Vatican in 2025. Let him. Real Orthodox will not follow him. All those who consider that the Church is a Business – including some clerics of the Russian Church, anti-Russians, who are contributing to building the Antichurch, “the character of their relations with their nearest circle and their way of life incompatible with their status of monk and cleric”. They are building an institution worthy of the Antichrist, whose path as his forerunners they are preparing.

These forerunners are the Antipastors. They are opposed to the people, just as their brother and sister Antipoliticians are also opposed to the people. They practise the faith of the State, even though the State has long since abandoned them. They operate the dead hand of bureaucracy and protocols of the State. Among them are sexual perverts and crooks. These bureaucrats are the servants of the father of lies, the prince of this world, which is why they consider themselves also to be princes (‘princes of the Church’).

It matters not if the Antipastors use left-wing or right-wing politics to fulfil their aims, it matters only that they use politics. For politics, the anti-spiritual masquerading as the spiritual, is their realm and they are expert in it. They have never heard that we must ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s’.  A Pastor is he who unites the faithful with love, but an Antipastor is he who divides the faithful with hatred.

The task of the Antipastors is to eliminate all pastors, who have given their whole lives to the Church and built and rebuilt churches without payment, gathered together the scattered people, built parishes, and whose devotion is unquestioned. The Antipastors declare that the Church must be converted into a Business. There is no room among them for Faith in Christ, monastic life, sincerity and compassion. The Antipastors are ruthless in trying to destroy anyone who is sincere. The Church must be destroyed as a Christian society. Therefore, the Antipastors betray and slander the pastors, so they can replace them with their own fake pastors, their handpicked yesmen, the careerists and businessmen, who can make money for them. The Antipastors are experts at lying, for they are the faithful servants of their father the devil.

Just like the Pope of Rome – birds of a feather flock together – they try to close all the churches where the spiritual is practised, they either sell them to make money, or else they put in new ‘managers’ for their ‘Church-Business’. They may even open churches, but only those where the Faith has been transformed into a mere rite, outward, money-making ritualism, playing on superstition, without any inner content. This too is in order to raise more money for the Antipastors, who are wolves in shepherd’s clothing. They still do not know that ‘though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal’.

Now they have achieved their aim. Once they have destroyed their part of the Church, they will move on to their next victims, flattering and cajoling to make their next career move.

What will happen to them?

They will all be swept away in the coming Great Cleansing and will face the Judgement of the Coming King. For now is the time of the fulfilment of the prophecies. Let us pray and tremble!

«Antichrist will make Church life possible, he will allow her services, will allow fine churches to be built on condition that they recognise him as the supreme being and worship him. There will be a mass falling away from the Faith, as many bishops will betray the Faith and in self-justification will point to the flourishing situation of the Church. The search for compromise will be the characteristic mood among people. Straightforward confession will vanish».

St John of Shanghai




Clericalisation Comes From Corruption

Photographs of many Orthodox services from around the world more and more show pictures of services at which virtually only clergy are present. This clericalisation was not the case previously. Although it is more obvious among minor groups in the Diaspora, especially among those who have difficulty in recruiting members because of their schismatic rather than unitive ethos, such photographs can be seen in very many places. Since such clericalisation is clearly an effect, not the cause, where has it all come from? Let us first look at Roman Catholic clericalisation.

The Case of Roman Catholicism

In the case of Roman Catholicism, the clear cause of its clericalisation was institutionalised obligatory clerical celibacy, which is another way of saying corruption. Introduced by force and even violence from the second half of the eleventh century on, obligatory clerical celibacy was inherently divisive and created a class or caste of woman-hating men who were different from and, as they imagined, superior to ‘the people’. Clericalisation, that is, the claim that the clergy are ’the Church’, which is a widespread peculiarity of the Western world, had the counter-effect of creating anti-clericalism and anti-episcopalianism. This in turn gave rise to congregationalism and eventually to Protestantism. In reality, the Church is the whole body of the faithful, clergy and people together and not apart.

