The Curses

The Western world stands on the brink of a threefold worldwide war of its own making: against Russia, against Iran and against China. It is the moment to recall the fate of those who do not live according to the Beatitudes:

Cursed are the spiritually proud, for theirs is the tyranny of hell.

Cursed are those who mock, for they shall never find comfort.

Cursed are the arrogant, for they shall be heirs to the demons.

Cursed are those who hunger and thirst for unrighteousness, for they shall never be satisfied.

Cursed are the merciless, for they shall receive no mercy.

Cursed are the soiled in heart, for they shall see satan.

Cursed are the warmakers, for they shall be called sons of the devil.

Cursed are those who persecute the righteous, for theirs is the tyranny of hell.

Cursed are you when you revile others and persecute and utter all kinds of evil against the righteous falsely on satan’s account.

 Be consumed with mourning and sorrow, for dread is your fate in hell, for so you persecuted the prophets who were before us.