The Fall of Kiev and the Fall of the American Empire

The conflict in the Ukraine exists because the US political, military and media Establishment and its vassals in Western Europe want it to exist. Virtually all Western politicians from Lindsey Graham to Kaja Kallas, from Antony Blinken to Boris Johnson, have made it crystal clear that the aim of the conflict has never been to support the Ukraine, which they despise (even if they do know where it is), but to destroy Russia, ‘until the last Ukrainian is dead’. The Ukraine is merely a useful idiot, a proxy, a battering ram aimed at Russia, no more. All this is clear from the 2019 report of the Rand Corporation, the think tank of the Pentagon, a report which is publicly available.

No ordinary people want this conflict, neither in the USA, nor in Western Europe, nor in the Ukraine, whose wretched cannon fodder people are its main victims. Popular opposition is visible in Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia. Elsewhere opposition is hidden or else labelled ‘populist’, ‘far left’ or ‘far right’ by the oligarchic elite of the Western Establishment, but it still exists among the non-brainwashed population. For the conflict exists and continues because of US megalomania and, above all, because of the ever greedier US military-industrial complex, which demands ever more profit.

These two factors, megalomania and greed, have always accompanied every empire. The Roman Empire, ruled by a clique of greedy oligarchs in Rome, the medieval Roman Catholic Empire, with its megalomaniac inquisitions and greedy indulgences, the Spanish Empire, megalomaniac to spread Catholicism and greedy for gold and silver mined by slaves, the French Empire of the megalomaniac ‘Sun-King’, which went bankrupt financing the American War of Independence, the British Empire, which died of greed and hubris, and the Soviet Empire, which wanted to dominate the world, all fell because of megalomania and greed. Every time the megalomania grew too great and every time the greed for profit grew too strong, empires fell.

If we take the case of the British Empire, we can see how, despite the sinister warnings of the humiliating Boer War with its British concentration camps and the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic in 1912, it still entered into the Great European War in 1914. It did not need to and could instead have mediated as a blessed peacemaker and brought peace. It did not do that because of its megalomania and greed. Thus, it emerged from that war in 1918 on crutches. When it emerged from the second part of that war in 1945, the inevitable result of the unjust ‘peace’ of 1918, it was not on crutches, but in a wheelchair. Its greed in countries ranging from India to Singapore and China to Kenya, had been punished. It was the result of megalomania (‘the sun never sets on our empire’) and City of London greed to strip all the countries which it invaded of their natural resources.

If we take the case of the Soviet Empire, we can see how, despite the warning of the German invasion of 1941 and the catastrophic genocide of Slavs by the Nazis, it still built itself up in Eastern and Central Europe (East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia), in Korea, Vietnam, in decolonising Africa, and finally in Afghanistan. It was this last war which finished it off. Bankruptcy was the result of its megalomaniac overreach. Its successor State, the Russian Federation, has at least learned its lesson and no longer wants to impose itself on the rest of the world and wants to prioritise itself.

Today we see the same process in the American Empire. Since 1945, when it ended up on the winning side in Europe only thanks to the sacrificial victory of the Soviet Union, it has never won a war (the US invasion of tiny Grenada was hardly a war). For example, its war in Korea ended in a stalemate, and it lost all its other wars, in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. In each case it was routed. Now in the Ukraine, it faces the same rout. ‘We have won’, ‘this is the end of history’, we can do anything’, ‘we are exceptional’ are only hubristic delusions which its Establishment feeds on.

This threatened rout is why NATO has in desperation launched its last-ditch invasion of the largely deserted forests of the Kursk province in the south of Russia with all its technology. The casino-playing NATO, that is, Washington, has staked everything on this operation. Having failed by far to take the Kursk Nuclear Power Station and lost over 7,000 of its troops already, it has now been reinforced by thousands more troops. Eighty-one years ago, in 1943, Kursk was fighting against German tanks. Now German tanks are there again. As one Dutch farmer put it: ‘Russia saved us from Napoleon. Russia saved us from Hitler. Russia, please save us from Washington’.

The atheists in Kiev have forgotten that the city of Kursk is the birthplace of the prophetic St Seraphim of Sarov. The atheists in Kiev have also forgotten that, having invaded the southern tip of the province of Kursk, they then banned the Orthodox Church. The consequences of this for the Kiev atheists and their Western puppeteers are enormous. God is not mocked, as atheists will soon find out.

The fall of the American Empire will be all the greater than the fall of all those which fell before it, because America was never satisfied with just taking a portion of the Globe, like the empires before it, it greedily wanted everything, according to its megalomaniac ideology of Globalism. For Globalism is the ultimate form of megalomania and greed combined. This will become visible to all at the BRICS Alliance summit in Kazan in two months’ time, from 22 -24 October. This will be attended by a great many representatives of the Global Majority, not least the leaders of the first, third and fifth largest economies in the world: China, India and Russia. Dozens more countries want to join the 9 members of BRICS. By contrast to Washington, these members preach not Globalism, but Multilateralism – the future.