However, even worse, obligatory clerical celibacy also gave rise among Roman Catholic (and Anglican) clergy to widespread bisexuality, homosexuality and pedophilia. I remember being advised by an old Russian priest in France some 35 years ago that if ever I had to meet a Roman Catholic priest, I should first ask him outright, though discreetly, if he was married or not. In France, at least, nearly all the best Catholic priests are married – about 20% of them. They have to keep it secret, of course, but, frankly, as Roman Catholicism is dying out in France for lack of priests, even if their bishops found out that they were married, they would probably turn a blind eye, as they have long done in Southern Europe, Latin America and Africa.

With Anglican clergy one must also be very careful. As we know, the British Establishment (not just the Anglican Church) has been full of pedophiles ever since William Rufus, and the Anglican Establishment full of them, like the notorious Bishop Ball and all the other criminals who have been protected by Anglican bishops, as did the scandalous former Archbishop of Canterbury. As regards Anglican clergy, even the married ones can be bisexual, especially in the so-called ‘High Church’. The Church has to be very careful about receiving Anglican clerics. Having said that, many are fine, some are admirable, but you have to check very carefully for misogyny etc.

The Orthodox Church

Wherever clericalisation is found in the Orthodox world, the cause is always the same: the lack of monastic and pastoral life, which is also another way of saying corruption. I have always thought that no man should be considered for the Orthodox episcopate until he had spent at least five years living under obedience in a monastery and/or five years living as a parish priest. This would be a ten-year long apprenticeship for the episcopate. Instead of contact with monastic and pastoral reality, what do we inevitably get? We get the same phenomena as in Roman Catholicism:

Firstly, there is homosexualisation (thank God, pedophilia is very rare among the Orthodox episcopate – I only know of two cases). Here are the bishops of many nationalities who like to visit with their ‘subdeacon’, as one senior cleric told me. He could supply a full list of names. Secondly, I have noticed that closet homosexuality also tends to go hand in hand with alcohol abuse. Thirdly, alongside the homosexual bishops are the overdressed, lickspittle careerists, who love bureaucracy and protocols. Petty bureaucracy makes them feel good, as it gives them power, the ability to humiliate others, who are often far senior to them. These careerists love centralisation and encourage it, because that gives them even more power and, above all, even more money.

All know about the Greek metropolitan who had to move from one city to another because of his notorious frequentation of gay bars (this was back in the 1970s). All know about the ultra-conservative and schismatic CIA ROCOR bishop and his sex-obsessed and money-obsessed son, ‘the six million-dollar man’, as he was called in the 1990s. All know about the recent Antiochian Archbishop of America. He is one of many – and far from the worst. The scandal is that he was defrocked, not because of his mistresses or because he was extremely rich (how?), but only because he took his own Church to court about money. All know about that Metropolitan-oligarch, who was so keenly and publicly denounced by Metr Antony of Sourozh already twenty years ago. But they are merely the tip of the iceberg, there are many others, whom we have seen, both fifty years ago and recently. But they are all absolutely alien, indeed absolutely unthinkable to real Orthodox.

We are the generation of the New Martyrs and Confessors, ready to die for the Church of God. Now instead of arkhimandrity, as they say in Russian, we have arkhibandity. In the old Soviet times, the Church was infiltrated by the Party with its atheist ideology. Now it is worse. The Party is still there, but it does not come from outside, the new Party and the new ideology, born in the 1990s, are inside the Church and they are called ‘Business’. Christ called it Mammon (money) and yet those ‘churchmen’ who are involved are told specifically by Christ that they cannot serve two masters. Sadly, the clergy involved are soldiers who owe utter obedience to corruption, for part of the episcopate has been militarised. And yet the Church is not an army, but a voluntary organisation. Here is what happens with clericalisation – militarisation of the clergy.

As one Russian told me, ‘I need no managers between me and God’, thinking of the old Protestant slogan, ‘I need no mediators between me and God’. Sadly, there is now a collective narcissistic mafia, as nobody is allowed to reveal the truth about this pharisee class of ‘effective managers’. We believe with the prophets and fool for Christ that Orthodox Russia may yet become the last bastion of Orthodoxy against Antichrist. However, this is clearly not the case now, for Orthodox Russia does not exist. What exists now is Nationalist Russia. For now the last bastion of Orthodoxy is the hearts of all the faithful, who resist Antichrist, who wants to come here and be enthroned. He will not be in our hearts.

