Locked in its windowless ivory towers, the EU elite has lamentably failed to deal with the reality of Europewide popular discontent with it. Indeed, the elite, blinded by its own self-satisfaction, has contemptuously dismissed this profound discontent as ‘populism’, that is, the despised views of the people. For the same reason it has refused to negotiate with the UK on Brexit, which was caused by that selfsame discontent. Here is why the UK has so far been unable to reach a negotiated deal with the EU on Brexit.

And yet in riot-torn and bankrupt elitist France, whose banker-President has banned any public demonstrations in the elite’s capital (he does not want to know about them), in AfD Germany, in eurosceptic Italy and all of EU-ravaged Eastern Europe, the dissatisfaction with the EU goes on. Only the rich have benefited from the EU; the poorer you are, the more discontent you are, the more Brexit you are. And that is universal: many Europeans are jealous of Brexit, because they are not allowed it in their own countries.

Of course, there has also been crass political mismanagement typical of the UK Establishment. This has allowed a remainer Prime Minister to negotiate to leave the EU! The result was a patchwork of compromises which does not give Brexit, does not represent public or Parliamentary opinion and so has been rejected by Parliament. The lies of the Project Fear metropolitan elite, designed to panic the ‘ignorant plebs’, have always maintained that any deal is better than no deal, better still, no Brexit at all.

However, most people do not believe this elite, grown wealthy from the EU gravy train, even though it controls the media. The same elite has also put out aggressive propaganda for yet another ‘People’s Vote’, even though we have already had one, only the elite did not like the result. It ignores that any new ‘People’s Vote’ would almost certainly result in an even larger majority to leave the EU mafia, whose accounts cannot even be audited. Any sort of conspiracy to stop Brexit is the order of the day among the elite.

What is the future? Unless the EU at last begins to negotiate constructively, and not obstructively, after the two years it has wasted so far, it will lose the £39 billion fine it has imposed on the UK for leaving. More than this, the freedom-loving UK will leave the EU on 29 March 2019, trading with it on World Trade Organization terms in the future. The self-inflicted loss to the EU will be great. And other countries and peoples will want their own Brexits. Such is the state of an elite blinded by its own hubris.