The Turning-Point of 2025: The Self-Humiliation of the Western European Elite

Foreword: The Great Delusion

‘The West defeated Russia in the Cold War’. This is the greatest delusion and myth that the West has entertained since 1945. In 1992 the West deluded itself and thought that ‘history had ended’ in its own ‘victory’. In reality, the West never defeated Communism, rather Communism, having inevitably failed economically, turned into Nationalism, both Russian and Chinese. The fact that Marxist materialism failed, which had been predicted long before, does not mean that Capitalist materialism, greed for profit, would succeed. Marxism was wrong about Marxism, but it was right about Capitalism. Russia, freed from Communism, became State Capitalist, as it had been before the British regime-change of 1917, when it had already attained a 85% literacy rate and electrification and would have been the world’s greatest power by 1950. China too has returned as a Great Power, State Capitalist, as it had been until 1840.

Four Speeches and Vice-President Vance

Four speeches have marked my life because they were visionary. The first was the Peace Speech of President J. F. Kennedy in June 1963. Two months later came the famous Martin Luther King ‘I have a dream’ speech. The third is the Harvard Speech of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in June 1978 and the fourth was given outside the USA, by the American J.D. Vance in Munich just now, in February 2025. The last speech shook the elites of Western Europe, but was loudly applauded by ordinary Europeans, glad that someone was at last allowed to tell the truth in public and not get arrested by the more or less Fascist European ruling class. That ruling class remains feudal and its structure reflects the medieval ruling pyramid, header by the Pope, now replaced by the Infallible Ursula von der Leyen.

This fourth speech was when the US Vice-President, one who consciously chose to become a Roman Catholic and is a great supporter of the much-persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church, berated the Western European elite for its anti-democratic and anti-Christian practices. This speech marks the divorce between the USA and the militant and warmongering Western European elite which includes and sponsors the Ukrainian elite, but not, for example, the Hungarian and Slovak elites. The Ukrainian elite, backed by the Western European elite and led by Zelensky, is now blocking peace in the Ukraine. Trump recommends that Zelensky flee to France, so that peace can come there and so that the tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, who are dying every month, will live.

Meanwhile, at the North-Western End of the Asian Peninsula

The North-Western Peninsula of Asia is called Europe and is just over 10 million square kilometres in area. The Eastern half of that Peninsula lies inside the three East Slav nations, which consist of the European part of Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus. The Western half of the Peninsula, divided into some 40 countries, lies outside those borders. However, the Eastern part of the Western half, with its many Slav peoples, is culturally closer to the Eastern half than to the Western part of the Western half. Thus, the far Western part, or quarter, of the Peninsula forms the 21 countries of what is the real ‘Western’ Europe. Those countries are populated by the Germanic peoples, mainly in the north, Romance peoples, mainly in the south, and small numbers of others, Celts, Basques and Maltese.

The one-thousand year period of the ‘Western European’ domination of the rest of the world, at first only of the Near East and Eastern Europe, which much expanded from 1492 on, is now over. The colonial empires of countries like Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium etc are finished. Only relics like Greenland, New Caledonia, Tahiti, the Falklands, Gibraltar are left. The USA and Russia have ended them and the future of the whole of the Western half of the Peninsula has been decided in Saudi Arabia, outside Western Europe, for it is now irrelevant. Its governing elite deserves this humiliation. How can the peoples of ‘Western Europe’ be supported after their elite’s defeat in this great geopolitical shift, a defeat which simply mirrors the defeat of the Soviet elite?

The Realistic People Versus the Ideological Elite

Today’s USA is run on realism, that Russia is a Great Power, whereas the Western European elite runs on ideology – ‘the West is Best’. Ideologies are always blind to reality because they try to fit reality into a mere ideology. This is why ideologies always break down. They are unrealistic. Such was the case with absurd Nazism and Marxism. Now it is the case with Western Imperialism. Realism shows us that Russia was a Great Power in 1914. The West then tried to destroy it five times. The first time was in 1914, the second time was in 1917, the third time was in 1941 and the fourth time was in 1991, the fifth time was in 2022. Each time the West failed. This time Great Power Russia has defeated not just the junta in Kiev, but all of NATO, which is now all but dead because the USA is leaving it.