Some who reject the new Party and its ideology make the great mistake of giving up the fight against clericalisation and corruption by joining the enemy and appearing on CIA-financed radio and television to scandalise and criticise, painting the whole Russian Church black. This is quite untrue and it is also either naïve or else foolish. These critics are playing into the hands of the CIA-financed politics of those who persecute the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and discredit their cause and themselves, for they have chosen an episcopate no less corrupt than the one they left and one no less political than the one they left.

They too, consciously or, as I would like to think, unconsciously, become traitors to Orthodoxy. This is not the way. You cannot defeat politics with politics. We have to be aware of politics, but we do not get involved in political intrigues. Just as we are aware of the demons, but we do not get involved in demonic intrigues. Just wait, those who have compromised themselves morally and financially in military-style clericalisation and corruption, whether inspired by the ‘Church as a Business’ ideology or by CIA money, are coming to their end. Desperation and panic are their sign. Their time is clearly up.


The End of the Second Western Empire and the Road from Damascus: The Just Shall Live by His Faith and the Prophecies of Habbakuk

The First Western Empire lasted just over 500 years, from 27 BC in Rome to 476 AD in Rome (there was no year zero). Its successor, the Second Western Empire, lasted twice as long, 1,000 years, from 1014 with the proclamation of the filioque in Rome to 2014 with, in effect, the proclamation of the filioque in Kiev. This Second and Last Empire was much weakened by tribal rivalries between the nine phases of the Western Empire in Europe. These were between the ‘Holy Roman’, Northern Italian (Venice, Genoa, Florence), Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French, British, German and Soviet phases. Their rival jostling for leadership of the Empire led to two suicidal European (World) Wars and to the final and tenth phase of the Western Empire, its American phase.

The First Western Empire fell and now the Second is falling. The parallels are obvious. The First Empire fell to ‘barbarians’, but who were less barbarian than Rome. The First Western Empire fell because the Romans who lived on its periphery sided with the converted ‘barbarians’, realising that Rome was the barbarian. Today the Second Western Empire is falling to Non-Westerners, not least of whom are the Russians, who today are converted, more European than the Europeans. The Non-Westerners, ‘the Rest’, form the Sovereign World, whose struggle for multipolarity is the struggle for justice and prosperity. The Western Empire can only respond by convincing countries to commit suicide, as in the Ukraine, Georgia and all of the EU, starting with Nordstream Germany.

The upshot of the First European War was the British-operated regime change in the Russian empire at the end of 1916, which backfired disastrously into the Soviet quagmire. The result of the Second European War was American intervention (it had already taken place in the First European War, as soon as the British had overthrown their Russian rivals) and American leadership of the Western Empire from 1945 on. Now the Americans always promoted gangsters and terrorists to head their imperial client-states. Thus, after reaching an apogee at the turn of the millennium, they declined rapidly. This always happens, as the method used contains the seeds of its own destruction (1). ‘Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind’. So now all is backfiring into the Syrian quagmire of beheadings.

The artificial, post-Ottoman countries of West Asia, designed by the divide and rule British (and French) after the First World War and held together by brutal dictators (only such could hold artificial countries together), are crumbling. Iraq, Libya and Syria. Who is next? The Jordan? Lebanon? Egypt? Syria is a trap for the Western Empire. It was only a pawn between the West and the Rest. Far more important pieces on the Western side of the chessboard can now be taken by the Rest. The Western Empire is today like a cornered, wounded and snarling beast. Cornered because it has painted itself into a corner; wounded because it has lost all its wars, from Korea to the Ukraine; snarling because it has humiliated itself in defeats and because liberation from the West for all Afro-Eurasia is here.

Thus, the Second Western Empire started collapsing immediately after reaching its apogee, the criminal ascent to which contained the seeds of its own destruction. This destruction is the result of unscrupulous imperial overreach, just like that in the First Western Empire 1600 years before. This most recent stage in the collapse began with the fall of the Soviet phase of the Empire at the end of 1991, exactly three generations after the end of the Russian Imperial phase in 1916. That Soviet phase was only the short-lived, dissident last European phase of the Western Empire, patterned by successive phases. Everything is now in motion, the outposts of the Western Empire are falling one by one. We are now on the Road from Damascus – the Road towards Jerusalem.

Despite its dissidence which came from its Western Marxist ideology, the Soviet phase of the Western Empire still shared in the same basic immoral materialistic ideology as all the others. This explains why the fall of the Soviet empire was not the end of a process, as some deluded people like Fukuyama thought, but the beginning of a process, that of the final phase and fall of the Western Empire. The fall of the Soviet empire merely presaged the fall of the American empire a generation later. (Both the Soviet Union and America were former European colonies which overtook the eight heartland phases of the Western Empire). Now we are at ‘the end of history’, that is, at the end of Western history, the result of the imperial overreach in the regime change operation in Kiev in 2014.

And so world history is beginning again after its millennial Western Imperial interruption. Each country of the world, big or small, is now reclaiming and returning to its roots, restoring its sovereignty, identity, nationhood and traditions. The future is not Imperial, but Multipolar, which means it is composed of the co-operation of many centres and of the collaboration of the Nations. From Russia to China, from India to Iran, from Africa to Latin America, from Vietnam to Polynesia, we no longer see the attempt by one Nation to subjugate others to its imperial supremacy and domination, so forming an Empire, instead we see anti-imperial Sovereignties. We have come to the time of the prophecies of Habbakuk (Avvakum), beginning in Chapter 1, Verse 5:

Chapter 1, 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!

3 Why dost thou show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.

4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgement never goes forth: for the wicked compasses about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds.

5 Behold among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it be told to you.

6 For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.

7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.

8 Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are fiercer than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hastens to eat.

9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.

10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every stronghold; for they shall heap dust, and take it.

12 Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? We shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.

Chapter 2, 2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he that reads it may run.

3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

8 Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

10 Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul.

12 Woe to him that builds a town with blood, and establishes a city by iniquity!

14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

17 For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid, because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

Chapter 3, 2 O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

4 And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power.

5 Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet.

6 He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

12 Thou didst march through the land in indignation, thou didst thresh the heathen in anger.

13 Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck.

15 Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses, through the heap of great waters.

16 When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice: rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble: when he comes up unto the people, he will invade them with his troops.



  1. This ‘bully, sanction and bomb’ policy is the case even of an American bishop sent abroad to assemble all the worst elements in his tiny church, fanatics and careerists, in order to seize power, ‘bullying, sanctioning and bombing’ and so expelling all the honest when challenged. This is exactly the same American technique containing exactly the same seeds of destruction.

The Long March to the Inevitable Local Church of Western Europe

I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!

Martin Luther King, 1968


One of the main hopes in my life has been Church unity and to see a united Local Church here one day. From the outset I could see that the forces of division were very strong. However, I still did not want unity at any price, unprincipled unity, but unity in Truth and in Love. Such unity is only possible once the Church administration is free of politics and respects and tolerates others. It is unity in Christ. Ignorance, narrowness and judgementalism are to be cast aside. However, the existence of a Local Church cannot be an end in itself.

We have the example of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA).  It was a very brave move to establish the OCA, but over 50 years on we can see that it has been a failure. We have to learn from that. As in that example, all the impediments to establishing an authentic Local Church anywhere, in our case, in Western Europe, are ideological, top-down problems, which come from the elite. These impediments are all by definition divisive, not unitive, and therefore cannot build a Local Church. There are three impediments, namely:


When I was young, any young person who approached Greek, Serbian, Romanian or Bulgarian Orthodox churches and asked to join was told, at best, to ‘go away’. ‘You are not of our nationality’. The only Orthodox Church which would accept those not of its nationality was the Russian Church. Unfortunately, the Russians were divided into three anti-unity factions for purely political, reasons. They concerned differing attitudes towards the then Soviet regime in Russia. Nevertheless, we had to be patient. We had no other choice, despite the squabbles imposed top-down on pastors and people. For example, one of these Russian groups was based around a personality cult with indecent undertones. I refused the priesthood there and we left. We sought Christ, not sensualists. It collapsed, as soon as the object of the cult had died. However, we realised that our task, to help bring unity to these three groups, could only be successful once the cause of division, the Soviet regime, had fallen.