Unlike Western Europe, the USA has a Constitution, which begins ‘We, the people…’. Therefore, the USA, founded by Europeans fleeing oppression, has at last been able to sideline the old, anti-democratic US elite, which was previously wholly supporting the treacherous, oppressive and authoritarian Western European regimes. Both elites promised the defeat of Russia, that its economy would be ruined and ‘the rouble would be turned into rubble’ and that the USA and Western Europe would, as the Nazi Eurocrats intended, break up Russia and seize and exploit its vast assets. Such fantasies could only have been expressed because the elites were living in a virtual world of fantasy narratives, of delusional wishful thinking, that is, of propaganda lies which they had persuaded themselves to be true.

EU/UK Hysteria

Reacting to Trump’s policy of actually talking to Russia, the hysterically Russophobic EU Commissariat is having a nervous breakdown. Just like Kiev, the EU cannot take part in any peace talks with Russia because the EU wants war. As for the Ukraine, it held ‘peace summits’ and refused to invite Russia, so why should the Ukrainian dictator be invited to future Russian-American peace talks? In any case. Kiev has still not rescinded the executive order of October 2022 which actually forbids it from peace talks with Russia. Now the authoritarian EU has just implemented its sixteenth package of sanctions against Russia! Surely if fifteen packages did not work after three years, a sixteenth will not either. All it will do is bankrupt EU countries even quicker. Such is their suicidal path.

As for the crazy idea of EU/UK peacekeepers in the Ukraine, why would Russia, which decides on this, as it holds all the cards, accept ‘peacekeepers’ from countries who are at war with it, economically at war and also supplying arms and mercenaries to the enemy side? And you certainly do not need peacekeepers, when you already have peace, as Trump promises. Why does the leadership of Britain and France want war and threaten interventions with non-existent troops? The British Army, just like the French, has twice as many horses as tanks, and its Navy has more admirals than ships. It is a fact. Another fact is that Alexandre de Rothschild runs the bank clerk figurehead Macron in France and shady figures in the City of London runs the figurehead of Starmer, who got the job because of his wife.

Towards International Peace

Both Starmer and Macron have now become prisoners of their own rhetoric and promises. Macron was clearly defeated in elections last year, but refused to resign despite the French people and the most popular Party, the National Rally. In the UK the new Sovereignist Reform Party, the British equivalent of the National Rally, now has 212,000 members, having overtaken the Conservative Party with 130,000 members on 26 December, and now heading to overtake the Labour Party within three months with its fast-declining 309,000 members. And Reform is headed by Trump’s best friend in Britain, Farage. Europe’s biggest former Imperialists, like the British, and the much-mocked liars of their media have yet to understand that the Unipolar, Westcentric world is over. And it really is.

When will the crazed Western European elite, centred among the unelected and overpaid Politbureau of Commissars in Brussels and the hated minority governments (both elected by 20% of the electorate) in London and Paris, all of which betrayed the genocided people in Eastern Ukraine, understand? As the elite will never stop believing in its own lies, it will have to be replaced by a new governing class, come up from the peoples of Western Europe and representing the peoples’ interests. Its first action should be the renewal of diplomatic ties with Russia and then the lifting of all suicidal sanctions against Russia, quashing the absurd criminal charges against the Russian President. Then it would need to support vital agreements such as those below, since the only real players support them.

Agreement In Europe

An overarching Eurasian Security Agreement needs to be reached. After the imminent regime-change in Kiev, which has been blocking peace, in this way peace can be reached for the New Ukraine in its new borders, probably governed by President Roman Medvedchuk without the warmongering dictator Zelensky. There must also be a stop to the nasty persecution of Russians who live in the Baltics. In return, the East Slavs will agree to stay within their borders in the eastern half of Europe, unless attacked again by the highly aggressive West, as has, unfortunately, so often happened, five times in the last eight generations. There must also be peaceful self-determination referenda in ex-Yugoslavia, which can be implemented once the Western world stops meddling there.