In North America, there seemed to be some hope in the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), founded in 1970, which claimed to be the Church for all Orthodox in North America. However, it attracted relatively few of the Orthodox population, only about 10%. This was because it was unable to accept different nationalities, languages, calendars and customs, as it too fell into nationalism, namely, into American nationalism, and tried to impose ‘Americanism’ on all. In other words, it replaced Greek, Russian and other nationalisms with American nationalism and so could not become a Local Church for all. So some criticised it as ‘Coca-Cola Orthodoxy’, as they found much of it turned not towards the spiritual, but towards the lowest common denominator. Some there cruelly imposed the English language and made it obligatory, they had a Protestant spirit, an anti-monastic and modernistic ethos, and created spiritual emptiness, failing to provide the people with spiritual food.


In the 70s and right up to the early 2000s many Orthodox bishops, some under political pressure, others because they were just superficial careerists and bureaucrats and had little faith, were engaged in a purely political movement called ecumenism. Now, the idea that Orthodox should be good neighbours with Roman Catholic and Protestants is of course accepted by all, except by the pathologically ill (see below). However, ecumenism, as such, is a political ideology, involving freemasonry (I was once promised the priesthood, if I agreed to become a freemason). Ecumenism involved compromises with the Faith, known as modernism, liberalism and, in general, ‘new calendarism’. This is completely unacceptable to anyone with an Orthodox consciousness and who is rooted in our Orthodoxy of the monasteries, pastors and people.

Typically of the ecumenists, many Greek bishops then declared that there was no difference between different Christians; as phyletists (racists) they sent English people away and instructed them to become Anglicans; in the 70s one Russian Metropolitan openly gave communion to Jesuits, whom he admired for their wealth and power (later he died in the arms of a Pope), giving rise to speculation that he had been a secret cardinal; another aristocratic ‘protopresbyter’ celebrated the liturgy in France with the filioque (!), so that ‘the Catholics will not be shocked’ and suggested ‘structures in waiting’, that is, there was no need for a Local Church, as we should wait to be absorbed into Roman Catholicism. true, the ecumenist danger has diminished over the last decade or so, but only to be replaced by yet the latest deformation, described below.


The third and no less divisive ideology which impedes the development of a Local Church is neither nationalist, nor ecumenist, but pathological. This stems from immigrant inferiority complexes or else from the insecurity complexes of neophytes. The first complexes come from the second and third generations of immigrants who suffer from insecurity and want to make out that they have some exclusive ideological truth, which condemns all others who do not confess it. This is highly divisive and will never lead to the formation of a Local Church, which requires not intolerance and, even less, fanaticism, but openness to all. Such people are concerned only with exclusivism, to the point of the esoteric. The second set of complexes come from a pathological and unChristian need to condemn those who come from the same original background as the neophyte.

I remember a comment about one Dutch convert to Orthodoxy who came from a strong Roman Catholic family: ‘I am not sure if he is Orthodox, but he certainly is anti-Roman Catholic’. This complex illustrates that it is pathological and can reach proportions of hatred and jealousy which reach psychiatric depths. Such people never belong to the Orthodox Church, but always to sects and are capable of making captive parts of the Orthodox Church into schismatic sects and cults. This can be seen most obviously among old calendarists, but not only. Groups which have lost their ethnic base, like ROCOR and Antioch, and have to recruit from unstable converts, can be prone to such psychopathological fanaticism and exclusivism. Fortunately, such groups are very small and do not impede the majority, who are concerned with the millions of mass Orthodoxy.


What is the situation today? The pathological attract the internet generation of incels and other lonely and often unstable individuals, and not families. There is clearly a psychological disease here. This trend will not continue, for only families are the continuity of the Church down the generations. As for ecumenism, it died after the fall of Communist persecution and nobody talks about it today, though modernism and liberalism are still alive, especially among the old generation. As regards nationalism, the situation has changed.

Unlike fifty years ago, today, ironically, it is the Russian Church which has turned to nationalism and for now is in schism, largely turning its back on Non-Russians and on a Local Church. The problem is that pastors have been replaced by politicians and monks by managers. Now others, especially the Greek and Romanian Churches, which are in any case far larger than the Russian in the Diaspora, are generally turning away from nationalism and towards local people. Here there is at last hope for the future Local Church of Western Europe.


On the Suicide of Empires

‘America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.’

President John Quincy Adams, 1821

‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.’

(In the Latin version ‘make mad’ is ‘dementat’)

William Scott, 1854


The Suicide of the Russian Empire


The Russian Empire was proclaimed in 1721. God gave Russia everything, by far the largest territory on earth, natural riches of all sorts, much genius, and the Orthodox Christian faith. But Russians threw it all away in apostasy. The first shot of the Fall was fired at the end of 1916, announcing the disaster to come. With the Emperor betrayed by the aristocratic elite within, enslavement was carefully planned and organised by their foreign allies. But Russia could only be destroyed by suicide, the suicidal consent to enslavement. After exactly three generations, 75 years, the Empire, at first Russian and then Soviet, had been destroyed. Only in 2022 did the New Russia show that it had learned from the treachery of 1917, declaring all traitors to be foreign agents and closing down all foreign-funded organisations and their media. The suicide had taken seventy-five years. It had ended in the rule of gerontocrats, Brezhnev and his followers.

The Suicide of the British Empire


The beginning of the British Empire can formally be dated to 1707, with the Union of England and Scotland. In 1740 it began singing its anthem ‘Rule Britannia’. In 1916 Milner’s Round Table group began the transfer of British power to the USA. They agreed that Russia would be overthrown and the US would enter the First War immediately afterwards. The British Century (1815-1916) had ended and the American Century had begun. A few months later came the Balfour Declaration, just after the second Russian Revolution, which brought bloodthirsty foreigners to power, implementing genocide there. Thus began the gradual suicide of the British Empire, dying in Suez in 1956, when the US betrayed the UK, establishing its own Empire. The British Empire, condemned by its own injustices worldwide, had ended. Its suicide had taken just forty years. The Empire ended with the half-American gerontocrat, the Victorian Churchill.

The Suicide of the American Empire


The American Empire can trace its origins back to the centralisation of Unionist power after the Civil War in 1865. This had brought the south into the grasp of the industrial and oligarchic north. However, it was only after the Second World War in 1945 that American power came to dominate the Western world and most of the Non-Communist world. After the collapse of that Communist world which began in Berlin in November 1989, power went to the heads of the US elite and they actually believed that the whole world belonged to them, that history had ended with their triumph. Hubris was destroying them and so began their decline. The end of the American Century came in the Ukraine – the ultimate vanity project which opened in 2014. The slogan ‘Make America Great Again’ means it is no longer great. It had lost its faith, family life and identity. The decline is taking forty years. The demented Biden reflects its gerontocracy.

The Future: Five Great Powers

What of the future? What will replace the only ‘Superpower’, with which name the hegemon briefly flattered itself before its defeat and humiliation? To replace it, the nations of the free world are developing a New World Order, an Alliance of Sovereign Nations called BRICS, which replaces the failed UN, which replaced the failed League of Nations. However, from the world of nearly 200 sovereign nations, five strategic BRICS nations will play a particularly important role in the future, influencing the different regions and continents of the world. Clockwise, north, east, south and west, these are:

  1. North Asia (Russia) and Africa

With the world’s fourth largest economy, the largest in Europe, the Russian Federation is the ideological, diplomatic and military centre of the New World Order. It leads North Asia, that is Eurasia, the 5,000,000 square kilometres of the Eastern half of Europe (European Russia, the New Ukraine (Kievan Rus) and Belarus) and North Asia, including Korea and Japan. Russia also leads Africa ideologically, the land of the ancestors of the Russian national poet Pushkin, renewing the support of the martyred Tsar for colonially exploited Ethiopia and South Africa, both of which countries have been helped by Russia to join BRICS. Others African nations are decolonialising with Russian help and huge Chinese investment and are following BRICS: Algeria, Morocco, Niger, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Nigeria.