In this way, the EU and NATO, their sell-by dates expired long ago, exactly in 1992, can be collapsed. All their member-countries can then retrieve their sovereignty and their own currencies and form friendly and voluntary regional trading associations, if they so wish, also joining BRICS like normal countries Their hugely wasteful military budgets, standing on average at about 2% of GDP, could then be cut in half. They do not need armed forces; nobody wants to invade them – they are all bankrupt anyway. Together with the renewal of trade with Russia and the import once more of cheap energy, cereals and fertilisers from Russia, Western Europe could reindustrialise and renew its crumbling infrastructure, roads, railways, utilities, and social, health and educational systems.

Agreement Outside Europe

The USA should close down all its military bases and interests in all of the Eastern part of the Western half of Europe, in countries like Poland, the Baltic States, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, ex-Yugoslavia and also in Germany and the Nordic countries. Similarly, it should close all its bases and clear out its occupying forces in Africa, the Caucasus, Central Asia, as well as in Japan and Thailand, where they have no reason to be and are not wanted. The US has its own sphere of interest – in Northern America. The return of the US military back home from Eurasia would help it stop the rise in its huge national debt of 36.5 trillion dollars, which is increasing by three million dollars every minute. The USA is bankrupt because of its attempt to rule all.

A war has been raging in West Asia, as the ‘Middle East’ is called in the West. The USA has to find a solution to the problems caused by its satellite, Israel. How can Israeli troops be removed from the Lebanon? How can the native people of Gaza live in conditions fit for human beings? When will Israeli persecution of the native people on the West Bank, which it occupies, cease? How can the bloodshed stop in what used to be Syria? The key here is perhaps in Russian guarantees to Iran. Beyond this, with Russian guarantees to North Korea, the US could withdraw its troops from South Korea. With Taiwan at last allowed to return to China, the US could be allowed by Russia and China to absorb Greenland and Canada, if their peoples accepted this by free referenda, as Russia has held in the Ukraine.

The Future and the Church

In the latest news, we can see the possible future of the old Soviet Ukraine, depending on referenda results. All the east and the south will pass to the Russian Federation, as will Transdnistria also. Most of North Bukovina (Chernovtsy) will return to Romania and possibly the small eastern part will go to Moldova in return for Gagauzia, if Gagauzia wishes to join the Russian Federation. Zakarpattia (Subcarpathian Rus or Ruthenia) will either go entirely to Hungary or else will be divided between Hungary and Slovakia, as before. As for the provinces of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivivsk and the western half of Ternopol, they will return to Poland. This would leave the New Ukraine, Kiyivska Rus, with the City of Kyiv, Kiyiv, Zhytomir, Rivne, Volyn, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, Vinnytsia, Khmelnitskyi, and the eastern half of Ternopil.

In Church matters, surely there is only one solution. For the New Ukrainian/ Kiyivska Rus Church, to receive autocephaly, as also the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland), should have their own Autocephalous Church. And Moldova must have its own autocephalous Moldovan Orthodox Church too, according to a Tomos signed jointly by Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow and Patriarch Daniel of Bucharest, as this is joint territory. If Moscow wanted one day to grant autocephaly to Belarus, that may happen. That would stop any uncanonical invasions of Russian canonical territory by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. It would also make twenty Local Orthodox Churches. Such decisions might at last bring a resolution to the long-standing uncanonical situation of the Diaspora.


The Western European elite dinosaurs dwell in the past with its EU and NATO. They cling on to it, but the USA now looks to the future. There the generational shift has happened. This has exposed the corruption of USAID, of the National Endowment for ‘Democracy’, of the FBI and the CIA. The absurd Russiagate scandal will be exposed as a British attempt at regime-change in the US, covid as a Deep State error, as also the recent scandal of Epstein and the old one of the Kennedy assassination. Corrupt Western governments and their media are being exposed. Trump will save face by agreeing to the (Russian-created) New Ukraine and peace, declaring it as his victory. Let him. The future is clear – the Big Three, China, Russia and the USA, with a BRICS-composed Security Council and seats for the Big Three as for India, Africa, Brazil and Muslim Indonesia, and one seat for the ever-squabbling tribes of Europe. This is the future.