  1. East Asia (China) and Latin America

China has the largest economy in the world and is the first industrial and manufacturing centre of the New World Order. This ancient civilisation leads all East Asia, already with countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and Malaysia. China also leads Latin America, which Chinese explorers may have visited in about 1420 and is now receiving large Chinese investments, especially through the BRICS founding member, Brazil. China is now returning to its pre-nineteenth century greatness and advanced status as a world power, whose main value is harmony.

  1. South Asia (The Indian Subcontinent)

The most populous country in the world and its third largest economy, India, is the second industrial and manufacturing centre of the New World Order. It leads all South Asia, with the countries of the Indian Subcontinent. India and its neighbours like Bengal (Bangladesh) are returning to their manufacturing pre-eminence, which they had before British exploitation and captivity.

  1. West Asia (Iran)

This is the third industrial and diplomatic centre of the New World Order and leads all West Asia (once incorrectly called the Middle East), with countries like Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia and all the Arab world. Iran has shown unique moral leadership in the question of Palestine and so will dominate West Asia, with Jerusalem becoming an international capital.

  1. USA and the Anglosphere

Although, weighed down by unpayable debt and perhaps unable to survive in its present form, with the second largest economy in the world,  USA, or whatever will replace it, will continue to dominate the Anglosphere. It has by far the largest population from the English-speaking peoples. The Anglosphere consists of Northern America (USA, Canada and Greenland), Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), and Northern Europe (see below). Although these countries are much weakened and discredited and their future is uncertain, they can, together, recover, though all will need a great dose of humility if they are to take their rightful and humble place as just another part of the world community.

Western Europe

The 5,000,000 square kilometres of the western half of Europe have in recent years been dominated by the organisation known as the European Union (EU). As an amorphous, US-manipulated, anti-sovereignty organisation of very different cultures and languages, this has no future and may well divide into four groups.

  1. The first group of countries consists of the, for the moment ten, largely English-speaking countries of the Northern Union. These are: the UK, Ireland, the Nordics (Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland) and the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). This northern group of countries, of which the UK has already left the EU, are dominated by the English language and ex-Protestant culture. Although the UK will almost certainly disintegrate into England, Scotland and Wales, and Northern Ireland will return to Ireland, all these by then twelve countries will become for a time at least, part of the Anglosphere (see above).
  2. The second group of countries consists of the, for the moment sixteen, countries of south-eastern Europe, the ex-Habsburg, ex-Ottoman countries, many of which are Orthodox countries. These are: Czechia, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Moldova, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece and Cyprus. This large group of countries, including the Non-EU Western Balkans, will co-operate with Russia and China and, on an individual basis, join BRICS. However, first they have to remove their American, NATO or EU puppet rulers. This has already happened in Hungary and Slovakia, but Serbia, Austria, Croatia, Moldova and now Romania are following and others too will join them. The fate of Bosnia as an independent country is still uncertain, Montenegro may yet rejoin Serbia, and the Romanian part of Moldova may one day rejoin a free Romania, making perhaps only fourteen countries.
  3. The third group consists of the, for the moment, eight countries of south-western Europe. These are: Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino and Malta. These are all countries of Latin culture and will eventually follow the south-eastern European countries into BRICS. However, Catalonia may yet become independent, making nine countries.
  4. Finally, there is the fourth group, composed of the, for the moment, seven countries of the central strip of Europe (Benelux, Germany, Switzerland. Liechtenstein and Poland). These too will, in time, join BRICS on an individual basis, although the artificial country of Belgium may yet return to the Netherlands and France.